Respirator Characterization
fundamental types???
1. air-purifying (ambient air): most in use
Filtration : ???
passing through pores & assisted by electrostatic character.
Sorbent : adsorb the agent to the matrix material
2. Atmosphere-supplying: clean air
higher protection.
Respirator Characterization
Physical design
Air purifying ???
Mask only
Atmosphere supplying ???
SCBA : tank
Air line: a hose
Combined : air line with backup tank
chemical oxygen generator
permanganate)(some instances during escape)
‫ماسک تنفسی‬N95 3M
P 100
Respirator Characterization …
Pressure dynamics
Air purifying
Negative pressure ???
PAPR : very toxic atmospheres ???
Air hood
Atmosphere supplying
Continuous flow
Demand ???
Pressure demand ???
Fit type
Tight fitting (Most )
Loose fitting (Some )
Mask type
Quarter mask
Half mask
Full-face mask
Other (e.g., air hat)
‫ماسک تمام صورت‬
‫ماسک تمام صورت سیستم کنترل جریان هوا‬
Respirator use:
is not choice
other methods: preferable.
when required : ???
-work is of varied nature (construction).
-maintenance / repair : ventilation non operative.
-infrequent operations (transfer of liquid raw materials).
-emergency / accident
-unknown agent
-other methods are not financially feasible.
Occupational Respiratory Protection
Assessment of need to respirators
Exposure assessment
Respirator selection
Medical assessment of users
Cleaning and maintenance
Program audit ‫بازرسى‬
Written procedures; designated program director
Respirator Selection
appropriate type : adequate protection & comfort.
NIOSH periodically publishes :
Updated "respirator decision logic" manuals,
Two factors inform respirator selection: ???
(a) exposure situation
(b) worker characteristics & preferences.
** importance of program > device factors .
** The (filtration efficiency) is only one component of
successful program.
3M Respirator Selection Guide - 2011
Is a list of chemicals for which 3M respirators can be recommended.
can be used If
contaminants & concentrations identified.
Respirator Program Management
(OSHA 1910) requires:
 Maintenance //cleaning // storage programs
for reusable respirators.
Respirator Fit (ROM)
The protection factor : ???
outside / inside the mask.
Assigned (APF): ???
no measurement in the subject
based on studies
Measured (MPF): individual, in lab.
Workplace (WPF): in real workplace.
facial configurations, beard, … can affect actual fit.
Hazard Ratio & Protection Factors
HR = ???
Airborne Concentration / OEL (TLV)
HR ≤ APF is adequate
APFs per OSHA 1910:
Air Purifying Respirators (Neg. Pres.)
Half face piece (filtering)
disposable /reusable................................................... 10
Full face piece................................................................... 50
PAPR ( Powered Air Purifying Respirators)
Loose-fitting face piece
(e.g., L-501, Airstream™)............................................. 25
Half face piece.................................................................. 50
Full face piece, helmet, or hood…………….………...... 1000
Supplied Air Respirators (airline)
Continuous Flow
 Loose-fitting face piece(e.g., L-501)............................... 25
 Half face piece................................................................ 50
 Full face piece, helmet, or hood……………………….. 1000
Pressure Demand with Full face piece.............................1000
Pressure Demand Airline
with Escape SCBA............................................. 10,000,
unknown and IDLH atmospheres
Pressure Demand SCBA....................................... 10,000,
unknown and IDLH atmospheres
Some other factors :
compatible with other devices
hard hats/goggles/glasses/welding hoods/face shields..
without removing perform job
lightweight & low breathing resistance.
good worker acceptance
adequate skin or eye protection (certain contaminants).
Fit Testing and Checking (ROM)
all tight-fitting respirators.
disposable // reusable
first time & periodically.
- qualitative :a tracer material (irritant smoke)
- quantitative : MPF
For example
if inspiratory valves,
the worker occludes them and sucks in.
If air still enters, a significant leak is present.
Filter Definitions
N-Series : free of oil aerosols.
 solid
/ liquid particulate.
 used
/ reused subject unless :
hygiene // damage // resistance.
