5.2 Mitosis and Cytokinesis Chapter 5 Cell Growth and Division Mr. Shilala DAHS KEY CONCEPT Cells divide during mitosis and cytokinesis. DNA and Chromosomes • DNA is a double stranded molecule made of four subunits called nucleotides • A chromosome is one long continuous thread of DNA – Consists of numerous genes with regulatory information – Your cells have 46 chromosomes – If stretched out straight and laid end to end DNA in one cell would be about 10 feet long Chromosomes condense at the start of mitosis. • DNA is loosely organized during interpahse – Looks like spaghetti • DNA wraps around proteins (histones) that condense (shrink) it. • DNA plus proteins is called chromatin DNA double helix DNA and histones Chromatin Supercoiled DNA • Chromatid • One half of a duplicated chromosome is a chromatid. • Sister chromatids (identical chromatids) are held together at the centromere. • Telomeres protect DNA and do not include genes. - Prevent chromosomes from accidentally attaching to each other telomere chromatid centromere telomere Condensed, duplicated chromosome Mitosis and cytokinesis produce two genetically identical daughter cells. Parent cell • Interphase prepares the cell to divide. • During interphase, the DNA, or chromosomes, are duplicated. centrioles spindle fibers centrosome nucleus with DNA Mitosis • Mitosis divides the cell’s nucleus into 2 genetically identical nuclei in four stages – Each has full set of DNA • IPMAT – Interphase • Not part of mitosis – Prophase – Metaphase – Anaphase – Telophase • Prophase – DNA and Proteins condense into Chromosomes – Nuclear membrane breaks down, centrioles move to opposite poles and spindle fibers form • Metaphase – Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. – Spindle fibers attach to each chromosome • Anaphase – Sister chromatids separate to opposite sides of the cell. • Telophase – New nuclei form – Chromosomes begin to uncoil – Spindle fibers fall apart. • Cytokinesis – Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm into two cells – In animal cells, the membrane pinches closed. – In plant cells, a cell plate forms Youtube Mitosis Video