SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1 2 Text S1 Geometrical model of tomato leaf 3 We derived the anatomy of the tomato leaves from synchrotron computed laminography 4 experiments that were conducted at beam line ID19 of the European Synchrotron 5 Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France), i.e., a long (150 m) imaging beam line 6 where the spatial coherence of the beam is particularly large (transverse coherence length 7 in the order of 100 m). This large coherence allows phase-contrast imaging where the 8 phase of the X-ray beam transmitted by the sample is shifted due to the interaction with 9 the electrons in the material. The tomographic reconstruction of a leaflet sample was 10 performed with a filtered back projection algorithm using the PyHST (ESRF) software 11 after 12 ( We obtained volume renderings and the geometry 13 of the sample by 3-D image segmentation and isosurface representations with Avizo Fire 14 (Visualization Group Sciences, Merignac, FR). More details can be found in Verboven et 15 al. ( 2014). 16 The contrast in the laminography images was insufficient to distinguish cell organelles 17 such as chloroplasts and the vacuole. Chloroplasts appear as flat discs usually 2 to 10 µm 18 in diameter and 1 to 3 µm thick (Li et al., 2013). James et al. ( 2006) found that the 19 volume fraction of chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells was about 24% while Tholen & 20 Zhu (2011) proposed a chloroplast volume fraction of 26% for a single modeled 21 mesophyll cell. In our computational model, chloroplasts were modeled as a cluster with 22 a thickness of 2.6 µm and a diameter of 6 µm adhering to the mesophyll boundary and 23 occupying about 24% of the modeled mesophyll cell volume. Hereto, first we created in 24 every cell a layer of 2.6 µm thickness inside the cell wall / plasma membrane of the 25 mesophyll cell. We then segmented the layer into individual brick-like patches of similar 26 size (about 6 µm). We calculated the centroid of every patch, and created a sphere of 3 27 µm radius in such a way that its center coincided with this centroid. Finally we defined a 28 chloroplast as the intersection of this sphere and the patch. Note that this procedure may, correction for sample motion 1 using GNU Octave software 29 incidentally, yield slightly overlapping chloroplasts as some patches were smaller than 6 30 µm (Supporting information Fig. S10). 31 The surface area of the chloroplast facing the intercellular space is expected to affect the 32 mesophyll conductance gm (Terashima et al., 2006). We described the chloroplast 33 distribution on the mesophyll air surface by the Sc/Sm ratio (Terashima et al., 2006), 34 where Sc and Sm are the chloroplast surface area exposed to intercellular air space and the 35 mesophyll surface area exposed to intercellular air space, respectively (Supporting 36 information Fig. S11). Tholen et al. ( 2008) showed that under saturated light intensity of 37 1200 µmol m-2 s-1, the Sc/Sm ratio was 0.63 to 0.75 in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves while 38 Tomás et al. ( 2013) indicated that Sc/Sm ratios ranged between 0.69 and 0.75 for leaves 39 of five different herb species. Galmés et al. (2013) reported a Sc/Sm ratio of 0.88 to 0.99 40 for different tomato leaves. For our simulations we calculated the Sc/Sm ratio by dividing 41 the number of mesophyll cell boundary voxels exposed to the internal airspace by the 42 number of voxels belonging to both chloroplasts and the mesophyll cell boundary. We 43 created specific spatial distributions of chloroplasts at high light level (profile distribution) 44 by removing chloroplasts around the periclinal cell walls of mesophyll cells. More or less 45 arbitrarily, we could impose intermediate and high Sc/Sm ratios (at about 0.7 and 0.9) by 46 positioning the chloroplasts artificially either along the boundary of the cells exposed to 47 the intercellular airspace or along the contact area between two neighboring cells, while 48 keeping the chloroplast fraction equal to 0.24 (Supporting information Fig. S6). We 49 generated a face distribution of chloroplasts at low light intensity (200 µmol m-2 s-1) 50 representing a low Sc/Sm ratio (0.36) with the chloroplast layers located along the 51 periclinal cell walls of mesophyll cells (Supporting information Fig. S6). 52 We modeled the vacuoles explicitly in the mesophyll cells by shrinking the cell by 70% 53 of its original size and considering the shrunk region to be vacuole. For the purpose of 54 this article, the layer between the chlorophyll clusters and the tonoplast was then defined 55 as cytoplasm (Supporting information Fig. S12). 2 56 We defined the epidermis as a continuous layer (see Fig. 1) without identifying individual 57 cells, as cell walls were difficult to detect on the reconstructed images. We assumed the 58 epidermis to have respiration but no photosynthesis. The size of the stomata was difficult 59 to assess. We, therefore, defined a cylindrical channel through the epidermis at the 60 position of the stoma with a radius that was chosen in such a way that the overall 61 stomatal conductance in the model was equal to the one determined from the gas 62 exchange measurements. The stomatal aperture is sensitive to environmental influences 63 (Damour et al., 2010). Our measurements indicated that the stomatal conductance gs 64 increased with increasing light intensity. The status of stomatal aperture to irradiation 65 level was adjusted by changing the diffusivity of the air within the stomatal aperture 66 (Supporting information Fig. S13). Simulation results indicated that the computed 67 stomatal conductance was mainly affected by the stomatal aperture. The stomatal 68 conductance was assumed to be proportional to the stomatal aperture. To model the 69 photosynthesis response to light intensity, we calibrated the status of stomatal aperture 70 based on the relationship between the stomatal conductance and light intensity level. 71 Text S2 Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements 72 We carried out simultaneous gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements at 73 both 21% and 2% O2 at the beginning of the flowering stage, using an open gas exchange 74 system (Li-Cor 6400; Li-Cor Inc, Lincoln, NE, USA) and an integrated fluorescence 75 chamber head (LI-6400-40; Li-Cor Inc, Lincoln, NE, USA). We used four plants and 76 selected the distal-side leaflets from the top-most fully expanded leaf and from the fourth 77 leaf below the top-most fully grown leaf for measurements. These leaf types are denoted 78 by upper leaf and lower leaf, respectively. All measurements were done at a leaf 79 temperature of 25°C and a leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference of 1.0–1.6 kPa. For the 80 CO2 response curves we increased the ambient air CO2 concentration (Ca) step-wise: 50, 81 100, 150, 200, 250, 350, 500, 650, 1000, and 1500 μmol mol-1, while keeping incident 82 irradiance Iinc at 1000 μmol m-2 s-1. The time interval for the instrument to reach steady- 83 state was 4 min. For the light response curves, the leaf was first dark adapted for 15 min. 3 84 Then, the photon flux densities were in a series: 20, 65, 100, 150, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 85 2000 μmol m-2 s-1, while keeping Ca at 380 μmol mol-1 for measurements at 21% O2, and 86 keeping Ca at 1000 μmol mol-1 for measurements at 2% O2 to ensure a non- 87 photorespiration condition. At each light level, we adjusted the time interval for 88 instrument to reach steady-state for stabilization to 6 min. The IRGA calibration was 89 adjusted for O2 composition of the gas mixture according to the manufacturer’s 90 instructions. All CO2 exchange data were corrected for CO2 leakage into and out of the 91 leaf cuvette, based on measurements on boiled leaves. We used the single rectangular 92 saturating light pulse method to measure chlorophyll fluorescence. The calibration 93 method used to derive potential electron transport rate J ensures that the error caused by 94 using this method - compared with the multiphase flash method - is minimal. We did 95 preliminary measurements using different orders of changing CO2 and Iinc levels and this 96 did not affect the shape of A versus Ci and A versus Iinc curves much. We estimated the 97 photosynthetic parameters of the FvCB model using the method described by Yin et al. 98 (2009); the estimates are given in Supporting information Table S3. 