Mr. Miller AP US History Chapter 22 Notes Four essential /central questions: How to physically and socially rebuild the south? How would emancipated blacks fare as free men and women? How would the southern states be reintegrated into the Union? Who controls the process of Reconstruction: the southern states, the president, or Congress? What to do with captured Confederate leaders (e.g., Jefferson Davis) The story of the "hoopskirt, sunbonnet and calico wrapper" had no real existence and was started in the fertile brains of the reporters and in the illustrated papers of the day. 1. Physical destruction of the south Charleston Richmond 2. Economic conditions •Banks, businesses destroyed by inflation •Transportation system destroyed by Sherman's raid and the prosecution of total war in the south 3. Agriculture - cotton crop not up to pre-1860 levels until after 1870. - loss of slave labor ($2 billion) 4. The "lost cause" mentality The confusing nature of emancipation Emancipation took place unevenly -Slaves liberated and then re-enslaved as Union armies marched in and out of specific localities Resistance of slave owners Illustrate complexity of the master-slave relationship Some slaves exhibit loyalty to plantation master and resist Union occupation Others joined Union forces in pillaging their master's possessions Migration to cities for jobs in the North Creates conflict with immigrants, especially Irish Legal status of former slave marriages? "Exodusters" (Black migration west) Goals of the Freedmen's Bureau (a primitive welfare agency) under Gen. Oliver Howard Created by Congress on March 3, 1865. It was intended to provide clothing, medical care, food, and education to both freedmen and white refugees. 1. Major successes of the Bureau educational advances for Blacks, improved literacy . Failures of the Bureau corrupt/land parcels confiscated and sold, labor contracts signed put former slaves in negative position Because it was despised by the President and by Southerners, the Freedmen's Bureau expired in 1872. Andrew Johnson was elected to Congress but refused to secede with his own state of Tennessee in 1861. Johnson was made Vice President (even though he was a Democrat) to Lincoln's Union Party in 1864 in order to gain support from the War Democrats and other pro-Southern elements. Johnson was a strong supporter of state's rights and of the Constitution. He was a Southerner who did not understand the North and a Democrat who had not been accepted by the Republicans. Intelligent but stubborn and hot tempered Basically, Johnson was a political "misfit"(not elected Pres., not trust by either Northerners or Southerners) The politics of Reconstruction Lincoln and Congress lock horns in 1863 Lincoln's 10% Plan When 10% who had voted in the 1860 election had taken an oath of allegiance to the Union, a former slave state was eligible to be readmitted to the Union Due to Republican fears over the restoration of planter aristocracy and the possible re-enslavement of blacks, Congress passed the Wade-Davis Bill in 1864. It required that 50% of a state's voters take the oath of allegiance and it demanded stronger safeguards for emancipation. President Lincoln refused to sign the bill. The Moderates (Supported Lincoln’s plan) The Radicals: the South are "conquered provinces" … This radical minority that felt the South should suffer greatly before its re-admittance. These Radicals wanted the South's social structure to be uprooted, the planters to be punished, and the newlyemancipated blacks protected by federal power. Disfranchisement of leading Confederates and those with $20,000+ of taxable property (but they can petition President for pardon) calls of state conventions in south to REPEAL, REPUDIATE, and RATIFY in order to be READMITTED Johnson’s plan was announced on May 29, 1865. It called for special state conventions which were required to: repeal the decrees of secession, repudiate all Confederate debts, and ratify the slave-freeing 13th Amendment. Johnson's broad use of the presidential pardon allowed the planter elite to regain political power in Southern states. Black Codes passed by the newly formed southern state legislatures. These prevented blacks from voting through “literacy tests” and “poll taxes” Also prevented blacks from serving on juries Ensured they would remain a subservient labor force in the south Created the cycle of sharecropping in the South Plantation owners would rent out pieces of their land to blacks and make the cost of rent higher than the return the land produced. The renters of the land were bound by contract to continue to work the land until debts were repaid to the plantation owner. Unable to repay the debts, blacks began to "jump" their contracts. The codes imposed harsh penalties on blacks who "jumped" their labor contracts, some of which usually forced the blacks to work for the same employer for one year. "whitewashed rebels" elected to offices, including former Confederate leaders elected to Congress (e.g., Alexander Stephens) Republicans fear loss of power -- Northern Dems and Southern Dems might unite and take control of Congress. Black codes sought to restore the pre-emancipation system of race relations. What was Lincoln’s plan to reconstruct the Union