Sociology course intro.

4th Period Honors Sociology - Ms. Scioli
Spring 2016
Email: Website:
I use the REMIND app to send text reminders of things I announce in class. To join, text to this number: 81010 this
message: @4thpdhs
You will need a three ring binder (multisubject is fine), paper and a pen or pencil. While I do not issue textbooks or teach
directly from one, you may request a textbook to use as a general resource . Just let me know and I will provide one to you.
Class Rules:
The classroom should be a productive place for learning and listening. Therefore, the following guidelines for classroom
behavior will be observed:
Be in class and seated when the bell rings.
Cell phones should be off and out of sight.
Be attentive.
No food or drinks – I have a “three strikes you’re
Use language and discuss topics that are school
Dispose of trash properly.
all out policy”
I strictly adhere to school-wide policies regarding cell phones / electronic devices / nuisance items and tardiness. For
other behavioral infractions, detention with me will be assigned.
Policy for Leaving Class:
If you need to leave class, you need to let me know when you go and take the appropriate hall pass. In case there is a
lockdown, I need to know who is missing. I will make mental note of the frequency and duration of time you are out of
class. If it becomes excessive, I will discuss it with you and then contact your parent / guardian and determine an
appropriate plan. If I observe that you are leaving class to use your phone, I will assign detention and contact your parent.
I care if you miss class. If you are absent, I need you to show me a yellow note from attendance. It would be great if you
would initiate that interaction. If your absence remains unexcused, I will send you to attendance to determine if your
absence is unexcused or skipping. In cases of skipping, two lunch detentions are assigned and parents are contacted.
Your makeup work / handouts will be provided by the comptroller on your team. Daily text blasts will also be sent out
(with a photo from the board) of what we did in class.
Homework will be rare, but when assigned, it will be collected.
Grades will be calculated on a point system, and a final average will be determined by dividing the total number of points
earned in the nine weeks by the total number of points possible. Unit tests will generally be worth 100 points, classwork /
homework 10 points, etc. . . Each nine weeks will constitute 40% of the semester average. The exam counts 20%.
Seniors can be exmept from the exam if they meet the requirements.
I will post grades on Homebase. The grades will be posted on Homebase before I hand them back in class.
Test Corrections:
If you receive a test grade lower than an 70, you can apply to do test corrections. To be approved, you must have no
unexcused absences for the unit, and you have been attentive during class. Test corrections will earn you ½ credit back up
to an 70 and will be done during SMART lunch.
Current Events:
In a democracy, it is important to have an informed citizenry capable of thinking critically about current events. At age
eighteen, most of you will be eligible to vote. In the spirit of getting you ready for full democratic participation, we will
be regularly discussing current events.
I will be explaining the procedure for doing current events in class the first day. Students who can explain or describe a
qualifying current event in some degree of detail will receive 2.5-5 points. Each nine weeks, students must earn 15 points
to fulfill their current events requirement. I will require you to speak loudly and clearly, as you are speaking to the class
in an effort to create a “realtime newscast”.
To be successful as a student and a citizen, you need to create a habit of accessing the news regularly each day. Note that
habits at first require intention but in time become habits. Decide how (apps, internet, paper, tv) you will access the news
and when. Then, do it consistently until it becomes a habit. If you have questions about what you are hearing, bring them
up in class and I will explain the “back-story” of the issue / event.
Students may do additional current events for extra credit , but students in need of credit will be given priority in
determining who I call upon. I roll a dice to determine what team will go first each day.
On test days, extra credit questions on the board will be about the current events we have discussed in class. So, that is a
another reason you will want to listen and I insist that the speaker speak loudly and clearly.
My SMART Lunch availability: Tuesdays and Fridays – the entire SMART lunch session. You may bring your