99 Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements assess the photosystem II (PSII) electron 100 ' ' ' transport efficiency as F / Fm = ( Fm - Fs ) / Fm , where Fs is the steady-state 101 ' fluorescence, Fm is the maximum fluorescence during a saturating light pulse (Genty et 102 ' al., 1989). We converted data for F / Fm into the flux of potential electron transport (J) 103 according to 104 J sIinc F / Fm' (S1) 105 where s is a calibration factor that was estimated as the slope of the empirical linear 106 ' relation between A and I inc (F / Fm ) / 4 using data of non-photorespiratory measurements 107 at 2% O2 combined with high CO2 levels (see Yin et al., 2009) for more details). 108 4 109 Text S3 Light penetration measurement 110 We used a double integrating sphere (DIS) measurement system (see Supporting 111 information Fig. S14) for measuring the total reflectance (Mr) and total transmittance (Mt) 112 in the wavelength range from 550 to 850 nm, with an interval step of 5 nm (Aernouts et 113 al., 2014). More details about the measurement system and the calibration procedure can 114 be found in Aernouts et al. (2014). We carried out replicate measurements on five leaves, 115 each from a different Admiro plant. Only lower leaves were used (details of leaf types are 116 discussed in the next section). The total reflectance (Mr) and total transmittance (Mt) 117 spectra of 5 leaves are shown in Supporting information Fig. S1. A clear absorption peak 118 can be observed at 680 nm as a dip in both the transmittance and reflectance spectra of 119 the tomato leaves. This corresponds to the absorption peak of photosystem II, also known 120 as P680 (Raszewski et al., 2008). 121 We obtained a good match between the measured and simulated values, for both 122 reflectance (RMSE = 0.015) and transmittance (RMSE = 0.0815) data (Supporting 123 information Fig. S1). Fig. S1 also shows that green light penetrates deeper into the leaf. 124 The transmittance increases even more strongly beyond the absorption peak of 125 chlorophyll around 680 nm. This is known as the ‘red edge’, which is often used in 126 remote sensing to quantify the chlorophyll content in plant material. It should be noted 127 that the absorption by chlorophyll in the blue region cannot be seen in Fig. S1 as the 128 double integrating spheres setup with its gold coated spheres does not provide good 129 quality measurements in that range. 130 Text S4 Models for light penetration, photosynthesis kinetics and CO2 diffusion 131 Monte Carlo photon transport method 132 The photon transport algorithm was based on the Monte Carlo method with free phase 133 function choice (fpf-MC) (Lux & Koblinger, 1991), which can handle any arbitrary phase 134 function. This is an adaptation from the well-known Monte Carlo code for multi-layered 135 tissues (MCML) (Wang et al., 1995). Instead of parallel layers of tissue the adapted 136 Monte Carlo code can account for arbitrary volume based geometries. Starting from 5 137 voxel based images, the Iso2mesh Matlab (The Mathworks, Inc., Natick, USA) toolbox 138 (Watte et al., 2012) was used for generating 3D tetrahedral meshes (Supporting 139 information Fig. S15). Tetrahedral meshes have the advantage of providing better 140 approximations of curved boundaries. We assigned appropriate optical properties 141 (refractive index n, absorption coefficient µa, scattering coefficient µs and anisotropy 142 factor g) to every tetrahedron (see further). 143 The computation was similar to the one applied in MCML (Wang et al., 1995) and based 144 on random walks of photons while traveling through tissues. These walks were defined 145 by random sampling from the probability distributions for step size and angular 146 deflection per scattering event (Wang et al., 1995). At each step, the fpf-MMC algorithm 147 checks whether a photon is still inside the same tetrahedral element. When the photon has 148 entered a new tetrahedron, the optical properties of that tetrahedron are used. When the 149 photon has not entered one of the four neighboring tetrahedra, implying that the photon is 150 outside of the boundaries of the mesh, the photon propagation is terminated. In order to 151 locate photons as efficiently as possible inside a tetrahedron, a barycentric coordinate 152 system was used. This allowed for a very fast evaluation of whether a photon could 153 continue its propagation inside the mesh. At interfaces of all the different tetrahedra, the 154 photons were assumed to obey the Fresnel and Snell equations (Lux & Koblinger, 1991). 155 The geometry acquired by X-ray micro-computer tomography (µ-CT) typically has quite 156 limited dimensions because of the fine spatial resolution. Using the meshes obtained from 157 the geometry directly in the Monte Carlo simulations can be problematic as many 158 photons might reach the boundaries. To get around this problem, a mirror is constructed 159 at the edges of the mesh to reflect photons reaching the boundary back into the tissue. 160 Other planes function as a perfect mirror, making sure the photons propagate inside the 161 volume. The idea is that the meshed structure is a representative subset of the entire tissue. 162 Photons exiting the structure, mirrored back into the tissue, are equivalent to photons 163 entering an identical, neighbouring mesh. This assumption is only valid for light sources 164 that display a radial symmetry with the mesh, as is the case for the uniform light source 165 covering the entire top layer of the mesh, used in the simulations for generating the 6 166 figures in this paper. Photons which are about to exit the tissue through either the top or 167 bottom surface are counted as transmission and reflection, respectively. 168 After a simulation was finished, the number of photons that had been absorbed in each 169 tetrahedral element was known and was represented as an absorption profile. The 170 expected value of a physical quantity (reflectance profile, absorption profile) is found by 171 running simulations many times over, each time applying the same probability density 172 functions, and eventually calculating the average of multiple independent samples. Each 173 simulation at a particular wavelength results in an absorption profile, defined as the 174 fraction of energy captured in each segment (either a voxel, or a mesh element) of the 175 leaf. As this allows the computation of this physical quantity locally, it can also be 176 computed at the chloroplast level to determine the photon absorbance in the chloroplasts. 177 Although the resolution of the applied methodology does not allow the differentiation 178 between the absorption profiles in the different structures of a chloroplast, it allows the 179 computation of the fraction absorbed by each chloroplast. 