 N95
: 95% filter efficient
 N100 : 99.97% filter efficient (0.3 μm NaCl.)
R-Series : oil based liquid aerosols too.
 If
atmosphere contains oil : only single shift /8hrs
 R95 :
P-Series : oil based liquid aerosol too.
If atmosphere contains oil : used / reused
no more than 40 hrs. / or 30 days,
 P95
 P100
When non-oil aerosol, use / reuse R / P unless :
hygiene/ damage/resistance.
Some limitations :
Don’t use tight / loose-fitting face pieces with beards or…
3m respirators protect against airborne
particles / gases & vapors only.
Use only for specific chemicals
These respirators do not supply oxygen.
Don't use when:
unknown concentrations /
immediately dangerous /
oxygen < 19.5%.
Guide format
IDLH Level ???
concentration Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health, (NIOSH)
acute respiratory exposure
acute eye exposure
oxygen deficient
occupational exposure limit
Or :
Odor Threshold*
not primary indicator for changing gas & vapor cartridges (OSHA)
a backup indicator for cartridge change-out.
cartridge change schedules must be establish .
(replacing before service life is depleted)
Respirator Codes and Descriptions
(F) Full Face
(appropriate cartr. /filters)
 SA Supplied Air
N100 Particulate
N95 Particulate
P100 Particulate
P95 Particulate
R95 Particulate
AG Acid Gas Respirator
AM Ammonia/Methylamine
FORM Formaldehyde
HF Hydrogen Fluoride
Hg Mercury Vapor/
Chlorine Gas
MG Multi-gas/Vapor
OV Organic Vapor
OZ Ozone Respirator
(F)OV/AG/P95 : a full face respirator with an organic
vapor/acid gas cartridge and a P95 particulate filter
Respirator Recommendations
for exposure levels ≤ 10 X OEL.
for single substances.
If two / more substances : combination respirator
For concentrations ≤ (10 X OEL),
half face with filter / cartridge
if eye protection is provided.
For concentrations > (10X OEL) follow the Guide
Example :
a spray paint that contains
organic solvents and titanium dioxide :
a respirator with OV cartridge and a particle filter
If an no APR for all substances in a mixture,
a SAR may be required.
If a chemical cartridge (e.g., OV):
- change schedule
- an airline respirator
if SA code : chemical cartridge respirators.
(see comment)
A. Short service life :
cartridge life < 30 minutes at (10XOEL)
an airline respirator is recommended
Users will detect irritant materials such as chlorine and
ammonia but are unlikely to detect carbon monoxide.
D. possibly both particulate &vapor phase:
a gas/vapor cartridge + particulate filter.
Formaldehyde Monitors 3m 3720
F. N-series sufficient but: material may contain oil :
R- or P-series filter is recommended.
H. 3M 3510, 3530, 3550, or 3720 :
Personal Air Monitor which may measure the
amount of contaminant in the air.
How to Use this Guide
If a single compound ≤ 10 x OEL :
the respirator identified may be selected.
If a particulate filter respirator is recommended
(N95, N100, R95, P95 or P100 in it)
and oil also present in the air, select a respirator
acceptable for oil aerosols( R / P ).
Example :
for beryllium dust at 2 x OEL :
the guide lists N95 (a half face piece with N95 filter)
If oil mist is also present (0.1 mg/m3< oil <OEL) :
R / P must be selected,
even though protection is not needed for the oil mist
Therefore :
R95 / P95(a half face piece with R95 / P95 filter)
selection is finished
If more than one chemical /
or IDLH /
or 10 x OEL ≤ concentration :
follow the Steps .
Step 1. Identify contaminants (name and form).
Classify particulates as oil or non-oil (MSDS)
Record the on the form in this guide
Go to Step 2.
Step 2. Determine concentration
Air sampling highly recommended.
Step 3. is the concentration unknown?
a) If yes, go to Step 16.
b) If no, go to Step 4.
= SA
Step 4. Is oxygen < 19.5% or potential exist ?
a) If yes, go to Step 16.
