- dial

Training Guide
Volume 3
Modules 1 & 3
Training Group
Congratulations on your new position as a Virtual Independent Contractor!
At NLS, Inc. we have some values that we always try to live
The values are:
• The Best value for our Customers
• A great place to work for our People
• An environment that fosters Team Work
• Quality through continued improvement
• Integrity in all we say and do
• Profitability for continued growth of our business
Module 1
•Module Objectives
•Contact Center Environment
Sales Channels
• DNC’s
There are few other things to remember when working in a Contact
Scheduling People
We will be open 15 hours/day, 6 days/week which means we will
have work schedules that include evenings and weekends.
Because calls arrived patterns do change and we experience
seasonality – we may change agent work schedules based on
performance and business needs.
Revenue Per Hour at $ 25.00
 Sales Per Hour at 1.5
 Performance Goal on Cold Calling &
Reten greater than >90 %
 Credit Card goal >35%
 Daily-Sunday sales greater than >75%
· Call Context: What you say during the call
should be accurate 100% of the time.
· Sales Agent Errors: Accuracy with the
information in the sales you made is
important. Errors should be not exceeding
· Sales Focus: Stay focused on sales with
an eye toward generating revenue.
Sales Channels
The sales channel is the means by which NLS segments the market to
organize sales efforts.
News Papers Sales Force works with the largest on NLS Accounts.
• Retention: Relations with current or past customers.
• SBE: (Subscriber, Base, Enhancement) or Cold Calling building a new
customer relations.
• Lead Generation: Setting appointments
• In Bound: Up sell customers on specific product.
• Blended Campaign: Consisted on soft collections (30 to 90 days) sale
A law passed by the Connecticut General Assembly that took effect in January 2001 allowed consumers to place their
names on a "No Call" list maintained by the Department of Consumer Protection, if they chose not to receive
telephone solicitations. Businesses located both in and outside Connecticut are prohibited from calling people on
the "No Call" list and from including consumer's names on marketing lists compiled for sale to others. The law also
prohibits businesses from blocking the caller ID feature on consumers' telephones and from re-selling consumers'
names to other solicitors.
There are exemptions from the "No Call" policy. They are calls made:
1) With the consumer's prior express written or verbal permission;
2) In response to a consumer’s visit to an establishment with a fixed location;
3) Primarily in connection with an existing debt or contract that has not been paid or performed;
4) To an existing customer;
5) From a business that first began to do business in this state on or after January 1, 2001, that has operated in this
state for less than one year;
6) For a non-commercial purpose, such as a poll or survey;
7) By a tax-exempt, non-profit organization and
8) By telephone companies, compiling their own directories.
(Important: even if the caller is exempted from this law, you can still stop many of these calls just by telling
them not to call you again. Federal law requires each and every business to place your name on their "no
call" list, if you request it.)
NLS, Inc. Policy on Cold Calling Campaigns
No rebuttal to DNC
8 years (won’t call)
If customer indicated put me on the “Do Not Call List”
“Annoyed” don’t call me. Need to be add as (No Sales) disposition
Business – Unless specifically ask for DNC code out as “delete-business” disposition.
We maintain our business & clients DNC list.
Module 2
Module Objectives
Using Your Voice
Customer Dialogue
Reference Guides
Double Click
Module 3
Using Your Voice
Prior to making a call at Next Level Solutions, always review these steps for maximum effectiveness with customers:
Smile in your Voice
Try it – answer the telephone with a SMILE on your face. The “brightness” difference is amazing. You’ll convey the immediate impression that
you’re to be involved with NLS which will rub off on the caller.
Voice Power: The voice is a great reflector of the inner feelings that we communicate, regardless of distance.
The telephone is so easy to use that it might lead to hasty discussions. That causes misunderstanding. Slow down and think before you
speak. On the other hand, you don’t want to go too slow, especially if the caller is a too fast-paced person. Try to match the caller’s pace.
Try to find a happy medium. Don’t be so soft that the caller has trouble hearing you, and don’t be so loud as to be overbearing. Pleasing voices
are slightly softer than typical conversation. Practice with microphone placement. Never talk loud or yell on the telephone. Keep your
microphone two fingers away from your lips.
Vocal Tone
Are you grouchy or cheerful, energetic or tired, excited or bored? Your tone of voice can give entirely different meaning to the very same words.
Natural variances in tone always work the best for emphasis. Avoid monotone or sing - song tones.