180 We re-voxelized the absorption profiles in the tetrahedral mesh to match with the voxel 181 based mesh used in the CO2 transport model. In this way, absorption profiles were 182 constructed. 183 The light source used during gas exchange measurement was artificial light from blue 184 and red LEDs. We assigned to 10% of the simulated photons the properties of blue light 185 (470 nm), and to 90% those of red light (665 nm). We generated two independent optical 186 simulations, with each a different set of optical properties (Supporting information Table 187 S4) and combined both into one single absorption profile. 188 The meshed Monte Carlo methodology has been validated by comparing the simulation 189 results for a tissue consisting of four homogeneous layers with those obtained with 190 MCML (Wang et al., 1995). The MCML algorithm is considered to be the standard for 191 light propagation modeling in turbid multi-layer systems (Wang et al., 1995; Tuchin, 192 2007; Tuchin, 2008). It assumes the tissue to be a slab, a geometric shape that can be 193 meshed and thus used for simulations with the meshed Monte Carlo methodology. 7 194 A varying range of optical properties has been simulated with both methodologies, and 195 the resulting total reflectance, transmittance and absorbance values were almost identical. 196 197 FvCB model 198 We used the Farquhar, von Caemmerer & Berry (FvCB) model to describe the rate of 199 RuBP carboxylation w* in the chloroplasts of C3 plants (Farquhar et al., 1980; Yin et al., 200 2009; von Caemmerer, 2013). Briefly, 201 w* min wc , w j , wp (S2) 202 with wc the RuBisCo limited carboxylation rate, wj the RuBP-regeneration or electron 203 transport limited rate, and wp the triose phosphate utilization limited rate. They were 204 calculated from [CO2 ] Vc*,max 205 wc 206 [CO2 ] j * wj 4[CO2 ] 8 Γ * 207 wp (S3) [CO2 ] K m,C (1 [O 2 ] / K m,O ) (S4) 3Tp* (S5) 1 Γ * [CO 2 ] 208 with [CO 2 ] and [O2 ] the CO2 and O2 concentrations in the chloroplast, respectively; j* 209 the volumetric potential rate of electron transport; T p* the maximum volumetric rate of 210 triose phosphate export from the chloroplast; Γ * 0.5[O2 ] / Sc / o the CO2 compensation 211 point in the absence of normal respiration; and S c / o the relative CO2/O2 specificity factor 212 for RuBisCo. K m,C and K m,O are constants. Vc*,max and T p* are derived from the partitioning 213 of photosynthetic capacity inside the leaf (see further in Supporting information Text S5). 8 214 The meaning and units of all symbols are given in Supporting information Tables S1-2. 215 The potential electron transport rates are further described in the text. 216 We calculated the volumetric rate of photorespiration R*p in a mesophyll cell k according 217 to the model of Farquhar et al. ( 1980) as: 218 R*p Vchl ,k w* Γ* dV [CO 2 ] (S6) Vcyt ,k 219 where the numerator indicates the total photorespiration over the chloroplast volume Vchl,k 220 in the mesophyll cell; Vcyt,k is the volume of the cytoplasm of the mesophyll cell. Note 221 that our model did not explicitly model mitochondria as a separate compartment because 222 this would require a very fine computational mesh and thus an excessive amount of 223 computer time to solve the equations. Eq. S6 implicitly assumes that the photorespiratory 224 CO2 release occurs in the cytoplasm. 225 Potential electron transport rate 226 In the FvCB model (Farquhar et al., 1980), the potential PSII electron transport rate j* at 227 a certain position inside the leaf can be described in terms of limiting values including ji , 228 the light limited rate of PSII electron transport, and jm, the light saturated PSII electron 229 transport rate (Buckley & Farquhar, 2004). In practice, we modeled j as the hyperbolic 230 minimum of ji and jm (Buckley & Farquhar, 2004): 231 j min h ji , jm * ji jm ji jm 2i 2 4i ji jm (S7) 232 where i is a measure of co-limitation of electron transport by light and capacity 233 (Buckley & Farquhar, 2004). jm was derived from the partitioning of photosynthetic 234 capacity inside the leaf (see further in Supporting information Text S5). ji was calculated 9 235 from the rate of absorbed photon iabs and the maximum quantum yield of electron 236 transport m : ji m f II iabs 237 (S8) 238 where fII is the fraction of absorbed photons driving PSII electron transport (normally 239 assumed to be 0.5 (Pons et al., 2009)). The rate of photon absorption iabs is the product of 240 actinic irradiance and the fraction of that irradiance absorbed by the chloroplasts. We 241 computed the absorbed light profile in the leaf by means of the Monte Carlo photon 242 transport method (see above). 243 244 Model parameters 245 Scattering of photons in the leaf tissue is dominated by the cell organelles which are of 246 similar size as the photon wavelength. In order to obtain realistic scattering properties, 247 the particle size distribution of organelles and nuclei in the epidermis and cytoplasm, as 248 well as the grana in the chloroplast layers were translated into scattering coefficients and 249 phase functions through simulations based on Mie theory(Di Vittorio, 2009). 250 We used literature values of particle sizes of mitochondria, peroxisomes, nuclei, Golgi 251 stacks and ribosomes to compute the scattering coefficient and phase function of the 252 cytoplasm; for chloroplasts we used typical particle sizes of grana (Supporting 253 information Table S6). We assumed the volumetric particle size distribution PSDV r of 254 an organelle to follow a normal probability density function with an equivalent particle 255 radius r. 256 r r 1 PSDV r exp 2 r2 r 2 10 2 (S9) 257 As we did not have experimental data on the sizes of the organelles, we estimated the 258 mean r and standard deviation r by setting the 5th and 95th percentile of the distribution 259 equal to the lowest (rLB) and highest (rUB) value we found in the literature (Supporting 260 information Table S6), so that 261 r rUB rLB 2 (S10) 262 r rUB rLB 4 (S11) 263 in which the symmetry of the normal distribution was used. 264 Using transformation theory (Hertog et al., 2009) and assuming spherical organelles, it 265 can be shown that the particle size distribution PSDN(r) is equal to: r r 2 exp 2 2 r PSDN r rr 2 1 dr r 3 3 exp 2 r 2 r o 266 (S12) 267 We calculated the number of organelles per unit volume having an equivalent radius r 268 from: 269 f r ftot PSDN r (S13) 270 where ftot is the total number of the organelle per unit volume. 271 We computed the bulk optical properties of the different optical media inside the leaf 272 from f ( r ) (Aernouts et al., 2012). In the cytoplasmic domain, the contribution of each 273 organelle to the bulk optical properties was computed separately; the final bulk optical 274 properties of the domain were then calculated from the contributions of each organelle 275 (Aernouts et al., 2012): 11 276 s,bulk s,i (S14) 277 a,bulk a,med a,i (S15) 278 p s,i pi (S16) 279 where µs and µa are the scattering and absorption coefficients, respectively, and p the 280 phase function. The subscripts bulk and med of the symbols indicate the properties of 281 medium with and without particles, respectively, while the subscript i indicates 282 mitochondria, peroxisomes, nucleus, Golgi stack and ribosome-like complexes 283 (epidermis and cytosol), or grana (chloroplasts). In Eq. S15 it is assumed that the total 284 volume of the organelles is small compared to the volume of the medium in which they 285 are suspended. The effect of the particle size distribution on the phase function is 286 illustrated in Supporting information Fig. S16 for the epidermis and the chloroplast layer. 