Intensive Session: October 12–16 - Lutheran Theological Seminary

The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Telephone: 215-248-4616 or 800-286-4616
Fall Semester 2015
Intensive Session: October 12–16
HCH642G Jesus in Cultural Perspectives
This course will explore some of the key images of Jesus that emerged in Global South in the
20th century, and the implications of those images for the ministry and mission in Global South
and among the immigrant communities from Global South in North America.
Instructor: Dr. H. S. Wilson
 To explore some select images of Jesus that have emerged in the context of selftheologizing and missiologizing in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America and
 To examine how these images are rooted and related to the New Testament and a
particular cultural milieu;
 To evaluate the implication of these images for mission and evangelism in the
contemporary society.
In advance of the first session of the class, students are to have read:
● Brinkman, Martien E. The Non-Western Jesus: Jesus as Bodhisattva, Avatara, Guru,
Prophet, Ancestor, or Healer? Trans. Henry and Lucy Jansen. London; Oakville, CT :
Equinox, 2009. [ISBN 9781845533984]
● Gruen, Anselm. Images of Jesus. Trans. John Bowden. New York: Continuum, 2002.
[ISBN 9780826467829]
● Kuster, Volker. The Many Faces of Jesus Christ: Intercultural Christology. Maryknoll,
N.Y.: Orbis Books 2001.[9781570753541]
● Wessels, Anton. Images of Jesus: How Jesus is Perceived and Portrayed in NonEuropean Cultures. Trans. John Vriend. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.,
1990. [ISBN 9780802802873]
In addition, students should read the following pages of these books, which will be made
available on the Course Moodle Site:
● Karkkainen, Veli-Matti. Christology: A Global Introduction. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker
Books, 2003. Pages 222-290;
● LaSalle Klein, Robert. Jesus of Galilee: Contextual Christology for the 21st Century.
Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2011. Pages 187-203.
● Ruffle, Douglas and Nicole Mulligan, eds. In The Precious Name. Toms River, N.J.:
Jersey Shore Press, 2011. Pages 27-41.
● Tennent, Timothy C. Theology in the Context of World Christianity. Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Zondervan, 2007. Pages 105-134.
SCHEDULE: Monday, October 12–Friday, October 16
8:30 am–12:30 pm; 1:30–5:30 pm
8:30 am–12:30 pm; 1:30–5:30 pm
8:30 am–12:30 pm; 1:30–5:30 pm
8:30 am–12:30 pm; 1:30–5:30 pm
8:30 am–12:30 pm; 1:30–5:30 pm
In addition, students will meet the instructor for “working lunches” regarding their research topics.
[2 contact hours]
Attendance and participation in all sessions of the course.
The final evaluation is based on a research paper (25–30 pages). Students will meet with the
instructor during “working lunches” to discuss their research topics. Due date TBA in class.