Hekima College - Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities

Tangaza College
Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)
Nairobi, Kenya
Annotated Syllabus of Two Credit Core Course, Two hours a week, Lecture Format,
Pastorally Oriented (January to March, 2011).
Tuesdays. 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Classroom B1.
Small Christian Communities as a New Model of Church in Africa Today (PTC418)
NOTE: This course is only offered in the Second Semester of the Academic Year (January to
March). It is a Core Course in the Pastoral Theology Department as part of the Eighth
Semester of the School of Theology degree programme.
Textbook: Small Christian Communities Today: Capturing the New Moment. Edited by
Joseph Healey and Jeanne Hinton (Orbis Books, 2005 and Paulines Publications Africa,
11 January, 2011: Class 1: "Introduction to Course." Opening Prayer: “Prayer
for Peace in Sudan.” Plan of the Course. A new way of teaching about SCCs and a new way
of learning about SCCs. Connecting to other theology courses. Connecting to our pastoral
experiences in parishes and apostolic activities. Modeling a SCC Model of Church by
experiencing being in a SCC eight times during the course. Dividing class into four SCCs.
Choosing Patron/Patroness Saints of the SCCs with their feast days: St. Josephine Bakhita – 8
February, Blessed Clémentine Anuarite – 1 December, St. Cecilia – 22 November, Servant of
God Julius Nyerere – died 14 October). Importance of the Bible (our jembe). Lectio Divina.
Explanation of the Pastoral Circle Process or Methodology of the Course with Concrete SCC
Examples on the Local Level. Handout of: “Annotated Syllabus of Course.” Distribution of
Textbook. Use of Moodle. Final 20 minutes is modeling the Bible Sharing/Bible
Reflection/Bible—Life Connections in our four SCCs based on the Gospel of the following
Sunday (Second Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A: John 1:29-34). Process: Read the
Gospel the first time. Silence. Read the Gospel the second time. Bible—Life Connections
that connect, relate and apply the Gospel to our daily lives. NOTE: Each week the first
period begins with the students being asked to share “what struck them”/”what they learned”
from the assigned reading.
18 January, 2011: Class 2: "Trends in Small Christian Communities in Eastern Africa."
Opening Song: “Bind Us Together, Lord.” Survey of student involvement in the 13 activities
of SCCs. Neighborhood, parish-based SCCs are a pastoral model of church and an
instrument/vehicle of evangelization. Small Christian Communities as a New Model of
Church in Africa Today. Small Christian Communities as a New Way of Being Church in
Africa Today. Difference between a SCC Model of Church and a Small Group Model of
Church. Final 20 minutes is modeling the Bible Sharing/Bible Reflection/Bible—Life
Connections in our four SCCs based on the Gospel of the following Sunday (Third Sunday of
Ordinary Time – Year A: Matthew 4:12-23). Mention a word or phrase in the Gospel that
strikes you the most (chambua maneno ya maana in Swahili).
1. “Foreword,” “Introduction” and “Explanation of Terms” (page xi
to page 8 in Small Christian Communities Today: Capturing the New Moment (SCCT).
2. “Checklist of 13 Activities in Small Christian Communities (SCCs)
in Africa Today” (one page handout and also on the SCCs Website and on Moodle).
3. “13 Steps in the Weekly Bible Sharing/Bible Reflection/Bible—
Life Connections of Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in Africa” (one page handout and
also on the SCCs Website and on Moodle).
25 January, 2011: Class 3: "Promoting SCCs via the Internet." Opening Song: “Tazama,
Tazama.” Explanation of the “New Media/Social Media.” Survey of student involvement in
social networking and information websites. Online demonstration of the “Small Christian
Communities Global Collaborative Website” and the “Facebook Page” on the SCCs Website.
SCC Poll. SCC Stories on the African Proverbs, Sayings and Stories Website. Creating the
SCCs Stories Database. Text Messages of Daily Bible readings. Online or Virtual SCCs. Just
as SCCs are a new way of being church, Online SCCs are a new way of being SCCs. Case
Study of Marianist Cyber Community presented by Lorna Mueni Kilonzo.
