1st Period American History II - Ms. Scioli Spring 2016 Communication: Email: ascioli@wcpss.net Website: angelascioli.com I use the REMIND app to send text reminders of things I announce in class. To join, text to this number: 81010 this message: @1stpdah Materials: You will be provided a packet for each unit that contains all the information you need to know for the tests. There are also lecture videos on YouTube on the angelascioli channel. You may also request a textbook if you would like one. The replacement cost is $56.14. The only other thing you need for class is a writing utensil. Class Rules: The classroom should be a productive place for learning and listening. Therefore, the following guidelines for classroom behavior will be observed: Be in class and seated when the bell rings. Cell phones should be off and out of sight. Be attentive. No food or drinks (water in a clear bottle with a top is ok). Use language and discuss topics that are school appropriate. Dispose of trash properly. I strictly adhere to school-wide policies regarding cell phones / electronic devices / nuisance items and tardiness. For other behavioral infractions, detention with me will be assigned. Policy for Leaving Class: You need to let me know when you go and take the appropriate hall pass. In case of a lockdown situation, I need to know who is not in the room. I will make mental note of the frequency and duration of time you are out of class. If it becomes excessive, I will discuss it with you and then contact your parent / guardian and determine an appropriate plan. If I observe that you are leaving class to use your phone, I will assign detention and contact your parent. Absences: I care if you miss class. If you are absent, I need you to show me a yellow note from attendance. It would be great if you would initiate that interaction. If your absence remains unexcused, I will send you to attendance to determine if your absence is unexcused or skipping. In cases of skipping, two lunch detentions are assigned and parents are contacted. Your makeup work / handouts will be provided by the comptroller on your team. Daily text blasts will also be sent out (with a photo from the board) of what we did in class. Homework: Homework will typically be a video I have posted on YouTube of about 15 minutes duration. It will correspond to a sheet in your packet. I will reinforce the concepts / info in class. Typically, multiple exposures to the information insures mastery of it. The day after a video is asigned, there will be a quiz on that information in class. Grading: Quarter Grades: Major (Tests and Projects) = 50% , Intermediate (smaller assignments graded for correctness) = 35%, Minor (effort based grades) = 15%. Each nine weeks will constitute 40% of the semester average. The state makes the final exam; it counts 20% of the final grade. I will post grades on Homebase. The grades will be posted on Homebase before I hand them back in class. TYPE OF GRADE Major Intermediate Minor % Of QUARTER AVERAGE 50% PRODUCT EXAMPLES Tests/project s (correctness or based on a rubric) 35% Essays/quizz es (correctness) 15% HW/CW (completion and effort) CAN YOU DO CORRECTIONS? YES (If you receive <70%) *It is possible to receive ½ the points back, up to a 70 for honors, and unlimited points back for academic NO NO *Must be initiated within the next 2 SMART Lunch sessions offered by your teacher CRITERIA: 1. You have not skipped class during that unit. 2. You have no outstanding missing work for that unit. 3. There must be data that indicates attentiveness in class during that unit. CONSEQUENCES FOR HONOR CODE VIOLATION* Redo for 70% credit and disciplinary action based on referral to your administrator Redo for 70% credit and disciplinary action defined as a minor offense Redo within 1 SMART Lunch session for 50% credit Current Events: In a democracy, it is important to have an informed citizenry capable of thinking critically about current events. At age eighteen, most of you will be eligible to vote. In the spirit of getting you ready for full democratic participation, we will be regularly discussing current events. I will be explaining the procedure for doing current events in class the first day. Students who can explain or describe a qualifying current event in some degree of detail will receive 2.5-5 points. Each nine weeks, students must earn 15 points to fulfill their current events requirement. I will require you to speak loudly and clearly, as you are speaking to the class in an effort to create a “realtime newscast”. To be successful as a student and a citizen, you need to create a habit of accessing the news regularly each day. Note that habits at first require intention but in time become habits. Decide how (apps, internet, paper, tv) you will access the news and when. Then, do it consistently until it becomes a habit. If you have questions about what you are hearing, bring them up in class and I will explain the “back-story” of the issue / event. Students may do additional current events for extra credit , but students in need of credit will be given priority in determining who I call upon. I roll a dice to determine what team will go first each day. On test days, extra credit questions on the board will be about the current events we have discussed in class. So, that is a another reason you will want to listen and I insist that the speaker speak loudly and clearly. My SMART Lunch availability: Tuesdays and Fridays – the entire SMART lunch session. You may bring your lunch.