File - Educator Effectiveness

Analyzing & Documenting
Progress Toward Goals
MARCH 2013
Please have a seat and fill out the
reflection sheet (Do Now)
Today’s Agenda
• Welcome & Reflection
• Table Group Check-ins
• Formative Assessments
• “Adjustments to Practice” & Tracking
Progress Toward Goals
• Closing
Norms & Community Agreements
 Start and end on time.
 Limit technology to break time.
 Include everyone in conversations.
 Vegas Rule: Confidentiality
Session #2 Homework
Thanks for…
Summarizing & reflecting on
rubric/evaluation meeting(s).
Attending All-Facilitators Meeting
Defining the Scope
EEFs will:
 Be conduits for feedback
 Contribute expertise to develop resources for the district
 Disseminate information and best practices
 Lead conversations around effective instructional practice
Make-up Session:
Tuesday, April 30 3-6 pm MPHS Green Tile Area
EEF Series Objective
EEFs will be able to identify, discuss, and
cultivate effective instructional practices
within their school communities using the tools
provided by the evaluation system.
Session 3 Objectives
Today we will:
 Share questions, challenges, & best practices
 Continue to build expertise in the evaluation system
 Explore proficient practice in Adjustments to
 Develop plans for work with colleagues
Session #3 Homework
Complete “Reflecting on Progress Toward a
Team Goal”
Facilitation Moves
Keep an eye on:
 Praxis: action with reflection & learning by doing
 Needs Assessment: participation of the learners in
naming what is to be learned
 Shared facilitation
Today’s Agenda
• Welcome & Reflection
• Table Group Check-ins
• Formative Assessments
• “Adjustments to Practice” & Tracking
Progress Toward Goals
• Closing
Notes from the field
 One EEF created a “Cash Cab” game show to
review basics of the evaluation process.
 Another EEF modeled the process of
identifying her own artifacts.
 Another EEF videotaped a teacher’s lesson &
used with staff to unpack Well-Structured
 “at the start of the meeting teachers were
feeling very overwhelmed by the process of
uploading artifacts and confused about
appropriate artifacts… once teachers
realized that all of these ‘activities’ [they
were already doing] could be used to show
growth towards their goal they were so
 “The team was pretty quiet when responding
to questions. There was not a lot of feedback
in terms of what student engagement is and
how the class should look. I facilitated the
meeting but also felt like I was giving them
all the ideas that we wrote down during our
EEF meeting. ”
 Evaluation successes & challenges?
 What kind of meeting(s) have you
lead? How did it go?
Today’s Agenda
• Welcome & Reflection
• Table Group Check-ins
• Formative Assessments
• “Adjustments to Practice” & Tracking
Progress Toward Goals
• Closing
Formative Assessment Role Play
Scenario 1:
A teacher received a Needs Improvement
overall rating on her formative assessment.
She states that her evaluator told her it was
because she did not upload enough artifacts.
The educator is coming to you, the EEF, for help.
What do you say?
Formative Assessment Role Play
 Scenario 1:
How many artifacts?
OEE says:
At least 1 for each standard and goal prior to the
More before the summative
Earlier in the year, OEE said…
3-4 artifacts per goal and per standard
Overall Ratings
Progress on
• Student
• Professional
Ratings on
4 Standards
I. Curriculum, Planning
and Assessment
II. Teaching All Students
III. Family & Community
IV. Professional Culture
• Exemplary
• Proficient
• Needs
• Unsatisfactory
Educators are responsible for providing evidence for all
standards and goals
Formative Assessment Role Play
Scenario 2:
A teacher received a formative assessment
after 1 classroom observation. The teacher
thought there should be at least 10 classroom
The educator is coming to you, the EEF, for help.
What do you say?
Formative Assessment Role Play
Scenario 2: How many observations?
Plan Type
None required
Directed Growth
None required
2 if plan is less than 6 mos.
4 if plan is 6 mos. to 1 year
1 required
Best Practice: 10 Points of Contact
Formative Assessment Role Play
 Scenario 3:
A teacher is concerned because the current
data shows that he is not meeting his student
learning goal. He is worried he will receive an
unsatisfactory rating on his formative
The educator is coming to you, the EEF, for help.
What do you say?
Formative Assessment Questions
 What happens when a teacher does not “sign-off”
on a formative assessment within the 5 school
 The signature box will read: “employee did not
view within the required time”.
 The educator will not be able to make
 The evaluation icon changes when the
evaluation is sent.
Formative Assessment Questions
 What happens if an evaluator does not make any
comments on the artifacts I have uploaded?
 There is no mandate for an evaluator to make
comments on artifacts.
Formative Assessment Questions
 I do not agree with the ratings on my Formative
Assessment, what can I do?
