rules of outlining - Jenks Public Schools

Name: (include in all outlines)
Specific Purpose:
List your topic choice here
Introduction (include in all outlines)
Attention-Getter: Use one of the recommended techniques described in
Introductions and Conclusions.
Background/Situation: State the connection and/or context with this topic.
Thesis: Use your thesis statement here (includes subject, predicate, and
information) in one single sentence.
Body (include in all outlines)
Main point (Topic Sentence): Write in complete sentences. Main Points are
never questions, quotes, or information that requires a source citation.
A. Point/Claim #1: Make sure your sentences wrap to the start of the
sentence to maintain the outline formatting as illustrated here.
1. Support/Details: How much development you need depends upon
your topic
a. Additional Specific Details/Subpoint
b. Additional Specific Details/Subpoint
2. Support/Details Outlining Rule: No 1 without a 2
a. Additional Specific Details/Subpoint
b. Additional Specific Details/Subpoint: How much development
you need depends upon your topic
B. Point/Claim#2: Make sure your sentences wrap to the start of the sentence
to maintain the outline formatting as illustrated here.
1. Support/Details: How much development you need depends upon
your topic
a. Additional Specific Details/Subpoint
b. Additional Specific Details/Subpoint
2. Support/Details Outlining Rule: No 1 without a 2
a. Additional Specific Details/Subpoint
b. Additional Specific Details/Subpoint: How much development
you need depends upon your topic
C. Point/Claim#3: Make sure your sentences wrap to the start of the sentence
to maintain the outline formatting as illustrated here.
1. Support/Details: How much development you need depends upon
your topic
a. Additional Specific Details
b. Additional Specific Details
2. Support/Details Outlining Rule: No 1 without a 2
a. Additional Specific Details
b. Additional Specific Details: How much development you need
depends upon your topic
Conclusion (include in all outlines)
Summary: Paraphrase the thesis here in one single declarative statement.
Clincher: Use one of the recommended techniques described in Introductions and
Conclusions. I always recommend the technique called “Reference to the
Introduction” because it provides such strong closure.
Reference List
The only reference you will use is the book.
Book format:
Author’s last name, first name. Title in italics or underlined if handwritten. City of Publication:
Publisher, Date. Medium of Publication.
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Press, 2008. Print.
Katniss stated that “Gale and I agree that if we have to choose between dying of hunger and
a bullet in the head, the bullet would be quicker.” (Collins 17).
Katniss illustrates this similarity with Gale when she said that they would both choose death
over starvation if they had the choice (Collins).
1. Identify at least two, but no more than five main
points in a paragraph
2. Use Roman Numerals for main points; Capital Letters
for subpoints; Arabic Numbers for sub-subpoints;
small letters for sub-sub-subpoints, and small roman
numbers for sub-sub-sub-subpoints
3. Show logical relationships of ideas through proper
4. Wrap-around sentences MUST indent to the point
where the first word of the sentence starts
5. Only one sentence per letter or number in an outline
6. Rule of Division: Never have a 1 without a 2 or an A
without a B.