Passenger port security plan template

Port Facility Security Plan
[Insert name of Port Facility]
UNLOCODE: [Insert]
This document contains sensitive security information and is classified as OFFICIALSENSITIVE. This information must be stored, handled and disseminated appropriately
within your organisation. It may be passed to your management and security advisers on
a strictly need to know (and personal) basis. This document should not be forwarded
outside your organisation (in paper or electronic form) without the prior consent of the
Maritime Security & Resilience Division of the Department for Transport. Please only print
the minimum number of copies needed and ensure paper copies are shredded or
securely destroyed when no longer needed. For further advice on handling classified
documents please contact the MSRD.
[Version Number and Date]
User Note: Once complete update the contents by right clicking on the contents list
and selecting ‘update field’ a box will then appear, select page numbers only and
click ok.
REVISION LIST ........................................................................................................ 3
SECTION 1. .............................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2. .............................................................................................................. 5
Port Facility Details ................................................................................................... 5
PFSO Details ............................................................................................................ 5
PFSO contact details................................................................................................. 6
Deputy PFSO Details ................................................................................................ 6
Deputy PFSO contact details .................................................................................... 7
SECTION 3. .............................................................................................................. 8
PART A – MANDATORY SECURITY REQUIREMENTS.......................................... 8
1. Security Level Changes......................................................................................... 8
2. Permanent Restricted Areas (RAs) ....................................................................... 8
3. Temporary Restricted Areas (TRAs)...................................................................... 8
4. Designated Controlled Buildings............................................................................ 8
5. Securing Permanent RA’s ..................................................................................... 9
6. Securing Temporary Restricted Areas ................................................................... 9
7. Pass System. ........................................................................................................ 9
8. Access Control .................................................................................................... 11
9. Monitoring Restricted Areas and Controlled Buildings ......................................... 12
10. Security Patrols ................................................................................................. 13
11. Checks and Searching ...................................................................................... 14
12. Record Keeping................................................................................................. 16
13. Contingency Plans & Evacuation Procedures .................................................... 16
14. Pre-Arrival Notification Procedures .................................................................... 17
15. PFSP Review, Amendment ............................................................................... 17
16. Security Incident Reporting and Assessment .................................................... 18
17. Information Security .......................................................................................... 18
18. PFSP Audit........................................................................................................ 18
19. Ships' Crew and Shore Leave ........................................................................... 18
20. Port Facility Security Officer .............................................................................. 19
21. Port Security Committee (PSC) or Port Security Authority (PSA) ...................... 19
22. Security Training ............................................................................................... 20
23. Security Drills .................................................................................................... 20
24. Security Exercises ............................................................................................. 21
25. Response Agencies and Control Authorities...................................................... 21
26. Ship and Port Facility Communication Links ...................................................... 22
27. Security Equipment Maintenance ...................................................................... 23
28. Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances ................................................. 23
[Version Number and Date]
SECTION 4. ............................................................................................................ 23
PART B – ADDITIONAL UK REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 23
29. Vehicle Parking ................................................................................................. 23
SECTION 5. ............................................................................................................ 24
30. Any miscellaneous information .......................................................................... 24
SECTION 6. ............................................................................................................ 24
Annex List: .............................................................................................................. 24
[Version Number and Date]
PFSP Template
In order to assist PFSOs in ensuring that their PFSPs meet the necessary legal
requirements, and to ensure rapid and effective approval of plans by DfT, this
PFSP template has been developed and must be used by all port facilities when
drawing up their plans. The layout of the template reflects the layout in the
UKMSM, where possible, to ensure completion of the plan is as simple as
The template can be found at:
Port Facility Security Assessment (PFSA)
A PFSA will be undertaken by DfT with input from the PFSO and other relevant
port facility staff. They are predominantly conducted on site. The PFSA must
look at the assets at a port facility, the threats applicable to that site and the
vulnerabilities that may be present. They are valid for 5 years (unless the
relevance of the PFSA has been affected by operational changes at the port
facility) and approved by DfT
Annex A of your PFSP must include a schematic showing clearly the location
of all Restricted Areas (delineated in red ink), Temporary Restricted Areas
(delineated in green ink), Controlled Buildings and access points to all of the
above, and the location of all CCTV cameras, search points and the overall
boundary of the port facility (delineated in blue ink).
PFSP Submission
Upon completion of the template, PFSPs must be sent to DfT for approval. Due
to the classification of this document completed PFSPs must only be sent via
secure communications.