 An educator may request a meeting with
his/her evaluator to discuss the formative
 An educator may write comments regarding
the formative assessment. This must be done
within 5 days of receipt of the formative
 An educator may file a grievance.
Formative Assessment Questions
 Click on Evaluations
 Click on Comments
Formative Assessment Questions
 Isn’t my evaluator supposed to meet with me once
I receive the Formative Assessment?
 An educator may request a meeting before
and/or after the formative assessment.
Formative Assessment Questions
 What happens if I am placed on a different plan
after I receive the Formative Assessment?
 An evaluator may place a teacher on a
different plan at the formative assessment.
The evaluator will also determine the length of
the new plan and depending on the type of
plan, the evaluator may write goals, action
steps and prescriptions for the educator to
implement before the new plan ends.
Formative Assessment Questions
 If I am assigned a new plan after receiving the
formative assessment, when does the new plan
 The new plan starts when goals are approved.
Evaluations in EDFS
• Formative Assessment = mid-cycle evaluation
• Summative Evaluation = end of cycle evaluation
Today’s Agenda
• Welcome & Reflection
• Table Group Check-ins
• Formative Assessments
• “Adjustments to Practice” & Tracking
Progress Toward Goals
• Closing
I-B-2. Adjustments to Practice
“Organizes and analyzes results from a variety
of assessments to determine progress toward
intended outcomes and uses these findings to
adjust practice and identify and/or implement
appropriate differentiated interventions and
enhancements for students.”
Midyear Goal Review
Revisit goals
 to make adjustments to practice
 to prepare for the summative
Potential Tools
 Unpacking I-B-2
 Formative Assessment Report Form
 Gap Analysis
 Reflecting on Goals
Reflecting on Goals
 With a partner, revisit your own goals
and action plans using the “Reflecting
on Progress toward Goals” sheet.
 How could you use this with your
What would you ask this teacher?
Read through the sample goals, action
steps & artifacts
 How could you help this teacher
examine her practice?
 Try using the “Gap Analysis” worksheet
Bringing this back
 How can you use these ideas & activities with
your colleagues?
 How can you use the principles of adult learning?
Needs assessment
 Safety
 Praxis
 Respect
 Clear roles and role development
 Teamwork
 Accountability
 Lack of communication from admin about
their expectations
 Lack of trust between teachers & their
 Lack of time to meet
 People focused on just “getting it done”
 Teachers uncomfortable with computers
Voices from the Field
 How evaluation has been going at a few schools
Today’s Agenda
• Welcome & Reflection
• Table Group Check-ins
• Formative Assessments
• “Adjustments to Practice” & Tracking
Progress Toward Goals
• Closing
Clarifying Expectations
 Questions to ask the school’s evaluators:
 How
many artifacts would be helpful for
teachers to submit?
 Are
there specific kinds that you are
looking for?
 Would
you prefer more or less detailed
 By
when would you like artifacts to be
 Please complete the Exit Ticket
 What
was positive?
 What would you like to see next time?
*Coming Soon* Evaluation Survey
Session #3 Homework
Complete “Reflecting on Progress Toward a
Team Goal”
See you at our next sessions on:
 April 9th OR 11th, 3-6 pm, @ the Marshall
Make-up Session:
 Tuesday, April 30, 3-6 pm @ MPHS Green
Tile Area
Resources: on the Weebly
Office of Educator Effectiveness
 Ross Wilson, Assistant Superintendent for Educator
Effectiveness (
Jared Joiner, Implementation Specialist (jjoiner)
Emily Kalejs Qazilbash, Implementation Specialist
Angela Rubenstein, Implementation Specialist
Kris Taylor, Implementation Specialist (ktaylor2)
Jenna Costin, EDFS On-line System Coordinator (jcostin)
Chason Ishino, Consultant (cishino)
Shakera Walker, Senior Manager, Teacher Leadership
Timelines and Requirements
Type of Educator
Growth Plan
1 school year*
Directed Growth
Less than 1 school
30 calendar days to
1 school year
Educator Plan
1 school year
2 if plan is less than 6
4 if plan is between 6
months and 1 year
Required Dates
Oct. 1: Educator submits self-assessment & proposes
2 goals
Nov. 1: Evaluator completes educator plans by
approving goals & action steps
May 15: Evaluator completes Summative Evaluation
June 1: Evaluator meets with educators whose
overall Summative Evaluation ratings are moved
from Proficient or Exemplary to Needs Improvement
or Unsatisfactory
Dates established in educator plan.
Dates established in educator plan.
Oct. 1: Evaluator meets with 1st year
educators to assist with self-assessment and
Other dates are same as above for 1-year SelfDirected Growth Plan.