Anticipating Future Planning: Making the Most of High School PRESENTERS: DREW EDER, COUNSELOR ALIZA GILBERT, COLLEGE COUNSELOR JENNIFER GINOPOLIS, COUNSELOR HOLLY SIEGEL, COUNSELOR Counselors- What do we do? o Academic planning o Assistance with personal matters o Support for four years o student advocate o confidentiality o Transition planning - entering and exiting high school (posthigh school planning) o Letters of recommendation, references for student o Office location A221 and how to contact us This Year with Freshman o Counselor Pairings with PE o Group lessons in PE Classes- academic Advising o Individual meetings through this week- get-to-know-you, Sophomore planning, goal-setting o Quarterly lessons o February- soph. course selections check-in School Supports oCounselor oDrop-In Center oDeans’ Office/Police Liaison oAcademic Supports: Teachers, TLC, Homework Club, Study Hall, Resource Periods oCoaches, Club Sponsors, Case Managers oCRC CND EDITS Courses HPHS Requirements by Semester English 8 Math 6 Science 4 Social Studies 4 World Language 0 Fine Arts 1 Applied Arts 1 Health 1 P.E. 7 Traffic Safety Non Credit Req. Consumer Ed Non Credit Req. TOTAL CREDITS 41 HPHS Graduation Requirements vs. College/University Admission Requirements HPHS Most Colleges & Universities Highly Selective Community Schools Colleges English 4 Years 4 Years 4 Years 4 Years Math 3 Years 3-4 Years 4 Years 2 Years Science 2 Year 3 Years 4 Years 1-2 Years Soc. Science 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 2 Years Foreign Lang. None 2 Years* 4 Years None Fine Arts One year of same Fine Art for California state schools Andersen Article o Scott Anderson – Senior Director of Policy for the Common Application o College Admissions / Counseling experience at: o Vassar College o Cornell University o University of Vermont o Mercersburg Academy (PA) o Director of College Guidance at St. George’s Independent School (TN) Andersen Article o “The best way to earn the job that you want is to be great at the job you currently have.” o Developmental stages of adolescence are important to consider o 14 year olds aren’t SUPPOSED to be motivated by college o Potentially unhealthy to rush children through stages of their life o Choices they make today influence opportunities available in the future Andersen Article o Find something you enjoy doing and then keep doing it. o If a teacher gives you advice, take it. o Take some risks. o Don't let your strengths limit you. o Ask questions. Academics o Take classes that interest and challenge you o Academic classes matter most o Is it better to take a challenging course and get a B or C or is it better to take an easier course and get an A? o o Success and Balance Build relationships with teachers Extra-curricular activities(in/out of school) o Explore a variety of activities (Breadth) o Narrow down activities and commit to them (Depth) o Take a leadership role o Positional leaders vs member leaders Timeline – Grades 9 and 10 Focus on academics and extra curricular activities Summer plans Naviance (grade 10) Get to know your counselor Timeline - Grades 11 and 12 Grade 11 o o o o o o Self assessment College entrance testing Meet with college counselor Develop a list Research colleges Summer plans Grade 12 o o o o Apply to colleges Apply for financial aid and scholarships Choose a college Graduate Be Smart About Social Media o o o o o o o o o Use appropriate email addresses Check your digital trail and keep it clean Restrict who can search for you and contact you on Facebook Keep your profile photo appropriate Remove past posts Control tagging Filter your Friends network “Protect your Tweets” or change your Twitter name Think before you post Utilizing Outside Resources o HPHS offers a myriad of services: Assistance with developing college list and assessing chances for admission o Application and essay support o Mock interviews o Financial aid and scholarship information Think about student/family needs versus services provided Research their training and experience in college counseling Outside parties cannot communicate with colleges due to federal privacy laws Understand that outside individuals are not versed in the HP curriculum No one can get a student into college except the student him/herself We encourage collaboration and communication o o o o o o o Parent Panel Questions & Discussion? Thank you! Like” us on Facebook at HPHS College Counseling “Follow” us on Twitter at @hphscollege