1. Chapter 26 (pages 177-187) on "Promoting SCCs via the Internet
by Joseph Healey in Small Christian Communities Today: Capturing the New Moment.
2. “Internet Resources for Course on Small Christian Communities as
a New Model of Church in Africa Today” (one page handout and also on the SCCs Website
and on Moodle).
Special Assignment: Spend one hour on the internet studying the
Small Christian Communities Global Collaborative Website
1 February, 2011: Class 4: Powerpoint Presentation on “A Bird’s Eye View of the LUMKO
Way of Being Church." Opening Prayer: From section on “Lectio Divina” in The Word of the
Lord. Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Benedict XVI. Facilitator: Sister Ephigenia
Gachiri, IBVM. Handouts of: “LUMKO Poster” (one page); “The Comprehensive LUMKO
Approach” (one page); “7-Step Gospel Sharing” (one page); “Evaluation of 7-Step Sharing”
(one page). Final 20 minutes is modeling the 7-Step Gospel Sharing in our four SCCs based
on the Gospel of the following Sunday (Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A: Matthew
1. “Timeline in the History and Development of Small Christian
Communities (SCCs) in Africa Especially Eastern Africa” (eight page handout and also on
the SCCs Website).
2. "26 Criteria to Evaluate a Typical SCC in Eastern Africa" (four
page handout and also on the SCCs Website).
8 February, 2011: Class 5: "The AMECEA Pastoral Priority of Building Small Christian
Communities in Eastern Africa." Opening Prayer: Acts of the Apostles 2:42-45 and 4:32-35.
“Key pastoral priority in the eight countries in Eastern Africa.” Two Stories/Case
Studies/Portraits of SCCs in rural and urban Tanzania. Case Studies of SCCs in Kenya by
Simon Rurinjah. Centrality of the Bible in SCCs.
Two starting points for Bible Sharing/Bible Reflection/Bible—Life Connections:
1. “Deductive” (from the Bible to Life): the Bible (for example, the Gospel of the
following Sunday) or a particular teaching of the Catholic Church.
2. “Inductive” (from Life to the Bible): our daily life experience as the starting point of
weekly Bible Sharing/Bible Reflection/Bible—Life Connections (especially through
our critical concrete experiences, incidents, events, examples and stories). Two types:
a. Local human events/experiences in a SCC such as death, sickness, baptism,
graduation, marriage, welcoming a new person, visiting the home of a person who is not
coming to the SCC meetings.
b. “What are the different human problems in Kenya and the rest of Africa that we
should reflect on in our SCC meetings in the light of the Gospel?” (based on No. 89 of John
Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Africa/The Church in Africa).
Case Study of the six Youth SCCs in Dandora Parish, Nairobi, Kenya. Final 20
minutes is modeling the Bible Sharing/Bible Reflection/ Bible—Life Connections in our four
SCCs based on the Gospel of the following Sunday (Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time –
Matthew 5:17-37) in buzz groups of two people each.
1. Chapter 14 (pages 99-105) on “Pastoral Involvement of Parishbased SCCs in Dar es Salaam” by Christopher Cieslikiewicz in SCCT. SCCs in Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania.
2. Chapter 15 (pages 106-109) on "SCC Diocesan Training Team
Reaches Out in Uganda" by John Vianney Muweesi and Emmanuel Mwerekande in SCCT.
SCCs in Uganda.
15 February, 2011: Class 6: "Small Christian Communities and the Challenges of
Reconciliation, Justice, and Peace in Africa. Part I." Opening Prayer: “Prayer of St. Francis.”
Explanation of the "see, judge and act" process or methodology through the example of St.
Kizito SCC, Waruku, St. Austin’s Parish, Nairobi. Resource Materials: Handouts of: Peace
for Peace in Africa (English and Swahili). “Guidelines for Writing the Small Christian
Communities (SCCs) Practicum Paper Based on the Pastoral Circle/Spiral/Cycle” (one page).
“Example of a SCC Practicum Write-up” (one page).
NOTE: Arrange the SCC Practicum on your own: Participate in a specific
gathering/meeting/activity of a SCC in a parish or special interest group/apostolic group in
Nairobi Archdiocese or another diocese in Kenya. Choose one of activities of a SCC in the
"Checklist of 13 Activities in Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in Africa Today."
