The Cold War (1945

The Cold War
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The United Nations
April 25, 1945
• Representatives from 50 countries meet in
San Francisco to work on charter for the U.N.
October 24, 1945
– U.N. comes into official existence.
Official Charter of U.N. is created.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
United Nations
– Maintain peace
– Provide security
– Promote justice
– Provide general welfare
– Establish human rights
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
United Nations
The General Assembly
– The “town meeting” of the world.
– All U.N. members are EQUALLY represented
– JOB:
• To make suggestions on peaceful settlements of
• Elect all NON-permanent members of the Security
Council and members of other agencies.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The International Court of Justice
Modeled after the World Court
– Purpose:
• To decide legal questions referred to it by
disputing nations
• It gives advisory opinions when asked to do
so, but does not enforce decisions.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Expanding Soviet Influence
– Considered itself the leader of the
Communist Revolution
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Two Worlds
United States
– Capitalism
Soviet Union
– Communism
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War
Between Soviet Union and United
– A state of tension and military rivalry
between nations that stops short of fullscale war.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Soviet Union
Believed war against Communism
and Capitalism was inevitable
Believed the U.S. would lead an
attack on Communism
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Soviet Union
– No free speech
– Crushed opposition
– Broadcast anti-American propaganda.
– No freedom of the press.
– Government controls all industry.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Truman Doctrine
Policy of containment
– Contain what?
• Soviet expansion.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Marshall Plan
Secretary of State George C. Marshall
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Marshall Plan
Designed to solve Europe’s
economic problems
– European economies = Poor
• Why were they poor?
– They had just spent a lot of money
fighting World War II.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Marshall Plan
Help European:
– Factories
– Farms
– Transportation systems
• Get them operating effeciently
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
What did it do?
– Money
– Machinery
• To who?
– Any nation who would like to participate
– INCLUDING the Soviet Union
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Congressional Debate
Block communism
(contain it) by
U.S. can’t afford to
carry “Europe on
its back”
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Congress Approves the Plan
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Berlin Airlift
Tension in Germany
– Joint occupation of Germany
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Berlin Airlift
June 24, 1948
– Soviets block all roads, canals,
railways, and means of transportation
between their side and the Western
– Berlin under Soviet control
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Berlin Airlift
British and American Planes
 2 Million tons of food and supplies
– To Berlin
– Crisis resolved in 1949 with help of U.N.
• Example of U.N. doing what?
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
– 9 Western European Nations
• U.S.
• Canada
• Iceland
– Against who?
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
An attack against one or more of
them would be considered an attack
against all.
– Alliance between:
• Western Europe and U.S. Alliance
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Division of Korea
– Korea ruled by Japan
– Japanese pushed out of Korea in WWII
• General Douglas MacArthur
– Named Supreme Commander of the Allied
Powers and placed in charge of occupation
forces in Japan.
– Also in charge of South Korea.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
American Occupation
– South Korea
Soviet Occupation
– North Korea
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Individual Governments
North Korea
– Sets up its own government
South Korea
– Sets up its own government
Both governments claim control of all of
– Problem?
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
– General Assembly
– Security Council
– Cold War
– Truman Doctrine
– Marshall Plan
– Berlin Airlift
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Korean Challenge
June 25, 1950
– North Korea launches an invasion of
South Korea
• South Korea – recognized internationally as
legitimate government of the People’s
Republic of Korea
– United Nations
• Take steps to deal with problem
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
United Nations
Security Council
– Votes unanimously for a cease fire
between the Koreas.
• Why would Soviet Union vote for this?
– Or do they?
– Soviet Union boycotting U.N. because:
• U.N. does not recognize Communist China.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
United Nations
Classify North Korea
– An aggressor
– Meanwhile:
• President Truman pledges American Aid to
South Korea
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Korean War
United States
• Truman orders U.S. air and
ground forced ordered to
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
South Koreans
– Outnumbered
– Soviet tanks given to North Korean
– U.S. having trouble defending against
– Forced to southeast corner of South
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Korean War
General MacArthur
– In charge of U.S. forces in Korea
– Decides to launch a sea borne attack
against the west coast of Korea and
move eastward to take Seoul
Importance of Seoul?