Speak distinctly. Don’t make the caller have to work hard to have a conversation with you. Enunciate your words, and use proper
grammar. The caller should pay more attention to the content of your conversation, not in deciphering what you are saying. Over
enunciate difficult words to understand over the phone. Speak clearly and deliberately. Focus on correct pronunciation of all words. Never
use slang.
Customer Dialogue
In this section, you will learn about the dialog that sales
agents use when speaking to customers.
Using the correct dialog is important because:
· It helps you to consistently provide customers with all of
the information they need about our service.
· It helps you to obtain all the information you need from the
customer quickly and efficiently.
Recommended Dialogue:
On each and every customer contact made, the image of our client, our
company and our industry will be enhanced through the consistent
Positive Call Results approach (8 – steps).
Prepare for the Call
Thoroughly understand the client's objectives and the calling plan.
Review campaign fact sheet for specifics.
Open the Call
Make the customer feel comfortable and accepting through the effective
use of voice, enunciation, and attitude.
Educate the Customer
Identify yourself, the client you represent, the purpose of your call, and attempt to close
by verifying customers name, address, or perhaps the city name.
Identify a Need / Desire
Use open probe questions to encourage discussion and identify customer's need or
Acknowledge Responses
Demonstrate active listening and comprehension by restating key issues and confirming
customer statements or opinion.
Attempt to Close
Support identified need / desire with personalized product / service benefits and value
statements. Always attempt to close after giving the appropriate rebuttal to
customer’s objection. EX) confirm customer’s name, address, or city name
Close the Call
Begin recording call and read the appropriate closings verbatim (word for word). Review
terms of the offer or next steps. Answer any additional questions.
Evaluate the Call
It’s an ongoing process to ensure continuous improvement and growth in the client
marketing approach, as well as TSR performance.
The Components of the Opening
Good (Morning, Afternoon, Evening)
First and last name; Alternative names must be registered with a supervisor.
Statement of Purpose Explain the reason for calling.
This statement is the introduction to the sales message and must be compelling. Use motivational and emotional words
to create positive response.
Customers will make the decision to continue or stop the call within the first 15 - 20 seconds of the call.
Goals of the Opening:
> Reach the decision maker
> Start rapport building / Identify Customer Needs
> Capture customer’s attention “Newly Reformatted”
> Assumptive Close
> Information is conveyed confidently with knowledge of product.
The Script varies from campaign to campaign. Though management provides you with written presentation as well as
"pop - up" scripts on your screen. You are empowered to tailor the scripts to fit Customer needs (within reason!).
A cardinal rule in telemarketing suggests that your presentation be no longer than 25 seconds in length. A pitch is
designed to introduce:
It is NOT designed to automatically sell the paper for you, (that is why we hired you, and not a bunch of tape
machines.) The real "selling" of the newspaper will come after the contact's first "NO. Be prepared to hear “NO”
and rebuttal with the appropriate solutions.
The most vital information for a TSR is through knowledge of the clients feature, what benefit they provide and what
value that benefit provides for the customer.
A part of the client's product or service that is to be highlighted
Sports section of the newspaper
Local and National news
Useful part of the feature
Answers the question: "What's in it For Me?"
Keep up - to - date on the sporting events
Stay informed with current events
Entertainment, money market, special interest sections, etc.
Based on customer needs personalize the benefit and make
The purchasing decision more specific.
You and your kids can follow the (football team) as they
cruise to another Super Bowl victory.
Will save you time when you consider the amount of
time currently used for hourly television viewing, it is also
convenient to take the paper wherever you go.
Asking for the sale:
Most effective immediately after answering a question or handling an Objection.
Attempted two or three times per call
Variable based on the customer and the call flow
Closing the sale:
To consistently bring the customer to a buying decision
Eliminate hesitancy and reluctance that will be perceived by the customer as a lack
of commitment to the product or service.
Effective use of probing will uncover valuable customer information that can be
used in
the presentation to personalize the sales message.
Open Probe Questions
The purpose for an open probe question is to generate conversational answers that allow
the customer to speak and the TSR to listen. The following words are used in an
open probe question:
- When was the last time you read the_______ newspaper?
- When was the last time you had home delivery?
- How often do you pick up the paper at the news stand?
- How do you normally go about getting your local news sports coverage?
- What sections do you look for when you read a newspaper?
- What are your hobbies?
