One against 90 or so

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Whose woods these are I think I
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark &
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
1) RB, p. 23, task V
1) sole trader
2) partnership 3) losses
4) liability
5) bankruptcy 6) corporations
7) creditors 8) shares
9) prospectus
10) registered
2) Founding a company (RB p. 24)
What have we learnt?
Founding a company in the UK (RB p. 24)
• Quiz
• Describe the process
One against 90 or so...
One against 90 or so...
A government department which checks
on new companies and people in them is
1) the Register of Companies
2) the Registrar of Companies
3) the Registar of Companies
One against 90 or so...
A government department which checks
on new companies and people in them is
1) the Register of Companies
2) the Registrar of Companies
3) the Registar of Companies
One against 90 or so...
• A document setting out in detail the name
of the company, the type of business, the
total share of capital and the kind of
shares it will issue is called ...
1 the Articles of Association
2 the Memorandum of Association
3 a certificate of incorporation
One against 90 or so...
• A document setting out in detail the name
of the company, the type of business, the
total share of capital and the kind of
shares it will issue is called ...
1 the Articles of Association
2 the Memorandum of Association
3 a certificate of incorporation
One against 90 or so...
People wishing to form a limited company
must work ____ the details of the business.
1) up
2) out
3) by
One against 90 or so...
People wishing to form a limited company
must work out the details of the business.
1 up
2 out
3 by
work out ≈ to plan or think of something
One against 90 or so...
If a British business wants to become a
public limited company, it needs to
1 the Articles of Association
2 a Certificate of Incorporation
3 a prospectus
One against 90 or so...
If a British business wants to become a
public limited company, it needs to
1 the Articles of Association
2 a Certificate of Incorporation
3 a prospectus
One against 90 or so...
Hire a lawyer who specialises ____
company law.
1 in
2 for
3 on
One against 90 or so...
Hire a lawyer who specialises in
company law.
1 in
2 for
3 on
One against 90 or so...
To persuade is a synonym of
1 to coerce
2 to convince
3 to discourage
One against 90 or so...
To persuade is a synonym of
1) to coerce
2) to convince
3) to discourage
Convince – make someone believe you
Persuade – make someone do something by
providing reasons
Coerce – compel, to force sb. to do sth.
One against 90 or so...
The opposite of fraudulent is
1) honest
2) deceitful
3) sham
One against 90 or so...
The opposite of fraudulent is
1) honest
2) deceitful
3) sham
Fraud = trickery, deception, scam
One against 90 or so...
To draw up a document is the same as to
1 draft a document
2 sign a document
3 show a document
One against 90 or so...
To draw up a document is the same as to
1 draft a document
2 sign a document
3 show a document
One against 90 or so...
In the phrase personal fortune, fortune is a
synonym of
1 wealth
2 luck
3 fate
One against 90 or so...
In the phrase personal fortune, fortune is a
synonym of
1 wealth
2 luck
3 fate
One against 90 or so...
Premises are
1 assurances, when you give your word
2 omens
3 a place where some business is done
One against 90 or so...
Premises are
1 assurances, when you give your word
2 omens
3 a place where some business is done
(the building and land surrounding it)
Reader, P 24
• What documents are required when
forming a limited company?
• What information should be provided in the
• What is the role of the Registrar of
PAIRWORK: Describe the process shown in
the illustration on p 24.
Advantages of different types of
business organisations in the UK
Read your homework:
(Pick any of the tasks. Colleagues identify
which task it is. Is anything missing?).
• Task 1: adv. of unincorporated businesses
• Task 2: adv. of PLC over Ltd.
• Task 3: adv. of incorporated businesses
• Task 4: adv. of Ltd. over PLC
• Pls, hand in your hw.
An educational break!
Check this out!
PLC or public corporation?
• Owned by the general public
Public limited
• Controled by the chairman selected by the
• Very large
• Capital raised by issuing stocks
• Profits go to the government
Public limited
• Aim: to serve the public interest
Reader, p. 23, task IV
Public limited company ≠ Public corporation
Compare in writing:
Public limited company and Public corporation
e.g. While a PLC is owned by the general public, a
public corporation is owned by....
Try using: while, whereas, on the other hand, in
Additional information: and, furthermore,
moreover, in addition to, next, then, besides
Reason: because, because of, due to, owing to, as,
since, therefore, that’s why
Contrast: on the other hand, on the contrary, in
contrast, although, yet, but, while, whereas
Concession: (even) though, anyway, however,
nevertheless, in any case, in spite of that,
Purpose: in order to, so that
Result/Consequence: consequently, as a result,
therefore, so, thus
Giving example: for example, for instance
nationalization vs. privatization
What is nationalization?
What is privatization?
Why privatize?
Does it work?
What’s the downside?
→ Reader, p 27 What is privatization, anyway?
Skim to match questions to paragraphs
HW: Read the whole text, answer the questions