ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations - misd1st

McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 1 Reading: Reading is Thinking- Jan Brett Stories
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
4. a confirm predictions with text evidence
4. b Ask questions/ clarify /locate facts for comprehension
5 Maintain fluency
Assessment/ Product
1c – Use strategic learning techniques to
acquire basic vocabulary
4k – Demonstrate comprehension and
expand reading skills by employing
analytical skills.
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
Enduring Understandings:
Language is intentional – a
tool for processing and
communicating one’s ideas
about the world.
Essential Question:
How do authors use text
structure to convey
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week1 Reading – Reading is Thinking
E2- Read Aloud:
Gingerbread Friends by: Jan Brett
Day 1
E3- Tell the students that this story is about the Gingerbread Baby. He sets out to find a friend that is just his size but he ends up on a great
adventure. Read the first page to students and ask them to make some predictions about the story based upon what they already know.
Before reading the very last page, invite students to predict what the Gingerbread Baby might find at the top of the stairs. Encourage them to think
deeply about what the baby has been looking for and what he might be most excited to find. Invite students to share their predictions.
Making Predictions: to make a smart guess about what will happen next based upon reading cues.
Make an anchor chart that lists all of the student’s predictions so that you can go back and check off any that actually happen in the story.
E4- After you read and discuss the story with students. Remind students that the Gingerbread Baby speaks in a rhyming verse:
“I’m the Gingerbread Baby, Happy as can be, Until Mattie goes out, Then it’s lonely here for me.”
Ask students to create a gingerbread baby out of construction paper AND to make a friend for him or her. (We will use this gingerbread baby as a
story starter in writing today.
E2- Read Aloud:
The Three Snow Bears by: Jan Brett
Day 2
E3- Tell the students that this story is a twist on the classic story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. When Aloo-ki loses her sled dogs, her search for
them leads her to an igloo. She can’t resist peeking inside, and then she can’t resist the smell of something delicious…
Ask students to make some predictions about what they think will happen in this story variant. Post their predictions on a piece of chart paper for all
to see.
Making Predictions: to make a smart guess about what will happen next based upon reading cues.
Make an anchor chart that lists all of the student’s predictions so that you can go back and check off any that actually happen in the story.
E4- Invite the students to draw a picture of the three polar bears and to put themselves in the picture. We will use this picture as a story starter in
writing today. Ask students to label the three bears and themselves.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2- Read Aloud:
Berlioz the Bear by: Jan Brett
Day 3
E3- Tell the students that this story is about a bear and his orchestra who are going to play in a gala ball in the village square at 8:00p.m. when the
Berlioz the bear drives the bandwagon into a deep hole in the road. Many friends come by to try to help, however many of them cannot help.
E4- Ask students to try to make some predictions about whether or not the group can get their bandwagon out of the hole and who can make that
happen. You may want to make an anchor chart OR this time allow students to write their predictions on a piece of paper and give them to you to
read at the end of the story. (students love this because it is a bit of a mystery!)
Allow students time to sit elbow to elbow, knee to knee with a partner to discuss the sequence of the story.
E2- Read Aloud:
The Mitten-Jan Brett
Day 4
E3- Remind students that yesterday we reviewed the comprehension skill of making predictions as we read. Tell them that today we will review the
comprehension skill of identifying the plot of the story. Ask for volunteers to explain what the plot of a story is.
Plot: the arrangement of ideas or events that make up a story.
Tell them that as you read the story today that you want them to be thinking about the plot of the story. Show them the book and read the title. Stop
at several points in the book and have student volunteers tell what has happened so far in the story. When you are done reading have students turn
and tell a friend about the plot of the story. Have students dictate the plot to you as you write it on chart paper. You will revisit it tomorrow.
E4- Ask students to write out the sequence of events that make out the plot of this story. Students should use a piece of manila paper to write out the
plot and the details from this story:
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2-Read Aloud:
The Hat-Jan Brett
Day 5
E3- Remind students that we are reviewing skills and strategies we have learned to make us better readers. Remind them that yesterday we
reviewed the comprehension skill of identifying the plot. Tell students that today we will review the comprehension skill of identifying the plot of the
story. Tell them that we will use this information to compare the book we read yesterday to the book we are going to read today. Hold up a Venn
diagram and ask students if they remember what we use this graphic organizer for and what it is called. Tell them that as you read the story today
that you want them to be thinking about the plot of the story. Tell them to also be thinking how the two stories are the same and how they are
different. Read the story and then review what you wrote about the plot from yesterday. Send students to complete the Venn diagram. You may
want to fill in an example under each part of the diagram. You may want to collect these to use as a reading grade for the second nine weeks.
E4- Ask students to help you fill in the venn diagram using the two stories:
The Mitten and The Hat by: Jan Brett
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 1 Writing: Writing for Readers
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
Enduring Understanding:
17. e Publish/share
1h – Develop and expand repertoire of learning
18. a Write stories (B, M, E)
2c – learn basic/ academic vocabulary heard
17. c Revise drafts by adding/deleting (words, phrases, sentences)
- Check student writing
and add a piece to the
Language is intentional – a tool
for processing and
communicating one’s ideas
about the world.
Essential Questions:
How does an author
purposefully shape and control
language to demonstrate
awareness of the intended
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 1 Writing – Writing for Readers
E2- Read Aloud:
Gingerbread Friends by: Jan Brett
Day 1
E3- Tell the students that this story is about the Gingerbread Baby. He sets out to find a friend that is just his size but he ends up on a great
adventure. Remind students that today we will be writing a story that has a complete beginning, middle, and end. All grammatical conventions
taught need to be in place, such as:
Punctuation (periods, question marks, exclamation mark)
E4- Invite students to write a story about their Gingerbread Baby and his/her friend. Remind students that the Gingerbread Baby is the story critical character and
that the whole story will revolve around him/her and the friend. Make sure to complete a modeled writing of your own with this content for all to see.
E2- Read Aloud:
The Three Snow Bears by: Jan Brett
Day 2
E3- Tell the students that this story is a twist on the classic story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. When Aloo-ki loses her sled dogs, her search for
them leads her to an igloo. She can’t resist peeking inside, and then she can’t resist the smell of something delicious…
E4- Invite students to respond to this prompt in writing:
It was a snowy day when I stumbled across an igloo. I went inside and found…
Remind students that you will be checking for their mechanics to be correct:
Punctuation (periods, question marks, exclamation mark)
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2- Read Aloud:
Berlioz the Bear by: Jan Brett
E3- Remind students that not only do good writers use the proper mechanics, they also use narrative writing strategies to ensure that their story is
complete. Ask students to be sure they have the following:
Day 3
 I have a good story starter…
 I have more than two events…
 I have a clear beginning, middle, and end…
 I have good describing words like ______
 I have a good story ending…
E4- Allow students some time to write a story about being in a band or orchestra like Berlioz the Bear.
E2-Read Aloud:
The Mitten-Jan Brett
E3- Remind students that over the next two weeks it will be their chance to show what they know about narrative writing. You may choose to read
the book again or just send students to write.
Day 4
E4-Tell students that they may continue working on their stories from yesterday or they may like to begin a new story about a lost mitten. Maybe
they would like to make their own by changing the item that was lost or by changing the character.
Share Chair-students who have started or completed their stories. You may even want to invite students who need more ideas for completing their
story or need help with a good beginning or ending. The audience could offer suggestions.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2- Read Aloud:
The Hat-Jan Brett
Day 5
E3- Remind students that over the next two weeks it will be their chance to show what they know about narrative writing. You may choose to read
the book again or just send students to write. Tell students that they may continue working on their stories from yesterday. Finish the Mitten story.