-Where do you get your national news?
- Where do you do your shopping?
- Who in your home currently reads a newspaper?
- Who in your home does the grocery shopping?
- Which newspaper do you have delivered to the home
- Which section in the paper do you read most?
- Which section does your children like the best?
Please note: Why is not used, as it makes the customer
defend and justify their opinion.
Which paper are you currently receiving?
Which days do you receive the _____ paper?
Have you had a chance to take a look at the (insert paper name) lately.
A. Well, just to let you know, it’s nice to have a change and perhaps make a comparison between the (paper) and the
(our paper). You’ll find the way the (our paper) is organized and the way it is written will catch your attention.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: I have a feeling you’ll enjoy it….what is your last name?
B. We definitely don’t want to replace your paper. I understand that the (their paper) is very well known in your area.
What most people are doing is simply using the (our paper) as a supplement to their own paper for this short
period to see the difference for themselves.
ATTEMPT: We are eager to hear how you enjoy the (our paper), do you live in a house or apt?
C. Have you ever taken a look at our daily supplements? That is what gives the (our paper) such a great variety on a
daily basis. (Explain different articles that are featured each day)
CLOSING ATTEMPT: I guarantee that there will be something you will find during the week that you will enjoy. So let’s
go ahead and put you down for delivery, your still in the city of _____, is that correct?
D. By chance sir, have you ever taken a look at our (insert entertainment guide)? Just to let you know it covers an
incredible variety of things to do on the weekend and if you’re like I am….It’s nice to get out and do something
unusual every once in a while! We also feature a lot of other benefits that you’ll enjoy, like the TV week, plenty of
coupons and sale ads for incredible savings.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: I have a feeling that there are plenty of things you’re missing out on, let’s go ahead and give it a
shot so you can take a look at our ( insert entertainment guide) okay?
What sections do you typically read in the break room at work?
What do you typically do if the paper is not available?
When was the last time you extended the favor back to your
neighbor by covering the cost of the paper?
A. Actually, I’d say you’re pretty lucky to get it at work. The best part
about taking our paper at home is that you have your own “personal”
copy so that the entire family can benefit from the newspaper.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: It’s guaranteed by (delivery time) every morning,
so you can take it with you on the go, okay? What is your first
B. I’ve found through my own experiences and through other
customers, that it is a lot more convenient to have your own
personal paper delivered so you have easier access to your favorite
sections, rather than fighting over it with your co-workers.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: I’m sure you’ll find it to be a nice treat, try it for
the promotion and see how it fits your schedule, okay? What street
do you live on?
Which papers are you currently receiving?
Wow! How many papers do you get?
Which days do they come?
A. Do you find that you look at different parts of each of
your papers? The reason I ask, is that if you’re paying for
several different papers and reading only parts of each
paper, it’s possible that these papers are not fully
satisfying you and giving you what you need.
B. So many customers find it to be so much more
convenient, let alone inexpensive to have just one paper.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: So, let’s get you started this way
you’ll be getting all that you need in just one paper, at
what address would you like this delivered to?
So what keeps you so busy?
Would you say that your time is limited because you work so much or perhaps because you have children to
spend time with?
How do you get your news information if you don’t have the time to read a paper?
A. Wow!! It seems that you are busy, but the paper is designed specifically for someone like you and me, being that we
do work a lot. This way it’s there for you when you have a moment to spare, not to mention you’ll be caught up on
the news as well as enjoy the benefits of the paper.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: I have a feeling you’ll find this pretty accommodating, let’s go ahead and get that out to you, now
is a house or an apartment that you live in?
B. If you’re unable to read it during the week….you might want to take it into work and enjoy it on your lunch break, or
share it with your co-workers. Most of the people that I talk to, do it this way because not only do you have a paper
to read, but when you’re done with it, you can pass it down to a co-worker so it’s not piling up in your house.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: This makes it a bit more convenient for you with your busy schedule and you’ll be able to keep
up with what is going on and even get out to that movie you’ve always wanted to see. Do you still live in
C. It is so beneficial to have (our paper) in the house when you have children. The paper can be such a phenomenal
learning tool for children of all ages and it is nice to spend quality time with your children going to plays, ballets or
just a movie. The (our paper) is more than just a source for news. I’ve found it to be pretty useful myself.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: Let’s have you take a look at it and see what things you may find to enjoy with your children,
okay? What is your home address?