Written assignment: Write a two-page doubled spaced typed “SCC
Practicum Paper” on your personal, pastoral, practical experience. To be handed in and
reported on during the class on 8 March, 2011. Use the "see, judge and act" process or
methodology. 10 points of course grade.
1. Chapter 16 (pages 110-114) on "Small Christian Communities
Light Up Neighborhoods in Kisumu” by Alphonce Omolo in SCCT. SCCs in Kisumu,
2. Chapter 4 (pages 77-93) on "Can the Pastoral Circle Transform a
Parish" by Christine Bodewes in The Pastoral Circle Revisited: A Critical Quest for Truth
and Transformation edited by Frans Wijsen, Peter Henriot and Rodrigo Mejia (Orbis Books,
2005 and Paulines Publications Africa, 2006). Case Study from the Kibera Slums in Nairobi,
Kenya that documents how the use of the communal use of the pastoral circle in SCCs can
transform a parish. See Parish Transformation in Urban Slums: Voices of Kibera, Kenya by
Christine Bodewes (Paulines Publications Africa, 2005).
22 February, 2011: Class 7: "SCCs Involvement in the Kenya Lenten Campaign 2011 on the
theme “The Dawn of New Hope: Implementing the New Constitution.” Opening Prayer:
“Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God Maurice Michael Cardinal Otunga.”
Facilitators: Staff from the Kenya Episcopal Conference Catholic Justice & Peace
Commission Office and the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya Justice & Peace
Commission Office. Facilitating “Train the Trainers” Workshops in our parishes: Training
SCC Leaders to use the inductive "see, judge and act" process/methodology of the Kenya
Lenten Campaign. Hand in the form for the “SCC Practicum Paper.”
Second period: use the three steps of "see, judge and act" in Week 1 (First Sunday of
Lent – 13 March, 2011) on “Human Trafficking.” In our whole class read:
1. The story in Step One (“See”):”A New Slavery – Another Story to Tell…”
2. Situational Analysis in Step Two (“Judge”).
3. Gospel (Matthew 4:1-11).
Then answer questions in Step Three (“Act”) in our four SCCs. Final part of class is short
reports from each SCC.
Reading: Booklet and poster (English and Swahili) of the Kenya Lenten
Campaign 2011 on the theme “The Dawn of New Hope: Implementing the New
Constitution” especially Week 1 on “Human Trafficking.”
1 March 2011: No Class. Break Week.
8 March 2011: Class 8: "Small Christian Communities and the Challenges of Reconciliation,
Justice, and Peace in Africa. Part II." Opening Song: “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace”
(“The Prayer of St. Francis”). Analysis of SCCs in the Second African Synod that took place
in Rome in October, 2009 on the theme "The Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation,
Justice and Peace." Statement of AMECEA Delegates on the “Centrality of the Small
Christian Community (SCC): “We have experienced that a properly trained and led SCC adds
great value to the promotion of reconciliation. This is because deeper biblical reflection and
more regular use of the pastoral circle empower our Christians to engage effectively in the
social life around them. Here formation in Catholic Social Teaching (CST) at all levels must
be a priority.” See the Lineamenta including the 32 questions (2006), the Instrumentum
Laboris (March, 2009), the Message of the Bishops of Africa to the People of God (October,
2009) and the seven places where Small Christian Communities are mentioned in the Final
List of [57] Propositions (October, 2009). SCCs as “a place for concretely living out
reconciliation, justice and peace” and SCC members as agents of reconciliation, justice and
peace. Importance of the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
Presentation and discussion of "SCC Practicum Papers" in our four SCCs.
Written Assignment: Write a four-page double spaced typed "SCCs Course
Paper" on a topic of your choice. Examples: SCCs in a particular country in Africa (for
example, where you come from or where you have done pastoral work or your present
pastoral work in Kenya). Comparative Study of SCCs in Two Different Countries. SCCs and
the 2011 Kenya Lenten Campaign. A Particular Challenge of SCCs in Africa Today ("SCCs
and Reconciliation, Justice, and Peace," "SCCs and Inculturation," "SCCs and HIV/AIDS").
