Week of 1-2-12 - Rowan County Schools

Ms. Rhodes - Business Department
Week of: 1-2-12
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
IET 110
Independent Work: What happened in the world of
sports and entertainment during our break? List
everything you know that happened.
Independent Work:. What is HTML?
Essential Question: What is the marketing
Learning Target: . I can define HTML and write
simple code.
Learning Target: explain the central focus of the
marketing concept .
Interactive Instruction: watch PowerPoint on
HTML; go over what it is and complete activity
from handout Creating a basic web site using
HTML and from PowerPoint;
Interactive Instruction: discuss BR; complete
Opening act and group work; PowerPoint;
increased sports and entertainment options;
intermission question 1; went through slide #7
Essential Question: What is HTML?
Closure: review;
Closure: review
Independent Work: Read p. Winning Strategies;
Essential Question: How do marketers discover
what people want?
Learning Target: . I can describe means of
collecting marketing information for use in
decision making.
Independent Work: go to peanut; open html
PDF document and complete slide 18; you will
have to start a new notepad file; do not use the
one from yesterday; open in browser and print
screen; print and turn in
Essential Question: What is input and output?
Learning Target: I can define input and output.
Interactive Instruction: review by discussing BR;
watch slide #2; students read section 4.2;
PowerPoint beginning with slide #8 through slide
#20; read section 4.1; discuss consumer spending
habits, wants and needs;
Closure: review
Interactive Instruction: nts take notes; input and
related components-pointing devices, scanning
devices, image-capturing devices, audio-input
devices, complete Concept Check on pp. 190,
193, 196, 200;
Closure: assign reading of chapter 7 due by
Wednesday beginning of class; share book with
partner if necessary go over Concept Check
questions and take up
Independent Work: Read Opening Act p. 97; work
with a partner to answer questions
Essential Question: How is marketing information
Learning Target: I can describe means of
collecting marketing information for use in
Independent Work: answer on Today’s Meet What instant messaging and/or social
networking sites do you use frequently? How
often do you use these sites?
Essential Question: What is output?
Learning Target: I can describe output.
decision making
Interactive Instruction: go over Opening Act
questions; read section and discuss gathering
information ; PowerPoint and take notes; find
pictures of different types of purchases-rational,
emotional and patronage; discuss; with a partner,
write the steps you would go through to purchase a
new car using the decision-making process steps;
also mention the economic market, benefits
derived, comparative advantage
Interactive Instruction: everyone should have
read chapter 7 by class time; continue with
PowerPoint; discuss and students take notes;
monitors, printers, audio-output devices,
combination input and output devices
Independent Work:.finish teamwork from
yesterday-purchasing a car
Independent Work:. Complete Concept Review
pp 202, 206, 208
Essential Question: What is a target market?
Essential Question: What is an e-reader?
Learning Target: . I can define target market and
market segment.
Learning Target: I can describe an 3-reader and
give examples.
Interactive Instruction: together read Opening Act,
with a group, complete the questions; go over;
Powerpoint and take notes; determining the target
market, market segmentation,
Interactive Instruction: discuss Concept review
questions and turn in; p. 203; discuss e-readers
such as Amazon Kindle; does anyone have/use a
Kindle or other e-reader; show my Kindle and
how I use it; read section on p. 203 and visit the
web site and research miw
Closure: answer Encore questions p. 107 as
formative assessment; go over
Closure: review
Independent Work:. Read Opening Act, work with
a partner to answer questions
Independent Work:. Read summaries pp 211213
Essential Question: What is customer service?
Essential Question: What are combination
input-output devices?
Learning Target: . I can describe outstanding
customer service.
Interactive Instruction: go over opening act
questions; read 4.4; Powerpoint and discuss how
outstanding customer service equals success for
businesses; answer Intermission questions; creating
a service culture;
Closure: answer Encore questions p. 113 as
formative assessment; go over
Learning Target: I can describe combination input
and output devices and give examples.
Interactive Instruction: complete assignment 7;
matching and multiple choice from website;
print; complete 1, 2, or 3 from page 217; email
your responses to the questions to me by tonight
at 10 pm.
Closure: review
Business Law
Web Design
Independent Work:. Review for chapters 3 and 4 test
Independent Work:. Pick up two handouts
Essential Question: What is a contract?
Essential Question: What is HTML?
Learning Target: . I can describe what a contract is.
Learning Target: . I can define HTML and write
simple code.
Interactive Instruction: take chapters 3 and 4
summative test; together read opening scene; overview Interactive Instruction: HTML; go over what it
is and complete activity; self reflect
of unit-what are your personal experiences with
contracts?; read section 1;
Closure: review
Independent Work:
Essential Question: What are the characteristics of a
Independent Work:. Put self-reflection
questions on screen for students to answer
Essential Question: What is HTML?
Learning Target: I can identify the characteristics of a
Learning Target: . I can define HTML and write
simple code.
Interactive Instruction: p. 110; read and discuss
characteristics of a contract; go over each one in detail
and read the examples; answer question with picture
on p. 111; answer question with picture p. 113;
complete section 5.1 formative assessment questions
1-5 under Reviewing what you learned;
Interactive Instruction: complete activities in
packet; structuring content with HTML;
creating paragraphs and line breaks; creating
Closure: go over Review questions; students make
corrections to study from later
Wednesday Independent Work: list the six elements of a contract
Independent Work: Click here to enter text.
Essential Question: How do I explain the elements of a
Essential Question: How do I write simple
HTML code.
Learning Target: I can describe the elements of a
Learning Target: I can write simple HTML
Interactive Instruction: discuss elements of a contract;
complete activity with a partner “Has a Contract Been
Created When…”; discuss each situation as a group;
read pp. 110-113;
Interactive Instruction: continue unit D;
creating lists; understanding cascading style
sheets; creating and element-based style rule
Independent Work: students read section 5.2; discuss
requirements of an offer; use example 5 p. 116; and
example 6 p. 117; methods of acceptance
Independent Work:. Pick up packet D
Essential Question: How do I modify a style
Essential Question: What are the characteristics of a
Learning Target: I can describe the characteristics of
a contract.
Interactive Instruction: discuss 110-113; complete
review on p. 113 for formative assessment; discuss;
read section on Termination of an offer; discuss ways
offer can be terminated and examples 8 and 9 p. 120;
have students create an offer, then find a partner and
make their offers to each other; together write out the
six elements of a contract for each offer; are they
there; could this be a valid contract?
Learning Target: I can modify a style rule on
my web site.
Interactive Instruction: continue unit D;
modifying a style rule; creating a class-based
style rule; applying and removing a class-based
style rule;
Independent Work: Complete 5.2 formative
assessment p 121 questions 1-5
Essential Question: How do I apply knowledge of
contracts to formative assessment?
Learning Target: I can apply knowledge of contracts
to formative assessment.
Interactive Instruction: go over formative assessment
questions; students read over summary p. 122;
together define key terms p. 123; complete The Law
Review p. 123, only questions 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12
Closure: use Frayer Model to identify/define/give
examples of a contract; discuss elements of a contract
**NO SCHOOL Tuesday this week due to snow.
Independent Work: Pick up packet D
Essential Question: How do I apply knowledge
to formative assessment?
Learning Target: I can complete a formative
assessment of Unit D.
Interactive Instruction: complete Concepts
review pp. 92-93, print and turn in; complete
Skills review p. 93; screen print the home page
and turn in for formative assessments
Closure:go over concepts review questions