-National Science Education Standards
Science inquiry allows students to take an active role in understanding their science learning.
Science inquiry transforms learning from watching and listening to doing.
Science inquiry involves activities and skills in an active search for understanding.
Science inquiry engages students in the investigative nature of science.
Science inquiry is the active construction of ideas and the forming of connections.
Structured Guided Student Initiated
Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry
K-3 4-8 9-12
Teacher models and guides as students are provided investigation opportunity.
Students follow specific teacher directions as they engage in hands-on discovery activities.
Students focus on an aspect of inquiry and teacher provides connection to the larger problem.
Teacher guides reasoning through discussion.
Teacher models and guides as students are provided investigation opportunity.
Students determine procedure of investigation which has been chosen by teacher.
Students focus on all aspects of investigation as teacher guides the connections.
Teacher guides reasoning through discussion.
Students generate questions from a topic selected by teacher and design own investigations.
Teacher defines learning goals.
Students focus on all aspects of scientific inquiry and investigation.
Teacher guides reasoning only if necessary as students solve problems.
Ask a question about objects, organisms, and events in the environment
Plan and conduct a simple investigation.
Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations.
Design and conduct a scientific investigation.
Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations.
Design and conduct scientific investigations.
Employ simple equipment and tools to gather data and extend the senses.
Use data to construct a reasonable explanation.
Communicate investigations and explanations.
Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data.
Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence.
Think critically and logically to make the relationships between evidence and explanations.
Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications.
Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence
Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models.
Science is the textbook, library reports, worksheets.
Science is demonstrations done for the students.
Science is students replicating experiments .
Students do investigations which lead to student discoveries.
Students conduct open-ended investigations to answer teacher generated questions.
Students conduct open-ended investigations to answer their own questions.
In a textbook lesson, a guided activity worksheet may be the only investigation. Nothing is under the student’s control except manipulating the materials according to the directions of the worksheet.
A question or challenge is presented wherein the students determine the path toward a solution. The teacher, however, provides a narrow focus to the path.
The students have control over a range of questions within an area defined by the teacher’s instructions. Subject to teacher facilitation, students have control over the means of the investigation.
• Making observations
• Posing questions
• Examining books and other sources of information to see what is already known
• Planning investigations
• Reviewing what is already known in light of experimental evidence
• Using tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data
• Proposing answers, explanations, and predictions
• Identifying assumptions
• Communicating results
• Using critical and logical thinking
From National Science Education Standards
Connecting past knowledge and experiences with a problem
Designing procedures to find an answer to a problem
Investigating problems through data collection
Constructing meaning through the use of logic and evidence
Carefully watching, taking notes, comparing and contrasting, classifying
Asking questions about observations which can lead to investigations
Providing explanations for any observations
Suggesting what might happen based on observations
Experimenting and/or Investigating
Planning and conducting an experiment
Gathering and Interpreting Data
Analyzing and synthesizing
Justifying and defending data
It is easier to lecture and use textbook. Now more science content knowledge is required.
Students lack social skills and maturity to operate in an inquiry environment. Control of students will be a problem.
Inquiry teaching requires a different teaching strategy that takes time to learn and implement. Key word is
Lesson planning takes a long time. It may not “fit” into curriculum.
Finding materials and enough of them is a problem.
Inquiry objectives may be difficult to assess.
An activity by itself, without guidance or connection is not a good inquiry activity. It needs to make a connection to meaningful content.
Conducting hands-on activities does not guarantee a good inquiry lesson, nor is reading about science incompatible with inquiry. Good inquiry is planned and occurs within the activity.
A creative learning environment using both group and individual discovery techniques.
Student-focused learning with the students determining the lesson’s direction.
Students engaging in scientific inquiry by asking questions and devising answers.
Students engaged in problem solving and constructing meaningful experiences.
Teachers asking questions that encourage inquiry and stimulate thinking.
Students interacting purposefully with each other and the teacher, leading to effective communication.
Students gaining a greater understanding of the purpose of learning.
Ongoing assessment.
PBS ScienceLine
Would you like to know why…?
Have you ever wondered about…?
I wonder what will happen when…?
How will you measure…?
What do you think the answer will be?
How will you record your results?
Why do you suppose…?
What can you conclude from the evidence?
You never teach kids facts. You never stand up and lecture. All you do is discovery learning.
You cannot inquire about something unless you have a basis upon which to found it.
Science inquiry is not an either/or approach to science. In other words, it is not all hands-on; nor, is it all books.
Create a balance between teaching strategies, student-driven investigations, and teacher direction.
Use hands-on activities and inquiry investigations, books, class discussion, teacher demonstrations, skill-building activities, videos, computers.
Responsibilities of the teacher in an inquiry-based classroom include:
Creating a rich learning environment by choosing activities that ensure active thinking
Guiding learning in order to ensure content
Planning and presenting the inquiry
Identifying concepts students will investigate
Facilitating investigation and discussion
Asking questions which probe and develop thinking skills
Controlling the class, but at a distance
Monitoring student behavior by moving around room and speaking individually to students
Start with an interesting question, a reason to explore.
Explore materials, problems, phenomena, and ideas.
Make observations.
Reexamine materials, problems, phenomena, and ideas.
Generate questions, form hypotheses.
Make observations.
Collect and record data.
Introduce concept with correct vocabulary.
Discuss and question.
Organize observations and data.
Discuss and question.
Draw conclusions.
Reinforce concept with additional activities.
Embed assessment.
Understand science inquiry.
Select a science topic from curriculum.
Locate resources and explore science content.
Develop lesson objectives.
Prepare materials and equipment.
Organize classroom.
Establish ground rules.
Apply the learning cycle or similar inquiry-based teaching strategy.
Assess student prior knowledge.
Use time management.
Become a facilitator.
Use questioning techniques.
Address misconceptions.
Integrate subject matter.
Perform assessments.