ISAC Anthropomorphic Hand Vanderbilt University Senior Design Project Sponsor: Dr. Kazuhiko Kawamura, CIS Project Members: Tom Billings Kit Buckley Ananya Majumder Scott Shugh Michael Stock ~ Acknowledgements ~ We would like to acknowledge the following people for their aid during this design process: - Kazuhiko Kawamura - Erdem Erdemir - Michael Goldfarb - Tom Withrow - Flo Wahidi - Lason Watai - Lewis Saettel And lastly, we would like to thank Professor Dozier for his guidance. 2 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2 System Description................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Operational Concept ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Hardware Overview .............................................................................................................................. 7 2.2.1 Palm............................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2.2 Fingers ........................................................................................................................................ 8 2.2.3 Touch Sensors ............................................................................................................................ 8 2.2.4 Stepper Motor, Driver Card, Microcontroller Board .................................................................. 8 2.3 Software Overview ............................................................................................................................ 9 2.3.1 Microcontroller Overview .......................................................................................................... 9 2.3.2 High Level Code Overview.......................................................................................................... 9 3 Detailed Design ...................................................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Hardware Detailed Design .............................................................................................................. 10 3.2.1 Palm.......................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2.2 Fingers ...................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2.3 Touch Sensors .......................................................................................................................... 12 3.2.4 Actuation .................................................................................................................................. 15 3.2.5 Stepper Motors and Driver Cards ............................................................................................ 15 3.2.6 Driver Cards and Microcontroller Board .................................................................................. 17 3.2 Software Detailed Design ................................................................................................................ 20 3.2.1 Microcontroller Detailed Design .............................................................................................. 20 3.2.2 High Level Code Detailed Design.............................................................................................. 24 4 Evaluation Procedure & Results ............................................................................................................. 30 4.1 Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 30 4.1.1 Durability Testing ..................................................................................................................... 30 4.1.2 Functionality Testing ................................................................................................................ 31 4.1.3 Touch sensor Testing................................................................................................................ 32 5 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 32 6 Recommendations for Future Work ...................................................................................................... 32 6.1 Hardware Improvements ................................................................................................................ 33 3 6.2 Software Improvements ................................................................................................................. 33 Appendix A – Figure Listing and Visio Drawing Compilation ...................................................................... 34 Appendix B: Hardware Overviews .............................................................................................................. 44 APS12DT256SLK Development Kit .......................................................................................................... 44 EasyDriver v3 Stepper Motor Driver ........................................................................................................... 45 Interlink Force Sensing Resistors ............................................................................................................ 45 Jameco 237472 Bipolar Stepper Motor .................................................................................................. 46 Spindle Caps ............................................................................................................................................ 47 Enclosure................................................................................................................................................. 47 Polymorph Plastic ................................................................................................................................... 47 Rapid Prototype ...................................................................................................................................... 47 25-lb Test Fishing Line ............................................................................................................................. 48 Nuts and Bolts ......................................................................................................................................... 48 Appendix C: Project Code ........................................................................................................................... 49 Appendix D: Parts List ................................................................................................................................. 50 Appendix E: User’s Guide ............................................................................................................................ 51 1 Software User Details.......................................................................................................................... 53 1.1 Using the GUI .................................................................................................................................. 53 1.2 Debugging Help ............................................................................................................................... 54 1.2.1 Using the Hand Class ................................................................................................................ 54 1.2.2 Loading Code onto the Microcontroller ................................................................................... 54 1.2.3 Debugging using the CodeWarrior IDE..................................................................................... 55 1.2.4 Troubleshooting Suggestions ................................................................................................... 55 2 Hardware User Details ............................................................................................................................. 56 2.1 Making a New Finger....................................................................................................................... 56 2.2 Replacing a Finger ........................................................................................................................... 56 2.3 Resetting a Finger............................................................................................................................ 56 3 Normal System Operation Recommendations ........................................................................................ 57 4 1 Introduction The Center for Intelligent Systems is a research group whose goal is to advance the state of the art in intelligent systems such as autonomous robots through development in the areas of skill learning, perception learning, and task learning. The CIS Anthropomorphic Hand project, sponsored by Dr. Kazuhiko Kawamura of CIS (, aims to create a humanoid hand for the ISAC robot currently used in the cognitive robotics laboratory. The project has the following specifications: 1. The hand must be an anthropomorphic right hand, necessitating four digits and a thumb, each with humanoid joints and grasping action. 2. The total mass of the hand cannot exceed 1 kg. 3. The hand must be durable; it must be able to survive an impact due to arm malfunction. 4. The hand should possess independent finger control and should also be able to perform three distinct grasping functions: a full hand close, a two-finger (thumb and index) pinch, and a threefinger (thumb, index, and middle) grasp. 5. There should be feedback from the fingers to the control unit to indicate when a touch occurs. 1.1 Background There are numerous robotic hands currently on the market. The one that most closely duplicates humanoid function is the Shadow Hand, manufactured by the Shadow Robot Company ( This hand has 24 degrees of freedom, 40 air muscles, and provides enough sensitivity to detect a single coin. The hand can be controlled via a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus interface and an embedded Ethernet interface. The hand is relatively heavy, weighing 3.9 kg, and very expensive, costing about $100,000. It is semi-autonomous. A hand with similar functionality has been created at the University of Bologna in Italy. The UB Hand III has 16 degrees of freedom and is controlled with position and force sensors as compared to the pressure sensors employed by the Shadow Hand. Unlike the Shadow Hand, the UB Hand III is a research prototype and is not commercially available ( CIS has commissioned hands for ISAC in the past. Of the two hands currently attached to the robot, only one is functional. This hand is actually a two-fingered gripper which is not conducive to interaction with human subjects. The other hand is five-fingered but is no longer functional due to a lack of durability: an arm malfunction caused the hand to be repeatedly hit against other objects, eventually breaking the hand. This hand was implemented with pneumatic pistons and capacitive touch sensors, but has not worked for several years. The CIS lab has commissioned an anthropometric replacement for the nonfunctional hand so it can be used in both robotic control research and psychology experiments. 