PFSP Amendments
From time to time it will be necessary to submit PFSP amendments to DFT. It
is important that all interested parties have an up to date copy of the PFSP. It
is advisable that the PFSP is configured in such a way that allows pages to be
easily replaced when being amended. Where possible, DfT would prefer an
electronic copy of the whole plan, submitted via secure communications. All
changes must be accompanied with a revision sheet, clearly setting out what
changes have been undertaken. The same rules for submission apply, as
[Version Number and Date]
Search Percentages
A Security Standard Matrix will be issued to facilities for each protection
category (PAX – CRR – COG – OBC), which will define the percentage of
searching required. These search percentages will be subject to review on a
regular basis, and will be valid from the date of issue.
Port Facility Details
Name of port facility
[insert text]
[insert text]
Name of operating company
[insert text]
Full postal address
[insert text]
Port Facility contact number
[insert text]
Out of hours contact number
[insert text]
Port Facility E-mail
[insert text]
PFSO Details
Name of PFSO
[insert text]
CTC Expiry Date (UKMSM Part 1: p.33)
[Version Number and Date]
[insert text]
PFSO Training Course successfully completed
[insert text]
[insert text]
Training Provider:
[insert text]
PFSO contact details
Postal address:
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
Egress email address:
[insert text]
[insert text]
Deputy PFSO Details
Name of Deputy PFSO
[insert text]
CTC Expiry Date (UKMSM Part 1: p.33)
[insert text]
PFSO Training Course successfully completed
[insert text]
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
Training Provider:
[insert text]
Deputy PFSO contact details
Postal address:
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
Egress email address:
[insert text]
[insert text]
Name of company Director / Chief Executive
[insert text]
Name of port estate (if applicable)
[insert text]
Brief summary of port operations including size of estate, activities,
number of ship movements and unusual characteristics
[insert text]
Date & Version Number of PFSP submission
[insert text]
Date & Version Number of PFSP approval by Maritime Security and
Resilience Division (MSRD)
[insert text]
Summary of Amendments (by version number)
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
Part A – Mandatory Security Requirements
1. Security Level Changes
Procedures for receiving and disseminating Security Level information to
relevant staff
[insert text]
2. Permanent Restricted Areas (RAs)
List of designated Restricted Areas
Area 1 [insert text]
Area 2 [insert text]
Area 3 [insert text]
List of access points to Restricted Areas
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
3. Temporary Restricted Areas (TRAs)
List of Temporary Restricted Areas and reason for designation
[insert text]
List of access points to Temporary Restricted Areas
Area 1 [insert text]
Area 2 [insert text]
Area 3 [insert text]
Details of persons responsible for security sweep
[insert text]
4. Designated Controlled Buildings
List of designated Controlled Buildings
[Version Number and Date]
Building 1 [insert text]
Building 2 [insert text]
Building 3 [insert text]
5. Securing Permanent RA’s
Details of fencing & signage used to enclose Restricted Areas (where
[insert text]
Measures taken to secure the Restricted Areas where walls, buildings,
gates, etc. form part of the fence line (where applicable)
[insert text]
6. Securing Temporary Restricted Areas
Details of fencing & signage used to enclose Temporary Restricted Areas
(where applicable)
[insert text]
Measures taken to secure the Temporary Restricted Areas where walls,
buildings, gates, etc. form part of the fence line (where applicable)
7. Pass System.
Locations of pass issuing points and types of pass issued
[insert text]
Checks in place to ensure proof of identity.
[insert text]
Full Passes.
[insert text]
Temporary Period Passes
[insert text]
Temporary Day Passes
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
Haulier Access to a RA
[insert text]
Vehicle Passes
[insert text]
Pass Wearing & Durability
[insert text]
Details of pass system record keeping
[insert text]
UK Control Authorities
[insert text]
[insert text]
DfT – MSRD Inspectors & MCA Surveyors
[insert text]
Action to be taken when a pass is lost
[insert text]
Disciplinary procedures for loss or misuse of a pass
[insert text]
Procedures for retrieving passes when no longer used and for revoking
[insert text]
Security Level 1
Details of checks on pass validity for all types of passes at Security Level
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
Security Level 2
Details of additional checks on pass validity for all types of passes at
Security Level 2
[insert text]
Security Level 3
Details of additional checks on pass validity for all types of passes at
Security Level 3
[insert text]
Procedures for auditing system to check for lost passes
[insert text]
Details of procedures for withdrawing temporary passes.
[insert text]
Details of procedures for escorting essential visitors / contractors.
