welcome to fourth grade

Parent Orientation
August 15, 2013
Our goal is to shift the responsibility from the parents and teachers to the
Parents, please leave dockets (file folders) and folders alone. Encourage
children to pack their own materials and homework. I know intentions are
good, but we have parents often tell us something is their fault and we still
have to give children consequences for not having materials or homework.
We do not sign or check assignment pads for students unless a concern arises.
Class Rules
Rules may vary with each teacher. Sample of
rules listed:
• Be kind and respectful.
• Be honest.
• Be responsible. Listen and do homework.
• Talk at appropriate times.
• Practice self control.
• Use appropriate Godly language.
• Playground and cafeteria rules are also
posted in the classroom.
Warnings for obeying rules are given verbally. Sometimes the warning is
addressed to the class and sometimes to an individual. Repeated offenses do
not need warnings. Students may serve time during recess or lunch. Logical
consequences will be given by each teacher.
Students are usually given grace the first week of school. Students with 5
to7 offenses in homework, responsibility, following directions or serious
conduct will result in a W. Students with 8-10 offenses in these areas will
be result in an N. Students with 11 or more offenses will result in a U.
We will not report every infraction to you because weekly updates will be
sent on class dojo. We will, however, notify you by email or note home if there
is a concern that may drop in letter grade or if repeated offenses are
An overall conduct grade of a W or study skills can keep students off of
Honor Roll. An N or U in any area can also keep students off of Honor Roll.
Rewards (based on class)
• class parties
• star of the week
• individual prizes or
• verbal praise
• treasure box
• homework passes
• credits/fake
• Ipad time
Uniform Reminders
Please check the handbook for uniform guidelines. (Important items to
address, Items teachers see most often)
Boys’ pants require belts.
Boys’ hair should be above the ear.
Please remember non-uniform days also. For our girls, no tank tops,
spaghetti straps, ,flip flops, and be mindful of the length of dresses,
skirts, and shorts. 3 inches above the knee is appropriate. Long
shorts and skirts can be found.
Girls’ clear fingernail polish is permissible. Nail polish will be removed
at school.
Last Friday of the month is non-uniform day with a $0.25 donation.
Students who do not turn in $0.25 will lost next non-uniform day.
Information for
parent volunteers
• If you wish to be a room parent or
volunteer you must receive a background
check. This is for the safety and
confidentiality of working with children.
Forms may have been sent home or will
soon be sent home.
• Please remember not to bring small
children or siblings, and pets to class
Students will put any papers that are
sent home in the important /take
home/homework section of the docket.
This includes homework and signed
papers that need to be returned.
Ungraded papers are placed under each
subject area of the docket. Parents,
allow your children to take care of their
papers. We will help them clean out their
dockets often.
We will have regular weekly tests.
Spelling or Vocabulary tests will be Friday. We adopted a new program that tests
spelling of words one week and then vocabulary and comprehension the next week in
various formats. We may add them to www.spellingcity.com to help students practice.
Parents will have to enter username and passwords for practice, but can just view the
Reading will be Fridays with the exceptions of Mrs. Gines’ class. Tests will be
Bible will be Friday.
Math timed tests will be weekly as designated by the teacher. Students are
expected to pass timed tests with 80 percent accuracy in four minutes in the areas of
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The tests are 100 problems in 4
Study may use study www.studystack.com to complete definitions for homework.
Students will use https://xtramath.org/ to complete some homework practice.
New Grade Scale in Student Handbook: 80-100 S, 73-79 W, 70-72 N, 69 or below
U. No grade below 50 in grade book, but actual grade will be put on paper.
Also new this year is graded homework. Homework will be assigned a grade on
participation and skills as well as grade under study skills. Five to seven offenses
are a W, eight to ten are an N, and 11 or more is a U under study skills.
On Spelling tests, letters not dotted or crossed will be marked as incorrect.
