OL World Literature and Composition Midterm Review Sheet 2016

OL World Literature and Composition Midterm Review Sheet
One cold reading passage
65 multiple choice questions
o 30 vocabulary questions
o 25 content questions
 Angela’s Ashes
 Macbeth
 Siddhartha
o 10 questions about the reading passage
Two essays
o One content based
o One on the reading passage
Obligated; indebted to someone
o Beholden
Stupefied; foolish
o Besotted
Destructive disease
o Blight
Harsh words or sounds that are difficult to understand
o Cacophony
Inflammation of a membrane in the nose and throat
o Catarrh
A loaf of rich white bread eaten to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath
o Challah
A believer is are allowed to receive Communion
o Communicant
Something made or declared sacred
o Consecrated
An act of treachery; a breach of trust
o Perfidy
o Pestilence
Disease characterized by the inflammation of the lungs, fever, and difficulty
o Pneumonia
Period of time in America from 1920-1933 when alcohol was illegal
o Prohibition
A prediction of the future
o Prophecy
A line of people waiting their turn
o Queue
A violation of something held sacred
o Sacrilege
Coins used in Ireland and England worth one-twentieth of a pound
o Shillings
Affected by a wasting disease such as tuberculosis
o Consumptive
The look on someone’s face
o Countenance
A period of two weeks
o Fortnight
A downcast, defeated, woeful appearance
o Hangdog
Persuaded, caused
o Induced
Summon; cause to appear
o Invoke
o Knavish
Overly talkative; chatty
o Loquacious
A lake or landlocked bay
o Lough
A small wingless parasite; slang for an unethical person
o Louse
Recitation of a prayer for nine consecutive days in the Catholic Church
o Novena
Stubbornness; state of being unyielding to reason
o Obstinacy
A wage paid to an employee after retirement
o Pension
Some, but not all, of the following questions will be on the multiple choice section of the
Angela’s Ashes
 What causes Angela and Malachy, Sr. to become romantically involved?
 Who helps the McCourts while living in Brooklyn?
 Which children does Frank’s family lose?
 With what sickness is Frank afflicted after his Confirmation?
 What happened to Uncle Pat Sheehan to make him mentally challenged?
 Why does Aunt Aggie resent Angela?
 What does Malachy, Sr. often use as an excuse for not being able to get a job in
 What happens when Frank goes to become an altar boy?
 What happens to Frank on his Communion day that causes his grandmother to
take him to confession twice in two minutes?
 How do the people in Limerick view their enemies in World War II?
 How is Frank affected by seeing his mother beg for food?
 What effect does Mr. Timoney have on Frank?
 With what illness is Frank afflicted for many years?
 Despite having next to nothing, how does Frank’s family show compassion to
their neighbors?
 How does Frank’s relationship with Theresa affect him?
 Why does Frank feel badly about writing letters for Mrs. Finucane?
 How does Uncle Pa Keating affect Frank in the later chapters of the novel?
 Who encourages Frank the most in his life?
 Why does Frank finally feel he can go to America?
How does Banquo describe the Witches when he first sees them upon the heath?
What prophecies do the Witches make for Macbeth and Banquo?
What was Lady Macbeth unable to do in Duncan’s chamber? Why?
Who discovers that Duncan has been murdered?
Why does Macbeth say he has murdered the guards?
What title has never been used before in Scotland that Malcolm plans to use on
his Thanes and kinsman?
Where has Macduff gone and why?
What happens to Lady Macduff and her son?
Why does Malcolm question Macduff?
What do Malcolm and Macduff plan to do?
 Siddhartha’s best friend is…
 As Siddhartha is about to leave, Siddhartha’s father realizes…
 Govinda ultimately decides…
 Siddhartha is in search of…