E4- Share Chair-students who have started or completed their stories. You may even want to invite students who need more ideas for completing
their story or need help with a good beginning or ending. The audience could offer suggestions.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 2 Reading: Reading is Thinking- Jan Brett
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Reading is Thinking: Monitoring Comprehension with
Fiction Text:
1c – Use strategic learning techniques to
acquire basic vocabulary
4.a Confirm predictions with text evidence
4.b Ask questions/ clarify/ locate facts for comprehension
Science & Social Studies Integration
3e – Share information in cooperative
learning interactions
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
Enduring Understandings:
Reading is thinking and is a
multi -step process.
EQ: What is meta-cognition in
reading? Figure 19
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 2 Reading – Reading is Thinking
E2-Read Aloud:
Hedgie’s Surprise by: Jan Brett
Day 1
E3- Tell the students that this book is about a surprise. Ask students to define the word surprise:
Surprise: to strike or occur to with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment.
Read the story with students and discuss the plot and retell the story’s beginning, middle, and end.
This happened__________________________ because of this___________________________
This happened__________________________ because of this ___________________________
This happened__________________________ because of this ___________________________
E4- Ask students to answer these questions about the book:
1. How does the story end? What was Hedgie’s surprise?
2. What caused Tomten to run away?
3. What can we learn about friendship from this story?
E2-Read Aloud:
Hedgie Blasts Off by: Jan Brett
Day 2
E3- Tell the students that this story is about Hedgie. This is the same character from the book we read yesterday, but this time Hedgie wants to be
an astronaut and travel into space. Ask students to determine the plot and the sequence of the story.
This happened__________________________ because of this___________________________
This happened__________________________ because of this ___________________________
This happened__________________________ because of this ___________________________
E4- Ask students to write a response to literature:
Hedgie wants to fix the Big Sparkler because…
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2-Read Aloud:
Comet’s Nine Lives by: Jan Brett
Day 3
Retell the
E3- Tell the students that this book is about a cat with nine lives. Comet the cat is about to find out what it feels like to lose all nine lives – or not.
Read this story with students and make a list of how Comet may lose his 9 lives.
E4- Ask students to respond to this story by discussing the order of events from this story.
E2-Read Aloud:
Town Mouse and Country Mouse by: Jan Brett
Day 4
Retell the
E3- Tell the students that this story is a classic tale of a town mouse and a country mouse. Two mouse couple decide to swap homes and when they
do they are in for a real adventure. This story is full of many causes and effects.
E4- Ask the students to retell the plot and the order of events from the story. Be sure to describe the characters from the story.
Character Analysis:
Day 5
E2-Read Aloud:
Owl and the Pussycat
E3- This is a poem that has been made into a story.
E4- Ask students to describe the story, plot, sequence, and characters from this tale.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 2 Writing: Writing for Readers
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
17.a Generate ideas
1h – Develop and expand repertoire of learning
17.b Develop drafts by sequencing: write sentences
2c – learn basic/ academic vocabulary heard
E5- Functional writing
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Writing must convey meaning to
the reader. This is universal.
17.c Revise drafts by adding/ deleting (word, phrases, sentences)
EQ: What are the attributes of
functional writing?
17.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric
18a Write stories (B,M,E)
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 2 Writing – Writing for Readers
E2-Read Aloud:
Hedgie’s Surprise by: Jan Brett
E3- Tell students that today we are going to start a story about what it takes to be a good friend to someone. Ask students to visualize their best
friend and to write a plan for a story about their best friend. Be sure to check the writing checklist for narrative stories before writing:
Day 1
 I have a good story starter…
 I have more than two events…
 I have a clear beginning, middle, and end…
 I have good describing words like ______
 I have a good story ending…
E4- Ask students to write a narrative story about their best friend.
Day 2
E2-Read Aloud:
Hedgie Blasts Off by: Jan Brett
E3- ask students to continue to revise and edit their “friendship story” that they began yesterday. Remind students to:
Be sure to have a complete beginning, middle, and end
Check for capitalization & punctuation
Spell words correctly
Revise to make the story even better
Let e friend read the paper
Correct any mistakes
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2-Read Aloud:
Comet’s Nine Lives by: Jan Brett
E3- Tell the students that this book is about a cat with nine lives. Comet the cat is about to find out what it feels like to lose all nine lives – or not.
Read this story with students and make a list of how Comet may lose his 9 lives.
Day 3
2 Hearts
1 Wish
E4- Ask students to continue their friendship story. Today students may need a peer to review their story so that they have feedback for their
revisions. Please use the two hearts and a wish format:
(something you like about the story)
( “
(something you would like to see the writer do to make the story better)
E2-Read Aloud:
Town Mouse and Country Mouse by: Jan Brett
Day 4
E3- This is another story about friendship. Invite students to share details about what makes a good friend in whole group. Make an anchor chart
about the details that describe being a good friend, such as:
Helping out
Giving advice
Being nice
E4- Ask students to continue the story about friendship. On this day students need to edit and complete their final draft of this story.
E2-Read Aloud:
Owl and the Pussycat
Day 5
E3- Ask students to share their friendship story in author’s chair. Celebrate the writing process and the completed product.
E4- Put this writing sample up for all to see.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 3 Reading: Reading is Thinking with F & NF text
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
Reading is Thinking: Monitoring Comprehension
4.a Confirm predictions with text evidence
4.b Ask questions/ clarify/ locate facts for comprehension
4g – Demonstrate comprehension by
responding to questions
4i - Demonstrate comprehension by employing
basic reading skills
E5- Response items
from mentor text.
E1-Enduring Understandings:
Reading is thinking and is a
multi- step process.
EQ: What is meta-cognition in
reading? Figure 19
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
3rd Quarter
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 3 Reading – Reading is Thinking – Compare Fiction & NF
Day 1
about F &
NF Text
For this unit we will compare fiction stories about Polar Bears to nonfiction/ expository stories. Some titles include:
E2-Read Aloud: (use these titles for this unit)
Little Polar Bear Series by: Hans de Beer (these books are available in English and Spanish)
The Last Polar Bear by: Jean Craighead George
Polar Bear Night by: Lauren Thompson
Ice Bear – In the Steps of the Polar Bear by: Nicola Davies
Polar Slumber by: Dennis Rockhill (in English & Spanish)
Bedtime for Little Bears by: David Bedford
Ice Bear & Little Fox by: Jonathan London
Polar Bears by: Molly Kolpin
Polar Bears by: Stuart A. Kallen
Polar Bears by: Emily Rose Townsend
A Baby Polar Bear Story by: Martha H. Rustad
Polar Bears by: Maeve Sisk
Polar Bears by: Erika L. Shores
Knut by: Hatkoff (in English & Spanish)
Polar Bears by: Marcia Freeman
Polar Bears by: Julie Murray
E3- Show students the “text features” that exist in any NF book such as:
Features of Non- Fiction Text:
 Fonts: boldface, color, italics, bullets, captions, labels
 Signal Words & Phrases: for example, for instance, in fact, in conclusion, most important, such as…
 Illustrations & Photos: these have information in them too!
 Graphics: diagrams, cut- aways, cross- sections, overlays, maps, word bubbles, and charts.
 Text Organizers: index, preface, table of contents, glossary, or appendix
 Text Structures: cause & effect, problem & solution, compare & contrast, and sequence
Show students the text features for fiction text:
 Large beautiful pictures/ illustrations
 Paragraphing
 Fonts
 Chapters (sometimes);-)
Grade Level- 1st
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Discuss these text features as you come to them in any of the books from above. (note: not all of these text features will appear in one book, so you
will have to use many in order to expose the students to all sorts of text features.)
