STAT Teacher Summer Workshop Adult Learning Theory 2015 Today your facilitator is Outcome Participants will develop an understanding of adult learning theory select best practices for delivering professional development to an adult audience Learning Pyramid Think about how we teach students. Can you predict where the following types of instruction fit on the Learning Pyramid? Textt Textt Textt Textt Textt Textt Textt • demonstration • lecture • reading • teach others • discussion • practice doing • audio visual Learning Pyramid Malcom Knowles is often credited as the “father” of adult learning theory. He coined the term “andragogy” to describe his work in the space of teaching adults. He had five main assumptions of adult learners: 1. Adult learners have a concept of themselves as a learner 2. Adults have an ever growing reservoir of experience 3. Adults have a specific readiness to learn 4. Adults orientation/motivation to learning is different than that of children Pedagogy v. Andragogy Assumption Pedagogy The learner’s concept Text of learning Role of the Learner’s Experience Text Readiness to Learn Text Orientation to/Motivation for Learning Text Andragogy Possible PD Strategies Choose one assumption you would like to take a deeper dive into. You will work with a small group to become experts on that assumption. We will come back together, in our current groups, and share our new learning. 1- Self concept 2- Role of learner’s experience 3- Readiness to learn 4- Orientation/ Motivation for learning Pedagogy v. Andragogy Assumption Pedagogy Andragogy The learner’s concept of learning Text Role of the Learner’s Experience Text Readiness to Learn Text Orientation to/Motivation for Learning Text Possible PD Strategies Implications What are some implications for us as we plan job embedded professional development for our teachers next year? What are the most important things to consider when planning PD for adult learners? “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Confucius Attention: 90:20:8 Rule Adults can listen with understanding for 90 minutes And with retention for 20 minutes So try and involve them every 8 minutes Bob Pike Pedagogy v. Andragogy Assumption Pedagogy Andragogy Possible PD Strategies The learner’s concept of learning Text Role of the Learner’s Experience Text Readiness to Learn Text Orientation to/Motivation for Learning Text PD Strategies Speck (1996) notes that the following important points of adult learning theory should be considered when professional development activities are designed for educators: • • • • • • • Adults will commit to learning when the goals and objectives are considered realistic and important to them. Adults want to be the origin of their own learning and will resist learning activities they believe are an attack on their competence. Adult learners need to see that the professional development learning and their dayto-day activities are related and relevant. Adults need to receive feedback on how they are doing and the results of their efforts. Opportunities must be built into professional development activities that allow the learner to practice the learning and receive structured, helpful feedback. Adults need to participate in small-group activities during the learning to move them beyond understanding to application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.. Adult learners come to learning with a wide range of previous experiences, knowledge, self-direction, interests, and competencies.. Barriers What barriers can you foresee in working with your staff next year? How can you apply your knowledge of adult learning theory to overcome those barriers? Instructional Strategies Based on what you have learned, what types of job embedded PD will you plan for your staff? Textt Textt Textt Textt Textt Textt Textt Learning Styles Honey and Mumford The Reflector The Theorist The Activist The Pragmatist Implications What are the implications for us in terms of adult learning styles? Reflect-Act-Wonder Insert Text Here Insert Text Here Insert Text Here