A theological or pastoral question related to SCCs. To be handed in and reported on during
the class on 29 March, 2011. 20 points of course grade.
Reading: Review the documentation on the 2009 Second African Synod in the
“Timeline,” the Annotated Bibliography, various magazines and journals and various online
internet resources. Get experience and practice searching online and in library resources.
15 March, 2011: Class 9. “Participation of Lay People in Small Christian Communities in
Africa.” Opening Song: “Iende Mbele.” Facilitators: Panel of lay people: Simon Rurinjah,
Rose Musimba and youth representatives on the following topics: “Youth SCCs.” “Training
SCC Leaders,” “Peace and Reconciliation Initiatives in the SCCs,” “How SCCs Can Be
Involved in Implementing the New Kenya Constitution.” Final 30 minutes is modeling a
special type of Bible Sharing/Bible Reflection/Bible—Life Connections in our four SCCs.
1. Identify different human problems in Kenya and the rest of Africa as illustrated in
a critical concrete experience, incident, event, example, story from our daily lives.
2. Choose corresponding/ parallel passages in the Bible.
3. Choose some kind of pastoral solution or practical action.
Homework assignment: Make a list of the different human problems in Kenya and
the rest of Africa that we should reflect on in our SCC meetings in the light of the Gospel?
22 March, 2011: Class 10: “The Missionary Life and Outreach of Small Christian
Communities in Africa and the Whole World." Opening Prayer: John 20:21: “Peace be with
you. As the Father has sent me so I send you.” Story of Cardinal Polycarp Pengo of Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania. International character of Small Christian Communities including an
analysis of the background of the 426 Fans (as of 2 January, 2011) on the SCCs Facebook
Page. Examples of SCCs Twinning. Hand in the form for the "SCCs Course Paper."
Reading: Chapter 23 (pages 157-163) on "Reenergizing SCCs Twinning on
the International Level" by Rita Ishengoma and Joseph Healey in SCCT.
Reading: Chapter 24 (pages 164-169) on "Global Communion in the Face-to
Face Level" by Barbara Darling in SCCT.
29 March, 2011: Class 11. Last Class. “Future Challenges for Small Christian Communities
in Africa.” Opening prayer: Think of one human problem in Kenya and the rest of Africa that
we should reflect on in our SCC meetings in the light of the Gospel (John 9:1-41). Jesus
said, “I have come into this world so that those without sight may see.” Promulgation of the
Apostolic Exhortation on the Second African Synod in Benin between 18-20 November,
2011. Explanation of the Final Written Exam. Sample exam questions based on possible
themes. Explanation of the Marking System. Evaluation of the course.
Presentation and discussion of “SCC Course Papers" in our four SCCs.
Reading: “Innovations and New Trends in Small Christian Communities
(SCCs) in Africa Today” by Joseph G. Healey. Hekima Review, 40 (May, 2009), 85-100.
Week of 4 April, 2011: Final Exam. 50 points of course grade. Opening Prayer: Calling on
the help of the First Small Community (Trinity) and the First Small Christian Community
(Holy Family). Three questions on the written exam: one required question and then
choosing two out of four questions. Bonus Question.
Rev. Joseph Healey, M.M (Box 18 at Tangaza College)
Maryknoll Society
P.O. Box 43058
00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Telkom Wireless: 057-2522977
Email: JGHealey@aol.com
Annotated Bibliography
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Paulines Publications Africa, 2005.
Courage! Get on Your Feet, Continent of Africa. "Homily of his Holiness Benedict XVI at
the Concluding Mass" and "Message of the Bishops of Africa to the People of God."
Second African Synod. Paulines Publications Africa, 2009.
A Dawn of New Hope: Implementing the New Constitution. Kenya Lenten Campaign, 2011.
KEC Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, 2011.
FLYNN, Kieran. Communities for the Kingdom: A Handbook for Small Christian
Community Leaders. AMECEA Gaba Publications, 2007.