E4- Ask students to make an anchor chart with you on these text features as you come to them in a F or NF book. Also ask students to take good
notes on them and record these in their reading journal.
E2-Read Aloud:
Any NF book about: Polar Bears
Day 2
Feature =
Day 3
up to find
E3- Give students a large piece of manilla paper folded in half the long way. Show them how to add the Title-Nonfiction Text Features. Next show
them how to label their T-Charts on each side with Features and Purpose. Provide them with copies of the features from the book you read today
and have them complete a T-Chart.
E4- Allow students to fill out this form with
The book you are reading as your “read aloud”
E2-Read Aloud:
Any NF book about Polar Bears
E3- Remind students that we have been learning about features of Non- fiction text. Tell the students that today we will continue to look at these
features. Today have students work in groups of two or three. Give them a book about polar bears and have them create a T-chart of features they
have found in the book and their purpose. Let them know that they are not restricted to the same items we have had on our T-chart the last two
days. You may want to give your higher readers a book that has more content about polar bears. This will allow for higher level thinking because
these books will have more features.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2-Read Aloud:
Any NF book about Polar Bears
Day 4
The Text
E3-Remind students that we have been learning about the features of non- fiction text. Tell them that today we are going to focus on the important
details of the text. Tell them that as you read to them today to listen carefully to the details because after the reading you will be asking them detail
questions. Read the book with the students then ask students to find these text features, and to come to the front of the room to point them out in the
Can you show me a title?
Can you show me a heading?
Can you point to a picture?
Can you point to a subheading?
Can you find a caption?
Can you find a label?
What other text features do you see?
E2-Read Aloud:
Any NF book about Polar Bears
Any Fiction book about Polar Bears
Day 5
E3- Remind students that yesterday they learned to focus on important details and to support their answers by referencing a specific part of the book.
Before reading today you have several options for creating this lesson. You need to review each kind of text feature. As you call out the name of a
text feature allow students to draw or write a demo of that item.
E4- Check for understanding.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 3 Writing: Writing for Readers
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
17.a Generate ideas
17.b Develop drafts by sequencing: write sentences
17.c Revise drafts by adding/ deleting (word, phrases, sentences)
17.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric
2g – Understand general meaning of
spoken language/ familiar and unfamiliar
topics/ language/ contexts
E5- Functional writing
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Writing must convey meaning to
the reader. This is universal.
5f – Write using a variety of connecting
EQ: What are the attributes of
functional writing?
18a Write stories (B,M,E)
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
Book Creator app
Puppet Pals app
Polar Bear Horizon app (this is an ipad
app that is a story of the life of a polar bear
by the Smithsonian Inst.)
Polar Bear
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 3 Writing – Writing for Readers
Writing a Feature Article:
Day 1
for a
Look up the species: Polar Bear
Review photos and videos of polar bears
E2- Read Aloud:
Any book about polar bears
E3- Read and discuss the details about a polar bear. Allow students to pick out some facts about a polar bear and plan an article about it.
E4- Allow students time to visit the LMC and to work with the LMS on finding facts about their polar bear. For this article it is suggested that students
find five (5) important facts about a polar bear.
E2- Drafting a Feature Article
Day 2
E3- Allow students to work in the LMC or with books/ articles from the library. Here are the specifications for this article:
It should contain 3 facts about a polar bear
It should contain 2 photos or illustrations
It should look like a TFK or a magazine article
It should have some BOLD print
E4- Ask students to write their facts for their article in their response journal and to draw or capture 2 photos.
E2- Drafting a Feature Article on a polar bear
Day 3
Draft the
E3- Ask students to begin drafting their feature article on paper. **This project could also be created using several multimedia websites or apps.
E4- Remind students that this article will have the following:
 A title
 5 facts in a few paragraphs
 A closing
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
2 pictures
Remind students to edit and revise for a complete feature article.
Day 4
E2- Drafting a feature article on a polar bear
E3- Ask students to confer with a partner to make sure that their article will be ready to share by tomorrow. Be sure to confer with each student to offer suggestions
on how to make the article a quality piece.
E4- Allow students time to revise their article and finish up on final formatting.
Day 5
E2- Showing the Feature Article on a polar bear
E3 & E4- Allow students time to share their work in author’s chair.
Celebrate a job well done!
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 4 Reading: Reading is Thinking
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
Reading is Thinking: Monitoring Comprehension
4.a Confirm predictions with text evidence
4.b Ask questions/ clarify/ locate facts for comprehension
6.a Identify nouns & verbs
1c – Use strategic learning techniques to
acquire basic vocabulary
3e – Share information in cooperative
learning interactions
E5- Monitor
comprehension with
open ended response
E1-Enduring Understandings:
Reading is thinking and is a
multi- step process.
EQ: What is metacognition in
reading? Figure 19
6.c Determine word usage (context clues)
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
3rd Quarter
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 4 Reading – Reading is Thinking - Fantasy
E2-Read Aloud:
Use Texas Treasures, Unit 6 Week 1, pgs. 10- 34 Olivia by: Ian Falconer
Use Teaching Chart 162 on Reality & Fantasy
TT Retelling Cards
Student Practice pages: 264 & 265
Day 1
E3- Remind students of the differences between reality and fantasy. Discuss the student’s ability to visualize.
Fantasy story: a made up story that could not really happen.
Visualize: to make a movie in your mind as you read.
E4- Read the story with students and be sure to fill out the teaching chart #162 listing the events in the story that are real or reality and the
events from the story that are made up or fantasy. Ask students to retell the story using the retelling cards. Use the visual vocabulary cards to
review the vocabulary from this story.
Day 2
Reality &
E2-Read Aloud:
Use Texas Treasures, Unit 6 Week 1, pgs. 10- 34 Olivia by: Ian Falconer
Use Teaching Chart 162 on Reality & Fantasy
TT Retelling Cards
Student Practice pages: 264 & 265
E3- Re-read the story of Olivia by: Ian Falconer with students and discuss the events that are real and make believe.
E4- Invite student to complete the Think and Compare questions on page 35. Answer and discuss the questions together.
E2- Read Aloud:
Olivia Saves the Circus by: Ian Falconer
At school, Olivia tells about her summer vacation and how, when she went to the circus and all the performers were out sick, she saved the day,
becoming Olivia the Tattooed Lady, Olivia the Lion Tamer, The Amazing Flying Olivia, and more.
Day 3
E3- Remind students that this story is another story about Olivia and that it is also a fantasy story.
E4- Ask students to write down the real events from the story and the fantasy parts of the book in their reading response journal.
Review all of the vocabulary from this story.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2- Read Aloud:
Olivia Forms a Band by: Ian Falconer
Day 4
E3- Tell students that this story is about Olivia the pig. Olivia decides there has to be a marching band at the fireworks display, even if she has
to do it herself.
E4- Ask students to complete a “Think, Pair, Share” with a partner over the story – Olivia Forms a Band. Ask students to get into partners and
to make a list of things from the story that can happen in real life and things that cannot. Ask each group to point out one real and one make
believe event from this story. Make a list of these items on the smart board.
E2- Read Aloud:
Olivia and the Fairy Princesses by: Ian Falconer
Day 5
E3 – Tell the students that this story is about Olivia the pig. Olivia is having an identity crisis--there are too many ruffly, sparkly princesses
around these days stealing her spotlight, so she embarks on a quest for individuality, to stand out, and feel special.