287 Supporting information Fig. S17 shows the resulting anisotropy factor and scattering 288 coefficient. The optical properties in Supporting information Table S4 are the result of 289 applying Eqs. S14 – S16 for two specific wavelengths. Note that we modeled the vacuole 290 explicitly in the mesophyll cells, but not as such in the epidermis cells. We assumed that 291 the total number of organelles per cell volume in both the epidermis and mesophyll cells 292 was the same. The scattering phase function for both was, therefore, identical; the 293 scattering coefficient of the epidermis was then equal to that of the cytoplasm times its 294 volume fraction. 295 We calculated the absorption coefficient of the chloroplasts at 680 nm from the specific 296 absorption coefficient of chlorophyll. We assumed that the chlorophyll content of tomato 297 leaves was 40 µg cm-2 (Haardt & Maske, 1987; Di Vittorio, 2009; Aernouts et al., 2012), 298 and the specific absorption coefficient to be 0.1 cm2 µg-1 (Haardt & Maske, 1987; Feret et 299 al., 2008; Steele et al., 2008; Di Vittorio, 2009; Féret et al., 2011; Watte et al., 2012). We 300 calculated the absorption coefficients at other wavelengths relative to the aforementioned 301 values based on the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a and b (Feret et al., 2008; Féret 302 et al., 2011). The absorption coefficients of the epidermis, vacuole and cytosol were set 12 303 to 100 m-1 for all wavelengths to account for absorption by cell constituents such as other 304 organelles, proteins and metabolites. This value was based on the specific absorption 305 coefficient of dry matter (~10-3 cm2 g-1) that is almost constant in the wavelength range of 306 interest (Jacquemoud, 2000) and the mass fraction of dry matter that we assumed to be 307 equal to 5%. The absorption coefficient of air was set to 0 m-1 since air is a non-absorbing 308 medium. An overview of the different optical properties attributed to the different 309 compartments is given in Supporting information Table S4. 310 We determined the photosynthetic parameters of the FvCB model for different cultivars 311 and leaf ages experimentally from combined gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence 312 measurements (Supporting information Table S3), using the method of Yin et al. (2009). 313 We calculated the simulated potential electron transport rate ( J ) at the whole leaf level 314 from 315 J j *dV Vleaf (S17) Sleaf 316 where Sleaf is the area of a cross section of the computational domain, j* is the local 317 volumetric rate of electron transport, and Vleaf is the total leaf volume. 318 The maximum quantum yield of electron transport m was set at 0.85 mol e- mol-1 photon. 319 This value corresponds to the maximum efficiency of PSII in healthy dark adapted leaves 320 (Hendrickson et al., 2004). We determined the maximal electron transport rate of chloroplasts by 321 fitting the modeled potential electron transport to the calculated J from the chlorophyll 322 fluorescence measurements at different light intensity levels using a nonlinear least square 323 estimation procedure in Matlab (The Mathworks, Inc., Natick, USA) (See Supporting information 324 Fig. S18). 325 We obtained gas transport properties from the literature (Supporting information Table 326 S5). The diffusion coefficient of gas through the liquid phase has often been considered 327 to be close to that through water (Aalto & Juurola, 2002; Ho et al., 2012). However, 328 Kohler et al. (2000) observed that the diffusion of green fluorescent protein (GFP) 13 329 through the cytosol of tobacco cells was two to three times slower than through an 330 aqueous solution, presumably due to microstructural features such as the cytoskeleton or 331 the presence of proteins and solutes. Proteins and solutes increase the viscosity of the 332 cytosol; diffusion in the liquid phase is inversely related to the kinematic viscosity of the 333 solvent (Einstein, 1905). Tholen & Zhu (2011) assumed that the viscosity of the cytosol 334 was twice that of pure water. Likewise, Dieteren et al. (2011) showed that the viscosity 335 inside organelles such as the mitochondrial matrix was 1.5-fold to twofold higher than 336 that of pure water. We, therefore, assumed here that the viscosity of the intracellular 337 liquid phase was equal to twice that of water. 338 Nobel (1991) assumed that the apparent diffusivity of CO2 in the mesophyll cell wall was 339 around 30% that of CO2 in pure water. A similar result was found by Kamiya et al. 340 (1962). Richter & Ehwald (1983) estimated that the cell wall diffusivity of radiolabeled 341 sucrose in parenchyma from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) tissue was between 0.11 to 342 0.16 times that of sucrose in an aqueous solution. Fanta et al. (2012) found that the 343 apparent diffusivity of water in artificial cell walls was 0.18 to 0.21 times the 344 autodiffusivity of free water. For these reasons we assumed here that the apparent 345 diffusivity of CO2 in the mesophyll cell wall was 20% of its diffusivity in pure water. The 346 cell wall thickness of a leaf typically ranges from 0.05 to 0.4 µm (Evans et al., 2009). We 347 assumed a cell wall thickness of 0.2 µm in this study. 348 CA has been considered to facilitate CO2 diffusion within the choloroplast (Makino et al., 349 1992; Price et al., 1994; Williams et al., 1996). It is predominantly located in the stroma 350 of chloroplasts of C3 leaves (Jacobsen et al., 1975; Tsuzuki et al., 1985) where a high pH 351 of 8 favors its enzyme activity (Donaldson & Quinnt, 1974). We assumed CA to be 352 present in the chloroplasts but not in the cytoplasm and the vacuole. The CA 353 concentration in the stroma of tomato leaf was assumed to be equal to that of tobacco 354 (Nicotiana tabacum) as described by Gillon & Yakir ( 2000) (0.27 mol m-3). The kinetic 355 parameters of the CA hydration reaction are shown in Supporting information Table S5. 356 14 357 Model implementation details 358 The model for CO2 diffusion was solved on the 3-D geometrical model using the finite 359 volume method (Ho et al., 2011). 3-D tomographic images of leaf tissue samples (127.5 360 µm × 127.5 µm × 195 µm) were discretized into 7.514×106 cubical elements with edges 361 of 0.75 µm. At the top and bottom sides of the geometrical domain, we applied the 362 external CO2 concentration as a Dirichlet boundary condition while we assumed the other 363 sides to be impermeable. The model equations were discretized over the finite volume 364 grid to yield a system of algebraic equations for the unknown concentrations at the nodes. 365 The nonlinear equations were linearized using Newton iteration method. For each 366 iteration, the resulting linear system of equations was solved by the preconditioned 367 conjugate gradient procedure available in Matlab (The Mathworks). We solved the model 368 equations on a 16-GB RAM node of the High-Performance Computer in the VSC – 369 Flemish Supercomputer Center, Belgium. We visualized the simulation results with 370 isosurface representations using Avizo Fire software. (Visualization Group Sciences, 371 Merignac, FR). 372 Definition of macroscale variables 373 The microscale model predicts local variables which may depend on the position inside 374 the leaf, whereas the gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence experiments measure 375 lumped, macroscale variables of the whole leaf. In order to compare both measurements 376 and simulations, equivalent macroscale variables have to be calculated from the 377 microscale simulation results (Ho et al., 2012). We will use the following convention for 378 symbols: macroscopic variables which we estimated from gas exchange and chlorophyll 379 fluorescence experiments are denoted by a ‘^’ symbol. Volume averaged variables 380 calculated from the micro-scale model are overlined). 