
Internal Clock
• Circadian rhythm
– Circum = about
– Dies = day
Activities that are governed by an
internal clock
Waking and sleeping
Eating and drinking
Body temperature
Secretion of hormones
Fig. 9.1
Where exactly is the biological
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
Figure 9.2 A sagittal view of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the pineal gland in the
human brain
Klein/Thorne: Biological Psychology
© 2007 by Worth Publishers
• Controls the circadian rhythm
• Location
– Hypothalamus
– Just above the optic chiasm
• Damage to the SCN
– Still sleep the same amount
– But the daily rhythm is destroyed
• Affects sleep, release of hormones
Studying the human
circadian rhythm
• Put healthy adults in a room with no
indication of time of day
– Body creates a rhythm that is about 25 hours
– Indicates that if not reset, biological clock is
25 hours long
– Free-running rhythm
Fig. 9.4
Studying the human
circadian rhythm
• Zeitgebers
– Reset the biological clock to 24 hours
– Position of the sun, for example
– Visual photoreceptor
– Nonvisual photoreceptor (light-dark cycle)
• Retinohypothalamic tract – passes info from
nonvisual photoreceptor to SCN
Phase-Sequence Problems
• Fig. 9.5
• Fig. 9.6
• Reticular activating system (RAS)
– Hindbrain through midbrain
– Arousal of the brain, alertness
How to study sleep?
• By using something called an
electroencephalograph (EEG)
• Electro: electric signals
• Encephalo: brain
• Graph: Measure
• Attach electrodes to the scalp
Figure 9.13 EEG patterns during waking and sleeping, and a typical night’s sleep
Klein/Thorne: Biological Psychology
© 2007 by Worth Publishers
Stages of Sleep
• Caveat: there are now 3 NREM stages
(Stages 3 and 4 have been combined), but
textbook was published prior to this recent
Stages of Sleep
• Relaxed wakefulness
– Alpha waves
• Stage 1
– Theta waves
Stages of Sleep
• Stage 2
– Sleep spindles
– K-complexes
Stages of Sleep
• Stage 3
– Delta waves
– Transition phase into Stage 4
Stages of Sleep
• Stage 4
– Delta waves
Stages 3 and 4: slow wave sleep
Controlled by the raphé nuclei, which contains
serotonin  decreased serotonin, decreased
NREM sleep
Stages of Sleep
• Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
• EEG similar to Stages 1 and 2
REM Sleep
• Also called “paradoxical sleep”
– EEG waves similar to waking state
– Difficult to awaken person
• Loss of core muscle tone
REM Sleep
• Commonly associated with dreaming
• But, dreaming can occur during non-REM
(NREM) sleep stages (1 through 4)
• REM sleep is produced by the caudal
reticular formation
Effects of REM Sleep Deprivation
• Irritability
• Concentration difficulty
• REM rebound
Things that affect REM Sleep
• Alcohol
• Sleeping pills
• REM rebound
Table 9.2
Klein/Thorne: Biological Psychology
© 2007 by Worth Publishers
Function of Sleep
A restorative function
Development of nervous system
Replace neurotransmitters
More active during day  need more sleep
Evolutionary Perspective
• According to this theory, how much an
animal sleeps depends on
– How much time it spends each day searching
for food
– How safe it is from predators
Evolutionary Perspective
• Cats and bats
– Eat nutritious food
– Are relatively safe
– Sleep for long periods of time
• Herbivores (plant eaters)
– Graze much of the day
– Need to look out for predators
– Sleep in short spurts
Learning and Memory
• Memory consolidation
Sleep Disorders
Sleep Disorders
• Insomnia
– Older adults, women
– Noise, discomfort
– Anxiety, depression
– Caffeine, alcohol
– Sleep apnea
Sleep Disorders
• Hypersomnia
– Sleepwalking
• Non-REM
– Night terror
• Non-REM
• Different from nightmare
– Bedwetting
• Non-REM
• Treatment: conditioning
– Narcolepsy
• Cataplexy
• Sleep paralysis