D. Well, I understand that listening to the news can be pretty informative, but I have to just mention that the (our paper)
is so much more convenient to have. The paper tends to be a much more portable form of news. I know I used to
be just like you because I always tried to stay up late and catch the news, but since I became a little more aware
of the things in the newspaper, I’ve found that the news itself is limiting.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: I have a feeling you’ll find the paper to be a lot more convenient for you with a lot more freedom
to make choices that are better for your schedule, what is your first name?
Who in the house plans your weekly shopping?
How much were you paying for delivery before?
What do you use to save on groceries? Haircuts? Oil changes?
A. Well, if you’re like most people I’m sure you’d love to save some money,
right? The (our paper) can actually be pretty useful! We’re going to go
ahead and include over $100 worth of coupons you can take advantage of
and put that savings towards your paper.
CLOSING ATTEMPTS: With the savings from the newspaper I’m sure you’ll
find this promotion is within your budget. Let me start out by gathering your
B. What many people do is clip one or two coupons and with the money they
save, they put it toward our Sunday paper edition, which is only $____
We’ll also include the sales ads for you, as well as the TV guide, in case you
buy that separately, okay.
CLOSING ATTEMPTS: Most of our customers seem to think that this really
works! I’m confident you’ll find the paper as a source for savings, now
you’re still in the city of ___city__?
Oh really!! Well I have to ask you ……How do you stay informed with
your news coverage?
How do you get your current events? Movie listings? Entertainment
information? Sports coverage?
When was the last time you took a look at the (paper name)?
A. I understand that you’re not getting a paper at home. We all watch
the news or listen to the radio to keep informed, but have you ever
thought about how limiting those choices can be? The (paper name)
at least gives you a portable form of news. This way you have the
freedom of choice to read WHAT you want, WHEN you want and
WHERE you want to read it!!
CLOSING ATTEMPT: You’re not going to be stuck in front of the TV late
at night waiting for commercial after commercial just to get your
news that you have been waiting for! Try it for the promotional period
and see how you enjoy home delivery! Are you still at ……….?
How often do you find yourself picking it up at the newsstand?
Have you ever had a chance to receive home delivery of the (paper
What features catch your attention?
A. When you pick it up at the newsstand you’re paying well over our
promotional rate, not to mention you are not guaranteed to receive
all of the inserts that are sent out, such as the TV book, coupons,
and the Date Book.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: So get it delivered at only (state price) for the
entire 7 day delivery. No wasting time, gas, or money anymore…are
you still at ………..?
B. Why pick it up at the newsstand? This costs you time, your energy
and typically gas money. Also you would have to get all dressed up
to meet the public, when you could just put your fuzzy slippers on,
run out and grab the paper and enjoy it in the privacy of your home.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: I’ll get that out to you, (Mr. / Mrs. Name) in about
2-3 days so you can see first hand how much more convenient
home delivery can be…..let me start out by gathering the delivery
When was the last time you took a look at the (paper name)?
How familiar are you with the (special insert)?
Which paper are you currently receiving?
How do you go about staying informed with what is happening locally
and nationally?
Monday through (which day) at no cost, you just cover the cost of the weekend
(this is only to be used as an example….this can not be used in the opening
nor the closing)
Guaranteed (insert delivery time) delivery
Coupons to save you big money
Sale ads to plan your shopping
TV week, so you don’t have to buy it
Movie listings
Restaurant / entertainment information
Only for (insert length)….good time to see if it fits your schedule
Business news
Sports coverage (High School and national stats)
OBJECTION 9: Had problems with past subscription
How long ago did you have delivery?
What types of issues were you experiencing?
Well, I apologize. I didn’t realize that. Can you tell me a little bit about your last
service? (Remember ….never be negative. Do not say negative words like the
customer does, such as “problem.” Instead, be positive and say things like: “tell me
about your last service: tell me a little about what happened; tell me what issue you
ran into;” etc. etc. Listen to identify their concerns, but do not whine with the
customer. Be empathetic and solve the problem.!!!)
A. The (insert our paper) is EXTREMELY concerned with customer satisfaction. We really
do appreciate your business. Just to let you know we try to improve our delivery on a
daily basis. We run delivery surveys for our current customers to ensure a positive
delivery rating. If we have a customer who does not have a positive delivery rating,
we’ll do everything in our customer service department to solve that issue!