E4 – Ask students to make a list of real and make believe events from the text. Check for understanding:
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 4 Writing: Writing for Readers
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
17.a Generate ideas
17.b Develop drafts by sequencing: write sentences
17.c Revise drafts by adding/ deleting (word, phrases, sentences)
1c – Use strategic learning techniques to
acquire basic vocabulary
3e – Share information in cooperative
learning interactions
17.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric
Functional writing
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Writing must convey meaning
to the reader. This is universal.
EQ: What are the attributes of
functional writing?
18a Write stories (B,M,E)
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 4 Writing – Functional Writing
Read Aloud:
The Biggest Snowman Ever by: Steven Kroll
Day 1
Writing a
“How to”
E2-Explain to students that when they write directions or instructions they should try to include details that will help the reader know exactly what
to do. Point out places where the author uses specific details of amount, color, size, and time.
E3-Show students a picture of a snowman. Ask students to write some directions for a “how to” story on how to build a snowman. Use the
template of:
E4- Invite students to brainstorm with a partner on how to build a snowman. (some students may not have ever made a snowman and may
need the help of a friend to write about it) Ask students to make a plan for their how to story.
E2- Read Aloud:
Snowman Magic by: Katherine Tegen
Day 2
Write a “how
to” Story
E3- Ask students to get their plan for building a snowman. At this point the teacher may want to model the how to story with students.
First: I have to roll some snow into three big snowballs, one that is small, one that is medium, and one that is large.
Next: I need to stack the snowballs up. The biggest one belongs on the bottom. The medium snowball gets placed on top of the largest one,
and the small one becomes the head of the snowman.
Then: I want to decorate my snowman with a top hat, a colorful scarf, two button eyes, a carrot nose, and a licorice mouth.
Last: The last thing I want to do is to give my snowman some sticks for arms so that I can give him a great big hug.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E4- Ask students to go write their “how to “story about how to build a snowman. Be sure to confer with each writer as they write down the steps
of how to build a snowman.
Ask students to share their story in author’s chair.
E2- Read Aloud:
The Jolly Postman and Other People’s Letters by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
Day 3
Write a
Ask students how they feel about getting letters in the mail. In this book the postman delivers many different types of mail. These examples
Goldilocks sends an apology letter to the bear family.
Wicked witch receives a flyer advertising new products.
Jack sends the giant a postcard
Little Red Riding Hood’s attorneys send a formal letter to the big, bad wolf.
Goldilocks gets a birthday card with money in it.
E3- Make a list of all of the different types of functional writing and use this as an anchor chart:
to inform/ to instruct
to persuade
to advertise
to send well wishes
to invite
to say “I’m Sorry!”
to say Hello
E4- Ask students to write an informational postcard about their favorite book. **This may require some prep time. You may want to cut some
“postcards” out of cardstock, and give students some stickers for their stamps. Ask students to draw a picture on the front of the postcard and to
write down three to five details about their favorite book on the opposite side.
**Be sure to include an address to “mail” the postcard to someone.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2-Read Aloud:
The Little Yellow Chicken or
The Little Red Hen (any version)
Day 4
Write a
Friendly Letter
E3-After having read the story, ask the students, “Do you think The Little Red Hen should have let them eat the bread?” On a chart, write a
letter to The Little Red Hen such as the following.
Dear Little Red Hen,
I do not think you should let your friends eat the bread. They did not help you do anything. Friends help each other. Get new friends.
Mrs. _______
Place the letters on a bulletin board. A possible title could be, “Should the Little Red Hen let her friends eat the bread?” Cover your letter so
children can’t copy. Have students write their own letters-remind them that it is their opinion not yours that they should write.
E4-Ask students to share their stories in author’s chair.
E2- Remind students of all the different types of functional writing. Refer to the poster/ anchor chart that you have already made.
Day 5
Check for
E3- Ask students to think about their pet. Ask students to write a set of instructions about how to take care of their pet.
E4- Share in author’s chair.
**Use this writing sample as a formative assessment for functional writing
Add to student’s writing portfolio
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 5 Reading: Reading is Thinking
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
4.a Confirm predictions with text evidence
4.b Ask questions/ clarify/ locate facts for comprehension
6.a Identify nouns & verbs
4g – Demonstrate comprehension by
responding to questions
4i - Demonstrate comprehension by
employing basic reading skills
6.c Determine word usage (context clues)
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
E1-Enduring Understandings:
Reading response
Reading is thinking and is a
multi- step process.
EQ: What is meta-cognition in
reading? Figure 19
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 5 Reading – Reading is Thinking- What is Love?
Day 1
E2- Read Aloud:
One Love by: Cedella Marley
E3- Tell the students that this book is really about a song, which is kind of like a poem with music. Over the next two weeks we will be looking
at many books with the theme of “love”. Tell students that the theme is the big idea or the story.
Theme: an implicit or recurring idea from a book or story
E4- Give each student two sentence strips and ask them to think of one thing that they LOVE so much. Ask students to write two sentences
about that thing, and to share those two sentences with the class.
E2- Read Aloud:
Moles in Love by: David Bedford
Day 2
E3- Tell students that this is a story about a Mole that cannot see very well, and he is trying to find someone like him to love. He struggles
finding a loved one due to his vision.
Ask students to discuss the theme of this story: The theme could be perseverance
E4- Ask students to retell the story with a partner and to discuss the characters, plot, theme, and setting of the story.
E2- Read Aloud:
I Love You, Too! By: Eve Bunting
Day 3
E3- This is a story about a brown puppy who gives his mom a present and has others inspired to give their mothers presents too. Ask
students to discuss the theme of this story with you.
Theme: Giving is love
E4- Invite students to make a heart map of things they love. They can add this to their writing binder to help them think of topics as they write
new stories. (if students have already done this at the beginning of the year, then they can do it again and put new and different things in their
heart map.)
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2- Read Aloud:
Froggy’s First Kiss by: Jonathan London
Day 4
The Big Idea is
the Theme
E3- Tell students that this story is about Froggy. As Valentine’s Day approaches Froggy feels like he is falling in love with the new girl in his
class. Ask students to discuss the theme of this story.
Theme: friendship is love
E4- Invite students to complete these comprehension questions with you:
 What did Valentine’s Day mean to Froggy?
 How did Froggy feel when Frogilina smiled at him?
 What happened when Froggy and Frogilina were playing on the monkey bars?
 Why did Froggy work on his valentine under his desk?
 How does the story end?
 What did Froggy learn?
E2- Read Aloud:
Plant a Kiss by: Amy Krouse Rosenthal & Peter Reynolds
or show the Book Trailer: http://youtu.be/TZWasH_YfBg
Day 5
Respond to the
E3- Tell students that this story is about how one small act of love blooms into something bigger than Little Miss could ever imagine. Be sure
to discuss the rhyming pattern of this story. It reads like a rhyming poem.
Ask students to discuss the characters and the theme of this story:
Theme: love, kindness, and giving
E4- Ask students to complete this reading response in their RRJ (reading response journal):
What would happen if you planted a kiss?
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 5 Writing: Writing for Readers
17.a Generate ideas
ELL Resources
2g – Understand general meaning of spoken
language/ familiar and unfamiliar topics/
language/ contexts
17.b Develop drafts by sequencing: write sentences
5f – Write using a variety of connecting words
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Functional writing
samples from students
Writing must convey meaning
to the reader. This is universal.
17.c Revise drafts by adding/ deleting (word, phrases, sentences)
EQ: What are the attributes of
functional writing?
17.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric
18a Write stories (B,M,E)
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 5 Writing – Writing for Readers
Functional Writing:
E2- Read Aloud:
Love Mouserella by: David Ezra Stein
Day 1
E3- Tell students that in this story Mouserella writes many friendly letters to her grandmother who lives in the country as she ventures into town.
