Name: Hour:______ Use complete sentences and follow directions

Use complete sentences and follow directions
War of 1812 Webquest
Type in the following address:
Click on the Introduction
1. On what month and year did the United States declare war on England?
2. What wars were going on in Europe at the time of the War of 1812?
3. Who were the four main groups of people involved in the War of 1812?
Go back to the previous webpage and click on the Search icon and then click on Causes in
the Explore History Box (left side).
4. Why did the Americans fear the Native Americans on the frontier?
5. Why did many Americans in the frontier regions like Kentucky hate the British?
6. What did Chief Tecumseh want to do to all of the Native American tribes?
7. What did the War Hawks want? Who was their leader?
8. What was Britain doing to American ships and crews that lead to conflict with
9. Explain why the United States and Canada were both weak and not prepared for
war with one another.
10. Why did Britain delay its declaration of war on the United States?
Click on the Timeline in the Explore History Box, and then click on 1812 and before.
Make sure to click on the battles and events to learn more about them.
11. What caused the Battle of Tippecanoe?
12. How did the American forces win the Battle of Tippecanoe?
13. Look at the June 18, 1812 date. Write out the reasons President Madison lists for
going to war with England.
14. On what date did America invade Canada?
15. Why did the Americans surrender Fort Michilimackinac and Fort Detroit?
16. What Great Lake did America gain control over in November of 1812?
Click on the 1813 part of the timeline on the top of webpage
17. Why did the American suffer such heavy losses at the Battle of Frenchtown?
18. Who won the Battle of Lake Erie? Who was the American commander?
19. What happened at the Battle of the Thames? What important Native leader died
after the battle?
Click on the 1814 and beyond part of the timeline on the top of the webpage
20. Why did America lose the Battle of Washington/Bladensburg?
21. During August 24/25 1814 what happened to Washington D.C.?
22. What happened at the Battle of Baltimore? What famous song was written during
the Battle of Baltimore? Who wrote the song?
23. What did the British do on December 23, 1814?
24. What was signed on December 24, 1814? What did it end?
25. Why did the Battle of New Orleans happen even though the War of 1812 was over?
26. Why was the Battle of New Orleans such a disaster for British Army?
27. Who led the American forces at the Battle of New Orleans?
28. Go to the February 17, 1815 and click on years afterwards. What group of people
lost the most by the War of 1812?
Click on people in the Explore History Box, (upper left side) and then click on the
29. Besides Andrew Jackson what other American general became President of the
United States after the War of 1812?
30. Was of the War of 1812 beneficial or harmful to the young American nation?
Explain why in your own opinion!