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Capital of South Korea
– Recaptured by MacArthur and the U.S.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
MacArthur Advances
General MacArthur
– North Korean troops retreat (that can)
– Pushes North Koreans backward
– Moves all the way to the Yalu River
• The Yalu River borders China
• China is Communist
• What might be a problem for U.S. forces?
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Tide Turns Against MacArthur
Chinese “Volunteers”
– Thousands help North Koreans
– U.N. and U.S. troops with lines extended
were outnumbered
– U.N. and U.S. forces pushed back to 38th
• So what has been accomplished?
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Threat of World War III
War with China
– Quick decisive action
would bring an end to the
conflict – according the
– OR
• Start of WWIII
– USSR openly would support
China and get involved.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Spread of Troops
Major war in Asia
– Would mean what for the Soviet Union
in Europe?
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Stalemate in Korea
President Truman
– Orders MacArthur to establish a strong
defense line on 38th Parallel.
• Forbade blocking Chinese coast
• Bombing China
• Or helping Chinese Nationalists invade
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
MacArthur vs. Truman
MacArthur tries to appeal to
– MacArthur is removed
– Truman
• “I could do nothing else and still be
• Matthew B. Ridgeway replaces MacArthur.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Point Four Program
Extend aid to all less fortunate countries.
– Underlying motive?
– Think of it as a less intense Marshall Plan for the world.
– Scientific Aid
– Industrial Aid
– Korean War demonstrates the serious threat of the
spread of Communism.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Elected President in 1952
 Promised to do everything in
his power to end the Korean
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Korea – Peace Talks
– July 27, 1952
– Armistice
• Recognized division of two countries at 38th
• U.S. promises, in a treaty, to defend South
Korea against any attack and to help S.
Korea improve its economic conditions.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Korean War End
33,629 American Lives
 1.5 Million Communist Casualties
 An unpopular war
– Evidence of this?
Increased prestige of U.N.
– How? Think in terms of aggression.
– Showed that the use of force COULD check
Communist aggression.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
U.S. Foreign Policy Change
Secretary of State
– John Foster Dulles
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
John Foster Dulles
– Communists only understood force
– In order to maintain peace the United
States must be ready for war
• To be on the “brink” of war
– No longer contain, but push back
spread of Communism.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
The Arms Race
Hydrogen Bomb
– Vastly more powerful than atomic bomb
– Soviet Union test first nuclear bomb –
– Stockpiling
• How is this dangerous?
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Soviet Union
Nikita Khrushchev
– Publicly attacked his predecessor
• Joseph Stalin
• “a cruel tyrant”
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Space Race
Soviet Union launches Sputnik
– Sputnik – orbited first artificial satellite
• Showed that if the U.S.S.R. was capable of
launching a satellite into space, the U.S.S.R.
could launch a rocket that could deliver a
hydrogen bomb to the U.S.
• Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM)
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Cuban Missile Crisis
Mutually Assured Destruction
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Cuban Missile Crisis
Between U.S. and U.S.S.R.
– President Kennedy
– MAJOR conflict during Cold War
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
What was it?
October 15, 1962
– U-2 Spy plane photographs reveal:
Construction of missile silos in Cuba
Soviet Union behind the construction
Cuban 90 miles from Florida
What does this mean for U.S.?
• Crisis lasts for two weeks
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
John F. Kennedy
“It shall be the policy of this nation to
regard any nuclear missile launched
from Cuba against any nation in the
Western Hemisphere as an attack on
the United States, requiring a full
retaliatory response upon the Soviet
Union. “
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Kennedy’s Options
an air attack on the missiles
 a full military invasion
 the naval blockade of Cuba, which
was redefined as a more restrictive
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Cuban Missile Crisis
Tension in the U.S.
 Option chosen:
– Naval blockade of Cuba
• Soviet Ships headed toward Cuba
• Meet the blockage
• Soviet Response
– Ships turn back
– A deal is struck
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
Cuban Missile Crises Ends
the Soviets dismantle the missiles in
 Exchanged for a no invasion
 A secret removal of the Jupiter and
Thor missiles in Turkey.
The Cold War 1946 - 1991
U-2 Spy Plane Incident
Shot down over Soviet Union
 Over Soviet Territory
– Eisenhower “weather research”
– Khrushchev furious
Viewed by the Soviets as an act of
The Cold War 1946 - 1991