5 The Vanderbilt Center for Intelligent Mechatronics has created a hand to be used with its monopropellant actuators. This hand is being developed to be incorporated into a prosthetic arm that the center is developing. As such, it can replicate most human hand movements and is more sophisticated than the needs of the ISAC robot ( 2 System Description 2.1 Operational Concept The system is composed of five major components as shown in Figure 1. The extremity of the hand consists of five fingers fashioned with Polymorph and providing feedback by means of a touch sensor at each fingertip. The fingers are attached to a palm, printed using rapid prototype. On a remote control board connected to ISAC's body will be five bi-polar stepper motors used to control each finger independently. The motors pull and release 25-lb test fishing line that is run through cable housing to the fingers. A microcontroller will control the motors as well as receive feedback from the touch sensors on the hand. When a touch is registered, the finger continues to close for a predetermined number of steps more, ensuring a tight squeeze. The microcontroller will be connected by means of a serial port to a computer that contains a C++ control program in IMA2 architecture. This computer will be connected to the other computer agents used to control ISAC. Overall Architecture Touch Sensors Polymorph Fingers Rapid Prototype Palm Touch Sensor Wires Cable Housing Bi-Polar Stepper Motors w/ Spindles Motor Power 12 VDC, 4 A Wall Plug-in Power Supply C++ Class EasyDriver Cards Serial Connection Touch Sensor Circuit Microcontroller Control Box (not on hand) Reset Switch Figure 1 - System Overview 6 5 VDC Microcontroller Power Supply Figure 2 - Image of hand attached to ISAC's arm Figure 3 - Close-up of hand 2.2 Hardware Overview 2.2.1 Palm The palm allows for strong connections to the fingers and arm while being light enough to stay within the specified weight requirement. It provides connections for the elastic cord used for extension as well as a place through which the flexion cables can be routed before they reach the motors. The palm’s 7 design itself, besides providing the structural necessities stated above, enhances the durability of the overall hand. 2.2.2 Fingers To fulfill the project requirements, the fingers had to be affordable and lightweight yet durable. The material used to form the fingers had to be relatively inexpensive while still providing the required strength. The weakest portion of the fingers, consequently the place where failure would be expected to occur first, was the joints. Therefore, when designing the finger, the creation of the joints and methods for maintaining their functionality was emphasized. The finger also had to be designed to accommodate the connections and interactions with the materials used for flexion, extension, and feedback. The extension was produced by a passive mechanism, in contrast to an active actuator-controlled flexion mechanism, so special consideration had to be taken for how these mechanisms would best connect to and work with the finger. 2.2.3 Touch Sensors Force sensing resistors are attached to each fingertip. The resistance of these sensors is variable and is a function of the inverse of the applied force. In order to detect a touch, a simple inverting op-amp circuit was created in conjunction with each sensor. Changing the other resistor in the circuit can change the sensitivity of the system. Additionally, each force resistor is covered with a Polymorph “fingertip” which allows an increase in the effective surface area of the resistor while maintaining the anthropomorphicity of the hand. 2.2.4 Stepper Motor, Driver Card, Microcontroller Board The finger actuation is controlled by 5 stepper motors. Each motor is connected to a driver card. The driver cards accept a step pulse and a direction from the microcontroller. They also receive power for the stepper motors and translate the microcontroller step into a motor step at the correct motor current and voltage level. These 5 driver cards are mounted on a circuit board that also contains the microcontroller and two 16 pin IC sockets. These IC sockets allow for wires that control the stepper motors to be jumped to the project board for debugging purposes. In order to load code onto the microcontroller it needs to be plugged into the project board. When it is plugged into the project board the pins are accessed by pushing them into corresponding sockets on the project board, which means that no wires can be connected directly to the microcontroller pins. Since loading and debugging code is more easily done when the microcontroller is attached to the project board, a pin out board was connected to the driver card board for an easy transition between debugging and final implementations. As a note of caution when debugging on the project board, the microcontroller ground needs to be tied to the ground of the stepper motor power supply to avoid having two circuits with different grounds. When the microcontroller is on the driver card board the grounds are already connected on the other side of the board. The pin out for the microcontroller has more pins than the microcontroller does. Eight of these extra port pins are tied under the board to different pins of the microcontroller. Five of these pins are tied to 8 the microcontroller ports that monitor the touch sensor circuits. Two of these pins are tied to the microcontroller ground and the other pin is tied to a pin on the microcontroller that sources 5VDC. The 5VDC pin and one of the ground pins provides power for the touch sensor circuits. The other ground is connected to a switch that is mounted on the outside of the control box. This switch can reset the microcontroller in case of problems. 2.3 Software Overview 2.3.1 Microcontroller Overview The main purpose of the program on the HCS12 microcontroller is to transition between electronic control and physical manifestation of this project. The code for the HCS12 microcontroller was developed in C using Freescale's CodeWarrior IDE. The microcontroller receives commands from the host computer via the serial port then translates these commands into a sequence of pulses that instruct the driver cards on how to move the motors in the correct direction, at the correct speed, and for a desired period of time. The first step in controlling the hand is to have a reliable connection to the host pc using the serial port. A reliable connection requires successful transmission of data between the host pc and the microcontroller. A 'language' of defined bytes was created. Certain bytes being sent from the host pc are interpreted as instructions for the microcontroller, and certain bytes being sent from the microcontroller verify that a task has been completed successfully. Once a reliable means of talking to the microcontroller was implemented, code could be developed for the microcontroller to control the motors. The use of driver cards greatly simplified the control of the motors by only requiring two output lines: STEP and DIR. The STEP line provides a square wave to drive the motors; the DIR line holds high or low depending on which direction the motors should turn. A routine was made to generate a pulse train (square wave) using the timer interrupt channel by enabling interrupts in a toggle mode. Each time an interrupt is generated the output on the STEP line switches to its opposite state; thus, a square wave with a width of two times the pulse is generated. The motor holds its current position if no pulse train is sent. Another type of interrupt was used as a trigger to signify a successful touch had occurred. Once a touch sensor on a particular finger successfully registers a touch, the interrupt service routine causes the motors to stop shortly after the touch was registered. The reason for the delay is to ensure a firm grip on the object that is being picked up. Integrating the motor commands along with the serial commands allows for the host pc to control the movement of the hand in an easy to use environment. Two other routines were also made to change the motor speed and to change the maximum number of steps to make controlling the hand that much more adaptable in future applications. 2.3.2 High Level Code Overview The computer software provides the interface between the user and the microcontroller. It provides the user with the ability to close the fingers, open the fingers, and set control variables. The software is 9 written in Visual C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio. The main software deliverable is a C++ class composed of a header file (Hand.h) and a source file (Hand.cpp). There are two provided applications which make use of the Hand class: a Console Application and a Windows Forms Application. The Windows Forms Application provides a graphical user interface. This application is much easier to test the hand with because it not only provides all of the functionality, but it displays the current hand status and the current status of the control variables. The Hand class was slightly modified for the Windows Forms Application. In the Console Application, error and update reporting is done by printing character strings to the command window. There is no command window in the Windows Forms Application; therefore, a different method of error and update reporting was needed. Everywhere the cout command is used in the Console Application, the code is replaced with a Windows Message Box command. This does not affect any of the operations, only how errors are reported. The computer needs to communicate with the microcontroller and does so by using the serial port. Accessing the serial port in a windows operating system is difficult. To overcome this obstacle a free serial communication class was found on the internet courtesy of Ramon de Klein. There was a slight modification to the code because the ISAC computers use Windows XP, not Windows 95, or NT. The modification is commenting out the SERIAL_NO_CANCELIO macro. Commenting out this macro allows for timeouts in the serial communication. The Serial class is used in the background of the Hand class. A user creating an instance of the Hand class does not have access to any of the Serial class functionality. The Serial class is included in both of the applications and is also part of the deliverables. 