381 The volume averaged CO2 concentration of the chloroplasts ( C c ) predicted by the 382 micro-scale model was computed as 15 383 Cc [CO 2 ]dV Vchl ,leaf (S18) Vchl ,leaf 384 The integration domain Vchl,leaf in Eq. S18 is the volume of all chloroplast clusters in the 385 3-D microstructural leaf tissue. 386 The volume averaged intercellular CO2 concentration C i is computed from the 387 microscale model according to a similar expression as in Eq. S18. For the whole leaf 388 photosynthesis rate A we integrated the CO2 flux over both the adaxial and abaxial leaf 389 surface and then expressed it per unit leaf projected area. 390 Text S5 Partitioning of photosynthesis capacity along the leaf depth 391 We wanted to test whether scaling of photosynthesis capacity with light absorption was 392 optimal for nitrogen use in a leaf using the microscale model. We assumed three 393 scenarios of distribution of photosynthesis capacity: 394 (I) Uniform distribution: chloroplasts irrespective of their position inside the leaf were 395 assumed to have the same photosynthetic capacity. The volumetric photosynthetic 396 capacity P m ,c (jm , Vc*,max and Tp* ) of chloroplasts is calculated from 397 P m ,c Pm ,leaf (S19) Vchl ,leaf 398 where Pm ,leaf and Vchl ,leaf are the total photosynthetic capacity and the total volume of the 399 chloroplasts in the leaf. 400 (II) Optimal distribution: Farquhar (1989) proposed that photosynthetic capacity should 401 scale with light absorption for the optimal use of nitrogen in the leaf. Note that the 16 402 properties of all the chloroplasts in a single cell are identical as the coordinating 403 message/signal is presumably the same for all the chloroplasts in a mesophyll cell. 404 Therefore, the ratio of averaged photosynthetic capacity P m , k of the chloroplasts in a 405 particular mesophyll cell k to that of the leaf Pm , leaf is assumed to be: 406 P m, k i abs , k Pm ,leaf iabs ,leaf (S20) 407 where i abs , k is the average rate of absorbed photons of the chloroplast in mesophyll cell k, 408 and iabs , leaf is the total rate of absorbed photons of chloroplasts in the leaf. From the light 409 penetration simulation, iabs , leaf is calculated as follows: 410 iabs ,leaf (S21) iabs dV Vchl ,leaf 411 The average rate of absorption of photons by the chloroplast of mesophyll cell k is 412 calculated as: 413 i abs , k iabs dV Vchl ,k (S22) Vchl ,meso 414 where Vchl , k is the volume of the chloroplasts in mesophyll cell k. 415 The averaged photosynthetic capacity P m , k of the chloroplasts in mesophyll cell k was 416 calculated from S20. 17 P m, k 417 i abs , k iabs ,leaf (S23) Pm,leaf 418 (III) Distinct photosynthetic capacity of the palisade and spongy chloroplasts. The 419 photosynthetic capacity of the palisade chloroplast was found to be larger than that of the 420 spongy chloroplast. In this case, the photosynthetic capacity of the spongy chloroplast 421 P m, S is calculated as 422 P m, S Pm ,leaf (S24) rP / S Vchl , P Vchl , S 423 where Vchl , P and Vchl , S are the total volume of palisade and spongy chloroplasts, 424 respectively; rP/S is the ratio of the photosynthetic capacity of the palisade chloroplast to 425 that of the spongy chloroplast. The photosynthetic capacity of the palisade chloroplast 426 P m, P is 427 Pm, P rP / S Pm, S (S25) 428 At saturating light, the activities of overall electron transport and CO2 fixation in palisade 429 chloroplasts were respectively 1.6 ̶ 2.0 and 2.5 ̶ 3.0 fold higher than those in spongy 430 chloroplasts (Terashima & Inoue, 1985). We assumed that the maximum RuBisCo 431 carboxylation rate and the maximum rate of triose phosphate utilisation of palisade 432 chloroplasts were twice those of spongy chloroplasts while the maximal potential 433 electron transport rate of palisade chloroplasts was three times that of spongy chloroplasts. 434 Pm ,leaf is meant for the total maximum potential electron transport rate, the total 435 maximum rate of RuBisCo activity-limited carboxylation and the total rate of triose 436 phosphate which are calculated from Table S3. Partitioning of photosynthetic capacity 437 (jm , Vc*,max and Tp* ) for three assumed scenarios was calculated from Eqs. S19, S23, S24 ̶ 438 25. The potential electron transport rate (j*) was calculated from jm and iabs using Eqs. S7 ̶ 18 439 8. The parameters j*, Vc*,max and Tp* were incorporated into Eqs S2 ̶ 5 of the FvCB model. 440 The combined model of the CO2 diffusion and the FvCB model was used to calculate 441 photosynthesis in the 3D leaf. 442 To calculate relative photosynthetic capacity along the leaf depth, a volumetric slice 443 V (l ) of the leaf with a thickness Δl and cross section area Sleaf (l) at the depth l was 444 defined (see Eq. 6, main text). The thickness Δl was set to 0.75 µm (voxel thickness of 445 the laminography images). The distribution of the relative photosynthetic capacity Pc 446 along the depth l of the leaf was calculated as the amount of photosynthetic capacity in a 447 layer with a thickness Δl at depth l normalized by the total photosynthetic capacity of the 448 leaf: 449 Pc (l ) Pm dV Pm dV V ( l ) Pm dV V ( l ) (S26) Pm,leaf Vleaf 450 where the numerator is the integration of photosynthetic capacity Pm over the volumetric 451 slice V (l ) ; the denominator is the total photosynthetic capacity of the leaf. Partitioning 452 of Pm is described by Eq. S19, Eq. S23 and Eqs. S24 ̶ 25 for scenarios (I), (II) and (III), 453 respectively. 454 The fraction of absorbed photons fabs was calculated on a particular small volume dV as 455 f abs iabs dV Vleaf (S27) iabs dV 456 Text S6 Recycling of CO2 457 An in silico simulation with air containing 458 CO2 recycling. We assumed that the tomato leaf was initially exposed to ambient air 459 containing 350 μmol mol-1 12CO2, 21% O2, Iinc = 1000 μmol m-2 s-1 at 25°C. Therefore, the 13 19 C labeled CO2 was carried out to quantify 460 carbon in the leaf was fully 12C. Then, we imposed an instantaneous replacement of the 461 12 462 information Fig. S19). We assumed that the contribution of (photo)respiration by 463 was negligible in the simulation and only 12CO2 was produced by the mitochondria. The 464 gas transport model included transport equations for both 465 for 13CO2 and H13CO3 . We assumed further for this simulation analysis that RuBisCo has 466 no preference for either labeled or unlabeled CO2. The ratio of 12CO2 assimilation rate wr* 467 to 13CO2 assimilation rate w13* C in chloroplasts is considered to be equal to the ratio of the 468 chloroplast concentration of 12CO2 and 13CO2. CO2 in the air by the same concentration of wr* w13* C 469 CO2 (350 μmol mol-1) (See Supporting 13 12 13 CO2 CO2 and H12 CO3 as well as [CO2 ] [ CO2 ] (S28) 13 12 13 470 where [CO 2 ] and [ 13 CO 2 ] are the chloroplast 471 respectively. The CO2 evolved from (photo)respiration cycles in the leaf was released as 472 12 473 RuBisCo, frecycle then as: 474 f recycle CO2 and CO2 concentrations, CO2. We then calculated the fraction of (photo)respiration CO2 flux reassimilated by wr* Rd* R*p (S29) 12 475 where Rd* , R*p and wr* are the respired, photorespired and re-assimilated 476 respectively. We assumed that after imposing an instantaneous replacement of the 477 unlabeled 12CO2 in the air by the same concentration of labeled 13CO2, a quasi steady state 478 would be established quickly. 479 Supporting information figures 20 CO2 flux, 480 481 Figure S1. Comparison of measured (solid lines) and simulated (stars) transmittance (Mt) 482 and reflectance (Mr) spectra for five tomato leaves (cv. Growdena). The two bundles of 483 red lines are likely due to the presence of vascular bundles in the leaf that change its 484 scattering properties. 