Five points may also be taken off for not following directions or not using cursive
writing if the child has been at SCPS for several years. We make exceptions in
cursive for new students. Those students will be given practice and expected to read
and write cursive by third quarter. We also take 5 points off for missing name and
date, 3 points if just missing last name of date.
Please note, most subject areas are graded on items completed on a grade scale.
Language tests are graded on a point system set up for the curriculum.
• Graded work is sent home on Tuesdays. Progress
reports may be sent home if any student has an
average lower than an 80 in a subject area.
• Parents are to look over, sign the front, and initial
each of the enclosed papers.
• Papers must be returned Wednesday morning with
the student.
• Papers will not be sent home on the following
holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring
break, or Tuesdays that follow a Monday holiday.
•Please email or send notes to your child’s teacher(s) in the assignment pad, especially
if a child will be picked up early or going home with a different person.
•Email (for quick questions) tgines@savcps.com and bcaruthers@savcps.com
•Web page: scps4.weebly.com
•We will use www.classdojo.com for behavior. Please check your email for invites or
let us know so we can send you a username and password to sign up.
•We also use remind101.com to help parents remember important dates for things like
projects and field trips. Please sign up if you haven’t already.
•Graded papers sent home every Tuesday. Parents can view their child’s grade on
•Notes for missing homework or repeated or serious behavior.
•Scheduled conference (Your time is valuable to us as well as your child.) We
appreciate your patience and value your concerns, but it is not always appropriate to
discuss concerns in the presence of children, while teaching, or while a teacher is
preparing lessons. This also helps us with confidentiality as well as honor your time.
Serious Illnesses
• If your child has any serious illnesses such
as diabetes, epilepsy, seizures, asthma,
severe allergies that require epi pens, etc.,
you must provide specific and detailed
information for all teachers and
administration in folders. Though it may
listed on health documents, it is by state
requirement that they be placed in folders
for each teacher.
Nutritious snacks like fruits, sandwiches, raw vegetables, etc. are
encouraged. Please do not send flavored drinks. No snack that
requires spoons or forks please. Students may bring a water bottle
to keep at their desks during snack time. Water bottles can be
kept all day for illness. Please bring only small plastic water bottles
no more than 16.9 oz. or clear plastic tumblers with lids. No metal
bottles or lids with attachments or straws.
Please be mindful of children with allergies in the classroom. We
have students with peanut, dairy, and shellfish allergies. Please
help us in keeping our classroom peanut free. When cooking or
buying items for classroom parties, please check ingredients.
Something as simple as being cooked with peanut oil could cause a
serious allergic reaction. Suggestions: Chic-Fil-A nuggets,
vegetables, fruits, crackers, and sandwiches without cheese make a
great snack or party food. Freeze dried fruit or beef jerky are
also a fun snack.
Carpool/drop off and pickup
Please remember to sign in your child after 8:25 am at the
office and walk them to class. Students are tardy after
Teachers are not on duty before 7:50 am. Please do not drop
off your child before then. You are taking great risk with
your child being unsupervised at this time.
Please be respectful and do not pass the carpool line in the
mornings. Please make sure children have easy access to
materials and parents stay in your car so that you do not hold
up the carpool line.
Parents please review carpool maps for campus entrances,
exits, etc. Parents should not be picking up their children
across the carpool line due to safety reasons. Repeat
offenders will be reported to administration. Students
should be going to designated carpools, not just walking to
parked cars.
Parents should not pick up their child at the classroom door.
Exceptions are made for doctor appointments and other
prior arrangements. Please let the teacher know ahead of
Please stay off your cell phone. No call is that important!
The students’ safety take priority. If a call is important,
please pull over and park.
Other items of
Important Information
• We will switch classes for social studies and
science, Brenda Caruthers will teach social
studies and Theresa Gines will teach science.
Theresa Gines will teach accelerated reading and
Brenda Caruthers will teach fourth grade reading.
• Students are allowed tablets with the correct
form. This may have been sent or will be sent
home on request. They must abide by rules or
tablet privileges can be revoked by teacher.