3 Detailed Design 3.1 Hardware Detailed Design 3.2.1 Palm A modular cavity design, as indicated in Figure 4, was employed. The top face of the palm has two bolt holes to connect each finger to the palm and one hole on the left corner of the top face for the thumb. Connecting the fingers to the palm with bolts allows for the fingers to be replaced. It is known that the joints of the fingers are fatigable. Therefore, to increase the lifespan of the hand, a bolted connection will allow for individual fingers to be replaced without needing to replace the entire hand. The broken finger can be unbolted and the cord, touch sensor, and elastic shock cord removed. A spare finger can be reconnected to these parts and bolted back into the original hole. The entire hand can thus be functional again without needing complete reconstruction. The palm will be connected to the arm mount through two bolts on the back wall of the palm, shown in Figure 5. The back portion of the hand will contain the anchors necessary for connecting and adjusting the elastic shock cords. The palm will be created out of rapid prototype because the precision needed to fit many intricate surfaces into a small area cannot be reliably created by hand. 10 Figure 4 - . A view of the underside of the palm, showing where the fingers can be bolted in and where the palm will be connected to the arm. Figure 5 - A view of the hand from below, showing the finger connections to the palm as well as the touch sensors at each fingertip. 3.2.2 Fingers Finger Fabrication The entire finger was fabricated as a single piece. Each pre-fabrication cylinder of polymorph had to be 120mm in length and 20mm ± 2mm in width. Joints were made into the polymorph at intervals of 3cm, 3cm, 3.5cm, and 2.5cm with this last joint most proximal to the hand. The joints were made progressively more flexible from the distal to the proximal joints. Between the joints, 4 finger segments with mounds in the center were molded and an attachment flap was shaped out of the excess polymorph after the most proximal joint. The distal three segments were created to anthropomorphize the finger. The fourth segment, while not a part of typical human anatomy, was created to simulate the flexibility of the palm. Guides for flexion cables were drilled into the segments on the palm-side of the finger. On the back of the distal segment, a cavity was produced and holes for a horizontal bar were drilled. On the horizontal bar, the flexion and extension cables were connected. A video on the fabrication process was filmed to show how this procedure is accomplished ( n/documentation.htm). 11 Flexion Flexion is produced by bipolar stepper motors, which are connected to the fingers using 25 lb test fishing line. The cable is connected to the horizontal bar in the distal segment of the finger on the palmfacing side and then threaded through the drilled holes in the segments. This cable continues through the palm and to the motors. Running the line through the base of the fingers allows for maximum flexion with minimum amount of exposed line. External loops connected to the palm side of the fingers were considered, but through experimentation with Polymorph, these loops were found to be a major source of design failure. Figure 6 shows a diagram of the proposed finger flexion system. Figure 6 - View of the palm-facing side of the simulated finger, showing the test line that is used for flexion. Extension Whereas flexion is an actively controlled process, extension is passively modulated. The motors will be run in reverse for extension but will have no active effect on the fingers’ extension. Elastic shock cord is used to establish tension on the back side of the finger, causing the straightening action. Elastic cords allow for a variable amount of tension through an adjustable connection at the proximal end of the finger. The shock cords are connected to the same horizontal bar in the distal segment cavity. This connection provides for increased lifespan of the hand, allowing fingers to be replaced without creating a new hand completely, as will be explained further in the section that details the palm. Linear springs were also considered as an option for passive extension. However, the amount of distance traversed during flexion was highly likely to deform any spring. Also, a linear spring did not allow the amount of variability that altering the length of a bungee cord could afford. 3.2.3 Touch Sensors An Interlink Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) was placed on each fingertip, a third of the finger segment length from the top of the finger. The sensing area of the resistor is only 5 mm whereas the width of the finger is approximately 20 mm. In order to accommodate for this, an artificial fingertip was created. This was done by making a small ball of polymorph- approximately 15 mm in diameter- and flattening one end of the sphere. By attaching this dome to the surface of the resistor, the sensing area was greatly increased. Not only did this allow for a larger area to be covered, it also allowed for sensing of touches not perpendicular to the sensor itself. 12 Each sensor is 2 inches long, but the cable housing unit was approximately 10 feet. Therefore, the sensors were connected to a ribbon cable, which was then attached to the housing carrying the fishing line from the motors. This entire unit led from the hand, up ISAC’s arm, down his body, and to the housing holding the motors and electronics. The full description of the technology behind the force sensors is included in Appendix B. As detailed there, the resistance of the unit decreases as applied force increases. For purposes of this project, however, it was necessary for the voltage generated by a touch to increase proportional to the applied force. To account for this stipulation and to ensure the microcontroller was never sent more than 5V from the sensors (the maximum allowable input), the sensors were used in conjunction with an inverting operational amplifier circuit. Figure 7 provides a schematic of the op amp circuit used. The 200 kΩ value for the resistor in the circuit was calculated based on the constraint of no more than 1 mA/cm2 of current through the sensing area of the FSR. Figure 7 - Schematic of touch sensor circuit. In order to create the circuit, a wire wrapping technique was used in conjunction with TI UA741CP operational amplifiers. Figure 8 shows a diagram including the wire connections for the feedback circuits for each of the five touch sensors. 13 Figure 8 - Operational amplifier connections for sensing circuit. For the sake of simplicity and versatility, the operational amplifiers and resistors were attached to 14pin IC sockets. The op amp utilized the top 8 pins (4 on each side), the next pair of pins was left blank, and the last 2 sets of pins were used to house resistors. Two 100 kΩ resistors were placed in these pins and connected in series by wire wrapping, resulting in a total resistance of 200 kΩ. This technique is superior to the use of a 200 kΩ resistor because it allows the user to change the resistances at will, allowing for an increase (by increasing resistance) or decrease in sensitivity. The minimum amount of total resistance must be 10 kΩ to keep from passing too much current to the FSRs. There is no maximum resistance limit. Figure 9 shows a diagram of the overall board containing all the touch sensor circuitry. Figure 9 - Touch Sensor Circuit Diagram 14 3.2.4 Actuation The limiting factor on the design of the hand was its weight. Soft armed robots like ISAC, while biomimetic, are notoriously underpowered. The Center for Intelligent Systems at Vanderbilt had purchased a gripper for the arm which weighed about one kilogram, and the arm was not strong enough to effectively manipulate the gripper. This suggests that the both the hand and the object the hand is grasping needs to weigh under one kilogram. The power of the arm was the only weight limit on the project, and so it was decided that as much of the hand function as possible should be mounted off of the arm. The motors and accompanying circuitry were mounted onto ISAC’s main chassis, and connected to the hand using Bowden cables to actuate the fingers and ribbon cable to attach the sensors to the rest of the circuitry. The Bowden cable used to transmit the power from the motors was a high test monofilament fishing line routed through bicycle brake cable housing. The monofilament line was determined to be more desirable than a wound steel cable because it could be wrapped around a smaller diameter shaft, because it transmitted power through the cable housing more smoothly, and because wound steel cable had a tendency to fray inside the cable housing. One end of the monofilament line was attached to the end of the finger, and the other end was attached to a spindle built onto the stepper motor. The stepper motor pulls with a constant amount of torque for a certain step speed, so in order to generate enough force to close the fingers, we needed to make the diameter of the spindle as small as possible. To achieve this, we attached a cap to the end of the motor’s shaft, and used the motors and the cap as the spindle. Figure 10 - Motor Spindle Figure 11 - Motor Enclosure 3.2.5 Stepper Motors and Driver Cards The fingers are actuated by Jameco 12VDC, 400mA bipolar stepper motors. Each step of these motors rotates the shaft by 1.8° which corresponds to 200 full steps