21 485 486 Figure S2 Simulated distribution of relative CO2 fixation rate along the depth (a) and A- 487 Ci curves (b) of three different geometries of Admiro leaves. Panel (a) Simulations were 488 carried out at 350 µmol mol-1 CO2, 21% O2, Iinc of 1000 µmol m-2 s-1 and T=25°C. The 489 definition of relative CO2 fixation rate is provided in Supporting information Text S5. 490 The arrow (1) indicates the transition from palisade parenchyma to spongy parenchyma. 491 Panels (b) Simulated A-Ci curves with different scenarios at 21% O2, I inc =1000 μmol m-2 492 s-1 and T=25°C. The symbols (o) indicate the measured data while and the lines represent 493 model predictions of three different geometries. The error bars represent the standard 494 error (n = 4). 22 495 496 Figure S3. Relative photosynthetic capacity along the depth and intracellular CO2 497 distribution of different tomato leaves. a, b and c show the relative photosynthetic 498 capacity as a function of depth from the adaxial surface in lower leaves of Admiro, 499 Doloress and Growdena, respectively. The corresponding geometrical models had an 500 Sc/Sm ratio of 0.76, 0.71 and 0.71, respectively; the light intensity (Iinc) was set to 1000 501 µmol m-2 s-1. The arrows in the panels indicate the transitions between the palisade and 502 spongy mesophyll. d, e and f show the computed intracellular CO2 distribution in a 503 tomato leaf for the aforementioned cultivars. The ambient conditions were 350 μmol mol- 504 1 505 mol-1. Optimal distribution of photosynthetic capacity inside the leaf is assumed for the 506 simulations. CO2, 21% O2, Iinc of 1000 μmol m-2 s-1 and 25°C. Concentrations are expressed in µmol 23 507 508 509 Figure S4. CO2 distributions in the air phase (a) and mesophyll cells (b) of Admiro lower 510 leaf. The air phase includes external boundary air and intercellular spaces inside the leaf. 511 The ambient condition is Ca = 350 μmol mol-1, Iinc = 1000 μmol m-2 s-1 and T = 25°C, 512 O2=21%. The ambient condition was 350 μmol mol-1 CO2, 21% O2, Iinc of 1000 μmol m-2 513 s-1 and 25°C. Concentrations are expressed in µmol mol-1. Eas, external air space; Ias, 514 intercellular air space. Optimal distribution of photosynthetic capacity inside the leaf was 515 assumed for the simulations. 24 516 517 Figure S5 Simulations of the net rate of whole-leaf photosynthesis A with and without 518 CA facilitation of different leaves at different CO2 levels at 21% O2, I inc =1000 μmol m-2 519 s-1 and T=25°C. The symbols (o) represent the measured data. The solid (―) lines and 520 dashed ( ̶ ̶ ) lines represent model predictions with and without CA facilitation. Panels 521 (a), (b) and (c) represent the results of Admiro, Doloress and Growdena lower leaves, 522 respectively. Optimal distribution of the photosynthetic capacity inside the leaf was 523 assumed in the simulations. The corresponding geometrical models had an Sc/Sm ratio of 524 0.76, 0.71 and 0.71, respectively. The error bars represent the standard error (n = 4). 525 25 526 527 528 Figure S6. Microscale geometry of Admiro lower leaf generated with different 529 chloroplast distributions. (a) Sc/Sm = 0.36 (face distribution). (b) Sc/Sm = 0.76 (profile 530 distribution). (c) Sc/Sm = 0.9 (profile distribution). Chl, chloroplast cluster; Cyt, cytosol; E, 531 epidermis; Vac, vacuole. 532 26 533 534 Figure S7. Simulated CO2 distribution in response to different levels of incident light in 535 lower leaves (cv. Admiro). a, b, and c show the predicted intracellular CO2 distribution 536 for Iinc=65, 1000 and 2000 μmol m-2 s-1, respectively, at 380 μmol mol-1 CO2, 21% O2, 537 and 25°C. Details of the chloroplast distribution are given in the Supporting information 538 Fig. S4. The color bar indicates the CO2 concentration (µmol mol-1). Optimal distribution 539 of photosynthetic capacity inside the leaf was assumed for the simulations. 27 540 541 Figure S8. Simulated 12CO2 (a) and 13CO2 (b) distribution in a tomato leaf (cv. Admiro). 542 In the simulation, the tomato leaf was assumed to be exposed to ambient air containing 543 350 μmol mol-1 544 (photo)respiration by 13CO2 was negligible. The color bar indicates the CO2 concentration 545 (µmol mol-1). Optimal distribution of photosynthetic capacity inside the leaf was assumed 546 for the simulations. 13 CO2, 21% O2, Iinc = 1000 μmol m-2 s-1 at 25°C. The contribution of 547 28 548 549 Figure S9. 2D model versus 3D model. (a) and (c) CO2 distribution profiles obtained 550 from simulations on 2-D vertical cross-sections of tomato leaf. (b) and (d) CO2 551 distribution profiles of corresponding vertical cross-sections obtained from simulation on 552 3D geometry of tomato leaf. The color bar indicates the CO2 concentration (µmol mol-1). 553 554 29 555 556 Figure S10. Modeled profile distribution of chloroplasts in a mesophyll cell. (a) a 557 mesophyll cell; (b) modeled centroids of chloroplasts on the boundary layer of the 558 mesophyll cell; (c) chloroplasts clusters created from the centroids; (d) profile 559 distribution of chloroplasts obtained by removing chloroplasts around the periclinal cell 560 walls of the mesophyll cell. 561 30 562 563 564 Figure S11. Schematic representation of the mesophyll surface areas exposed to the 565 intercellular air space, and chloroplasts facing the outer surfaces of exposed mesophyll 566 cells in a leaf. Chl: Chloroplasts; E: Epidermis; Meso: Mesophyll cell; Int: Intercellular 567 air space. Mesophyll surface areas (Sm) and chloroplast surface areas (Sc) exposed to 568 intercellular air spaces are represented by dark blue solid ( — ) and red solid (— ) 569 boundaries, respectively. 31 570 571 572 Figure S12. Microscale geometry of tomato leaf. (a) Reconstructed microscale geometry 573 based on synchrotron X-ray laminography images of Admiro lower leaf; (b) Mesophyll 574 cell with modeled vacuole; (c) Profile distribution of chloroplasts at high light intensities 575 generated from mesophyll cell; (d) detailed modeled mesophyll cell with profile 576 distribution of chloroplasts. Chl, chloroplast clusters; Cyt, cytosol; E, epidermis; Vac, 577 vacuole. 578 579 32 580 581 582 Figure S13. Measured (a) stomatal conductance ( g s ) to CO2 as a function of I inc of 583 tomato lower leaves (cv. Admiro). (b) The relation between degree of stomata opening 584 and stomata conductance computed from the microscale model. 33 585 Rdiff Tdiff Light source Tcol Sample 586 587 Figure S14. Schematic representation of the DIS set-up, with collimated transmittance Tc, 588 diffuse reflectance Rdiff and diffuse transmittance Tdiff. 589 34 590 591 Figure S15. Geometrical model of a lower Admiro leaf. (a) Original voxel-based; (b) 592 tetrahedral mesh for Monte Carlo photon transport simulations. Chl, chloroplast clusters; 593 Cyt, cytosol; E, epidermis; Vac, vacuole. 594 35 595 596 Figure S16. Particle size distribution f(r) of the different cell organelles in the epidermis domain (top panels), with resulting 597 phase function (bottom panels) at 680 nm, expressed in a logarithmic scale. (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) correspond to 598 mitochondria, peroxisomes, nuclei, Golgi stacks, ribosomes in the epidermis domain, and grana in the chloroplast domain, 599 respectively. 36 600 601 Figure S17. Resulting scattering coefficient (a, c) and anisotropy factor (b, d), caused by 602 the scattering of a specific cell organelle in the epidermis (a, b) and chloroplast (c, d). 37 603 604 Figure S18. The response of potential electron transport rate (J) to incident irradiation 605 (Iinc) under photorespiratory conditions of Admiro (a) and Growdena (b) lower leaves. 