Solve their problems with a paper tube, bag the paper or label the paper (depending
on which paper are you selling). Be positive, upbeat and let them know it will work!!
If physically challenged, also offer doorstep delivery (guaranteed).
If had problems with customer service or billing, then ask them to explain, apologize
to them and let them know we’d love to have them as a subscriber.
We would love the opportunity to show you that we can get the delivery all straightened
out for you and now that I’ve left specific instructions for your carrier let me start out
by confirming you still live at (confirm address)?
How often would you say you’re traveling per week?
When traveling, is it normally business related?
How do you get your news information while you’re on
the go?
A. While you’re gone, is it possible that another family
member may benefit from it, or perhaps a good
neighbor? When you are home on your spare time, you
can catch up on things that you’ve missed.
CLOSING ATTEMPT: It’s also as easy as calling customer
service and placing your paper on a vacation hold. With
this request you will not miss any time on your promotion
and when you’re ready to resume the paper it picks right
back up where you left off… and your last name is?
Which particular article was it that you read, that you may not
have cared for?
Tell me, what disturbed you about the (name of paper)?
Have you had a chance to share your political views by writing to
our editors?
A. The best part about our paper is that you have the freedom to
decide what you want to read. You’re more than welcome to skip
anything that may not be of interest to you. Not many people think
about that. Besides, there are so many other benefits that you will
get in the (name of paper).
CLOSING ATTEMPTS: If it’s a political concern, as a (liberal or
conservative), it is important to keep an open mind and view both
sides to keep very informed on pertinent and controversial issues.
Keep an open mind and enjoy all the benefits from the paper, do you
still live in (city)?
How do you normally recycle?
We recycle up to 50 % of our papers here at the (name of paper).
We have trees available to us in Oregon for the sole purpose of
newspaper. For every tree they cut down, they plant two!!!!
A. Well, you know that several times during the year, the Boy Scouts in
your area run special recycling drives. Residents are more than
welcome to call them and in a timely fashion the Boy Scouts will
come to the customer’s home and remove papers needing to be
CLOSING ATTEMPTS: This helps the environment and the scouts get
their badges, not to mention it will save you the hassle of disposing
the newspaper. Now that we cleared your conscious, let’s get the
newspaper out there to you at this discounted rate…..Are you still at
(confirm address)?
Keep in mind that these are simply several ideas that you may use to handle
the most common objections you will run into while being on-line. The
important thing is that if you have any other ideas (rebuttals) that are
working for you; share them with your supervisor.
Remember that a large part of your presentation has to do with your voice
quality and HOW YOU SOUND when you say something! Good luck and by
all means, use your creativity to come up with new and unusual things to
say....and “WAYS” to say things. Listen to how you sound when you say
something. Remember to be conversational and apply these probes,
rebuttals, and attempts to close to the project that you are dialing.
HINT: This may mean taking some extra time and making an extra effort to
rewrite some of the material in your own words so that you are prepared to
make the information “project specific” to fit your style!!!
Campaign Dialogue
“Step 1:”
Greet / Build Rapport
Good (Morning, Afternoon, Evening) how are you doing today?
(Verify Name: If applicable)
“Step 2:”
Offer The Promotion / Make The Sale
Great (sir, ma’am), this is _________ with you local newspaper and I'm calling
to inform you that this summer you can take advantage of the (newspaper
campaign) for your area at a promotional rate of only (price) per week for
everyday delivery, which is (percentage) off of the regular rate! And, we can
get that started for you within a few days! And whom do I have the pleasure
of speaking with today?
“Step 3:”
Overcoming Objections (Probing)
Buys it at the Newsstand:
Probe: Well you do pick up the paper at the news stand every once in a while, right?
Answer: When you pick it up at the news stand, did you know you're only getting a partial newspaper,
meaning that all of your coupons and certain sections are taken out, so the store gets more
revenue, by putting out as much paper as possible. And knowing that you're getting the paper
straight from the source, you won't ever have to worry about getting half of the paper! And what is
your zip code?
Doesn’t Subscribe to any paper
Probe:: Well, how do you stay in touch with your local news?
Answer: Well, by starting this promo today, you not only get your local news at a discounted rate;
you’ll be saving money all the time. Getting the newspaper is not only informative, but its
beneficial in every aspect, in that you're not only receiving current up to date information, but
you're also getting great coupons to your favorite grocery stores and local eateries, which will take
care of the cost of the paper itself! And you do live in the city of (city name), correct?