per revolution. Stepper motors are moved by sending specific pulse sequences to the motor coils. The sequence that is sent to the coils determines the characteristic of the step. One such stepping mode is full stepping. In this case, the Jameco motor would take 200 steps to complete one revolution. Another mode is half stepping which would require 400 steps to complete one revolution. There is also the ability to microstep by further dividing the number of steps required to complete a revolution. When power is applied, but no step sequence is sent 15 a stepper motor will hold at its current position with some degree of holding torque. The holding torque of the Jameco motors is 2100 g-cm. An advantage of stepper motors is the ability to use them in an open-loop control system. As long as a device, such as a microcontroller, is monitoring the number of step sequences generated then the relative position compared to the starting point is known. One downfall of stepper motors is that the amount of torque they produce decreases with an increase in speed. In this hand design this does limit the speed with which the fingers can close, but it does not limit them enough to significantly degrade performance. Controlling a stepper motor involves sending a specific pulse sequence. The Jameco stepper motors in this project are 4 wire bipolar motors. There are 5 motors, meaning that there are 20 wires that require correct pulsing sequences. Using a microcontroller to keep track of and generate these sequences would have been very difficult and utilize most of the output pins. To work around this situation EasyDriver v3 stepper motor driver cards were used. Each of these cards requires only two inputs: a pulse input and a direction input. The driver card translates this into the correct pulsing sequence for the motor. Using the EasyDriver cards reduced the number of pulse outputs to 5 and the total outputs to 10. The EasyDriver cards also provided another benefit. The chip on the card is an Allegro A397 Microstepping Driver. It is set to 8 step microstepping which means that one revolution is equal to 1600 steps. This provides very precise positioning control that would have been very difficult to attain with just a microcontroller alone. It also results in a very smooth rotation of the motor shaft. The power for a motor is routed through the EasyDriver card from a 12VDC, 4A power supply that can be plugged into a wall outlet. Each motor draws 400mA for a total of 2A. This power supply provides a 2A margin. The driver card uses this power to translate the TTL microcontroller current and voltage into the correct stepper motor current and voltage. The connections for the EasyDriver cards are displayed below. Unfortunately, Jameco sent 2 motors with one wiring combination and 3 motors with another. The correct wire order by color is shown for both types of motors. 16 EasyDriver Card Connections Motor Wires By Color Brown Red Orange Blue Red Green To 12V 4A AC to DC power supply Yellow Black Motor Wires Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Step Dir To Microcontroller Figure 12 - EasyDriver card wiring connections. 3.2.6 Driver Cards and Microcontroller Board The Driver Card / Microcontroller Board houses five driver cards, two 16 pin IC sockets, and the microcontroller (including pin out). The power and control lines of the driver cards are connected to lines on the 16 pin IC sockets. The IC sockets allow for wires to be jumped from the board to the project board. The code on the microcontroller can only be debugged when it is plugged into the project board and connected to a computer with a USB cable. These IC sockets make it easy to keep the driver cards mounted and still run the hand from the project board. The wires used for control (i.e. STEP and DIR) are 30 gauge wire-wrapping wire because of the low voltage and currents passing through them, but the GND and V+ wires require a smaller gauge due to the much larger voltages and currents that they carry. In fact, the pins for Gnd and V+ on the back of the wire-wrapping boards were soldered together for this very reason. The Gnd from the motor power is connected to the microcontroller Gnd so that the entire circuit shares a common Gnd, a common reference point. When connecting to the microcontroller via the project board, a Gnd line must be run between the two circuits to ensure proper functionality. When the microcontroller is plugged into the pin out on the Driver Card / Microcontroller Board, several pins are free to connect to the touch sensor circuit. The first seven pins (five touch sensors, V+ (5V), and Gnd) are wire wrapped directly from the pin out of the microcontroller so that they can be directly connected. The touch sensor circuit can easily be moved from this pin out to the project board for debugging purposes. The current draw of the touch sensor circuit is minimal and is well below the sourcing limit of the microcontroller. The eighth pin is a Gnd line for a RESET button to be mounted on the external enclosure. The RESET pin on the microcontroller causes a global reset when it goes low. 17 Another wire coming from the RESET pin on the microcontroller leads to a switch, which when depressed causes the pin to go low and the microcontroller to reset. This was installed so that the microcontroller could be easily reset without having to open the enclosures. The microcontroller pin connections are displayed below. Drawings for the Driver Card / Microcontroller Board are also included. Microcontroller Connections Touch Sensor Circuits Reset Switch Touch Sensor Thumb Touch Sensor Index Motor Step Thumb Motor Step Index Touch Sensor Middle Touch Sensor Ring Touch Sensor Pinky Motor Direction Pinky Motor Direction Ring Motor Step Middle Motor Direction Middle Motor Step Ring Motor Direction Index Motor Step Pinky Motor Direction Thumb Figure 13 - Microcontroller Pin Connections. 18 Driver Card Connection Board To Motor A To Motor B Motor Wires Motor Wires Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Card A Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Card B Step Dir Driver Card B V+ Driver Card B Gnd Driver Card C V+ Driver Card C Gnd Driver Card D V+ Driver Card D Gnd Driver Card E V+ Driver Card E Gnd EasyDriver v3 Card C Driver Card A Gnd To Motor C To Gnd on 12 V 4 A AC to DC Power Supply + Driver Card A V Motor Wires To V+ on 12 V 4 A AC to DC Power Supply Step Dir Driver Card B Step Driver Card B Dir Driver Card C Step Driver Card C Dir ** Driver Card A Step ** Driver Card A Dir ** Driver Card B Step ** Driver Card B Dir ** Driver Card C Step ** Driver Card C Dir ** Driver Card D Step ** Driver Card D Dir ** Driver Card E Dir ** Driver Card E Step Driver Card D Step Driver Card D Dir Driver Card E Step Gnd V+ Driver Card A Dir Step Dir Driver Card A Step To Motor D To Motor E Motor Wires Motor Wires Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Card D Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Card E Step Dir Reset Switch Gnd Driver Card E Dir Step Dir Control Lines for Touch Sensor Circuit Microcontroller ** Debug Pins are used for connecting motors when the microcontroller is being programmed and tested on the project board. Figure 14 - Driver Card / Microcontroller Board. 19 Driver Card Connection Board: Detailed View of Outputs to Touch Sensor Board Reset Switch Gnd Touch Sensor Board Gnd Touch Sensor Board V+ (5 V) Touch Sensor Finger 4 Touch Sensor Finger 3 Touch Sensor Finger 2 Touch Sensor Finger 1 Touch Sensor Finger 0 Microcontroller Figure 15 - Detailed View of Outputs to Touch Sensor Board. 3.2 Software Detailed Design 3.2.1 Microcontroller Detailed Design Before the host computer can connect to the microcontroller, certain registers must be initialized for proper motor control, touch sensor response, and most importantly serial communication. The details of these register initializations will be described along with the appropriate function definitions in the sections below. Following the register initializations, serial communication is established between the host pc and the microcontroller; if the communication is successful, the microcontroller enters a loop waiting for the next command from the host pc. At this point the microcontroller is ready for any command ranging from closing the hand, closing a specific finger, altering the speed or maximum number of steps for a particular motor, or even reestablishing communication with the host pc if need be. This loop is the core of the main function for the microcontroller; once a command successfully completes, it waits for the next command from the host. This process repeats until communication is lost or power is removed from the microcontroller. 