following the Civil war? What was the Wade-Davis Bill? What were Black Codes and what was their purpose? What was Sharecropping? What was Andrew Johnson’s plan and why was he the wrong man to be president at that time? Johnson provokes Congress: Johnson declares Reconstruction over in December 1865 Vetoes the Freedmen's Bureau extension in 1866 Congressional Reconstruction In December 1865, Southern states represented themselves in Congress with former Confederate generals and colonels. This infuriated the Republicans who were apprehensive about embracing their Confederate enemies in Congress. The Republicans had enjoyed their supreme rule in Congress during the Civil War; but now there would be a potentially powerful opposing Democratic party. This time, the South would have much more control in Congress due to the fact that slaves were now counted as a whole person, not just 3/5; giving the South a larger population. Republicans feared that the South would take control of Congress. The Civil Rights Bill of 1866 (gave blacks basic rights of citizenship and disqualified former Confeds). Fearing that the Southerners might someday repeal the hated Civil Rights Law, This amendment: 1- gave civil rights, including citizenship, to the freedmen 2- reduced proportionately the representation of a state in Congress and in the Electoral College if it denied blacks on the ballot 3- disqualified from federal and state offices former Confederates who, as federal officeholders, had once sworn to support the Constitution of the United States 4- guaranteed the federal debt, while the Union assumed all Confederate debts. Johnson and the 1866 Congressional Elections Johnson's "swing 'round the circle" -- he actively campaigns against the Republicans…but contributes to their victories with inept and confrontational speeches Result: Republicans secure more than a 2/3 majority in both houses -- a veto-proof hold on the legislative branch The Republican "Radicals" 1. Charles Sumner in the Senate 2. Thaddeus Stevens in the House The goals of the "Radicals“…pass laws that guarantee black freedom and racial equality The moderate Republicans, the majority in Congress, preferred policies that restrained the states from cutting citizens' rights, rather than policies that directly involved the federal government in individual lives. Military Reconstruction Act (March 1867) Divided the south into 5 military districts Each under a military "governor" 20,000 troops would enforce it Conditions for readmission to the Union -ratification of the 14th amendment - full male suffrage to blacks in states Radical Republican Conditions for readmission to the Union -Ratification of the 14th amendment - Full male suffrage to blacks in all the states The 15th Amendment was passed by Congress in 1869. It granted black men the right to vote. The moderate Republican goal was to create voters in Southern states that would vote those states back into the Union and thus free the federal government from direct responsibility for the protection of black rights. No land or education guaranteed to freedmen Repubs. felt that creating an electorate would be enough to protect freedmen's rights Questionable legality of military rule, (as the South was no longer at war with the North but was treaty as an occupied county. Ex parte Milligan case (1866) (Civilians cannot be tried by military tribunals) ID’s and Outlines for the entire Unit are due Thursday. Multiple Choice Test Friday and an in class DBQ on Monday. EC Notes from Reconstruction video. HAND IN ANY EC WORK YOU DID OVER BREAK TODAY. The struggle for freedom ignores women's rights The 14th Amendment (extends citizenship to black adult males but not women) The 15th Amendments (black male suffrage only) Freedmen and the vote Moderate plans (Lincoln's, Johnson's) give way to widespread enfranchisement in the south in 1867 and then in the nation as a whole in 1870. Blacks are the majority of the electorate (due to disqualification of former Confederates & their large population density) in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas. An engraving depicting an agent of the Freedman’s Bureau as a peacemaker between blacks and whites after the Civil War. only one state legislature (SC) elected a majority of blacks in the lower house. no state senates had black majorities no black governors were elected most black officials were highly capable, educated, free-born 2 US Senators (Hiram Revels and Blanche K. Bruce) were elected from Mississippi over a dozen US Congressmen elected State State Legislators Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Louisiana Mississippi N. Carolina S. Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Total 69 8 30 41 87 112 30 190 1 19 46 633 2 15 U.S. Senators U.S.Congressmen 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1* 2 1 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 In Reconstruction era Senator Party State Term Lifespan Former slave Hiram Rhodes Revels Republican Mississippi 1870-1871 1822-1901 No Blanche Bruce Republican Mississippi 1875-1881 1841-1898 Yes In Modern era Senator Party State Term Lifespan Edward William Brooke, III Republican Massachusetts 1 967-1979 1919Carol Moseley Braun Democrat Illinois 1993-1999 1947Barack Obama Democrat Illinois 2005-2008 1 961Roland Burris Democrat Illinois 2009 1937- Originally a pro-Union organization. Freedmen turned the Union League into a network of political clubs that educated members and campaigned for Republican candidates. The League also took up building black churches and schools, representing black grievances before local employers and government, and recruiting militias to protect black communities from white retaliation. Presence of former slaves in civil service and government "scalawags" and "carpetbaggers“ Scalawags" were Southerners who were accused of plundering the treasuries of the Southern states through their political influence in the radical governments. "Carpetbaggers" were sleazy Northerners who had come to the South to seek power and profit. Accusations of graft and corruption some truth to these accusations in SC and Louisiana political corruption, however, not confined to the South in these years (New Orleans after Katrina)? Secret organizations emerge Ku Klux Klan is most notorious TN 1866 – founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest Intended to strike fear through intimidation often resorts to violence main goal = disfranchisement of blacks angered by the success of black legislators Force Acts of 1870 and 1871 White resistance… to Force Acts of 14th / 15th Amendments literacy tests reinstated in some places The Acts came too late, though, after the intimidation of the Klan had already been accomplished. In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Congressional attacks on Johnson accusations/mudslinging Secretary of War Edwin Stanton (main enemy of Johnson and important leader of the Radical Republicans) Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act in 1867. It required the president to secure the consent of the Senate before he could remove his cabinet members once they had been approved by the Senate. Its purpose was to keep in the president's cabinet. constitutionality of measure is questionable When Johnson dismissed Stanton in 1868, the House of Representatives voted to impeach Johnson for "high crimes and misdemeanors." Johnson dismisses Stanton Impeachment vote results…126 to 47 in the House for “crimes and misdemeanors” Trial and verdict biggest show of 1868 (a media circus) not guilty verdict in Senate (by one vote) -Significance of the trial…preserved the power and equal station of the executive branch Initially viewed as a failure. In the South… Segregation perpetuated. The pre-Civil War South was romanized in literary works like Gone With The Wind and The Clansman Black rights by 1877 little better than in pre civil war slave times There were more important issues than Black rights or Reconstruction. Such as the growing industrial economy, further westward expansion, an even larger influx of European immigrants. Newer historical research (see pages 500-501 in Bailey) highlighted the real tragedy of Reconstruction. It failed not because blacks were incapable of governing, but because the civil rights and equalities granted during this period were but a passing temporary development. These rights would ultimately be removed, only to wait until the 1950s and 1960s, for the rise of the Civil Rights Movement or what is sometimes referred to as "Second Reconstruction." The Alaska Purchase, historically also referred to as Seward's Folly, was the purchase of Alaska by the United States from the Russian Empire in 1867. The purchase was at the time derided as "Seward's folly," "Seward's icebox," and Andrew Johnson's "polar bear garden," because it was believed foolhardy to spend so much money on the remote region. The purchase price set at $7,200,000, about 1.9¢ per acre. Seward, the main force behind the treaty, had long favored expansion. U.S. Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, agreed that the nation's strategic interests favored the treaty. Russia had been a valuable ally of the Union position during the American Civil War, while Britain had been a nearly open enemy. It seemed wise to help Russia while discomfiting the British. Today: Divide up Chapter 22 Apparts (due Friday) Tomorrow: Review Game or Practice Tests ID’s and Outlines Due (check off) Friday: Multiple Choice Unit Test Monday: In class DBQ (Reconstruction). Finish the Unit 7 ID’s and Questions by 12/2 Review Chapters 21, 22 and 23 in your textbook. Do Practice Tests The Final Exam will consist of about 20 matching items (terms, people, events, etc), and 50 multiple choice questions. n_pageant/11e/students/ace/index.html What were the advantages of both the North and the South during the Civil War? What advantage proved most important to each side? What disadvantage proved to be the most difficult to overcome for the South? Why did the North win the Civil War? How might the South have won? Discuss specific strategies and battles in support of your ideas. Was Reconstruction a noble experiment that failed, a vengeful Northern punishment of the South, a weak effort that did not go far enough, or the best that could have been expected under the circumstances? What has been the historical legacy of Reconstruction? (Consider particularly the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments and Civil Rights laws.)