Dates in European History Review Powerpoint Important Dates for

All The Dates You Would Ever
Care to Know
It starts…
1434-1494 – rule of the Medici Family
1450 – Johannes Gutenberg, printing press
1451-1506- Christopher Columbus
1452 – 1519 – da Vinci
1453 – Ottomans capture Constantinople, end of 100 years war
1453-1471 War of the Roses
1455 – Bible printed by Gutenberg
1466-1536 - Erasmus
1469-1492 – Rule of Lorenzo de Medici
1469-1527 – Machiavelli
1473-1543 - Copernicus
1478-1529- Castiglione
1479 – Pazzi Conspiracy
1480 – began Spanish Inquisition
1480-1521- Magellan
1483-1546- Martin Luther
1491-1556- Ignatius Loyola
1492 – Reconquista, Ferdinand and Isabella unify Spain, Columbus sails to America
1493 – Treaty of Tordesillas
1498 – Savonarola burned at the stake
1500-1527 – High Renaissance
1503-1513 – Pope Julius II
1509 – Erasmus, Praise of Folly
1513 – The Prince
1516- More, Utopia, Concordat of Bologna
1517- Luther 95 Theses
1519-1522 – Magellan circumnavigates the globe
1519-1556 – Charles V is the Holy Roman Emperor
1520- Luther, Appeal to the Christian Nobility of the
German Nation
1521- Diet of Worms, start of Hapsburg-Valois Wars
1524-1525- peasants revolt in Germany
1527- Charles V sacks Rome
1528-Castiglione, Book of the Courtier
1529- Colloquy of Marburg summoned, Turks siege
• 1533- Henry VIII issues Act in Restraint of Appeals
• 1533-1592- Montaigne
• 1534- Henry VIII issues Act of Submission of the Clergy and Act of
Supremacy, Rabelais published Gargantua and Pantagruel
• 1536- Luther, Institutes of a Christian Religion
• 1540- Society of Jesus formed
• 1541- Calvin’s theocracy in Geneva
• 1542- Holy Office publishes Index of Prohibited Books
• 1543- Copernicus, On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
1545-1563- Council of Trent; End of Reformation
1546-1616- Shakespeare
1547-1616- de Cervantes
1548- Loyola, Spiritual Exercises
1549- Cranmer, Book of Common Prayer
1550-1725- Baroque movement
1555- Peace of Augsburg
1556-1598- Philip II King of Spain
1556-1603- Elizabeth I of England
1559- Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis
1564-1642- Galileo Galilei
1572- St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
1579- Peace of Utrecht
1588- Defeat of Spanish Armada
1588-1679- Thomas Hobbes
1562-1598- War of Three Henrys
1598- Edict of Nantes
1598-1613- Russia’s “Time of Troubles”
1603- Elizabeth dies, end of Renaissance
1603- Dutch East India Co.
1605- Bacon’s Advancement of Learning, Gunpowder
• 1611- 1st publication of King James Bible
• 1614- French Estates General Meets
• 1648-1660- Fronde
1616- Copernicus’s book placed on index of prohibited books
1618-1648- 30 Years War
1624-1643- Richelieu dominates government
1625-1649- Charles V rules England
1626- Charles I dissolves Parliament
1628- Petition of Right
1630- Puritans settle America
1632- Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning 2 Chief World Systems
1640- English Long Parliament is summoned
1640-1688- Frederick William the Great
1642-1649- English Civil War
1643-1715- Reign of Louis XIV
1648- Peace of Westphalia, Charles I beheaded
1650- William of Orange, start of Agricultural Revolution
1651- British Navigation Acts
1660- Restoration in England
1673- Test Act
1688-89- Glorious Revolution
1663-83- Colbert’s mercantilism in France
1665- Plague in England
1666- Great Fire in England
1682-1725- Rule of Peter the Great in Russia
1685- Edict of Fontainebleau (revoke Nantes &
name of a hotel in Miami
• 1686- Fontenelle, Conversation on Plurality of
• 1687- Newton’s Principia
• 1689- Montesquieu born
• 1690- Locke, Essay Concerning Human
Understanding, 2nd Treatise of Civil Gov.