20 Serial Communication Serial communication is key to remote operation of the hand. Several steps must be taken before the microcontroller is ready to communicate with the host PC. SCIInit() must be called to initialize the registers responsible for activating communication. SCI0BDH and SCI0BDL are used to set the baud rate, which is fixed to 9600 for this implementation. SCI0CR1 and SCI0CR2 are used to establish more of the base settings such as: the data format (eight data bits with one start bit and one stop bit), parity (disabled), interrupts (disabled), sending data (enabled), and receiving data (enabled). The first function called in the main routine that does not deal with initializing registers is ReadFromSCI0(char *). If a byte has been sent from the host pc, a data flag register will toggle its value, indicating that data is ready to be grabbed. That data is then returned for interpretation. Specifically, the first time the microcontroller is turned on, it is waiting for a HELLO command (predefined HEX code) from the microcontroller; this specific byte indicates that the host pc and microcontroller are speaking the same language. Once HELLO is verified, the microcontroller will send a HERE command to inform the computer that everything is good to go. HERE is sent using WriteByteSCI0(char *), which reads the byte in question directly into the data register. The function will return once the data transmission register indicates there is no more data to be sent. The functions used for serial communication are constantly used to interpret specific byte commands as provided by the host pc within the main loop of the program. The code was designed so that only one byte needs to be sent to control any aspect of the hand. A byte will be read in, followed by a call to MotorCommand(char *), which decodes the byte into a coherent motor command or function call. Motor Control Motors will only be activated after a byte has been received and subsequently decoded by a switch statement contained within MotorCommand(char *). MotorCommand(char *) contains a large switch statement based upon predefined HEX codes that vary in functionality from resetting the microcontroller, to redefining a motor’s speed or maximum number of steps, to controlling the motors. For example, if the most recent byte read correlated to the HEX code CLS0, the thumb would be instructed to close. Before any motor begins to move a few functions must be called to ensure that the correct motors will run as defined. MotorDirection(int,int,int,int) is always called so that the fingers will close in close commands and open in open commands. Each argument refers to a motor, and zeros are used to indicate closing; ones indicate opening. By default a finger is set to close. Several other calls are made to initialize PortP for handling responses from the touch sensors; this topic will be addressed in a section below. MOTOR0_ON(), a macro defined at the top of main.c, is then called. Timer interrupt channel zero is used to control the square wave being sent to the thumb’s driver card. In order to use the timer channels, timer channel registers were initialized prior to establishing serial communication with the host pc. TSCR1 is set to enable the timer’s normal functionality and to enable a fast flag clear bit, allowing for input captures to be written to an output compare channel. TSCR2 is prescaled to four; timer channels zero through four are set to output compare using the TIOS register. Finally, TCTL1 and TCTL2 are initialized for toggling the logic level on the output compare pin. The 21 reasons for these initializations will be best understood through further explanation of how MOTOR0_ON() and MOTOR0_OFF() work together. Inside of MOTOR0_ON(), TC0 (timer channel zero) is set equal to the sum TCNT, the microcontroller’s master timer) and a pulse value, which sets TC0 equal to a future time. When TCNT equals the TC0 value timer channel zero’s interrupt fires. Output compare and toggle were enabled so the output line toggles from low to high or high to low depending on its current state. Inside of timer zero’s interrupt service routine the value of TC0 is incremented by the pulse value again so another interrupt will hit after the same length of time. When TC0 equals TCNT again, the output value will toggle. After this second interrupt, it should be apparent that a square wave of period (pulse value)*2 has been generated. In addition to updating the value of TC0, timer channel zero’s interrupt service routine also increments MOTOR0_STEPS if the motor is closing (decrements if the motor is opening). MOTOR0_STEPS is used to check for an exit condition. After MOTOR0_ON() is called, the CLS0 routine enters a loop that waits for an exit condition. One way to trigger this exit condition is if MOTOR0_STEPS exceeds MOTOR0_MAX_STEPS, which is set as a physical bound for the finger. Usually it is set to a point where the finger would be touching the palm when closed. A similar trigger exists for an open command; if MOTOR0_STEPS is decremented below zero, the finger is all the way open and the loop will break. A touch sensor activation on PortP can also trigger the loop exit condition. The touch sensor activation is explained later. When one of these exceptions occurs, MOTOR0_OFF() is called. MOTOR0_OFF() does the exact opposite of its counterpart; it disables the timer channels ability to generate an interrupt and turns off toggle mode. It also sets MOTOR0_RUN_FLAG to zero. The status of MOTOR0_RUN_FLAG is the loop exit condition mentioned above. All of the triggers result in MOTOR0_RUN_FLAG being set to zero. CLS0 will then exit the loop, and reset MOTOR0_STEPS if necessary. This ends the CLS0 routine. Open routines function much the same way, but touch sensors cannot trigger an exit condition. The main difference between the open and close commands is the direction. MotorDirection(int,int,int,int) is called at the beginning of any motor routine, where each argument refers can either be a zero (close) or a one (open) for each motor. The direction output from the microcontroller comes from PortB, which also needs to be initialized before the motors can be given commands. DDRB is used to set PortB bits one through five for output. For an open command the corresponding PortB bit is set to high. Although PortB bits can be accessed individually, global variables are used to keep track of a motor’s direction so that it cannot be changed inadvertently. If more than one finger is being closed or opened using the specific grasp commands, the motors can stop independently, but the routine will not return until all MOTOR_RUN_FLAGs have been set to zero (i.e. all motors in that command have come to rest). Touch Sensor Control (PortP) PortP was briefly mentioned above when discussing exit conditions for running a motor, specifically relating responses from a touch sensor. PortP is used to watch the response from a touch sensor; if the 22 touch sensor signals a touch, a PortP interrupt is generated. Again, in order to activate these interrupts a few PortP registers must be initialized. PERP is set to enable pull up and pull down logic; PPSP specifies pull up on a falling edge (when a touch is detected); and PIEP is set to enable interrupts. All of these were set for PortP bits zero through four. PortP interrupts are only activated during close commands, because accidental bumps during an open routine would cause the hand to remain partially closed. This is ensured by enabling the interrupts at the beginning of each close command and disabling the interrupts at the beginning of each open command. The interrupts are only enabled on 5 PortP pins (5 touch sensors) to avoid generating an interrupt misfire from an unconnected pin. Any logic change on a PortP interrupt enabled pin will generate a general PortP interrupt. Inside of the interrupt service routine, the PortP interrupt flag register must be checked to determine which pin generated the interrupt. When an interrupt from a pin is triggered for the first time during a close command, that corresponding interrupt flag is acknowledged (cleared by writing a logic one) and a new MOTOR_MAX_STEPS value is set. The old value is stored in MOTOR_MAX_STEPS_TEMP, while its new value is the current location plus two thousand steps. This will cause the motor to close for an additional two thousand steps to ensure a good strong grasp. During the close routine this pin can still generate interrupts, but it should only change MOTOR_MAX_STEPS once. MOTOR_TOUCH_FLAG is used for this purpose. To ensure that MOTOR_MAX_STEPS is not lost, it is reset to MOTOR_MAX_STEPS_TEMP at the beginning of each close command. MOTOR_TOUCH_FLAG is also set at this time to ensure that MOTOR_MAX_STEPS cannot be overwritten more than once. PortP tied together with the touch sensors allows for a firm grip. Motor Parameters In addition to grasping motions and other basic motor commands, several end user functions were created to expand the functionality of the code. Both of these functions are related to realistic limits of the motors. They are routed from the main MotorCommand(char *) function; the serial communication works a bit different for these functions, because they need user input. Once the function is entered a DONE (HEX code) is sent to the host computer to indicate that it’s okay to send the new value (speed percentage or step change). MotorSpeed(char *,int) will alter the motor speed by 25%, 50%, 75%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200%, or reset. The process can be repeated to a max speed of 225% of the original value and a minimum of 10% of the original speed. A specific HEX code (e.g. SPEED_150 for 150% increase) is sent in to update the speed. Since the pulse is for a particular motor is half the period of the wave controlling the motors, the pulse must be decreased to increase the speed of the motor and vice versa to decrease the speed. Also since the pulse has to be an integer, the current pulse has to multiplied and divided by other integers to produce the correct result. For example to increase the current speed by 150%, pulse would have to be multiplied by ¾. The pulse can be reset to its original value by sending the HEX code SPEED_100. Another parameter the user can alter from the host pc is the max steps for a particular motor. MOTOR_MAX_STEPS has hard limits of 400 and 30,000, because fewer than 400 steps barely moves the 23 motor at all and 30,000 will bend the finger beyond recognition. MotorStep(char *,int) reads in a byte that is translated directly into a signed integer, which allows for an immediate alteration of steps by + 127 and a reset if zero is passed in. When MOTOR_MAX_STEPS is set MOTOR_MAX_STEPS_TEMP is also set so that no problems arise when dealing with interrupts from PortP and the touch sensors. 