
Bellwork #1:
SW View The Green Mile and complete a viewing guide
based upon the comparison/contrast of the movie and
Based upon the movie so far:
John Coffey = __________
Paul Edgecomb = _________
Dell = ___________
Tall Guard = __________
Mr. Jingles = ___________
Bellwork #2:
SW finish viewing The Green Mile and complete their
viewing guide.
SW read an article on the Harlem Renaissance and T2T.
• How was Paul Edgecomb different from
George in the position they are in at the end
of the novel? Which situation do you think is
harder? Why?
Bellwork #3:
SW discuss ideas learned about the Harlem Renaissance.
SW begin working on the expert folders and diagraming
articles they have picked as a group.
• Create a circle map based upon information
you learned or prior knowledge about the
Harlem Renaissance.
Bellwork #4:
SW finish diagramming their articles from the expert folders.
SW share out information they learned with the group and
apply the information as a group to a circle map.
• What new information did you learn about
the Harlem Renaissance? List at least three
new concepts.
Bellwork #5:
SW SSR with a novel of their choice.
SW read an AoW, T2T, and apply the 1 pager to it.
• Take 10 minutes and read your novel for SSR.
Then, complete one of the following:
• While I was reading I felt…..
I was surprised by…..
Because of _____ I assumed….
I wonder if ….
Bellwork #6:
SW gallery walk for concepts learned in the expert folders
based upon the Harlem Renaissance.
SW discuss their findings as a whole and within their groups.
SW apply their knowledge to a quiz on the background of
the Harlem Renaissance.
• Write Gallery Walk in your bellwork and then,
take your Harlem Renaissance notes in your
unit notes section.
Bellwork #7:
SW create an ABC brainstorm based upon The Raisin in The
SW view a Raisin in The Sun and discuss how the story ties
into the concepts of the Harlem Renaissance.
• Create an ABC brainstorm while you watch A
Raisin in The Sun. You may omit 3 letters of your
• A=
• B=
• C=
• D=
• E=
Bellwork #8:
SW view a Raisin in The Sun and discuss how the story ties
into the concepts of the Harlem Renaissance.
• Explain what each member of the Younger
family wants to do with the insurance Money
(Mama, Walter Lee, Ruth, and Beneatha)?
Whose dream do you agree with and why?
Bellwork #9:
SW work in pairs and use the Frayer method to present a
vocabulary word for this unit to the class.
• What obstacles did the Younger family face in
the story? Did they defer (put them off) their
dreams or pursue them? Explain.
Bellwork #10:
SW finish presenting any vocabulary words for this unit.
SW analyze 4 Langston Hughes poems and themes seen
within each one.
• Read the poem, “Dream Deferred,” by
Langston Hughes, how can this connect to the
story, The Raisin in The Sun? Explain
Bellwork #11:
SW finish presenting their academic vocab.
SW discuss and share their interpretations of Langston
Hughes poetry.
SW read “I, too, Sing America,” and discuss the meaning
behind it.
• What themes are present in the three poems
that were given to you on Friday? Do they all
share a common theme? Are there more than
one theme present? Explain
Bellwork #12:
SW read and analyze the story, “Thank You, Ma’m,” by
Langston Hughes.
SW answer questions and create an updated version of this
story as an essay.
• When reading the story, what clues are given
that make you feel like this is not present day?
Bellwork #13:
SW read, interpret, and analyze, “The Mask,” by Paul
Lawrence Dunbar.
SW create a mask that represents themselves.
• How is the mask in this poem Symbolic? What
does it represent/stand for besides a real
mask? Explain.
Bellwork #14:
SW read, interpret and analyze, “How it Feels to be Black.”
SW create their own, “How it Feel to be…” poem and share it
with the class.
• Why do you suppose we hide certain aspects
of ourselves from others? When did you first
realize you were different from others? How
did it make you feel?
Bellwork #15:
SW present their Brown Bag projects to the class.
SW record and interesting fact that they learn from each of
their classmates.
• As you hear presentations by other students
record one characteristic about each student
that you find interesting and why?
Bellwork #16/17:
SW view The Rosa Parks Story and discuss how it ties into
the HR.
• While you watch the video create a tree map
of Qualities you see based upon the Harlem
Renaissance (Time/place/current
events/jobs/limitations seen).
Bellwork #18:
SW continue to view The Rosa Parks Story and discuss the
connection seen within the HR.
SW analyze The Mask and the interpretation it has to this
• How does the poem We Wear The Mask tie
into the Rosa Parks story? Explain.
Bellwork #19:
SW finish watching The Rosa Parks Story and discuss the impact
it had on this time period, post HR.
• During this time period there were several bus
cases where women were arrested because
they were in violation of the law at the time,
what made Rosa Parks case so different?
Bellwork #20:
SW read and interpret “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” and “Yet
Do I Marvel.”
SW discuss rhyme scheme, theme, and create their own poem
based upon “The Negro Speaks of Rivers.”
• Look up the following words, define them and use them in a
• Marvel:
• Quibble:
• Sisyphus:
• Inscrutable
• Immune
• Catechism
• Strewn
• Caprice
Bellwork #21:
SW read and analyze MLK speech.
SW T2T and apply the information to a 4-Square.
SW look for the underlying message and themes present.
• Create your own poem with a set rhyme
scheme and lable each line to show this
pattern. Your poem must be 10-15 lines in
Bellwork #22:
SW Listen and view MLK speech and recap messages and
themes they saw present from the day before.
SW read “Learning How to Read,” from Malcolm X and then
compare/contrast him to MLK.
• Compare/contrast MLK to Malcolm X. Use a
double-bubble with 5 similarities and 5
differences on each side.