2012 MOTM

Ric Mellon
Executive Director
ABATE of Wisconsin, Inc.
MRF Meeting of the Minds 2012
The United States has one of the best surface transportation systems in the
In many areas of the country, we no longer have the option to build
additional roadways to meet increasing demand due to the lack of suitable
land to build on, limited financial resources, and environmental impact
There is no single answer to the set of complex transportation problems that
face the nation. However, new technologies in computing, sensing, and
communications, commonly referred to as ITS technologies, are opening up
new possibilities
Some are simply better ways of doing old things, like traffic control, but
some are entirely new, such as dynamic route guidance and accident
The Risk here is that generally, the motorcycle is not typically included in the
thought process of designing and deploying these new technologies
The ITS grew out of a small piece of the transportation bill in 1992
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is the application of computers,
communications and sensor technology to surface transportation
Safety on the nation’s surface transportation system is an ITS concern. In
2001 there were 42116 people killed and another 3.03 million injured in
traffic accidents involving automobiles. (Statistics from the Bureau of
Transportation Statistics Website – National Transportation Statistics 2003
report) Once again, no mention of motorcycles in their data
Homeland security is expected to exact new demands on the U.S. surface
transportation system after the terrorist events of September 11th
ITS is positioning technology as having the ability to potentially save a large
portion of these fatalities, as stated in an Executive Summary Document from
ITS. Interesting point to note, is that there is no mention of motorcycle
fatalities and how (or even if) technology can be applied to save these
fatalities as well.
America’s transportation infrastructure is at a
State transportation revenues are not keeping pace
with escalating construction costs and burgeoning
travel demand.
ITS is now an integral facet of the transportation
plan going forward.
Advanced applications and systems being
designed/developed/implemented providing
services relating to different modes of
transportation and traffic.
Information Collection
Transportation Fencing
Tiered Licensing
Vehicle Logs (private and commercial – passive/active)
Traffic Congestion assessment
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Technologies
Vehicle Navigation
Homeland Security
Vehicle control capability
Weather Related
Governmental activity in the area of ITS in the
United States – is further motivated by an
increasing focus on Homeland Security.
Many proposed ITS systems involve surveillance of
the roadways, a priority of homeland security.
Funding of many systems comes either directly
through homeland security organizations or with
their approval.
Much of the infrastructure and planning involved
with ITS parallels the need for homeland security
A safer, more responsive, and more efficient national transportation system
via the continued application of ITS
2010 Transportation
Safety Council
2007 ESV Program
2005 RITA Created
1997 TEA-21
1996 AHS
1991 ISTEA
USA Private/Gov
spending exceeds
>$10 billion globally
RITA was created by the Research and Special Program
Improvement Act 2005. RITA is “A DOT administration that
combines research-driven innovation and entrepreneurship
to ensure a safe and robust transportation network.”
Formed from several existing parts of USDOT:
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
The Office of Research, Development and Technology
The Office of Intermodalism
The John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center in
Cambridge, MA,
◦ The Transportation Safety Institute (TSI)
◦ The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Programs Office
A small part of the early ISTEA funding was spent on developing a National
ITS Architecture. The National ITS Architecture provides a common structure
for the design of intelligent transportation systems. It includes information
and services. This has now matured and is being expanded.
Traffic Management Centers (TMC) are examples of architecture. These
centers and providers exist in most metropolitan areas.
These centers provide services to other agencies by collecting data from
various sources in both raw and disseminated values.
For personal travel, each travel customer has a User Profile that comprises
characteristics of both the user and the vehicles they operate.
◦ MAC addresses
◦ Vehicle subscriber
◦ Other opportunities
ON-BOARD instrumentation
On-board computing
On-board databases (e.g. digitized maps)
Communication capability (e.g. GPS, Cellular, Satellite, Radio, Wi-Fi)
User interfaces, (e.g. voice, display)
Driver-aid equipment available on-board (e.g. adaptive cruise control,
braking, throttle management, parking assist and driverless)
Personal characteristics
Regular travel destinations
Route type preference (highway versus side streets)
Preferred user interfaces
Information needs
Pay-for-service subscriptions
Provides a common structure for the design of intelligent transportation
Not a system design but a framework around which multiple design
approaches can be developed
Architecture defines the functions that must be performed to implement a
given user service
But more importantly, it identifies and specifies the requirements for the
standards needed to support national and regional interoperability
Subsystems are individual pieces of the overall Intelligent Transportation
Regional architectures leverage all or just parts of the overall architecture
proposed by ITS. States/municipalities decide on what is deployed
Increase operational efficiency and capacity of the transportation system
Commercial Vehicle operations
Improve the safety of the Nation’s transportation system
Connected Vehicle Program
Active Traffic Management
Roadway User Pricing
Reduce energy consumption and environmental costs
Enhance the present and future economic productivity of individuals,
organizations and the economy as a whole
Program Goal: Reduce motor vehicle crashes and incidents by accelerating
the development, introduction and commercialization of driver assistance
ITS technologies have been encapsulated in a collection of interrelated user
services for application to the nation’s surface transportation problems. To
date, thirty- three user services have been identified.
Four Platforms: Light Vehicles, Transit vehicles, Commercial vehicles and
Specialty vehicles.
Eight Problem Areas: Rear-end, Lane change/merge, Road departure,
Intersection, Vision enhancement, Vehicle stability, Driver condition, Safety
impacts of other services.
Motorcycles are not included
Driver Warning
Recommending Control Actions
Intervening with Driver Control
Introducing temporary or partial automated
control of the vehicle in selected situations
Application of selected motorist information
Integration of sensors, actuators, processors,
control systems and driver displays
Studies specific to motorcycles have yet to be conducted
since inception
Potential does exist for enhancing motorcycle safety, yet
incorporation of motorcycles has yet to occur to date in the
United States.
NHTSA identified and has requested motorcycles be included
in ITS, but no significant efforts can be determined.
The motorcycling community has not been a significant part
of the creation of these standards, and as such risks being
by-product of the standards
Collision avoidance systems in place show some
consideration has been given to the effect of motorcycles
The MRF continues to monitor ITS
The Intelligent Transportation System
The Intelligent Transportation System World Congress
The ITS Joint Program Office within the Research and
Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
Achieving the Vision: From VII to IntelliDrive
Smart Car: The Automated Highway System - Vol.
60· No. 2 - Public Roads
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
2010-1-27-ITS_Leadership.pdf (application/pdf
Object) Intelligent Transportation Systems | CSG
Knowledge Center
Intelligent Transportation Systems Issues &
Intelligent Transportation System using SDE
Intelligent Transportation System Architecture and
Standards - ITS Architecture Implementation FHWA Operations Motor Vehicle Accidents and
Fatalities - The 2012 Statistical Abstract - U.S.
Census Bureau