Discuss the attributes of a friendly letter with students:
Dear ______________________, (greeting or salutation)
The Friendly
(body of the letter- what you want to say to someone)
__________________________ (closing)
Day 2
E2- Read Aloud:
Pancakes, Pancakes by: Eric Carle
E3- After reading the text, discuss the things Jack needed and had to do in order to make a pancake. After the discussion have students write,
draw, and label the steps jack took to make a pancake.
E4- Ask students to share. Be sure to include students who have included all the steps for making pancakes and those who have included
labeled drawings. Check for understanding.
Draw a picture for each step. (label)
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2- Read Aloud:
I Love You, Too! By: Eve Bunting
Day 3
Using the
Heart Map in
Your Writing
E3- This is a story about a brown puppy who gives his mom a present and has others inspired to give their mothers presents too. Ask students
to discuss the theme of this story with you.
E4- Remind students to get out their “heart map” that they created as a response to literature. This heart map should include all of the things
from the student’s life that they really cherish and love. These things could be:
Invite students to write a story about something that they love from their heart map. This should center around one topic and not many.
Tell students that they are writing about a small moment and that the details will help their story. Be sure to check for mechanics.
Day 4
WritingMaking Cards
E2- Read Aloud:
Froggy’s First Kiss by: Jonathan London
E3- Tell students that we just read a story about Froggy and how he made some valentine cards. Today we are going to make some valentine
cards for three people. Invite students to pick out three people in their lives that they wish to make cards for and to practice writing their names.
E4- Allow students some time to make three valentine cards and to decorate them. Each card needs to have a message to that person.
** You may want to make a list of common phrases that valentine cards have in them. Ask students to use some of these phrases or sentences
in their cards.
Be Mine
Happy Valentine’s Day
Let’s Be Friends
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2- Read Aloud:
Plant a Kiss by: Amy Krouse Rosenthal & Peter Reynolds
Day 5
Check for
or show the Book Trailer: http://youtu.be/TZWasH_YfBg
E3- Allow students time to make three more cards for family and friends.
E4- Assess: Ask students to tell you some of the forms of functional writing that they have encountered over the last two weeks:
Making a list
How to writing (instructional)
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 6 Reading: Reading is Thinking- Poetry
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Reading is Thinking- Poetry
8.a Respond to and use rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in
4g – Demonstrate comprehension by
responding to questions
4i - Demonstrate comprehension by
employing basic reading skills
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Response to reading
journaling about the
features of informational
Authors use their craft to relay
a message to the intended
How will I know what is
important within the book or
text that I am reading?
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 6 Reading – Reading is Thinking - Poetry
For this unit we will compare fictional stories and poetry:
Day 1
E2- Read Aloud:
The Night Before Valentine’s Day by: Natasha Wing
E3- Tell the students that this story reads like a poem. The rhyme scheme is: Every other line rhymes with the ending words.
E4- Ask students to respond to this story by making a list of things that they like about valentine’s day.
E2- Read Aloud:
Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink by: Diane De Groat
Day 2
E3- When Gilbert writes two not-so-nice valentines to his classmates, his prank quickly turns into pandemonium. But there's always time for a
change of heart on Valentine's Day. This book has many example of poems written for Valentine cards. All of the poems use an AB pattern.
E4- Ask students to write 2 AB pattern poems for some friends. These poems can be silly and quirky like the poems in the book. The difference
is the poems should be nice.
**This activity requires some prep: the teacher should cut out several different sizes of hearts out of many different colors of paper.
E2- Read Aloud:
Love, Splat by: Rob Scotton
Day 3
E3- Tell the students that this story is about Splat the Cat. It’s Valentine’s Day and Splat has a special valentine for a certain someone in his
class. Her name is Kitten, and Splat likes her even more than fish sticks and ice cream. But Kitten doesn’t seem to like him at all. And then
there’s Splat’s rival, Spike, who also likes Kitten. Will Splat’s heartfelt valentine win Kitten’s paw in the end? Compare the story & the poem.
E4- Show the students this poem:
Discuss the AB pattern of this poem.
Ask students to try to write one of their
Valentines, valentines,
Pink, red and blue,
I've made a pretty one
Just for you!
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2- Read Aloud:
Biscuit’s Valentine’s Day by: Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Arthur’s Valentine by: Marc Brown
Day 4
E3- Tell students that we are going to read more valentine stories and look at poetry as a response to this holiday.
E4- Show the students this poem:
Ask students to determine the
rhyme scheme of this poem.
Is it an AB pattern poem?
Give Me A Clue
I’m thinking of you on Valentine’s Day;
You are nice, so I want to say:
Give me a clue; give me a sign;
Will you be my Valentine?
No, It is an AA BB poem.
E2- Read Aloud:
The Day It Rained Hearts by: Felicia Bond
E3- this story is about a little girl who finds hearts falling from the sky.
Day 5
Discuss the story elements with your class.
This poem has a rhyme scheme where every
other line rhymes.
Discuss the poem’s rhyme scheme and compare
the poem to the story.
Today as Valentines go out,
To people near and far,
This one I'm sending right to you,
To say how nice you are.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 6 Writing: Writing for Readers- Writing Poetry & Stories
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
18.a Write stories (B,M,E)
3B: Expand vocabulary by learning & using
high frequency words.
18.b Write short poems w/ sensory details
17.a Generate ideas – first draft
3D: Speak using content area vocabulary in
context/ new English words.
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Informational writing
Research and reporting are
essential skills for a 21st
century learner.
EQ: How can I demonstrate
my understanding of content
through my writing?
17.b Develop drafts by sequencing: write sentences
17.c Revise drafts by adding/ deleting (word, phrases,
17.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric
17.e Publish/ share
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 6 Writing – Writing for Readers- Writing Poetry
E2- Read Aloud:
The Night Before Valentine’s Day by: Natasha Wing
This story is an example of a poem. Every other line rhymes.
Day 1
Writing Poetry
E3- Ask students to watch the brain pop video on Poetry as an introduction to poetry: http://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/poetry/
Make an anchor chart with students about the terminology that surrounds poetry as it relates to first grade: (some are addressed in the video)
Rhythm: a sound or beat to the poem that is usually in meter
Rhyme: lines/ words that sound the same in poems
Alliteration: When two or more words begin with the same letter or sound
Line: a group of words in a poem.
Stanza: a group of lines from a poem
E4- Ask students to generate a rhyming poem about someone they love. Students may need help coming up with some rhyming words.
Students may need to work in pairs to ensure success.
Day 2
A Class Book
valentine character
class book.pdf
E2- Read Aloud:
Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink by: Diane De Groat
E3- Ask students what it takes to be a good friend. Make a class list of those attributes, such as:
Helping out
Being friendly
Being nice
E4- Give students the second page of this class book. Each student will need one to be included in the class book about being a good friend.
Once students have completed their page, place all of the pages together to make a book and share it with the class.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Day 3
Story Elements
E2- Read Aloud:
Love, Splat by: Rob Scotton
E3- Ask students to complete a story elements sketch about Love, Splat.
This should include the following:
Day 4
Story Elements
Make the Story
Characters, Setting, Problem & Solution
Students can draw SPLAT on manila paper to add to it
E2- Read Aloud:
Biscuit’s Valentine’s Day by: Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Arthur’s Valentine by: Marc Brown
E3- Ask students to get their Splat the Cat story elements out from yesterday. Use the template for characters/ setting/ problem/ solution to
have students design a story about Valentine’s day.
E4- Ask students to share stories in author’s chair.