[insert text]
8. Access Control
Procedures for dealing with unauthorised access
[insert text]
Security Level 1
Measures in place to restrict access at access control points
[insert text]
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
Security Level 2
[insert text]
Details of access points to be closed
[Version Number and Date]
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
Details of means by which access points will be closed
Details of additional procedures for persons and vehicles requiring
access to Restricted Areas
[insert text]
Security Level 3
Details of additional access points to be closed
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
Details of means by which access points will be closed
[insert text]
9. Monitoring
Details of security lighting in place at Restricted Areas and
Controlled Buildings
[insert text]
Details of CCTV equipment, procedures and a list of Restricted
Area perimeters monitored using CCTV.
[insert text]
Details of how seaward approaches will be monitored at higher security
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
10. Security Patrols
Details of how security patrols will be conducted to ensure the
integrity of RAs - Controlled Buildings and other assets within
the RA at:
Security Level 1
Details of how security patrols will be conducted
[insert text]
Number of staff involved
[insert text]
Procedures for responding to security incidents
[insert text]
Procedures for reporting security incidents
[insert text]
Security Level 2
Details of procedures for meeting requirement for two hourly patrols
[insert text]
Security Level 3
Details of procedures for meeting requirement for continuous patrols
[insert text]
Details and procedures for waterborne security patrols
[insert text]
Procedures for responding to waterborne security incidents
[insert text]
Number of additional security staff required at higher security levels
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
Procedures for obtaining additional security personnel
[insert text]
11. Checks and Searching
List of search locations for each Restricted Area access point
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
Checking and search procedures for persons
[insert text]
Checking and search procedures for baggage and personal effects
[insert text]
Checking and search procedures for unaccompanied baggage
[insert text]
Checking and search procedures for vehicles
[insert text]
Checking and search procedures for cargo and freight
[insert text]
Checking and search procedures for ship’s stores
[insert text]
Security equipment used to aid checking and searching
[insert text]
Procedures for recording search information
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
Additional Checks and Searching on entry to Restricted Areas
at Security Level 2
Details of additional search locations (where necessary)
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
Details of additional checking and search procedures for cargo and
freight vehicles
[insert text]
Details of additional checking and search procedures for ship’s stores
[insert text]
Details of additional security equipment used to aid checking and
[insert text]
Additional Checks and Searching on entry to Restricted Areas
at Security Level 3
Details of additional search locations (where necessary)
Area 1 [insert text]
Area 2 [insert text]
Area 3 [insert text]
Details of procedures for meeting enhanced search requirements
[insert text]
Visitors, pass holders, staff and ships’ crew (including vehicles)
[insert text]
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
Ships’ Stores
[insert text]
12. Record Keeping
Details of where and in what format are the following records kept for MSRD
RA Full Pass Records
[insert text]
Temporary Period Pass records
[insert text]
Temporary Day Pass Records
[insert text]
Search Records
[insert text]
Security Patrol Records
[insert text]
Pre-Arrival Notification (PAN) Records
[insert text]
Declaration of Security (DOS) Records
[insert text]
Security Drills & Security Exercise Records
[insert text]
13. Contingency Plans & Evacuation Procedures
Details of contingency plans regarding the following events:
Bomb threat to the port or to a vessel seeking to enter the port.
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
Procedures for conducting a bomb search at a port facility (or to facilitate
a search on a ship)
[insert text]
Evacuation of ships or a port facility property
[insert text]
Action in the event of the detonation of an explosive or incendiary
[insert text]
Details of muster points and safe refuge areas
[insert text]
14. Pre-Arrival Notification Procedures
Detail of who is responsible for checking PAN’s prior to the vessels
[insert text]
Details of PAN exemptions certificates.
[insert text]
Declaration of Security (DOS)
Procedures for confirming with each ship the need for a DOS prior to
ship’s entry into port
[insert text]
Procedures for dealing with non SOLAS ships
[insert text]
Action to be taken when a ship is at a higher Security Level than the port
[insert text]
15. PFSP Review, Amendment
PFSP review procedures
[insert text]
PFSP amendment procedures
[Version Number and Date]
[insert text]
16. Security Incident Reporting and Assessment
Procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security
including details and links to other Port Emergency/Contingency Plans
and how the PFSP interacts with them
[insert text]
Procedures for the recording of security incidents
[insert text]
Security incident investigation procedures
[insert text]
Reporting procedures to Maritime Security and Resilience Division and
other relevant authorities
[insert text]
17. Information Security
Security procedures for hard copy and electronic information considered
security sensitive
[insert text]
18. PFSP Audit
PFSP audit procedures
[insert text]
19. Ships' Crew and Shore Leave
Procedures to deal with arriving and departing ships' crew both in terms
of disembarking/embarking processes (pass systems etc.) and any plans
for the secure conduct of such crew through your port facility.
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
20. Port Facility Security Officer
Duties and responsibilities of the PFSO.