• 1690-1780- Enlightenment
• 1694- Birth of Voltaire
• 1697- Bayle’s Dictionary
1700-1721- Russia wages Great Northern War
1721- Act of Settlement in England, Tull (seed drill)
1701-1713- War of Spanish Succession
1702- Peter the Great forms St. Petersburg
1713- Peach of Utrecht, Pragmatic Sanction (Charles V)
1713-1740- Fredrick William I rules Prussia
1718- end of war b/t Hapsburg and Ottomans (Haps win)
1721- Montesquieu The Persian Letters
1733- Kay, flying shuttle
1739- War of Jenkins’s Ear
1740- Frederick II comes to power in Prussia
1740-48- War of Austrian Succession
1748- Montesquieu The Spirit of the Laws, Treaty of Aixla-Chapelle
• 1750- Population Explosion
• 1751 – Encyclopedia, Diderot and d’Alembert
• 1756-1763- Seven Years War
1759- Candide, Voltaire
1762- Social Contract, Rousseau
1763- Treaty of Paris to end 7 years war
1772- 1st partitioning of Poland
1775-1783- American Revolution
1776- Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
1781- Joseph II abolishes serfdom
1789 (BIG YEAR) – Estates General called by Louis XVI
Tennis Court Oath
Declaration of the Right of Man
3rd estate becomes National Assembly
Storming of the Bastille
Women march to Versailles
1791- Declaration of Pillnitz
1793-1794- Reign of Terror
1799-1815- Napoleonic Era
1801- Concordat of Bologna
1803- Louisiana Purchase
1804- Napoleonic Code
1805- Battle of Trafalgar
1812- Grand Army in Russia
1814-15- Congress of Vienna
1815- Waterloo
1830-48- Louis Philippe of France
1839-41- Second Opium War
1842- Treaty of Nanking
1845-50- Irish potato famine
1847- The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx
1848- Rebellion in France
1850-65- Lord Palmerston
1853-1856- Crimean War
1855-65- Alexander II
1855-56- Concert of Europe failed
1857-58- Sepoy Mutiny
1859- Darwin, Plombieres, On Liberty
1861- Russian serfs freed
1862-1890- Bismarck in power
1863- Prussian-Danish War
1864-71- Unification of Germany
1866- Austro-Prussian War
1867- Marx’s Das Capital, Reform Bill (GB), Ausgleich
1869- Suez Canal completed
1870’s- start of New Imperialism, Balkan Crisis(Pan
1870-71- Franco-Prussian War, Paris Commune
1875- Third French Republic
1877-78- Russo-Turkish War
1878- Congress of Berlin
1883- Fabian Society
1884- Reform Act (GB)
1888-1918- William II
1887-89- Boulanger Crisis
1892- Fashoda Crisis
1894- Dreyfus Affair
1894-95- Sino-Japanese War
1896- Kruger Telegram
1899-1902- Boer War
1900- Boxer Rebellion
1902- Imperialism, Hobson & Anglo-Japanese Alliance
1904- Entente Cordial, Russo- Japanese War
1905- Einstein, Theory of Relativity
1907- Triple Entente formed
1908- First Balkan War
1914- Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated
1915- Lusitania sunk
• 1917- Germany declared unrestricted U-boat warfare,
Balfour Note, Dec Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russian
Revolution, Zimmerman Telegram
• 1918- Wilson, 14 points, Treaty of Versailles
• 1920- Mussolini has control, communists assume control
of Russia
• 1923- Ruhr Crisis, Russia renamed Soviet Union USSR
• 1924- Lenin dies, Dawes Plan
• 1926- Germany joins League of Nations
1928- Kellogg-Briand Pact
1929- Great Depression hits US
1933- March Enabling Act
1934-38- Great Terror in Russia
1935- Stresa Front, Italian invasion of Ethiopia
1936- Spanish Civil War, Rome-Berlin Axis
1937- Anti-Comintern Pact
1938- Kristallnacht
1939- Germany invades Czechoslovakia, start of WWII,
Russo-German Nonaggression Pact
1941- Lend Lease Act, Atlantic Charter
1942- Grand Alliance formed, Battle of Stalingrad
1943- Casablanca Conference, Tehran Conference
June 6 1944- D-Day
1944-45- Battle of the Bulge
1945- Yalta Conference, Potsdam Conference
1946- Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech
1947- containment begins, Marshall Plan
1948-49- Berlin Crisis, Airlift
1949- NATO formed
• 1953- Stalin dies
• 1955- Warsaw Pact created
• 1960’s- Civil Rights Movements, Space Race, The
• 1961- Berlin War torn down, Russians first to orbit
• 1963- Freidan, The Feminine Mystique
• 1969- American land first person on moon
• 1970’s- Détente, Stagflation, Women’s movement
RCC opposes abortion and divorce
• 1971- collapse of postwar monetary system
• 1973-79- OPEC oil prices increase
• 1979- Soviets invade Afghanistan, Pope John Paul II
electrifies Poland
• 1980s- US military buildup, growth of debt
• 1980- Solidarity in Poland
• 1985- Gorbachev takes power
a) glasnost
b) perestroika
• 1988- Economic crisis in Poland
• 1989- Unification of Germany, Revolutions in Eastern
1990- end of Soviet Union
1991- Warsaw Pact dissolved
1991-95- War in former Yugoslavia
1993- European Community becomes European Union
1995- Dayton Peace Accords
1996- Dolly the first sheep is cloned
Good Luck