E2- Read Aloud:
The Day It Rained Hearts by: Felicia Bond
Day 5
Writing Poetry
Grade Level- 1st
E3- Ask students to write a poem that has an AB pattern, with 6 lines.
E4- Share in author’s chair.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 7 Reading: Determining Importance in Text- Poetry
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
Reading is Thinking- Poetry
8.a Respond to and use rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in
4g – Demonstrate comprehension by
responding to questions
4i - Demonstrate comprehension by
employing basic reading skills
E5- Attributes of Poetry
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Authors use their craft to relay
a message to the intended
How will I know what is
important within the book or
text that I am reading?
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 7 Reading – Determining Importance in Text
E2- Read Aloud:
Bear in There by: Shel Silverstein
Day 1
Why We Read & Write Poetry: (some examples)
E3- Begin a discussion on why we read and write poetry. Some answers
May include topics from this list 
E4- Discuss the poem with students. Ask students some comprehension
Questions about this poem:
Bear In There.docx
Day 2
Poetry Makes
us Think
Ickle Me.docx
Who is the main character in this poem? How do you know?
What is this poem mostly about? Can you prove it?
Is there a theme to this poem?
Who is the narrator?
Which lines are most important to the comprehension of this poem?
To entertain us
To express our feelings & emotions
To create lyrics
To reflect on our world
To be silly
To be serious
To make a point
To grab someone’s attention
To be melancholy
To be playful
E2- Read Aloud:
Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too by: Shel Silverstein
E3- Discuss with students that we will be sharing our thoughts and talking about poems after we read them. We
will be keeping our thoughts in our writing notebook. Not everyone will get the same feeling from a poem or read
the same mood out of a poem. That is what will make our discussions interesting. Using the poem you just read
with the class make an anchor chart for the class that they need to add to their writing notebook for reflection
upon later.
Make an anchor chart called Poet’s Toolbox and add to it as you come to different terms & tools use in poetry.
E4- Ask students to help answer these questions in their reading response journal:
Who is Ickle Me? Who is Pickle Me? Who is Tickle Me?
How did they choose to take a ride?
What can we infer happened to them?
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
E2- Read Aloud:
The Boa Constrictor by: Shel Silverstein
Day 3
Poetry is Like a
I'm being swallered by a Boa Constrictor
a Boa Constrictor, a Boa Constrictor
I'm being swallered by a Boa Constrictor
and I don't - like snakes - one bit!
Oh no, he swallered my toe.
Oh gee, he swallered my knee.
Oh fiddle, he swallered my middle.
Oh what a pest, he swallered my chest.
Oh heck, he swallered my neck.
Oh, dread, he swallered my - (BURP)
E3- Ask students to respond to these questions about this poem (song):
Who is the narrator?
What is a Boa Constrictor? How do I know?
What can we infer from the story?
What mood is set by this poem?
E2- Read Aloud:
Where The Sidewalk Ends by: Shel Silverstein
Day 4
E3- Discuss the use of meter and rhyme in this story. Ask students if there is a specific rhyme scheme to this poem?
Poetry is
Deeper Reading
Where the Sidewalk
E4- Ask students to respond to these questions after they have read the poem:
Who is the narrator?
What is the setting of this poem?
How much time passes in this poem?
What inferences can be made?
What does this poem make you think of?
Grade Level- 1st
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Read Aloud:
Hug O War by: Shel Silverstein
Day 5
Poetry is
I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.
E4- Ask students to respond to these comprehension questions about this poem:
Who is the narrator
Is there a rhyme scheme?
How many stanzas are present?
What is the theme?
What is the mood?
What inferences can you make?
Grade Level- 1st
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 7 Writing: Writing Poetry
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
18.b Write short poems w/ sensory details
17.c Revise drafts by adding/ deleting (word, phrases,
2g – Understand general meaning of spoken
language/ familiar and unfamiliar topics/
language/ contexts
5f – Write using a variety of connecting words
17.d Edit drafts: grammar, punctuation, spelling using rubric
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Informational writing
Research and reporting are
essential skills for a 21st century
EQ: How can I demonstrate my
understanding of content
through my writing?
17.e Publish/ share
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 7 Writing – Writing Poetry
E2- Read Aloud:
Bear in There by: Shel Silverstein
Explain to the students that Poetry is- writing that brings together sounds and words in unique ways that evoke feelings and helps us to picture things
in our minds.
Day 1
Write a
E3- Remind students that this is the same poem that we talked about in reading.
E4- This is an example of a silly poem. A silly poem tells a silly story. Ask students to draw a picture of what they imagine as you re-read the poem
to them.
Share pictures in author’s chair. Ask students to create a silly poem of their own. They may want to use a topic that is similar, such as:
The animal they choose _________________________ is somewhere in the house __________________________.
E2- Read Aloud:
Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too by: Shel Silverstein
E3- Tell the students that this poem has this pattern:
Day 2
Line 1 and 2= rhyme
Line 3 and 4 = do not rhyme/ and are random
Line 5 and 6 = rhyme
E4- Invite students to write a poem that follows this same pattern. Allow students write a 6 lined poem about three friends.
Day 3
E2- Read Aloud:
The Boa Constrictor by: Shel Silverstein
E3- Remind students about the rhyme scheme for this poem. The first word and the last word of many lines rhyme.
E4- Allow students to complete a poem about an animal of their choice, and to draw a picture of this animal.
Share poems & drawings in author’s chair
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2- Read Aloud:
Where The Sidewalk Ends by: Shel Silverstein
Day 4
A Poem
About a
E3- Students will create a poem about a place that they know much about. Students may need to begin with the end in mind. Ask students to think
about a place that they know very well, such as: (students may want to create a thinking map for this poem – a bubble map will work)
Their room
A fort
A playhouse
The pool
E4- Ask students to read their poem in author’s chair. This poem can be free verse or rhyming.
Read Aloud:
Hug O War by: Shel Silverstein
Day 5
Poetry is
E3- Remind students that the rhyme scheme for this poem is mostly random. Some lines rhyme and some do not!
E4- Invite students to read this poem out loud as a group.
E4- Ask students to draw a picture of a “hug o war” and to describe it in a four – six lined poem.
Share in author’s chair!
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 8 Reading: Determining Importance in Text- Research & Reporting
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
Determining importance in text with Nonfiction:
4g – Demonstrate comprehension by
responding to questions
10 Understand structural patterns/ features of nonfiction text
14.a Restate the main idea- expository text
4i - Demonstrate comprehension by employing
basic reading skills
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Research & reporting
Authors use their craft to relay a
message to the intended
14.b Identify facts/ details- expository text
14.c Retell the order of events – expository text
How will I know what is
important within the book or text
that I am reading?
14.d Use text features to locate specific info. –expository text
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 8 Reading – Determining Importance in Text – Research & Reporting
This research unit will center around jobs/ occupations. Ask students to pick a job or occupation that they want to have in the future and research
Day 1
Generate a
E2 – For the research and reporting lessons you will want to work closely with your Library Media Specialist while completing the next 2
weeks in reading and writing. Use the MISD learning and research wiki for this work.
E3 - Tell students that over the next 2 weeks they will be completing a research unit. Writing IPG s will be integrated with the reading plans for the
next 2 weeks. Direct the students to the McKinney ISD Learning and Research Model. You will find the link on Campus Web site curriculum
connections. This research project will stem from the animal research module.
E4 - Step 1 Plan of the research model is to choose a topic. Choose a topic from science on an animal of your choice!
E2 – These introductory lessons into the MISD research model should be taught in collaboration with the campus LMS.
Day 2
Integrate with Science Learning Project for writing. Show students a variety of encyclopedia, magazine articles, internet web sites and model what
a readers does to evaluate the site.
