STUDENT COUNCIL CHARITIES International, National, Local Charity Nominations Maternity Worldwide Maternity Worldwide works in developing countries to help women and girls access the high quality maternal health care they need to be able to give birth safely. Having a baby should be a time of great joy and hope. But every year across the world 287,000 women die in pregnancy and childbirth. That’s one mother dying every 2 minutes, 800 each day. These women do not need to suffer and die; most lives could be saved relatively easily and cheaply. Many mothers die as a result of conditions which would be treated routinely in other parts of the world, for example complications from high blood pressure and haemorrhages at delivery. At Maternity Worldwide we know that there are many different reasons why women and girls don’t receive the maternal health care they need. We work alongside local communities and partners to address each of these and enable women and girls in some of the poorest rural areas of the world to give birth safely. Charity Water Charity Water, helps people in developing countries and continents such as South Africa and South America to access fresh water anytime. Nobody can live without water, especially in very hot countries like South Africa! The good side is: it is not that expensive. 1 person to have access to free water for an extremely long time costs only 20 dollars! People of Africa • Helps people in Tanzania, Africa • Supports children from less fortunate families. • Pays for children’s education as well as giving them school equipment such as a school bag and stationary. • Provides families with bedding and mosquito nets to keep children safe and warm at night. Baba Beni Okulu Gonder • The girls are called Hatice Guven, Irem Taskin, Ulku Seker, Berfin Kaya, Nursah Arslan, Aysegul Tanrikut, Seher Aydin, Aysegul Ayakli • These girls live in central, south-eastern, eastern and the Black Sea regions of Turkey. HADD Hisar Anadolu Who are they? The HADD Hisar Anadolu, or Hisar Anatolian Support Society, is a non profit organization that was founded in April 2010 What are their aims? The main aim of the foundation is to teach children (mainly girls) from underprivileged rural areas of Turkey, the skills needed to improve their lives both socially and financially. What do they do? They set up workshops all across Turkey, specifically for girls of economically troubled families. Traditional kilim (rug) making (as seen is the image above) is one example of the kind of skills the girls are taught. 4 rug making workshops were opened in the outskirts of Van, and in the last two years, 110 girls have started the production of these rugs. LOCAL CHARITY: DARUSSAFAKA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 1 . F I RST T URKI SH P R I VATE SCHO O L TO B E OPENED I N 1 8 73 B Y A CHARIT Y ORGANIZ ATION. 2 . NOT -GOVERNMENTA L ORGANIZATION FUNDED B Y DONORS. 3 . PRESENT L Y OFFERS EDUCAT I O N TO OVER 9 0 0 STUDENT S , WHO S E FATHERS AND/OR MOTHERS ARE DECEASED AND WHO LACK FINANCIAL MEANS . 4 . STUDENT S BENEFIT OUT STANDING ACADEMIC AND SOC IAL OPPORTUNI T I ES. 5 . DARUSSAFAKA A I MS TO CUL T I VATE SEL F-CONF I DEN T LEADERS AND RESPONS I B L E CIT IZENS OF NOT ONL Y THE TURKI S H REPUBL I C , BUT A LSO THE WORLD AT LARGE .