606 The symbols (o) and solid line (―) represent measurements and model predictions, 607 respectively. 608 38 609 610 Figure S19. Schematic representation of different CO2 fluxes in a leaf with an ambient 611 air containing labeled 13CO2. The CO2 fixation flux (Wr) of unlabeled 12CO2 is assumed 612 to be produced from photorespiration (Rp) and respiration (Rd) of unlabeled 12CO2. For a 613 short time imposing instantaneous replacement of the 614 concentration of 615 assumed to be negligible (Haupt-Herting et al., 2001). A13 CO is the CO2 fixation flux of 13 12 CO2 in the air by the same CO2, the contribution of (photo)respiration by labeled 13 CO2 was 2 616 labeled 13CO2 and L is the CO2 flux of the unlabeled 12CO2 releasing from the mesophyll 617 cell to the atmosphere after imposing instantaneous replacement of the unlabeled 618 in the air by the same concentration of labeled 619 Mitochondria. 620 13 12 [CO2] and 13 13 12 CO2 CO2. Chl: Chloroplasts; Mito: [CO2] are concentrations of unlabeled 12 CO2 and labeled CO2. The subscript indices a, i indicate ambient and intercellular air space, respectively. 39 621 Supporting information tables 622 Table S1. List of model variables, their symbols, definitions and units Variable Definition A Net photosynthesis rate (mol CO2 m-2 s-1) CO2 fixation flux of labeled 13CO2 (mol 13CO2 m-2 s-1) A13 CO 2 A B Ca Cc Ci Cc Ci [CA] [CO 2 ] Mean net photosynthesis rate computed from microscale model (mol CO2 m-2 s-1) Net hydration of CO2 to HCO3 (μmol m-3 s-1) Ambient air CO2 concentration (mol mol-1) Mean chloroplast CO2 concentration (mol mol-1) Mean intercellular CO2 concentration (mol mol-1) Mean chloroplast CO2 concentration computed from microscale model (mol mol-1) Mean intercellular CO2 concentration computed from microscale model (mol mol-1) Carbonic anhydrase concentration (µmol m-3) CO2 concentration (µmol m-3) [13 CO2 ] 13 [CO 2 ]*m f r Equivalent liquid CO2 concentration at the outer cell wall of the mesophyll cell (µmol m-3) Number of particles per unit volume (µm-3) f recycle Fraction of (photo) respiration CO2 flux refixed by RuBisCo gs Stomatal conductance (mol m-2 s-1) [HCO3- ] HCO3- concentration of the mesophyll (μmol m-3) I inc iabs Photon flux density incident to leaves (mol photon m-2 s-1) i abs ,k iabs ,leaf J J J CO2 concentration (µmol m-3) Rate of absorbed photons per unit volume (mol photon m-3 s-1) Average rate of absorbed photons of the chloroplast in a particular mesophyll cell (mol photon m-3 s-1) Total rate of absorbed photons of chloroplasts in the leaf (mol photon s-1) Rate of potential electron transport (mol electron m-2 s-1) Rate of potential electron transport calculated from chlorophyll fluorescence measurements (mol electron m-2 s-1) Rate of potential electron transport computed from microscale model (mol electron m-2 s-1) 40 j* ji L Mr Mt [O2] Pc (l ) P PSDV r Potential electron transport rate at a certain position inside the leaf (mol electron m-3 s-1) The electron transport rate supplied by photo-oxidation of water at PSII (mol electron m-3 s-1) The CO2 flux of the unlabeled 12CO2 releasing from the mesophyll cell to the atmosphere after imposing instantaneous replacement of the unlabeled 12CO2 in the air by the same concentration of labeled 13CO2 (see Supporting information Fig. S19) (mol CO2 m-2 s-1) Reflectance of the leaf Transmittance of the leaf Oxygen concentration (mbar) Relative photosynthetic capacity at a depth l inside the leaf Total pressure of the ambient air (kPa) Volume frequency of particles distribution of an organelle (µm-1) PSDN r p(θ) pi(θ) Rd* r Rw (l ) Sleaf (l ) Number frequency of particles distribution of an organelle (µm-1) T * w wr* Temperature (K) Volumetric CO2 assimilation rate in chloroplast (mol CO2 m-3 s-1) Volumetric 12CO2 reassimilation rate in chloroplast (mol CO2 m-3 s-1) w13* C Volumetric 13CO2 reassimilation rate in chloroplast (mol CO2 m-3 s-1) wc wj Rate of RuBisCo activity-limited carboxylation (mol m-3 s-1) wp Rate of TPU-limited carboxylation (mol m-3 s-1) V (l ) a ,bulk Volumetric slice of the leaf with a thickness Δl and cross section area Sleaf (l) at the depth l (m3) Thickness of the slice at leaf depth l. The thickness dl was set to 0.75 µm Rate of CO2 transport through the boundary of the mesophyll cell (mol m-2 s-1) Absorption coefficient of medium with particles (m-1) a ,med Absorption coefficient of medium without particles (m-1) a ,i Absorption coefficient of particles (m-1) Δl b Phase function Phase function of particle i Volumetric photorespiration rate (mol CO2 m-3 s-1) Radius of an organelles (m) Relative CO2 fixation at a depth l inside the leaf Cross section area of the leaf at the depth l (m2) Rate of electron transport-limited carboxylation (mol m-3 s-1) 41 s ,bulk Scattering coefficient of medium with particles (m-1) s ,i Scattering coefficient of particles (m-1) i Convexity coefficient Subscripts a bulk chl cw cyt g k l med Ambient air Bulk properties Chloroplasts Cytosols Gas phase Mesophyll cell Liquid phase Medium 623 The unit µmol mol-1 for CO2 concentration (often used in the FvCB model) was converted to 624 µmol m-3 for use in the gas diffusion model by multiplying with a factor P( R T ) 625 or P H ( R T ) (mesophyll). 1 42 1 (gas phase) 626 Table S2. List of model parameters, their symbols, definitions and units Variable Definition Notes DCO2 Diffusivity of CO2 (m2 s-1) Table S5 DCO2 , g Diffusivity of CO2 in the gas phase (m2 s-1) Table S5 2 -1 DCO2 ,l Diffusivity of CO2 in liquid phase (m s ) Table S5 DCO2 , w CO2 diffusivity of cell wall (m2 s-1) Table S5 DHCO Diffusivity of HCO3- in the mesophyll (m2 s-1) Table S5 ftot Total number of an organelle per unit volume (number Table S6 µm-3) Volumetric fraction of chloroplasts of the leaf Calculated from leaf geometry Volumetric fraction of cytosol of the leaf Calculated from leaf geometry Fraction of absorbed photons that is partitioned to Photosystem II (=0.5) Henry’s constant for CO2 (µmol m-3 liquid) (µmol m-3 Table S5 gas)-1 H+ concentration (µmol m-3) Table S5 3 fc f cyt f II H [H ] Jm Whole-leaf maximal potential electron transport rate Table S3 (mol electron m-2 s-1) Light saturated maximum potential electron transport Text S5 rate (mol electron m-3 s-1) CO2 hydration rate constant (s-1) Table S5 jm k1 k2 K CO2 dehydration rate constant (s-1) Table S5 -3 Acid dissociation constant for H2CO3 (µmol m ) Michaelis-Menten constant of CA hydration (µmol m-3) K CA,CO2 Table S5 Table S5 K eq Michaelis-Menten constant of CA dehydration (µmol m- Table S5 3 ) Michaelis-Menten constant of RuBisCo for CO2 (mol Table S5 mol-1 or bar) CO2 equilibrium constant (µmol m-3) Table S5 K m ,O Michaelis-Menten constant of RuBisCo for O2 (mbar) KCA, HCO 3 K m ,C -1 kCA CA turnover rate (s ) Lleaf Average thickness of tissue (m) Pcut Pcw Table S3 Table S5 Calculated from leaf geometry Cuticular membrane permeability (m s-1) Table S5 Effective permeability of the membrane and the cell Table S5 43 Pmem Pm P m ,c P m, k P m, P P m,S Pm ,leaf wall (m s-1) CO2 permeability of membrane (m s-1) Photosynthetic capacity (See Supporting information Text S5) Average photosynthetic capacity of the chloroplast in scenario I (mol m-3 s-1) Average photosynthetic capacity of the chloroplast in a particular mesophyll cell k in scenario II (mol m-3 s-1) Photosynthetic capacity of the palisade chloroplast in scenario III (mol m-3 s-1) Photosynthetic capacity of the spongy chloroplast in scenario III (mol m-3 s-1) Total photosynthetic capacity of the leaf (mol s-1) Table S5 Eq. S19 Eq. S23 Eq. S25 Eq. S24 Table S3 Rd* Universal gas constant (8.314 J mol-1 K-1) Day respiration (i.e., respiratory CO2 release other than Table S3 by photorespiration) (mol