E3 - : Have students view the Brain Pop Online sources for research and report writing.
E4 - : Take students to the computer lab and have them begin to evaluate the number of sources available for the possible topics. Work with the
LMS to make sure students are aware of all of the additional sources available to them through the campus library.
Day 3
Narrow the
E2 - Go over the following questions from the McKinney Research Model: Use the questions to model how to narrow your topic. Invite
your LMS to co-teach these lessons with you for a successful research unit.
E3 - Use Step 1 page 1 of the Learning and Research Model and have students complete:
What is my research topic or problem?
Key words
Synonyms or related terms
Larger subjects
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Narrower subjects
E4 - Give students specific information on what you expect. Allow students to begin doing some research on their topic. The teacher should be
available to guide students through book and online sources. Here are some goals for this project:
Students will gather information on their topic and take notes
Students will write down 5- 10 facts
Students will have 3 pictures
Students will make a presentation about this topic
E2 - Have students view the Brain Pop on Plagiarism. Discuss with the students the definition and the consequences.
Day 4
E3 - Give each student a brief passage. Have the students “paraphrase” the ideas in their own words. Tell them that when they record information
for their research it is important that they paraphrase to make sure they don’t plagiarize.
What is
E4 - Tell the students that they will have a works cited page at the end of the project. Discuss the process of recording each source and information
needed for documenting sources. Your LMS will be able to assist you in this process
Day 5
Skim &
E2 - Display an article or entry from an encyclopedia on the smart board. Model skimming and scanning the article for the students. Explain
that skimming and scanning allows you to locate important information quickly and determine what information, if any will be important for your
E3 - Give each student a brief article and have them practice skimming and scanning to locate important information.
E4 - Have students use this technique to help them locate important information for their research project.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 8 Writing: Determining Importance in Text- Research & Reporting
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
23.a Generate a list of topics – research
23.b Decide upon sources to answer topic ?s – research
1h – Develop and expand repertoire of learning
2c – learn basic/ academic vocabulary heard
24.a Gather evidence form sources
24.b Use text features (TOC, captions, subtitles) in age appropriate
5g – Narrate with increasing specificity and
24.c Record information – simple visual format
E5- Research &
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Research and reporting are
essential skills for a 21st century
EQ: How can I demonstrate my
understanding of content
through my writing?
25 Clarify/ evaluate selected information
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 8 Writing – Research and Report
E2 – Use HMH – The Write Source Online – Interactive Whiteboard Lessons – Report Writing. Show slides 1-4 on selecting a topic. For our purposes these
topics will NOT be completely open ended – like the ones presented here.
Day 1
Generate a
E3 - Students will begin to narrow a topic and complete some initial research about that topic. This activity may cause some students to change
their topic or narrow their topic down for this paper. This is a GOOD thing! Students will take some simple notes as they research and keep these
notes in some kind of binder/ organizer.
E4 - Explain to the students that they are going to begin papers this week so that they can be published next week While the students are working
with others, you need to be having one on one conferences with each student over their paper.
E2 – Use HMH – The Write Source Online – Interactive Whiteboard Lessons – Report Writing. Show students slides 5-9 on Gathering
Sources for a report.
Day 2
Day 3
Narrow the
E3 – While working in collaboration with the campus LMS, students will learn how to choose appropriate source. The will determine primary
sources and secondary sources and use both in their research paper.
E4 – Allow students a varied amount of time to work on gathering sources and taking some notes. This part of the research model may take
several days. Allow time so that students do not feel rushed. Make sure that students keep all of their research organized for later use!
E2 – Use HMH – The Write Source Online – Interactive Whiteboard Lessons – Report Writing. Show students slides 10- Who, What, When,
Where, Why. Continue through slides 11-15.
E3 – Some students may decide to narrow their research topic. Allow for this. Tell the students to continue to find out information about their topic.
The students may even want to keep note cards / or virtual note cards on the information that they have gathered so far.
E4 – Student research…
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2 - Have students view the Brain Pop Video on Plagiarism. Discuss with the students the definition and the consequences.
Day 4
E3 - Give each student a brief passage. Have the students “paraphrase” the ideas in their own words. Tell them that when they record information
for their research it is important that they paraphrase to make sure they don’t plagiarize.
What is
E4 - Tell the students that they will have a works cited page at the end of the project. Discuss the process of recording each source and information
needed for documenting sources. Your LMS will be able to assist you in this process
** Students will need to paraphrase the original work. They need to practice this with a source they have already gathered. Teachers will check for
E2 – Teachers will want to show a few samples of completed research papers from previous work with students. More examples are available in
HMH the Write Source.
Day 5
Write a
E3 & E4 – Allow students to write their first draft of their research report. Tell them that this will be typed when they have completed their final copy.
Some guidelines for this paper:
1. Write 1 – 2 pages of facts.
2. Double space your lines
3. Complete a work cited page
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 9 Reading: Determining Importance in Text- Research & Reporting
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
Determining importance in text with Nonfiction:
10 Understand structural patterns/ features of nonfiction text
14.a Restate the main idea- expository text
14.b Identify facts/ details- expository text
1c – Use strategic learning techniques to
acquire basic vocabulary
4k – Demonstrate comprehension and
expand reading skills by employing
analytical skills
14.c Retell the order of events – expository text
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Research & reporting
Authors use their craft to relay
a message to the intended
How will I know what is
important within the book or
text that I am reading?
14.d Use text features to locate specific info. –expository text
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
3rd Quarter
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week9 Reading – Determining Importance in Text- Research & Reporting
E2 - Use the following MISD tech stars wiki to explore the possible media presentations available to the students. This site contains specific
information about a variety of media tools. The students will need to choose one that they are comfortable with to complete the “project” portion
of this unit. Students will present this research topic to their peers on day 5.
Day 1
Introduce the
Project Part
of This
E3 – Teachers and students will need to become familiar with several of possible media presentation modes available. Allow time for students to
play with these different media tools. The students will need to choose one early in the week.
E4 - Give students a list/ menu of available media presentations that they will be able to use. Use this week to let the students explore the
different possibilities including: blabberize, Glogster, Voki, Museum Box. PDF files are available at
Each PDF gives specific information on how to use and implement the media presentation mode.
Day 2
E2 - Schedule computer time and work closely with your library media specialist this week to allow students to gain hands on experience with
digital media presentations modes. Allow the students opportunity to use and evaluate:
Blabberize, Glogster, Voki, Museum Box, StoryCreator
Media Tools
E3 - Integrate media presentations into the research work done by the students.
E4 - Students will continue to revise and edit their research project. Students will need to choose which media tool they will use to complete their
research presentation with. Teachers will need to make a list with student’s names and their media tool so they can hold students accountable
for mastery of the technology as well.
Day 3 & 4
E2 - Schedule computer time and work closely with your library media specialist this week to allow students to gain hands on experience with
digital media presentations modes. Students will need to create a presentation that compliments their research. These presentations will take
place on Day 5 of this week.
Work the
E3 - Integrate media presentations into the research work done by the students.
E4 - Students will continue to revise and edit their research project
**Teachers should check for organization/ revising & editing of final project.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2,E3, & E4
Day 5
Students will take turns presenting their research project to their peers. Each student will use a media tool that demonstrates knowledge and
mastery of the tool/ and content integration.
Have fun!
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 9 Writing: Research & Reporting
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
23.a Generate a list of topics – research
23.b Decide upon sources to answer topic ?s – research
1h – Develop and expand repertoire of learning
2c – learn basic/ academic vocabulary heard
24.a Gather evidence form sources
24.b Use text features (TOC, captions, subtitles) in age appropriate
E5- Research &
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Research and reporting are
essential skills for a 21st century
EQ: How can I demonstrate my
understanding of content
through my writing?
