Week 4 PPT

Focus Question: Identify a reoccurring symbol
in Frankenstein. Where does it appear and
what do you think it represents?
Vocab definitions due tomorrow
Frankenstein Reading Check on chaps 12-14
Remediation on On-Demand Essays after
school on Wednesday.
Buy Powder Puff tickets from me today
through Wednesday. Game is Wednesday at
Mrs. Sales’ birthday tomorrow…bring gifts.
Get a copy of Angela’s Ashes by October 30th!
Make a list of some of the “big ideas” in the novel. Ask
yourself: what is this a book about???
•Playing God
•Parent/child relationships
•Ethics in science and medicine
•The effect of nature on one’s spirit
•The power of knowledge
•Responsibility that comes with creating life
What question demonstrates effective
A. Are you planning to ride the roller coaster,
swim in the lagoon, or play a game of ring toss
before you leave the amusement park?
2. What is the BEST way to write the sentence?
They were working on the same assignment, the two
students argued about the approach to take, either
persuasive or a narrative essay would work well.
C. The two students working together on the
same assignment argued about taking a
persuasive or narrative approach to the essay,
since either approach would work.
3. Which statement BEST combines these simple
sentences into a longer, more interesting one?
The horse and rider approached the low wall. The horse
began its leap. It caught its left foreleg on the wall.
C. The horse and rider approached the low wall, and, as
the horse began its leap, it caught its left foreleg on the
“And” is a FANBOY, so you put the comma before.
However, “as the horse began its leap” is an interrupting
phrase, thus the commas go before and after.
4. What is the BEST way to revise these two
Eating breakfast is a delicious way to start the day.
It gives you energy all morning.
Do you remember the rule on combining two
sentences? You use a semicolon!
Therefore, the answer is….
B. Eating breakfast is a delicious way to start the
day; it gives you energy all morning.
5. Based on the passage’s descriptive details,
where does the story take place?
The passage uses details like talking about
cabanas, beaches and coast.
Therefore, the best answer is…
A. A coastal country with a tropical climate.
6. This passage most prominently features
what elements of fiction?
This question is a good example of process of
elimination. There’s not really a moral lesson,
so we can eliminate A and D. Also, there is not a
clear antagonist, so we can take away B.
So…we are left with…
C. Action, description, dialogue.
7. Which statement best suggests the source of
Yolanda’s frustration in the passage?
He’s not used to being among people (lines
But I can’t say as I’ve seen any (lines 34-35)
The Dona would get how, her nice clothes
would get all dirty (lines 57-58)
The woman had turned into the long arm of
her family (lines 64-66).
8. The term long arm provides an example of
which literary device?
B. Metaphor
(it’s comparing Yolanda’s protectiveness to a
long arm).
9. In Spanish, Dona is a title of courtesy that
means lady. What does the repetition of the
word Dona suggest about the old woman’s
attitude toward Yolanda?
C. She acknowledges Yolanda’s wealthy status.
10. Which word best describes the mood of the
Again, this is process of elimination.
11. Which literary device or technique used in
the poem creates a conversational tone?
C. Free verse
12. Which phrase contains a metaphor?
D. Coming back/from the bellies of iron whales
The metaphor is comparing the ships that the
poet’s father worked on and “the bellies of iron
13. What literary device helps develop a
religious theme in the poem?
Figurative language
The answer is B. Figurative language
What phrase is most helpful in creating an
adoring tone toward the father?
Round cap on his head like a halo.
A is the right answer because it sets up the
high amount of respect and adoration the
poet has for her father. She thinks of him like
an angel with a halo.
15. What does the speaker most likely mean by
referring to the father as an apparition?
A. He was like an unexpected sight to his
Learning Target: I can identify themes in
 Focus question: What are some “big ideas” in
Frankenstein? Make a list of 5 big ideas.
Big Ideas from “Romeo and Juliet”
Love, Revenge, Innocence, the uselessness of
fighting, Violence, Family bonds, Holding a grudge
Tomorrow class will meet in library!!!
Theme: a universal statement of truth that is
communicated through a piece of literature
Message may be about life, society, or human
Message is broader than the book – it can be
true of all people and all times
Message is almost always implied rather than
stated directly
Make a list of some of the “big ideas” in the novel. Ask
yourself: what is this a book about???
•Playing God
•Parent/child relationships
•Ethics in science and medicine
•The effect of nature on one’s spirit
•The power of knowledge
•Responsibility that comes with creating life
Learning Target: I can identify themes in a
Focus question: Choose a big idea from
Tuesday. Write is as a theme statement about
 Vocab Quiz tomorrow
Choose 1 of the big ideas you named.
What is the author saying to the reader about
this topic?
Write your theme in a statement of universal
truth (don’t mention the novel – this statement
is true of all people and all times).
Think about where you see evidence that
supports this statement.
Big idea from Frankenstein: The power of
What is the author saying to the reader about
this topic? When Victor wants to create life, he
continues his experiments in isolation without
considering the potential hazards to the human
race. Mary Shelley sends a message to the
reader through the disastrous outcome that
pure motives often get lost in the passionate
pursuit of knowledge.
 Write your theme in a statement
of universal truth. Too much
knowledge when sought in isolation,
can produce results that are harmful
to society.
Stay away from theme statements that are
too simple or hackneyed like these:
 Too much knowledge can be dangerous.
Too easy and
 Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Also, avoid “you” statements like these:
 You should not judge people by the way they look.
 You should always take responsibility for your
 Instead of stopping with : Society is
 Get more specific: When a person
differs from society’s idea of normal,
that person often suffers rejection by
 Instead of: Creating life is serious
 Keep language formal:
life carries with it serious
responsibility that includes a
commitment to teach and
Where do you see evidence that supports
this statement? Find specific examples and
use MLA format to cite source. Victor says,
“. . . But now that I had finished, the beauty
of the dream vanished, and breathless horror
and disgust filled my heart. Unable to endure
the being I had created, I rushed out of the
room . . .” (Shelley 49).
Write a theme statement to go with two of
the big ideas you identified.
Share with the class. Add to your list.
Pick one theme statement you might use to
develop a whole essay. Your test this week
will be a theme essay.
Learning Target: I can analyze theme in literature.
Focus Question: You don’t have to write this all down.
Just write “Theme CEA paragraph”
Here’s what you do in the space….
 Select 1 theme from the list you generated yesterday.
Find at least 2 pieces of evidence as support. (Must
use at least 1 direct quote with MLA citations.)
Write 3-4 sentences of analysis. How is this theme
connected to the events of the novel and to a more
universal experience?