3.2.2 High Level Code Detailed Design Computer Software Definitions Number of Fingers: Finger 0: thumb Finger 1: index Finger 2: middle Finger 3: ring and pinky ***The ring and pinky finger move together similar to how they move on an actual hand. Specifying finger 3 for any function means that the user is dealing with both the ring and pinky. Valid Close Commands: CLOSE0: thumb CLOSE1: index CLOSE2: middle CLOSE3: ring & pinky CLOSEALL: closes all fingers CLOSEGRASP: closes thumb, index, middle (three finger grasp) CLOSEPINCH: closes thumb, index (two finger pinch) Valid Open Commands: OPEN0: thumb OPEN1: index OPEN2: middle OPEN3: ring & pinky OPENALL: opens all fingers OPENGRASP: opens thumb, index, middle (opens the three finger grasp) OPENPINCH: opens thumb, index (opens the two finger pinch) Valid Speed Factors: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0 ***1.0 resets to original speed ***Maximum limits are 10% of original speed to 225% of original speed Valid Step Changes: -127 to 127 at a time *** 0 resets to original steps Serial Communication Definitions (The communication ‘language’): See Hand.h for the list of definitions. Available Functions: 24 void Close_Fingers(Close cmd) void Open_Fingers(Open cmd) void Change_Speed(int finger, double speed_factor) void Change_MaxSteps(int finger, int steps) double get_MotorSpeed(int finger) int get_MaxSteps(int finger) bool get_FingerStatus(int finger) Function Documentation: See the Hand.cpp file for commented functions. Below is an overview of the software which also includes details about the functions. Computer Side Software Detailed Description The most important functionality that the C++ code provides is the ability to communicate with the microcontroller. This is accomplished by using serial communication. The class is designed so that the serial communication happens in the background. The user of a class does not have access to functions dealing with serial communication. Using the serial port on a computer running a Windows Operating System is not a simple task. To accomplish this, the Hand class has a private variable which is an instance of the Serial class called ‘serial’. The serial class provides access to the serial port and takes care of most of the details associated with serial communication. In the Hand class’s constructor, the parameters for the serial communication are set. The serial object opens the serial communication on COM1 and signifies that an overlapped structure will be used. Enabling an overlapped structure is necessary for serial port timeouts . The other parameters are a baud rate of 9600, 8 bits of data, no parity, and 1 stop bit. There are two functions that use the ‘serial’ object. These functions are private functions of the class and provide background functionality. They perform the ‘dirty’ work of communicating with the microcontroller. The first function is the Send_Command(char * hex_cmd). This function sends two bytes over the serial line to the microcontroller. The first byte is a data byte and the second is a NULL termination. The microcontroller looks for the NULL termination to know that the end of the data has been sent. The data byte that the Send_Command function sends is either a specially defined byte or one representing the numerical value of the step change. This data byte will be described later. The Send_Command also specifies that there is no hardware handshaking. Hardware handshaking is where the sending device transmits a “ready” signal, waits for an acknowledgement from the receiving device, and then sends the data. The ‘serial’ object then writes the two byte character array to the serial port and sends it to the microcontroller. The Send_Command returns an integer. This is copied over from a test file in the provided Serial class. The test file had an error function that receives an integer. Instead of making numerous changes to the code, the error function and setup for the Send_Command were ported over. The second function that uses the ‘serial’ object is the Receive_Command(DWORD timeout). This function listens for a serial port event and then stores any data that is sent over the line. It is set to only listen for a single byte at a time. The timeout is a value used to determine how long the application 25 should wait for a serial event before realizing that no serial event will occur. This is necessary, for example, if the microcontroller is not connected to the computer. By default there is no timeout and the application would wait indefinitely for a serial event and basically freeze up. There are different types of communication; therefore, there is the ability to pass in different timeout lengths. The initial communication timeout is set at 5 seconds because this is a quick communication. Timeouts for the opening, closing, and variable setting events are 30 seconds. These values are set in the constructor. Both the Send_Command and Receive_Command functions deal with exchanging data bytes with the microcontroller. This data byte can either be a defined constant or represent the value of a step change. There are defined constants that represent different bytes. For example, when sending the microcontroller HELLO the Hand class is actually sending a hexadecimal 0x40 (or an ASCII ‘@’). The microcontroller has the same constant definitions. After receiving a HELLO, it returns a HERE (0x41, ASCII ‘A’). These defined constants are the ‘language’ that the microcontroller and Hand class use to communicate. The other type of data byte will be described later in the Change_MaxSteps discussion. Available Functions There are seven public functions of the Hand class that are able to be called from an instance of the Hand class. Three of them just provide access to the Hand classes private variables. These variables track the status of the hand and should mirror the motor speed variables and maximum step variables present on the microcontroller. As long as the global constants of the Hand class match the global constants on the microcontroller then these tracking variables will be accurate. One set of variables tracks the finger status as either being open or closed. Another set of variables tracks the motor speed as a percentage of the original speed. The third set of variables tracks the maximum number of steps that the stepper motors will run. The other four functions use the Send_Command and Receive_Command functions to request the microcontroller to perform a task. These functions are: Close_Fingers, Open_Fingers, Change_Speed, and Change_MaxSteps. The Close_Fingers(Close cmd) and Open_Fingers (Open cmd) functions are very similar. Both have an enumerated input parameter which makes passing values to the function clearer. For example, the valid Close values are CLOSE0, CLOSE1, CLOSE2, CLOSE3, CLOSEALL, CLOSEB, and CLOSEC. The function first verifies that there has been a successful connection to the microcontroller. If not, then it attempts to connect before proceeding. If it still fails, then no action will be taken. Based on the cmd parameter, the function uses the Send_Command function to send the correct data byte to the microcontroller. It then listens for the microcontroller to respond with a done command. The Open_Fingers command has the exact same structure, it just accepts Open commands: OPEN0, OPEN1, OPEN2, OPEN3, OPENALL, OPENGRASP, and OPENPINCH. Flowchart s of the Close_Fingers and Open_Fingers functions are below. 26 Close_Fingers(Close cmd) Close_Fingers called Is the microcontroller connected? YES YES Is it a valid parameter? NO Send Correct Data Byte NO Attempt to connect to microcontroller Wait for response Successful? YES NO Was a ‘DONE’ returned? NO YES Update finger status variables Exit Function Figure 16 - Close_Fingers Flowchart. 27 Open_Fingers(Open cmd) Open_Fingers called Is the microcontroller connected? YES YES Is it a valid parameter? NO Send Correct Data Byte NO Attempt to connect to microcontroller Wait for response Successful? YES NO Was a ‘DONE’ returned? NO YES Update finger status variables Exit Function Figure 17 - Open_Fingers Flowchart. Another public function is Change_Speed(int finger, double speed_factor). To use this function, a finger value and a speed need to be sent to the function. The function first verifies that there has been a successful connection to the microcontroller. If not, then it attempts to connect before proceeding. If it still fails, then no action will be taken. To determine the new motor speed, the speed_factor variable is multiplied by the current motor speed. For example, if the current motor speed is 100% and the speed_factor is 0.50 then the microcontroller will set the motor speed to 50%. If the function is called again with the same speed_factor, then the microcontroller will set the motor speed to (0.5)*(0.5) = 25% of the original speed. The Change_Speed function determines if this new change is outside of the speed range. The range is from 10% to 225% of the original speed. A speed change that will result in a speed of 226% is illegal. These values of speed were empirically chosen and are also hardcoded onto the microcontroller. A higher speed leads to faster finger closing, but less torque is provided by the motor. At speeds of higher than around 225% the motors start to slip. Two data bytes are sent to the microcontroller when the Change_Speed function is called. The first byte lets the microcontroller know two things: that a speed change is requested and what finger it applies to. The second byte corresponds to the speed factor. The second byte is sent from the private function, Set_Speed. Set_Speed uses a switch expression and these can only be applied to integer types. That is 28 why the speed_factor is converted from a double to an integer. This private function was used to shorten the code by eliminating multiple nested switch expressions in the Change_Speed function. A flowchart for Change_Speed is shown below. Change_Speed(int finger, double speed_factor) Change_Speed called Is the microcontroller connected? YES YES Are they valid parameters? NO NO Send First Data Byte Wait for response Attempt to connect to microcontroller NO Successful? Was a ‘DONE’ returned? YES YES Send Second Byte from Set_Speed fucntion NO Wait for response NO Was a ‘DONE’ returned? YES Update motor speed variables Exit Function Figure 18 - Change_Speed flowchart. The last public function is Change_MaxSteps(int finger, int steps). To use this function, a finger value and a step value need to be sent to the function. The function first verifies that there has been a successful connection to the microcontroller. If not, then it attempts to connect before proceeding. If it still fails, then no action will be taken. The steps parameter must be between -127 and +127. Passing in a value of 0 will reset the maximum number of steps to the original value. Some reasons for changing the maximum number of steps include: a new finger is placed on the hand, finger behavior has changed due to mechanical wear, or a different closing behavior is desired. 