HEALEY, JOSEPH. “How Small Christian Communities Promote Reconciliation, Justice
and Peace in Eastern Africa,” The Journal for Peace and Justice Studies
20, 2 (Winter, 2010), pp. 43-60.
HEALEY, JOSEPH. “How Small Christian Communities Promote Reconciliation, Justice
and Peace in Eastern Africa” in Agbonkhianmeghe E Orobator, editor.
Reconciliation, Justice and Peace – the Second Africa Synod. Orbis Books and
Paulines Publications Africa, 2011.
HEALEY, JOSEPH. “Innovations and New Trends in Small Christian Communities (SCCs)
in Africa Today,” Hekima Review, 40 (May, 2009), pp. 85-100.
HEALEY, JOSEPH. “New Learnings in Animating a Small Christian Communities (SCCs)
Model of Church in Africa Today,” African Christian Studies (CUEA), Vol. 24:2
(June, 2008), pp. 7-37.
HEALEY, JOSEPH. “Promoting Small Christian Communities in Africa through the
Internet,” International Journal of African Catholicism (IJAC), Volume 2, Number 1
(Winter, 2011). http://www.saintleo.edu/Academics/School-of-ArtsSciences/International-Journal-of-African-Catholicism
HEALEY, JOSEPH. “The Role of Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in the
Implementation of Reconciliation, Justice and Peace in Africa.” AMECEA
Consultation on the Second African Synod. Unpublished Paper, 15 September, 2009.
5 pages.
HEALEY, JOSEPH. “Small Christian Communities Promote Themes of the 2009 2nd
African Synod,” Hakimani – Jesuit Journal of Social Justice in Eastern Africa, Vol.
01/09 (Jan.-June, 2009), pp. 4-11.
HEALEY, JOSEPH AND JEANNE HINTON, editors. Small Christian Communities Today:
Capturing the New Moment. Orbis Books, 2005 and Paulines Publications
Africa, 2006.
Instrumentum Laboris for the Synod of Bishops Second Special Assembly for Africa. The
Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace, Liberia Editrice
Vaticana and Paulines Publications Africa, 2009. NOTE: See the 12 references to
ISHENGOMA, RITA. Akamwani: The Challenges of Bible Sharing in Small Christian
Communities. Old East Africa Ltd, 2009.
KAOMBE, STEFANO. Jumuiya Ndogo Ndogo za Kikristo: Changamoto Kuelekea Ukomavu
(Swahili for "Small Christian Communities: The Challenge to Head towards
Maturity"). Privately Printed, 2006.
MEJIA, RODRIGO. We are the Church: Sharing in Small Christian Communities.
Paulines Publications Africa, 2009.
O’HALLORAN, JAMES. Living Cells: Vision and Practicalities of Small Christian
Communities and Groups, Columba Press and Dufour Editions, 2010. NOTE: See Chapter 10
on “ A Historical Profile of Small Christian Communities” especially “Africa” (pages 201208).
OROBATOR, AGBONKHIANMEGHE E., editor. Reconciliation, Justice and Peace: The
Second African Synod Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, and Nairobi: Paulines
Publications Africa. To be published in 2011.
Second African Synod
Message of the Bishops of Africa to the People of God
Final List of [57] Propositions
of the Synod of Bishops Second Special Assembly for Africa. The Church in Africa in
Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace. Synodus Episcoporum Bulletin. October,
Small Christian Communities Global Collaborative Website
www.smallchristiancommunities.org including the “Facebook Page.”
“Statement (Position Paper) from Bishops of the Association of Member Episcopal
Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA) Who Are Delegates to the Synod of
Bishops’ Second Special Assembly for Africa in Rome in October, 2009. Nairobi:
Unpublished Paper, 29 September, 2009. 5 pages. Published online by Catholic
Information Service for Africa (CISA) Email News Bulletin. Issue No. 096, Tuesday,
September 29, 2009. Available online:
Towards Healing and Transformation. Kenya Lenten Campaign, 2010. KEC Catholic Justice
and Peace Commission, 2010.
Revisited: A Critical Quest for Truth and Transformation. Orbis Books, 2005 and
Paulines Publications Africa, 2006.
The Word of the Lord. Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Benedict XVI. Paulines
Publications Africa, 2010