24.c Record information – simple visual format
25 Clarify/ evaluate selected information
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
3rd Quarter
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week 9 Writing – Research & Reporting
All ELAR: Reading & Writing are integrated for the development of the project presentations: (lessons match)
E2 - Use the following MISD tech stars wiki to explore the possible media presentations available to the students. This site contains specific
information about a variety of media tools. The students will need to choose one that they are comfortable with to complete the “project” portion of
this unit. Students will present this research topic to their peers on day 5.
Day 1
E3 – Teachers and students will need to become familiar with several of possible media presentation modes available. Allow time for students to
play with these different media tools. The students will need to choose one early in the week.
E4 - Give students a list/ menu of available media presentations that they will be able to use. Use this week to let the students explore the different
possibilities including: blabberize, Glogster, Voki, Museum Box. PDF files are available at
Each PDF gives specific information on how to use and implement the media presentation mode.
E2 - Schedule computer time and work closely with your library media specialist this week to allow students to gain hands on experience with digital
media presentations modes. Allow the students opportunity to use and evaluate:
Blabberize, Glogster, Voki, Museum Box, StoryCreator
Day 2
Choose a
Use any multi – media presentation tool that works for this project. Check with your LMS to decide if this will work for the student/ project needs.
E3 - Integrate media presentations into the research work done by the students.
E4 - Students will continue to revise and edit their research project. Students will need to choose which media tool they will use to complete their
research presentation with. Teachers will need to make a list with student’s names and their media tool so they can hold students accountable for
mastery of the technology as well.
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Day 3
Work on
the Work
Grade Level- 1st
E2 - Schedule computer time and work closely with your library media specialist this week to allow students to gain hands on experience with digital
media presentations modes. Students will need to create a presentation that compliments their research. These presentations will take place on
Day 5 of this week.
E3 - Integrate media presentations into the research work done by the students.
E4 - Students will continue to revise and edit their research project
**Teachers should check for organization/ revising & editing of final project.
E2 - Schedule computer time and work closely with your library media specialist this week to allow students to gain hands on experience with digital
media presentations modes. Students will need to create a presentation that compliments their research. These presentations will take place on
Day 5 of this week.
Day 4
E3 - Integrate media presentations into the research work done by the students.
E4 - Students will continue to revise and edit their research project. This is the final work day for this project. Make sure that students have their
presentations ready for author’s chair tomorrow.
**Teachers should check for organization/ revising & editing of final project.
E2,E3, & E4
Day 5
Students will take turns presenting their research project to their peers. Each student will use a media tool that demonstrates knowledge and
mastery of the tool/ and content integration.
Have fun!
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 10 Reading: Determining Importance in Text- Drama
ELL Resources
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Assessment/ Product
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
Students understand the features of DRAMA:
E1- Enduring Understandings:
MISD local objective:
4g – Demonstrate comprehension by
responding to questions
Authors use their craft to relay
a message to the intended
8.b Identify the elements of drama and use them in informal
4i - Demonstrate comprehension by
employing basic reading skills
9.a Describe the plot and retell the story’s beginning, middle,
and end
How will I know what is
important within the book or
text that I am reading?
9.b Describe characters and the reasons for their actions and
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week10 Reading – Determining Importance in Text- Drama
Day 1
Intro Into
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants, such as:
 The Three Little Pigs
 The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
 The Three Little Wolves
E3 – Tell the students that this week we will be putting on a dramatic play. Tell students that the difference between a readers theatre script
and a true play is mainly the stage directions. Tell them that a play is a story that can be acted out. Be sure to assign roles to the students on
the first day of the dramatic play. Discuss these drama terms: (make an anchor chart and leave it up in the room)
Dialogue or lines
Stage directions
Discuss how this adaptation may look different than the original text. (Like a book made into a movie)
E4 – Ask students to practice their lines with a partner. The teacher may also have students practice the play as a group. It is important for
students to actually be in a play to really have the schema to comprehend a play.
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants.
Day 2
Add Stage
E3- Allow students to rehearse the play and to work on stage directions. Students will need to work in small groups on these plays. Each group
should add stage directions to move the characters around or to act out some props from the play.
E4- After students have practiced their parts in the play, facilitate a discussion about the message of the play. Ask these questions of your class:
How does the dialogue between actors help us develop our understanding of the plot?
What is the author’s intent or message?
What vocabulary from the play is challenging? Review those words.
Do the characters change over time? Why or why not?
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Day 3
Grade Level- 1st
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants.
**The teacher may want to show a first grade play from Youtube (for about a minute or two) so that students who have not ever been in one will
have some schema for dramatic play.
E3- Ask students to determine the problem & solution (conflict & resolution) in their play.
E4- Allow time for students to practice the play as a whole group.
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants.
Day 4
DramaAct it Out!
E3 – Create an anchor chart on your smart board or white board that states the following:
Main Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Ask students to provide text evidence for each of these topics and record them with you in their reading response journal. Continue to read
parts of the play aloud and to develop comprehension of the overall story. This will have to be completed with each group from the class.
There should be 2 or more plays going on at this time!
E4 – Ask students to act out the entire play as a run through for the performance tomorrow. The teacher may want to invite other classes to
see the play so that this experience makes an impact. ** For some students this will be their first experience with a dramatic play, so it is
important to act it out in front of an audience.
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants, such as:
Day 5
E3 – Tell the students that this is the day of the play performance. Ask students to act out the play for another class or group of classes or their
parents. There may be a need for students to have props or costumes for this play. Allow time to make simple headdresses or costumes and
have students make or bring props from home. Enjoy!
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
3rd Quarter
Grade Level- 1st
Week 10 Writing: Writing and Performing the Play
ELAR TEKS: Student Expectations
Establish a purpose for reading & writing drama:
19.a Write stories on topics of interest
ELL Resources
4g – Demonstrate comprehension by
responding to questions
4i - Demonstrate comprehension by employing
basic reading skills
Assessment/ Product
E5Writing Samples
Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions
E1- Enduring Understandings:
Authors use their craft to relay a
message to the intended
How will I know what is
important to include in my
Science & Social Studies Integration
Web 2.0 Tools/ Apps
3rd Quarter
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
Grade Level- 1st
E2, E3, E4-SAMPLE LESSONS: Week10 Writing- Writing and Performing the Play
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants.
Day 1
E3- Ask students to write comprehension questions for the play. They may work in pairs or groups to come up with questions for the group.
E4- Review response questions in whole group. Students may also create new plays from RT scripts on the shared folder.
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants, such as:
Day 2
Day 3
E3- Ask students to write a different ending to the play as a response to literature. What would make the play different? What would make the
play better?
E4- Share stories in author’s chair.
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants, such as:
E3- Ask students to compare this story to another story that they know.
E4- Discuss the two stories as side by side analysis.
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants, such as:
E3- Ask students to create props for the play. This should be creative time.
Day 4
E4- Finish all practices for the play. Get ready for the production (tomorrow)
3rd Quarter
McKinney ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Reading & Writing
Grade Level- 1st
E2 – Use Readers Theatre Scripts from the MISD shared folder – Use the scripts for story variants.
Day 5
E3 – Tell the students that this is the day of the play performance. Ask students to act out the play for another class or group of classes or their
parents. There may be a need for students to have props or costumes for this play. Allow time to make simple headdresses or costumes and
have students make or bring props from home. Enjoy!
E4- Students may act out their revised RT script/ play. Celebrate.