The duties of a PFSO will include the following:
Conducting an initial comprehensive security survey of the port facility,
taking into account the relevant Port Facility Security Assessment
Ensuring the development and maintenance of the PFSP;
Implementing and exercising the PFSP;
Undertaking regular security inspections of the port facility to ensure the
continuation of appropriate security measures;
Recommending and incorporating, as appropriate, modifications to the
PFSP in order to correct deficiencies and to update the plan to take into
account relevant changes to the port facility;
Enhancing security awareness and vigilance of the port facility
Ensuring adequate training has been provided to personnel responsible
for the security of the port facility;
Reporting to the relevant authorities and maintaining records of
occurrences which threaten the security of the port facility;
Co-ordinating implementation of the PFSP with the appropriate
Company and Ship Security Officers (SSOs);
Co-ordinating with DfT (MSRD) and other control authorities;
Ensuring that standards for personnel responsible for security of the port
facility are met;
Ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated
and maintained;
Assisting SSOs in confirming the identity of those seeking to board the
ship when requested; and
Attending PSC meetings as appropriate
Details of PFSO working hours allocated to security matters.
[insert text]
21. Port Security Committee (PSC) – Port Security
Authority (PSA) (delete as appropriate)
[Version Number and Date]
Name and company details (where applicable) of PSC - PSA Chair (delete
as appropriate)
[insert text]
Name of PSC - PSA (delete as appropriate)
[insert text]
Names of organisations permanently represented
[insert text]
General procedures for convening a meeting
[insert text]
Procedures for convening a meeting at times of heightened security
[insert text]
Procedures for recording meetings, circulating minutes and informing
members of actions required
[insert text]
22. Security Training
Details of training programme for personnel with security duties
[insert text]
Details of security awareness training for other staff
[insert text]
Details of procedures for maintaining training records
[insert text]
23. Security Drills
Details of quarterly security drills
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
24. Security Exercises
Details of annual security exercises to be conducted in conjunction with
control authorities
[insert text]
25. Response Agencies and Control Authorities
Department for Transport
Maritime Security and Resilience Division
Zone 2/33
Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
Office hours telephone number: 020 7 944 5541/2870/2872
Out of hours telephone number
(17:30hrs to 09:00hrs weekdays
and all weekend):
020 7 944 5999
020 7 944 2175
Out of hours fax:
020 7 944 2873
Email: Emergency contact:
Contact name:
Telephone number:
24 hr telephone number:
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
Contact name:
Telephone number:
24 hr telephone number:
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
MoD (if applicable)
Contact name:
Telephone number:
24 hr telephone number:
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[Version Number and Date]
[insert text]
Name of authority:
Contact name:
Telephone number:
24 hr telephone number:
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
Name of authority:
Contact name:
Telephone number:
24 hr telephone number:
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
[insert text]
26. Ship and Port Facility Communication Links
Details of communication links with ships
[insert text]
Details of backup communication links with ships
[insert text]
Details of communication links between port facility personnel with
security duties
[insert text]
Details of backup communication links with port facility personnel with
security duties
[insert text]
Ship Security Alert (SSA)
Authorities to be informed of a Ship Security Alert (whilst in Port)
The PFSO would normally be made aware of a SSA by the Department for
Transport and, having taken advice from them, he would then contact other
Control Authorities (local Police, Special Branch, etc.) as necessary.
[Version Number and Date]
Action to be taken following a Ship Security Alert (whilst in Port)
In the event of the port facility being made aware of a SSA by Department for
Transport, the PFSO will take action as dictated by them.
Procedures for determining and handling false alarms
DfT (in conjunction with the Maritime Rescue Co-Ordination Centre) are initially
responsible for determining whether the SSA is genuine or not. The PFSO will
assist them in this if required.
27. Security Equipment Maintenance
Details of security equipment
[insert text]
Details of maintenance programme for security equipment
[insert text]
Details of action to be taken in the event of equipment failure
[insert text]
28. Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances
Recording procedures for Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances
[insert text]
Storage procedures for Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances
[insert text]
Part B – Additional UK Requirements
29. Vehicle Parking
Security Level 1
[Version Number and Date]
Give details of what measures are in place at Security Level 1 to control parking
within the RA.
[insert text]
Security Level 2
Give details of how vehicle parking within the RA at Security Level 2 will be
[insert text]
Security Level 3
Give details of how all non-essential parking within the RA at Security Level 3
will be restricted.
[insert text]
Section 5.
30. Any miscellaneous information
This section should be used if you wish to provide any additional information
you feel is relevant to the security of your port facility/port
[insert text]
Section 6.
Annex List:
(Please list all annex’s to this PFSP below)
[Version Number and Date]