Can not afford it!
Probe: Well, I don't have the money right now!
Answer: Well, with the outrageous gas prices going on at the moment, wouldn't it be great to have the
paper delivered to your front door? Not only is the paper an educational tool, it is also an asset, in
that it practically pays for itself with all of the bonus coupons and inserts that come in on a daily
basis. And what address can we send that out to?
Has no time to read it:
Probe: Well, I’m not at home during the week!
Answer: Well, knowing that you have a pretty hectic schedule during the week, you may not have
enough time to read the paper everyday. So what I can do for you today is I can send out a
weekend-only paper, which still includes great specials throughout the week, for a promotional
rate of (price). And what is your last name?
“Step 4”
Quality Assurance ¡¡¡Turn On Tape Recorder!!!
Great, now with your permission, I’d like to tape the
confirmation of the order so there’s no chance for error
during the processing, okay (sir, ma’am)?
Okay, I show your name as Bob Alameda, with the last
name A-L-A-M-E-D-A, and you are under or over the age
of 18? Great! And the delivery address is 10 East Olive,
O-L-I-V-E, and is this a house or an apartment?
Wonderful! And you live in the city of Fresno, California,
and the zip is 93728, correct? And just to make sure,
currently you’re not receiving the (newspaper campaign)
newspaper, right? Great!
Dialogue Exercise 1
Job searcher
– Good (M, A, E) sir, how are you doing today, pretty well?
– Pretty good.
– Great, my name is Bob Alameda and this call is to inform you that the local paper is now being offered 7 days a week
for only $2.20 per week. This promotional rate is…
- INTERJECTS: Bob, Bob, look, I’m not working right now, and I’m not interested.
– So, I would imagine you’ve been busy with your resume and driving around town looking for work, with no luck, as I
was a year ago, right?
– Pretty much, Yeah!
– Job hunting can be discouraging and to be honest it will take more than luck to find a job this year.
EDD statistics still show a rise with unemployment.
– That’s true!
– Exactly and that’s where utilizing the Canton Repository comes into play. The job market today may
not be that great, but with our classified ads, 10 out of 10 employers would be hiring in a very
short time. I started working here thanks to the paper. In the business section, you can stay
informed with the new businesses coming to town, or established organizations expanding; let’s
see how changing your strategy changes your odds in landing a job, Okay?
– Okay, Why not!
- So you live on Fourth Street, correct?
- 121 Fourth Street.
- 121 Fourth Street. Great, now with your permission, I’d like to tape the confirmation of your order so
there is no chance for error during processing, okay?
- Sure!
– I show your name as Brandon, last name Rose, spelled R-O-S-E, and you are under or over the age of 18 correct?
(wait for reply) Your address is 121 Fourth Street, which is spelled F-O-U-R-T-H, and this is a house not an
apartment, correct? (wait for reply) and the city is Canton, C-A-N-T-O-N, OHIO, 84574, and just to make sure,
you’re currently not receiving delivery of the Repository now, correct?
– Correct!
– Great, I put you down for 13 weeks of the Canton Repository and to ensure prompt delivery of the paper, which will
you be using today? A Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express?
– It’s a MasterCard. The numbers are 5426-5897-4123-1247.
– Let me repeat those numbers to make sure I have gathered them correctly. 54-26-58-94-12…
- Hold it, rewind, you skipped a 7…
– I’m sorry can you please repeat those numbers. (Customer)
– Okay, I’ll slow down for you, here it goes, 5426-5897-4123-1247.
– Okay, lets try this one more time, here it goes… 54-26-58-97-41-23-12-47 did I get it right?
– You got it!
And the expiration date on that MasterCard?
- 07/06
– Wonderful, your service will start within 3-5 days and you will see a
one time charge of $28.60 on your next credit card statement that
covers the next 13 weeks of delivery. Near the end of the promotion
you will receive a bill for future service. Before I let you go do you
have any other questions?
– No, I think you covered everything!
– Thank you for your time and enjoy the Repository, and good luck on
that job search!
Dialogue Exercise 2
Lady of the house
– Good (M,A,E,) this is _______ calling with a fantastic opportunity to receive the Winona Daily News
at a 40% savings off of our regular rate, that’s Monday thru Sunday delivery for only $1.85 per
week, let me start out by gathering your delivery address.
– We’re fine, my husband picks it up.
– How often does he pick it up at the newsstand?