29 The function checks to make sure that the change in steps does not violate an overall step range. This is more of just a safety check so that a user cannot set out of bounds limits such as negative values or extremely large values. The hard limits are 400 to 30000 and the initial step value is 17000. 17000 seemed to be a ‘good’ starting value based on testing. The function also checks to make sure that the finger is open and not closed. Changing the steps while the finger is closed creates problems with finger location. The finger will not return to rest position. To change the maximum steps, two data bytes need to be sent. The first byte lets the microcontroller know two things: that a step change is requested and what finger it applies to. The second byte tells the microcontroller how many steps. The second byte is not a defined constant. It can be any 8 bit value except 0 because that corresponds to a NULL character. That leaves 255 possible options, hence the -127 to +127 range. An integer is at least two bytes, but can be longer depending on the compiler. The communication protocol with the microcontroller sends one byte at a time. Therefore, the integer is typecast as a character which is one byte. There are issues with typecasting which require some creative mapping of values. When integer values between 1 and 127 are typecast as a character and then typecast back as an integer they maintain their original value. When integers between 128 and 256 are typecast they take on a value of: initial value – 256. Typecasting 255 returns -1. Typecasting 129 returns -127. To send a negative value, the function simply adds 256 to the input parameter and typecasts it (-127 + 256 = 129 ïƒ -127). A 128 typecast returns -128 which is outside of the defined range. Instead of throwing this value away, the microcontroller interprets this as the ‘reset’ value. This means that when the ‘steps’ parameter is 0, the function sends a typecasted 128 to the microcontroller. The flowchart for the Change_MaxSteps function is shown below. 4 Evaluation Procedure & Results In its current form, the hand is not only mechanically capable of grasping within the full range of motion, but also the isometric actuation after a grasp is made ensures that the hand has a firm grasp on the object. The hand is sufficiently below the weight limit imposed upon it, and has proven to be durable in every test thus far. The weight of the hand without the cable housing was 200 grams. The cable housing weighs a bit more, but since its weight is distributed throughout the arm’s length and not all located entirely at the wrist, the arm needs less torque to lift the cable housing. 4.1 Testing 4.1.1 Durability Testing The hand is modular by design so that if one structural component, like a finger, does break it can be replaced without changing the rest of the hand. Spare fingers have been fabricated and included with the project in case any do break, and there is documentation on how to create a new set of fingers, including an eight minute video on the subject. If the palm is accidentally destroyed, the original ProEngineer model and the *.stl files of the palm have been submitted with the project so that a replacement palm can be easily printed on a rapid prototype machine. The durability of the finger joints was tested through a regular cycling of flexion and overextension. Five different fingers were brought through 500 cycles. One cycle was constituted by a manual flexion followed by an overextension. While during the course of operation the finger will not be 30 overextended, this was done during testing to place further stress on the joints, thus increasing the robustness of testing. For each of the five fingers, no significant fatigue was observed. Therefore, it was concluded that the finger design was durable enough for normal operation. The durability of the flexion cable guides was tested through cycling of finger flexion and extension in normal operation. Two of the fingers were run through 100 cycles. After the 100 cycles, the fingers were detached from the palm and manually observed. No significant wearing away at the guide/flexion cable connection was observed. The durability of the finger/palm interface and overall structure of the hand was tested through impact testing. The fingers and palm were connected and then dropped from 40 feet onto a stone tile floor. Through basic calculations, it was determined that the hand was traveling at around 35 mph at impact. After each drop, the integrity of the finger, palm, and interface were manually assessed. Six cycles of this test were conducted on the hand. At each assessment, no significant breach to the integrity of the palm, fingers, or their interface was observed. While this methodology provided more of a qualitative assessment of the hands durability, it was able to withstand conditions far exceeding those it will be experiencing in normal operation. 4.1.2 Functionality Testing The functionality of independent control of fingers was tested by running the hand through a number of different flexion and grasping tasks. First, independent control of each finger was tested by commanding the hand to close single fingers in a random order. For example, the hand was commanded to close and open in sequence the index, ring/pinky, thumb, and middle finger. This hand was successfully able to complete this task for 5 different sequences. Next, the hand was commanded to complete all three of its grasping functions (thumb-index, thumb-index-middle, and full hand) in a random sequence. The hand was able to complete 5 random trials of this successfully. The functionality of the hand's grasping ability was assessed for each of the grasping functions by three different testing procedures involving variations in potential objects weight, shape, and texture. To test its weight-bearing capabilities, a water bottle with varying levels of water was used. The grasp was deemed to be successful if it was able to hold the bottle for 10 seconds without slipping. For the two finger pinch, the hand was able to hold a water bottle weighing 175 g. For the three finger grasp, the hand was able to hold a water bottle weighing 250 g. For the all finger grasp, the hand was able to hold a water bottle weighing 350 g. The full hand also grasped a hammer weighing 500 g. To test its ability to grip different shapes, the hand was commanded to grip a particular object with the full hand grasp. Again, the grasp was deemed a success if it was able to hold the object for 10 seconds without slipping. Of the objects tested, the hand was able to grip a small stuffed animal, a foam cup, a baseball, and a computer mouse. The hand was unable to hold a pencil, sheet of paper, or a credit card; however, all of these objects were able to be grasped but the object slipped before the 10 seconds. To test its ability to grip different textures, the hand was commanded to grip a glue stick with different covers with the full hand grasp. The textures tested were plush, hard and sleek, and hard and rough. 31 Once again, the grasp was deemed a success if it was able to hold the object for 10 seconds without slipping. The hand was able to grip the plush object (foam around glue stick) and a hard and rough object (sandpaper around glue stick) but was unable to grip a large and sleek object (glue stick). 4.1.3 Touch sensor Testing The touch sensors were tested both on and off of the fingers. Off of the fingers, all of the touch sensors were tested to see how much force was necessary to process a 3V increase in output. For all of the touch sensors, a force of 0.1N ± 0.03N was able to create a 3V increase in the output. 5 Conclusion There were a number of initial conditions applied to this project when we first undertook it. They were systematically met throughout the course of our work: 1. The hand must be an anthropomorphic right hand. By placing the thumb in the correct position in relation to the palm, we ensured this was indeed a right hand. By fashioning the fingers of polymorph and modeling human joints, we made our model as anthropometric as the constraints would allow. 2. The total mass of the hand cannot exceed 1 kg. The hand itself weighs 200g, well under the mass limit. By moving the motors and electronics off the hand itself and onto the body of ISAC, we preempt any problems with weight that could occur with a heavier model. 3. The hand must be durable. Through repeated testing, we have shown that the materials themselves- Polymorph and rapid prototype- are durable by themselves and when fashioned in the final hand format. 4. The hand should possess independent finger control and should also be able to perform three distinct grasping functions. These were added to the high-level code as functions so the user has full control over the hand’s motions. 5. There should be feedback from the fingers to the control unit. The use of touch sensors meets this requirement. The system has been programmed so a finger closes for a specified number of steps after a touch has been made, to ensure a firm grasp. This project was also completed well under budget- when we first began, we were quoted a figure of $750. As Appendix C shows, we spent slightly less than $500. Based on the fact that we met all our design criteria and have created a hand with full functionality, we believe our project has been a success. 6 Recommendations for Future Work A significant amount of progress has been made on the ISAC hand this year. However, there are a number of ways in which this project can be modified and improved upon in the future. 