Unit 1 Week 2 Day 1

Unit 1 Week 2 Day 1: Pig in a Wig
Animals, Tame and Wild
High Frequency: take, up, and
Comprehension: realism and fantasy
Grammar: naming parts of a sentence
Vocabulary (Amazing Words): career, service, tool, scrub, sloppy, exercise, comfort, search
(Selection Words): play
Last week we read and talked about pets. A pet is an animal we love and take care of.
This week we are going to read and talk about animals on a farm.
ELL Poster #1
Students need to respond to the following questions with an article and noun.
Error Corrections: If needed, model, test, and ask the same question at the end of this
section to retest.
This is a picture of animals on a farm.
What is this animal? a pig
What is this animal? a horse
What is this animal? a goat
Let’s talk about what the animals are doing. (Students need to respond in complete
sentences. (Error Corrections: If needed, model, test, and ask the same question at the
end of this section to retest.)
What is the horse doing? The jumping over the fence.
What is the pig doing? The pig is eating.
What are the goats doing? The goats are eating.
Point to the animal that is hurt.
Point to the people who are helping the hurt animal.
What do we call an animal doctor? A vet.
What is a vet? A vet is an animal doctor.
Realism and Fantasy
Look at the goat wearing a pink dress.
Do you think a goat could really wear a pink dress?
Do you think a goat would think about wearing a pink dress?
Something that can’t really happen is called fantasy or make-believe.
What is something called that can’t really happen? Fantasy or make-believe.
Look at the horse jumping over the fence.
Do you think a horse can really jump over a fence?
Something that could really happen is realistic.
What is something that could really happen? realistic
Video: Pigs as Pets
ELL Poster #2
Unit 1 Week 2 Day 1: Pig in a Wig
Animals, Tame and Wild
(Amazing Words:
Read the Poster Talk-Through. Point to items on the poster as you read about them.
A career is a job. (definition)
Say it with me. Get ready.. . A career is a job.
What is it called when you have a job? A career.
The vet enjoys her career because she gets to help animals. Teaching is my career.
What career would you like to have when you grow up?
A tool is something that helps people do work. (definition)
Say it with me. Get ready… A tool is something that helps people do work.
What is a tool? A tool is something that helps people do work.
The animal doctor is using a tool to fix the horse.
What tools do you see in this picture? (Encourage children to point to tools if they don’t
know the name of the tool) Scissors, stethoscope
Service is doing work to help other people. (definition)
Say it with me. Get ready…Service is doing work to help other people.
What is work that helps other people? Service is work that helps other people.
The animal doctor is giving service to the horse. Taking out the garbage at our house is
giving service to our family.
Look at the pig. Pigs like to roll in the mud. The kids would have to scrub the pig to get it
clean. When you scrub something you clean it by rubbing hard.
Say it with me. Get ready…When you scrub something you clean it by rubbing hard.
What is cleaning by rubbing hard? To scrub is cleaning by rubbing hard.
Show me how you would scrub a spot off of the table.
High Frequency
Take, up, and
Help children to respond to questions using complete sentences when appropriate.
Here are this week’s high frequency words.
This word is and. What word? and
Everyone, spell and. a-n-d
What word did you spell? and
We use the word and to tell about two or more things.
There is a horse and a pig on the farm.
What is on the farm? A horse and a pig
This word is take. What word? take
Everyone, spell take. t-a-k-e
What word did you spell? take
The word take means to get something or to move something.
(Children act out as you give directions.)
Unit 1 Week 2 Day 1: Pig in a Wig
Animals, Tame and Wild
Take this book to the table.
Take the pencil over there.
This word is up. What word? up
Everyone, spell up. u-p
What word did you spell? up
Up is another word to tell where something is.
Point to are the lights?
The lights are up there.
Wave your hands up in the air.
Where are your hands?
Your hands are up in the air.
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)