College Prep English 12 Novel Project 2014

Eckman Wissler1
College Prep English 12 Novel Project/Paper 750 pts
Due Date: Wednesday, January 7, 2015 11:59 PM
(paper) 525 pts
Begin Monday, January 12, 2015 In-Class (presentation) 225 pts power point
 This project and paper will be your FINAL. You may turn your paper in at ANY time BUT must
be turned in by January 7, 2015 to
 You must read 1 novel from the 18th and 19th Century British Literature novels list. You may
choose another British Literature author BUT it must be pre-approved.
 ONLY 2 students from EACH class may read the same novel. Sign up as soon as you decide
with Mrs. Eckman Wissler.
 ONLY 2 students from EACH class may read the SAME author.
 For the novel, you must include the following information:
1. A title
2. An Introduction, use of Transitions and Conclusion
3. An author biography. Be sure to cite any formation that is needed. You need to have
AT LEAST 4 sources for your author biography.
4. A brief plot summary of novel.
5. Choose 3 Historical References from your novel. Use an in-text citation for EACH
reference AND explain the significance of each reference. Each historical reference
needs to be accompanied by its own source/citation PLUS in the in-text citation.
6. Select 5 literary devices to discuss. You must DEFINE each device used as it applies to
Literature. For EACH literary device you must provide 3 examples of the device used
in each novel, discuss how it is used in the novel, and why it is important/significant to
the novel (beyond the plot). When you discuss how it is used, you are addressing
WHY the author chose this literary device. When you discuss the device’s importance
or significance, you are discussing why this device is significant to the NOVEL. You
must provide 1 direct quote for EACH literary device example with citation. Each
quote must have an explanation. BE SURE TO EXPLAIN EACH QUOTE/EXAMPLE!
(2 - 4 paragraphs per device).
Some of the literary devices you may use but are not limited to are:
Characterization (include the types)
Conflict as applied to Literature (include the types)
Irony (include the types)
** ALL definitions should be as it applies to LITERATURE**
**Do not use devices such as Plot, Setting or Climax**
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For Example:
Literary device: Sarcasm
Sarcasm is (Definition with proper citation).
Sarcasm is used in Pride and Prejudice ……..
 Provide 3 examples
 Each example needs a DIRECT QUOTE with CITATION
Sarcasm is important because……..
 This is how it is used and why it is important!
An example of sarcasm is “………..” ( Pride and Prejudice 9). This
shows…..(explain quote!)
SO, in total you will discuss 5 literary devices, have 3 examples for EACH device (15 examples
total) AND 3 direct quotes (15 total cited quotes).
Your paper must follow MLA format.
Your paper MUST include a Works Cited page. If you do not have a Works Cited page, it is an
automatic “0”.
After your paper is submitted to, you will submit your final project. This project
is due January 12, 2015. You will create a power point that you will present to the class. Your
presentation will be your last grade of the MARKING PERIOD/SEMESTER. Your paper will be
your FINAL for the year.
 Your Power Point:
1. Your power point must be at least 15 slides. This does not include either your title
slide or your Works Cited slide.
2. Your power point must include:
a. A brief author biography (bullet pointed and brief!)
b. Your novel summaries (bullet pointed and brief!)
c. 3 Historical references from paper (bullet pointed and brief!)
d. 3- 5 of the literary devices for your novel with definitions (cited) and 1
quote/example for each device (cited).
e. List of other works.
f. A personal review of the novel! Each review should be at least 3 paragraphs
long! Hand in a hard copy of your reviews the day of your presentation.
3. Your power point must include graphics (pictures) and animations on every slide. It
may also include sound.
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Pre-Approved In-Class Novels List:
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
Mary Anne by Daphne Du Maurier
Silas Marner by George Eliot
The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy
Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
The Mayor of Castorbridge by Thomas Hardy
1984 by George Orwell
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Black Arrow by Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells
War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Food of the Gods by H. G. Wells
The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells
The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde
Eckman Wissler4
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Proposed Timeline for working on CP/Honors FINAL:
1. Start reading novel (s) over the SUMMER!!!
2. IF your class is 1st Semester:
 Make sure novel(s) approved either BEFORE class starts or 1st week of school.
 RESEARCH the novel/author you are reading.
 Begin writing your author biography.
 By week 4, you should have your half of your 1st novel read. SUMMARIZE as
you go.
 At this point, have an idea of the literary devices you are going to use AND
keep notes of pages and example quotes.
 By week 9 (end of 1st semester), you should have completed reading your 1st
novel. Complete summary and Literary Devices. If Honors-begin
reading/summarizing your 2nd novel.
 Submit a copy for proof reading!!!
 By week 15, your novels should be completely finished and summaries done.
 Week 16, formalize your paper- put everything together. Add your historical
references. Submit paper to!!
 Complete reviews and power point.
3. IF your class is 2nd Semester:
 Make sure novel(s) approved either BEFORE class starts or 1st week of class.
 RESEARCH the novel/author you are reading.
 Begin writing your author biography.
 By week 4, you should have your half of your (1st ) novel read. SUMMARIZE as
you go.
 At this point, have an idea of the literary devices you are going to use AND
keep notes of pages and example quotes.
 By week 9 (end of 1st semester), you should have completed reading your 1st
novel. Complete summary and Literary Devices. If Honors-begin
reading/summarizing your 2nd novel.
 Submit a copy for proof reading!!!
 By week 15, your novels should be completely finished and summaries done.
 Week 16, formalize your paper- put everything together. Add your historical
references. Submit paper to!!
 Complete reviews and power point.
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