– We read the paper everyday; it’s just part of his daily routine.
– Well ma’am, take in mind that by picking the paper up at the newsstand you’re paying well over our
promotional rate, not to mention you are not guaranteed to receive all of the inserts that are sent
out. We’d love to help save you money, and most important your time. Now, you are in the city of
Winona, correct?
– Yes, How much is it a week?
– It will be a low price of $1.85 per week, and with the inserted coupons, it becomes an asset, because
it’s like paying for the paper itself…
– (INTERJECTS) - Really, It’s my husband’s decision, why don’t you call back at around 6 o’clock.
He’ll be home and he can decide whether he wants the paper or not.
– Ma’am we’d hate for you to miss out the promotional rate. Remember that if home delivery is not
working for you, we encourage our customers to call customer service with any concerns. I can
get this out in about 2-3 days, so you can see first hand how much more convenient home
delivery can be. Now is that a house or an apartment?
– It’s a trailer…
– Okay, do I need a space number?
– Yes, it’s space 53.
– Now let me get the complete delivery address from you.
– It’s 241 Park Ave, space 53.
- That’s 2-4-1, P-A-R-K Avenue in Winona, Minnesota, and what is your zip code?
- 55419
– And what is your first and last name?
– Suzanne Golstein
– Is that spelled as S-U-S-A-N?
– No, No, not Susan. It’s Suzanne!
– Oh, I’m sorry; can I get the correct spelling?
– S-U-Z-A-N-N-E
Thank you, and now with your permission, I’d like to tape the verification of the order so there’s no chance for error
during the processing, ok?
– Great, you are Suzanne Golstein, with the last name G-O-L-S-T-E-I-N. And just to make sure, you are under or over the age of 18, is that
correct? (wait for reply) Your address is 241 Park Ave, space 53, and you are stated that this is a trailer in the city of Winona, MN. And
currently, you’re not receiving the Daily News, correct? (wait for reply)
– That’s right!
– To ensure prompt delivery, which will you be using today? A Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express?
– Oh no, my husband would kill me!
– Well we don’t want that to happen! What I could do ma’am is make sure to note on the account that this would be a one time charge on your
credit card, this way you don’t have any future worries.
- No, I’d rather have a bill sent through the mail.
– Well, you also have the option of a Debit Card with a Visa or MasterCard Logo. And this is just like using a check through the mail. Once
again, this is a one time charge that you will see on your next banking statement.
– Okay, let me go get my debit card. Okay it has a Visa logo and the numbers are 4-8-8-1 1-0-4-6 2-9-3-6 5-4-3-6.
– Okay let me repeat that; they are 48-81-10-46-29-36-54-36
That’s right
And the expiration date on the debit card?
– Great, your service will start within a few days and you will see a one time charge on your next bank statement of $24.00 covering the entire
13 week period. Before I let you go, do you have any other questions?
– No, I think you covered everything!
- Thank you for your time and enjoy the Winona Daily News!
Dialogue Exercise 3
– Good (M, A, E) this is ___ with the Merced Sun Star, and this call is to inform you that
we’re sending the paper out in your area at a 50% savings for only $1.41 per
week, now with whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?
– You have reached Dr. Edwards, but I’ll have to decline at this time, with our busy
schedules we can’t sit around and read the newspaper.
– Dr. Edwards I can imagine you must have an extremely busy schedule, let me ask,
when was the last time you tried home delivery with the Sun Star?
We have never had too much of an interest for the newspaper, like I said, we’re busy
–I can understand how busy times can get, but keep in mind that our delivery is guaranteed as early
as 6am. Most readers take their favorite sections with them and browse through what they’ve
missed at a later time. Try it for this short 13 week promotion and see how it fits your schedule and
I’m sure you won’t be disappointed, Dr. Edwards. Now at what address can we have this sent out
– How many surgeries do you perform a day?
– To be honest sir, I’ve had surgery but luckily I have never had the opportunity to perform any
– Exactly my point, you honestly don’t understand how busy I am! Don’t you understand?
Seeing that your career can be time consuming and challenging, the best part about the newspaper is
that you have the freedom to decide when and what you want to read. Dr. Edwards, keep an open
mind and enjoy all the benefits from the paper, and if at any time it gets too overwhelming, please
call us to make any changes to your account…what is the correct spelling of your street name?
