WOW: a water treatment for any Liquid waste by Adriano Marin Founder President and Ceo 1 Strictly Confidential WOW Water Rev.3 Issue: sept. 2015 WOW SOLUTION Mission: Research of new scientific solutions to improve daily living and to offer back to humanity absolutely pure water, pure world and health without using consumables. we focus on Liquids Decontamination through an innovative technology Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water Water from any fluid… …Separating contaminating Molecules and anions/cations are separated from Water Molecules. Pure Water is extracted from any polluted solution Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water Water from any fluid… …Evaporating Selective Evaporation is the basic technology on which we additionally apply truly innovative WOW’s technology to achieve any level of pure water is needed Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water Water from any fluid… …Improving Up-to-date decontamination performances without using Additional Tools (i.e. membrane, distillation column, demister, reflux, coalescer etc.) nor consumables, while evaporation effectiveness improves at a level never experienced before offering a Decontamination Factor increased by orders of magnitudes. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water Water from any fluid… …Enhancing “performance with control” can become our claim thanks to our discovery and to its mathematical model developed by us, we can control the typical entrainment effect of any evaporation, deciding what to allow to be dragged from the water molecules and what not Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water Water from any fluid… …Purifying Water from any kind of contaminants: we eliminate bacteria, viruses, protozoa, pathogens, parasites, toxins, any liquid or solid contaminant, every vector of disease and any pollutant, with “just” a mathematically modeled thermo- and fluid-dynamic process Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW TECHNOLOGY… is a patented solution Patent Application - N# PCT/IB2010/052342 Already allowed in some countries (e.g. China, Japan, USA, Russia & Eurasia, Italy,…) Patent Application - N# PCT/IB2013/054803 That already passed 1° exam with Patent EU bureau Patent Application - N# ITCO2013A0066 Patent Application - N# CO2011U000008 Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW TECHNOLOGY… … is based on a discovery and on a proprietary thermoand fluid - dynamic process managed by a Mathematical Model: • Selective evaporative system, • Single continuous stage process ( no batch ), • With full management of drag/entrainment effect, • No additional tools needed, e.g.: no filter or membrane, no demister device, no de-entrainment device & no mesh separators, no trays/plates bubble caps, no baffles suppression trays, no packing assembly, no column/tower distillation, no reflux distributor, no raschig rings, no liquid-vapor coalesce, no consumable. Note: through these tools we can furtherly improve results. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S PERFORMANCES DECONTAMINATION FACTOR of 137Cs > 80,000 initially, then 335,000 with pH<7 solutions > 300,000 initially, then 1,000,000 with pH≈7solutions CONCENTRATION RATE of residual waste from 1:5,000 to 1:100,000 Depending on TDS content NO device residual contamination at the end of treatment NO additional waste Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S PERFORMANCES SOME NUMERICAL ABATEMENT FACTORS with first prototype ELEMENTS DF Cadmium (Cd) 15,500 Bromates Chromium (Total) 18,360 Chlorites Chromium VI Iron (Fe) Mercury (Hg) Nitrites ELEMENTS 9,400 Surfactants DF >37,329 >370 >5,350 18,370 Arsenic >329,000 405,000 Barium >72,000 2,285 Iron >18,370 Chlorides 291 Manganese Nitrates >258 Lead Sulfates >261 Trichlorofluorometh. Calcium >113 Freon Sodium >380 Chloroform Potassium >808 Benzene/Toluene 359,000 ‹#› >270 >6,570 Laboratories used to perform measurements: ARPAV (PD), LENA - UNIPV, CNR (PD) Strictly Confidential >23,800 WOW Water 538 1,640 FULL SCALE INDUSTRIAL DEPLOYMENT at Nuclear repository of Saluggia (VC – Italy) Average ≈410litres/day for 120 days total ≈50.000 Lt Continuous Operation: pH = 4.6; Initial liquid characteristics: Radioisotopes: Fluorides <1mg/l; Chlorides ≈15mg/l; Nitrates <5mg/l; Sulfates ≈303mg/l; Phosphates Absent; Sodium ≈22mg/l; Potassium ≈11mg/l; Magnesium ≈6mg/l; Calcium ≈94mg/l, Silica… etc. LLW of 137Cs, 60Co, 241Am, 90Sr. Certified DF Results by British National Physics Lab. – NPL by site operator and LENA – UNIPV Labs Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S ABATMENT FACTORS with full scale industrial application RADIOISOTOPES Certified DECONT. FACTORS (DF) by UNIPV - LENA After 30 days After 60 days After 90 days After 120 days 137Cs 80.000(**) 142.000(**) 270.000(**) 335.000(**) 60Co 56.000 178.300 >595.000 >890.000 >23.000 >238.400 >300.000 - >26.200 >66.760 >91.470 241Am 90Sr >2.044(*) Expected DF up to 106 if pH≈7 (*) output activity much lower than MDA (**) Uncertainty 3% Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S advantages Selective evaporative system, for any type of contaminated solutions Full control of drag/entrainment effect Standard process Strictly Confidential ‹#› vs WOW Water WOW process WOW SOLUTION’S advantages Based on mathematical predictive model, developed by WOW Technology. Single stage evaporation in continuous mode with max concentration control (no batch mode). Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S advantages 3 Streams Purified Liquid input outputs Concentrated Sludge Liquid Waste Wow is a molecular separator, therefore no additional waste is introduced in the process and only water and original pollutants are resulting from the process. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S values Capex and Opex Effectiveness Given reported performances + no additional tools + no batch operation therefore: less space => no consumable and less maintenance => less capital expenses less operational expenses WOW evaporator Standard evaporator Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S values Minimal Residual Storages The achieved Decontamination Effect allows to reduce the residual contaminants’ size by 5 000 to 100 000 times more then known methods. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S values Safer pollutants management Operators can work with liquid polluted solutions and can store semisolid residual waste therefore improving personnel safety. Liquids are easier to be handled while solids are easier to be stored, so term of improvement is for waste handling as well as for its disposal and maintenance. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S values No Device Contamination Wow device can be easily washed and decontaminated at the end of any process, no additional waste is created Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S APPLICATIONS Industrial Applications • Nuclear • Oil & Gas • Pharmaceutics & Chemistry • Zero Liquid Discharge Industrial waste management • Pure and Extra pure water Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S APPLICATIONS Nuclear industry Decommissioning of nuclear plants with unprecedented performance and reduction of waste seizes Fukushima-Daiichi Case Study Based on public data, Wow Technology’s Solution can reach a total Decontamination Factor (DF) 10000 13000 times greater than currently applied systems. Solid Surface Decontamination WOW has designed and tested a special acid solution to be used as decontaminant agent on metal surfaces that can be then treated by WOW process: a Decontamination Factor of 250 has been obtained on a 20 years old cast iron oxidized and radioactive object. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S APPLICATIONS Oil & Gas industry • Water depuration on Oil and Gas extractive wells. • Improvement of refinery maintenance and oil distillation performance as well as of related chemical processes with application of Wow Solution. • Treatment of Oil Polluted water. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S APPLICATIONS Pharmaceutical and Chemical industry • On site pure and ultrapure water preparation for medical and pharmacological uses as well as for laboratory uses. • Catalytic processes activation and control applied inside liquid solutions thanks to Wow Technology’s discovery and to its mathematical predictive model. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S APPLICATIONS ZLD Industrial Waste Management H2O • On site treatment of Industrial highly contaminated water (e.g. pickling solutions), in order to reach the Zero Liquid H2O Discharge target instead of disposing for indefinite time with unpredictable threats for ZLD Contaminated Liquid health and uncountable costs, is an application of Wow Solution. Solid Contaminants Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S APPLICATIONS ZLD Industrial Waste Management. Exhaust strong acid solutions and liquid waste water resulting by pickling process of stainless steel: TYPICAL DF examples: • Phosphates: • Sulphates: • Nitrates: • Iron: • Fluorides: ~ 10 000 times, ~ 8 000 times, ~ 300 times (it can be improved a lot), > 50 000 times, > 2780 times (with Activated Alumina). Other possible applications of WOW TECHNOLOGY that are in progress: purification of liquid used for processing steel’s surface. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW SOLUTION’S APPLICATIONS Pure and Ultra pure water • On site treatment of water in order to reach the extremely pure water level for the following applications: 1. Ultra pure Water for blood injection, 2. Ultra pure water for pharmaceutics, 3. Water for laboratories of analysis, 4. Water for semiconductor industry, 5. Etc. Note: WOW method is alternative to other traditional systems e.g. R.O. Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water WOW TECHNOLOGY’S ADVANTAGES and VALUES SUMMARY 1. Extraordinary Performance, mathematically modelled e.g. for Nuclear Industry: 137Cs DF > 335,000 for pH<7 solutions 137Cs DF > 1,000,000 for pH≈7 solutions 2. Capex & Opex effectiveness: No additional tools, nor consumables 3. Minimized Residual waste volume: from 1:5,000 to 1:100,000 4. No additional waste: just separation of pure water and waste 5. Safer pollutants volumes management: liquid handling solid storage 6. No device contamination: reusable and safe device Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water Strictly Confidential ‹#› WOW Water