Lateral Earth Pressure


Lateral Earth Pressure

John Sturman

Rutgers University 180:473

Lateral Earth Pressure-


We calculate vertical effective stress using the effective stress equations and principles we have previously discussed

In many cases we need to consider the horizontal (or lateral) pressures that a soil mass places on a wall, a pile, a braced cut or other structure

Coefficient of lateral earth pressure, k

We use the term k to refer to the ratio of lateral to vertical earth pressure.

K = σ horizontal / σ vertical

(Do not confuse this k with the term for hydraulic conductivity)

K is a function of several factors, primarily

 The ability of the structural member to move toward or away from the soil mass, and

 The shear strength properties of the soil

We refer to the three different cases as

 Ko for the at-rest condition, where there is no or insufficient movement

 Ka for the active case where the structure can move or flex away from the soil mass

 Kp for the passive case where the soil moves toward the structure (or vise versa)

At-rest pressure

At-rest lateral earth pressure

σ v

= γz + q

σ h

= ko σ v

+ u where σ v

= the vertical overburden q = the surcharge pressure ko = the at-rest earth pressure coefficient, and u = the pore water pressure

At-rest lateral earth pressure

For most normally consolidated soils: ko = ~ 1 sinØ

For normally consolidated clays: ko = ~ 0.95 sinØ

For overconsolidated clays: ko


= ko

(norm consol)

(OCR) -2

Active Earth Pressure - Rankine

Active Earth Pressure - Rankine

Use ka equations in Das Sec. 7.3

Note that ka is only a function of the friction angle but the lateral earth pressure includes the effect of cohesion on the structure

Passive Earth Pressure - Rankine

 Use Relationships in Das 7.7

Lateral Earth Pressure - Coloumb

 Coloumb developed a set of theories for lateral earth pressure that presume a failure surface to then consider wedges

 Coloumb also assumed no friction force between the wall and the soil mass behind it

Rankine and Coloumb’s theories are remarkably similar

 They result in similar resultant pressures

 They have the ability to include inclined backfill

 Rankine is simpler and is probably more commonly used for that reason

 The same deflections to mobilize the earth forces are used

Stability Analyses on Retaining


 Overtuning

 Sliding

 Bearing Capacity Failure

 Deep Shear Failure

 Settlement

Check For Overturning

Check For Sliding

If the FS against sliding is too low

Check Against BC Failure