– Well, we’ll give it a shot but just make a note that I leave for work right at 6am, so the carrier must
get here no later that 6am!
– No problem sir! Now with your permission, I’d like to tape the confirmation of your order so there is
no chance for error during processing, okay?
– Okay.
Dr. Edwards, I show the spelling of your last name as E-D-W-A-R-D-S, and knowing that you are a doctor; you are
under or over the age of 18? (wait for reply) You live at 222 M-A-I-N Street and that is a house, not an apt
correct? (wait for reply) and you are in the city of Merced M-E-R-C-E-D, California, 95214. And just to make sure,
you’re not receiving the Merced Sun-Star, correct? (wait for reply)
-That’s right!
– And to ensure prompt delivery which will you be using today, a Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express?
One moment, let me get my company card. It’s going to be an American Express. The numbers are as follows: 33252896-5147-658
– Now let me repeat those numbers to make sure there are no errors, those numbers are 33-25-28-96-51-47-65-8, is
that correct?
– You’ve got it!
- Great, your newspaper will start within 3 days. I put you down for Monday – Saturday delivery for only $1.41 per week.
You will see a one time charge on your next credit card statement for only $36.67 which covers 13 weeks of
delivery. After the 13 week promotion, your papers will continue at the regular rate, unless you notify the paper to
discontinue your service. Now, before I let you go, do you have any questions?
– No, everything sounds good; just remember no later than 6am, please!
– No later than 6 am gotcha! Thank you for your time and enjoy the Sun-Star newspaper!
Dialogue Exercise 4
Mature Reader
– Good (M, A, E) this is _______ with your local newspaper calling to inform
you that we’re sending out our summer special, to receive the Conn. Post at
a discounted rate for just $3.00 per week for 13 weeks. Now let me confirm,
you are in the city of New Haven, correct?
– Yes we are dear, but we are happy with our local paper, thank you.
– That’s great! Which paper is that? The Register, right?
– The New Haven Register, that’s right.
– I’m glad to hear that you enjoy reading the newspaper ma’am, when was the last time you took a look at the Post?
– Oh no… My husband and I have taken the Register for the last 25 years and we are just fine.
–I understand the Register is very well known in your area. It’s nice to have a change and perhaps make a comparison
between the two papers. We are eager to hear how you’ll enjoy the Post, and with whom do I have the pleasure of
speaking with today?
– 2 papers!!! No, no, I wouldn’t know what to do with the pile up. No thank you dear, but good luck on your next call.
– You’re right but, what I’ll do is send out our Sunday delivery at only $1.25 per week. The Sunday paper has our
estate sales, entertainment ideas for the entire family, plus we’ll also send out the weekly TV guide, plenty of
coupons and sale ads for incredible savings! I have a feeling that there are plenty of things you’re missing out on,
let’s go ahead and give it a shot so you can take a look at our paper, okay? What is your address there in New
– Okay, we’ll try it but just on Sundays; we don’t need the whole week.
Great, ma’am, I show your name as Ingrid, spelled, I-N-G-R-I-D, Johnson is spelled, J-O-H-N-S-O-N.
- That’s correct!
– What is the address in New Haven?
– 4017 West Dell Avenue, New Haven
- And the zip?
-Great, now with your permission, I’d like to tape the verification of the order so there’s no chance of error during the
processing, okay?
You are Ingrid Johnson, with the spelling of your last name as J-O-H-N-S-O-N and you are under or over the age 18?
(wait for reply) Your address is 4017 West D-E-L-L Ave, and this is a house, not an apt, in the city of New Haven,
CT 94123. And just to double check, you’re not receiving the Post at this time, correct? (wait for reply)
– That’s right, dear!
– And to ensure prompt delivery of the paper, which of these Credit Cards will you be using today? A Visa, MasterCard,
Discover, or American Express?
Oh no, we are not going to use our credit card, we don’t even know if we are going to like it!
-Okay, well we also take debit cards with a Visa or MasterCard Logo.
-No thanks, I don’t use Credit Cards over the phone.
– Okay that’s understandable; we’ll send out an invoice. Your service will start this Sunday or next and you will be billed
at the reduced rate of $1.25 per week for 13 weeks of the Sunday delivery. You should receive your invoice at the
end of the month, totaling $5.00 for one month, and this rate is good for 26 weeks. Near the end of the promotion
you will receive a bill for future service. Before I let you go do you have any other questions?
Thank you for your time and enjoy the Post!