CO2 m-2 s-1) Table S3 Volumetric respiration rate (mol CO2 m-3 s-1) rLB Lowest radius (m) Table S6 rUB Highest radius (m) Table S6 r rP/S Mean equivalent radius of an organelle (µm) Ratio of the photosynthetic capacity of the palisade chloroplast to that of the spongy chloroplast. Defined in scenario III Calibration factor Chloroplast surface area that faces the intercellular spaces on a leaf area basis (m2 m-2) Relative CO2/O2 specificity factor for RuBisCo (mbar bar-1) Area of a cross section of the computational domain (m2) Mesophyll surface area that faces the intercellular spaces on a leaf area basis (m2 m-2) Rate of triose phosphate export from the chloroplast (mol m-2 s-1) Volumetric production rate of triose phosphate export from the chloroplast (mol m-3 s-1) Maximum rate of RuBisCo activity-limited carboxylation (mol m-2 s-1) Volumetric maximum rate of RuBisCo activity-limited carboxylation (mol m-3 s-1) Table S6 Text S5 R Rd s Sc Sc / o Sleaf Sm Tp Tp* Vc ,max Vc*,max 44 Table S3 Calculated from leaf geometry Table S3 Calculated from leaf geometry Calculated from leaf geometry Table S3 Text S5 Table S3 Text S5 Vcyt ,k Volume of the cytosol of a mesophyll cell k (m3) Vchl ,leaf Volume of chloroplasts in the leaf(m3) Vchl ,k Volume of chloroplasts in a mesophyll cell k (m3) Vchl,P Total volume of palisade chloroplasts (m3) Vchl,S Total volume of spongy chloroplasts (m3) Vleaf Volume of the leaf (m3) m Maximum quantum yield of Photosystem II electron transport (mol e- mol-1 photon) (0.85 mol e- mol-1 photon, Hendrickson et al., (2004)) Anisotropy factor Table S4 -1 Absorption coefficient (m ) Table S4 a s r * Scattering coefficient (m-1) Calculated from leaf geometry Calculated from leaf geometry Calculated from leaf geometry Calculated from leaf geometry Calculated from leaf geometry Calculated from leaf geometry Table S4 Viscosity relative to that of water Table 4 Standard deviation of equivalent radius of the organelle Table S6 (µm) Cc-based CO2 compensation point in the absence of Rd Table S3 (mol mol-1 or bar) * 627 The respiratory CO2 release from mitochondria Rd was assumed constant. The volumetric Rd was 628 calculated from Rd* Rd / Lleaf f cyt , with Lleaf the average thickness of the leaf. 45 629 Table S3. Estimated photosynthetic parameters (± standard error if applicable) of leaves of different tomato cultivars and leaf 630 ages. 631 Vc,max (µmol m s-1) Growdena Lower leaves Upper leaves Admiro Lower leaves 75.56 (4.42) 110.2 (7.45) 69.53 (3.70) 133.6 (13.68) 89.94 (5.8) 147.70(15.53) - 8.87 (0.32) - 9.04 (0.3) - 0.690 1.386 136.79 (3.75) 104.01 (3.69) 1.937 1.693 162.76 (4.3) 118.0 (3.89) 0.976 0.891 116.52 (5.71) 92.20 (5.01) 1.453 2.106 205.97 (6.69) 139.1 (5.84) 0.836 1.395 162.77 (4.32) 118.0 (3.89) 9.51 (0.22) 1.741 1.733 0.473 0.478 0.429 0.473 0.491 Upper leaves Doloress Lower leaves Upper leaves -2 Tp (µmol m-2 s-1) -2 -1 Rd (µmol m s ) PR NPR -2 -1 Jm (µmol m s ) PR NPR s Sc/o (mbar µbar1 ) θi(*) Km,C (µmol mol1 ( ) ) ** K m ,O (mmol -1 ( ) mol ) ** 3.320 (0.325) 3.174 (0.267) 0.97 3.300 (0.256) 267 164 632 633 634 *Assumed value **Bernacchi et al. ( 2002). PR and NPR denote photorespiration (21% O2) and non-photorespiration (2% O2) conditions. 635 *, Cc-based CO2 compensation point in the absence of Rd, is calculated by: * 46 0.476 0.5 [O2 ] Sc / O . 636 637 638 The total maximum potential electron transport rate, the total maximum rate of RuBisCo activity-limited carboxylation and the total rate of triose phosphate are calculated by multiplying Jm, Vc,max and Tp with the cross section Sleaf of the computational domain, respectively. 47 639 Table S4. Computed optical properties of the different compartments of the leaf model. 640 The absorption profile is the result of averaging the absorption profile at 470 nm (10%) 641 and at 665 nm (90%). Two independent optical simulations were needed, with each a 642 different set of optical properties. a ( m 1 ) 0 s ( m 1 ) 0 () 1 Cytosol Vacuole Chloroplast 100 100 18216 39600 0.915624 0. 915624 100 465300 0 295915 1 0.96260 665 nm Air Epidermis Cytosol Vacuole Chloroplast 0 100 100 100 229000 0 9275 19893 0 159690 1 0.884978 0.884978 1 0.93340 470 nm Air Epidermis 643 48 644 Table S5. Physical parameters of the microscale gas exchange model. Diffusion in the 645 liquid phase was assumed to follow the Stokes-Einstein law (Einstein, 1905), 646 DCO2 ,l DCO2 , water / . 647 Model parameters Diffusivity - Air Symbol Values DCO2 , g 1.60×10-5 m2 s-1 at 20°C (1) - Water DCO2 , water 1.67×10-9 m2 s-1 at 20°C DHCO , water 1.17×10-9 m2 s-1 (2) Cuticular membrane permeability Cell wall thickness Henry’s constant Pcuti 7×10-6 m s-1 (3) lw H CO2 hydration rate constants CO2 dehydration rate constants Acid dissociation constant CO2 equilibrium constant CA turnover rate CA concentration in stroma CA hydration constant k1 k2 K Keq kCA [CA] K CA,CO2 0.2×10-6 m (assumed) 0.83 (µmol m-3 liquid)(µmol m-3 gas)-1 at 25°C (1) 0.039 s-1 (4) 23 s-1(4) 2.5×10-4 mol L-1 (4) 5.6×10-7 mol L-1 (5) 3×105 s-1 (5) 0.27 mol mol-3 (6) 1.5 mol m-3(6) CA dehydration constant KCA, HCO (1) 3 34 mol m-3(6) 3 pH -Cytosol -Chloroplast -Vacuole Cytosol viscosity log10 [H + ] 7 (assumed) 8 (assumed) 5 (assumed) 2 (relative to water) (7) ηcyt Stroma viscosity ηc Cellular membrane permeability Pmem 2 (relative to water) 3.5×10-3 m s-1 (2,8) Cell wall diffusivity Dw 0.2 DCO2 , water Effective permeability of the membrane and the cell wall 1 l Pcw w 1.13×10-3 m s-1 Pmem Dw Assumed 1 Stomatal radius (µm) 2.01 49 648 (1) 649 1985) 650 (8) (Lide, 1999); (2) (Geers & Gros, 2000) ; (5) (Pocker & Ng, 1973); (3) (Frost-Christensen & Floto, 2007) ; (6) (Tholen & Zhu, 2011) ; (Evans et al., 2009). 50 (7) (4) (Jolly, (Dieteren et al., 2011); 651 Table S6. Organelles and their sizes for computing optical properties in tomato leaf 652 domain. Organelle Description type Mean Standard ftot equivalent deviation (number r (µm) µm-3) 0.059 0.00585 0.025 0.0025018 0.0899 0.000201 0.0917 0.002518 radius r (µm) Mitochondria Cylindrical shape with radius 0.60 of 0.27±0.035 µm, length of 4 ±0.035 µm (Dieteren et al., 2011), volume fraction =0.05% (Winter et al., 1994). Peroxisomes Spherical shape with a 0.25 diameter between 0.4 and 0.6 μm (Furt number=25 et al., 2012), (Lingard et al., 2008). The calculated total number of peroxisomes per unit volume is about (1.55)×10-3 µm-3. Nuclei Spherical shape with volume 2.57 of about 72.4±7.5 µm3 (Dittmer et al., 2007). Golgi stacks Disk shape with diameter of 0.42 0.5 to 2.0 µm and height of 0.3 µm (Dupree & Sherrier, 1998), number=25 (Dupree & 51 Sherrier, 1998). The calculated total number of Golgi stacks per unit volume is about (1.5-5)×10-3 µm-3. Ribosome- Spherical shape with diameter 0.0137 like of 25-30 nm (Verschoor et al., complexes 1998). There were about 1250 0.000625 445.44 0.0558 0.68 ribosome-like complexes in an Ostreococcus tauri cell with volume about 2.8 µm3 (Henderson et al., 2007). Grana (*) Cylindrical stack (about 4 to 0.472 17 stacks) (Austin and Staehelin, 2011), diameter of about 1 µm, stack height about 0.25 to 1 µm (derived from Austin & Staehelin (2011)). Mature chloroplasts could contain 40 to 60 grana stacks (Staehelin, 2003). 1/3 654 3V organelle The equivalent radius of an organelle was defined from its volume V organelle as r 4 The standard deviation r was determined from the lowest and highest value observed from 655 literature (See Supporting information Text S4). 656 *Calculated for the chloroplast domain. 657 ftot was determined from the volume fraction or the number of organelles per unit volume 653 658 52 659 Supporting information References 660 661 Aalto T., Juurola E. 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