= SA
b) If no, go to Step 5.
Step 5. Is the chemical listed in guide?
a) If yes, go to Step 6.
b) If no, go to Step 15.
= respirator cannot be recommended
(Step 16/17)
Step 6. Record IDLH and OEL on the form.
Determine hazard ratio
a) If IDLH < concentration , go to Step 16.
b) If 1000 < HR , go to Step 16.
= SA
c) If 50 < HR < 1000 , go to Step 7.
d) If 10 < HR < 50 , go to Step 8.
e) If HR ≤ 10 , go to Step 9.
= SA
Step 7.
50 < HR< 1000:
(1) a SAR : full face // helmet // hood
(2) a PAPR with the cartridge listed in the guide.
If a PAPR : use a HEPA filter if an N, R, or P-series filter is listed.
High-efficiency particulate absorption or HEPA
APFs per OSHA 1910:
Air Purifying Respirators (Neg. Pres.)
Half face piece (filtering)
disposable /reusable................................................... 10
Full face piece................................................................... 50
PAPR ( Powered Air Purifying Respirators)
Loose-fitting face piece
(e.g., L-501, Airstream™)............................................. 25
Half face piece.................................................................. 50
Full face piece, helmet, or hood…………….………...... 1000
Supplied Air Respirators (airline)
Continuous Flow
 Loose-fitting face piece(e.g., L-501)............................... 25
 Half face piece................................................................ 50
 Full face piece, helmet, or hood……………………….. 1000
Pressure Demand with Full face piece.............................1000
Pressure Demand Airline
with Escape SCBA............................................. 10,000,
unknown and IDLH atmospheres
Pressure Demand SCBA....................................... 10,000,
unknown and IDLH atmospheres
Step 7. …
If a gas // vapor :
- change schedules
- Or SAR must be used.
Go to Step 10.
Step 8.
10 < HR < 50
1) APR (full face )with filters / cartridges listed .
2) SAR (Half face)
3) a loose fitting (PAPR) may be used if HR < 25.
If a PAPR : use cartridge as listed
if an N, R, P is listed : HEPA filter
Step 8. …
If a gas // vapor :
- change schedules
- Or SAR must be used.
Go to Step 10.
Step 9.
HR ≤ 10 :
Select the respirator listed.
Go to Step 10.
Step 10. any other contaminants present at the same time?
If yes, go to Step 2 for the next chemical.
Consult the current TLVs R
If combined effects are considered,
calculate the HR for the mixture.
If no, go to Step 11.
Step 11.
Are any (N, R ,P) listed ?
a) If yes, go to Step 12.
b) If no, go to Step 14 (select SA or SA (F))
Step 12. only N-series listed?
a) If yes, go to Step 13.
b) If no, go to Step 14.
Step 13. 0.1 mg/m3 < any oil mist present < OEL?
a) If yes, a R / P filter must be selected.
Record the respirator , Go to Step 14.
b) If no, go to Step 14.
Step 14. is more than one respirator code in the form?
a) If yes :
- If more than one APR :
select highest APF
- If no APR provide protection, select SA or SA (F).
- If SA / SA (F) is one of respirators : select it .
b) If no, record.
Go to Step 17 (order ).
Step 15.
the chemical is not in the guide , it is:
a pesticide / OEL was not located.
1) If there is an exposure level for the material:
go to Step 17 (call 3m).
2) If no acceptable level is known :
respirator cannot be recommended, go to Step 16.
Step 16. If:
unknown concentration (step 3)
unknown oxygen // oxygen <19.5%,(step 4)
IDLH < concentration // 1000 < HR. (step 6)
Unknown exposure limit (step 15)
Select: a PP. SCBA or
a PP. SAR + auxiliary SCBA.
duration of auxiliary SCBA should allow escape.
Record the respirator in final row of form.
This is the minimum acceptable level of respiratory protection; the
selection process is finished.
If you need help, go to Step 17.
Step 17. Do you need help?
a) If yes, call 3M for assistance
b) If no, order the respirator(s) from distributor.