32 6.1 Hardware Improvements The first of these possible improvements is on the fingers. While the Polymorph molding process has yielded success for the time, the fact that the fingers must be formed by hand detracts from the reproducibility and uniformity of the final product. In the future, it would be optimal to find a way of creating the fingers in a more accurate and standardized manner. The palm can also be improved to increase the friction of the surface. This is indeed an issue that can be addressed with the whole hand- both Polymorph and rapid prototype are slick, a problem that could lead to problems with grasping smooth objects later. Current applications of grasping plush objects, however, are not affected by this shortcoming. While the touch sensors are doing an adequate job of discerning a touch, this is another area that can be improved upon in the future. Increasing the sensing area will only make grasping more accurate, as will adding touch sensors to other locations- such as the back of the hand. Finally, a superior way of attaching the sensors will also need to be experimented with. Currently, the sensors are attached to a rubber fingertip which is then placed over the actual finger. While this accomplishes our most important goal- allowing for easy interchanging of parts- the rubber fingertip can sometimes slide or move about. Recently, there has been talk to make ISAC a mobile robot. If this were to ever happen, the hand could not operate unless ISAC drug along a really long extension cord. Instead of investing in a 100 foot extension cord, a battery pack could be made to power both the motors and the microcontroller so that ISAC could still operate his hand on the move. 6.2 Software Improvements The simplest way to add functionality to ISAC’s new hand is to add more and different grasping options, but this would not benefit the project all that much. Currently, there is functionality to change the speed of a motor and the maximum number of steps. The number of steps that the motor takes after a touch is detected is hard coded to 2,000 steps, being able to change this number during operation would allow for weaker and stronger grasping motions. Serial interrupts could also be explored so that more than one motor command could be issued at a time (I.e. Issue a closing command for the index finger. When it begins to close, issue another close command for the thumb). Allowing for interrupts from the serial port would greatly expand the functionality of the code, because during a closing or opening motion, the motors or their max steps or maybe even the response to a touch could be altered so that the finger closes faster or slower depending on the part of the motion it is in. 33 Appendix A – Figure Listing and Visio Drawing Compilation Figure 1 - System Overview .......................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2 - Image of hand attached to ISAC's arm.......................................................................................... 7 Figure 3 - Close-up of hand ........................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 4 - . A view of the underside of the palm, showing where the fingers can be bolted in and where the palm will be connected to the arm....................................................................................................... 11 Figure 5 - A view of the hand from below, showing the finger connections to the palm as well as the touch sensors at each fingertip................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 6 - View of the palm-facing side of the simulated finger, showing the test line that is used for flexion. ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Figure 7 - Schematic of touch sensor circuit. .............................................................................................. 13 Figure 8 - Operational amplifier connections for sensing circuit................................................................ 14 Figure 9 - Touch Sensor Circuit Diagram ..................................................................................................... 14 Figure 10 - Motor Spindle ........................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 11 - Motor Enclosure ....................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 12 - EasyDriver card wiring connections. ......................................................................................... 17 Figure 13 - Microcontroller Pin Connections. ............................................................................................. 18 Figure 14 - Driver Card / Microcontroller Board. ........................................................................................ 19 Figure 15 - Detailed View of Outputs to Touch Sensor Board. ................................................................... 20 Figure 16 - Close_Fingers Flowchart. .......................................................................................................... 27 Figure 17 - Open_Fingers Flowchart. .......................................................................................................... 28 Figure 18 - Change_Speed flowchart. ......................................................................................................... 29 Figure 19: Hand Control GUI ...................................................................................................................... 53 34 Overall Architecture Touch Sensors Polymorph Fingers Rapid Prototype Palm Touch Sensor Wires Cable Housing Bi-Polar Stepper Motors w/ Spindles Motor Power 12 VDC, 4 A Wall Plug-in Power Supply C++ Class EasyDriver Cards Serial Connection Touch Sensor Circuit Microcontroller Control Box (not on hand) Reset Switch 35 5 VDC Microcontroller Power Supply Touch Sensor Circuit +5 VDC from Microcontroller Touch Sensor Vout to Microcontroller + Microcontroller Ground R = 200kΩ Microcontroller Ground 73C54 Op Amp Connections +5 VDC from Microcontroller 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Touch Sensor Resistor Microcontroller Ground 36 Vout to Microcontroller 37 EasyDriver Card Connections Motor Wires By Color Brown Red Orange Blue Red Green To 12V 4A AC to DC power supply Yellow Black Motor Wires Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Step Dir To Microcontroller 38 Driver Card Connection Board To Motor A To Motor B Motor Wires Motor Wires Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Card A Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Card B Step Dir Driver Card B V+ Driver Card B Gnd Driver Card C V+ Driver Card C Gnd Driver Card D V+ Driver Card D Gnd Driver Card E V+ Driver Card E Gnd EasyDriver v3 Card C Driver Card A Gnd To Motor C To Gnd on 12 V 4 A AC to DC Power Supply + Driver Card A V Motor Wires To V+ on 12 V 4 A AC to DC Power Supply Step Dir Driver Card B Step Driver Card B Dir Driver Card C Step Driver Card C Dir ** Driver Card A Step ** Driver Card A Dir ** Driver Card B Step ** Driver Card B Dir ** Driver Card C Step ** Driver Card C Dir ** Driver Card D Step ** Driver Card D Dir ** Driver Card E Dir ** Driver Card E Step Driver Card D Step Driver Card D Dir Driver Card E Step Gnd V+ Driver Card A Dir Step Dir Driver Card A Step To Motor D To Motor E Motor Wires Motor Wires Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Card D Gnd V+ EasyDriver v3 Card E Step Dir Reset Switch Gnd Driver Card E Dir Step Dir Control Lines for Touch Sensor Circuit Microcontroller ** Debug Pins are used for connecting motors when the microcontroller is being programmed and tested on the project board. 39 Driver Card Connection Board: Detailed View of Outputs to Touch Sensor Board Reset Switch Gnd Touch Sensor Board Gnd Touch Sensor Board V+ (5 V) Touch Sensor Finger 4 Touch Sensor Finger 3 Touch Sensor Finger 2 Touch Sensor Finger 1 Touch Sensor Finger 0 Microcontroller 40 Close_Fingers(Close cmd) Close_Fingers called Is the microcontroller connected? YES YES Is it a valid parameter? NO Send Correct Data Byte NO Attempt to connect to microcontroller Wait for response Successful? YES NO Was a ‘DONE’ returned? NO YES Update finger status variables Exit Function 41 Open_Fingers(Open cmd) Open_Fingers called Is the microcontroller connected? YES YES Is it a valid parameter? NO Send Correct Data Byte NO Attempt to connect to microcontroller Wait for response Successful? YES NO Was a ‘DONE’ returned? NO YES Update finger status variables Exit Function 42 Change_MaxSteps(int finger, int steps) Change_Speed called Is the microcontroller connected? YES Are they valid parameters and is the finger open? NO YES Convert steps to appropriate character Send First Data Byte NO Attempt to connect to microcontroller Wait for response Successful? YES NO Was a ‘DONE’ returned? NO YES Send Second Byte from Set_Speed fucntion Wait for response NO Was a ‘DONE’ returned? YES Update max steps variables Exit Function 43 Appendix B: Hardware Overviews The following is an overview of the hardware used in the project. Full documentation is too extensive to include, but is provided at the project website: /documentation.htm. APS12DT256SLK Development Kit A microcontroller is needed to interface between the computer and the hand. The microcontroller will receive high level function calls from the computer over the serial line and translate that into running the correct stepper motors. The microcontroller needs to be able to communicate serially, output to four drive boards (8 total pins), and input 5 interrupts (5 pins). The microcontroller used is a MC9S12DT256 from Freescale Semiconductor. This microcontroller is available in a student development kit with the part number APS12DT256SLK. The APS12DT256SLK is an educational development module supporting the Freescale MC9S12DT256 microcontroller (MCU). Application module SLKs include components for out-of-box operation and are preprogrammed with a serial monitor to make application development quick and easy. A background DEBUG port is provided for development tool use and is compatible with HCS12 BDM interface cables and software. The APSLK also contains CodeWarrior® programming development tools, as well as documentation, power and communications cables. (Source: prod_summary.jsp?code=HCS12DT256SLK&nodeId=0162469544) Cost: $95 Features • MC9S12DT256 MCU, 80 LQFP • 256 KB Flash EEPROM • 4KB EEPROM • 12 KB RAM • SAE J1850 Byte Data Link Controller • 8-ch, 10-bit, ATD w/ external trigger • 8-bit Enhanced Capture Timer with IC, OC, and Pulse Accumulate capabilities • 7-ch, 8-bit PWM • 9 KBI inputs • 56 GPIO • 3 CAN Channels • CAN 2.0 A/B PHY w/ 3-pos header • 2 SCI & 2 SPI Channels • 1 IIC Channel • RS-232 transceiver w/ DB9 connector • 4 MHz Clock Oscillator • Low Voltage Reset Supervisor • Power Input Selection Header • On-board 5V regulator • Optional power Input/Output from ConnectorJ1 • User Components Provided • 1 DIP Switch, 4-pos • 3 Push Button Switches: 2 User, RESET • 5 LED Indicators: 4 User, +5V • Jumpers • USER_EN • PWR_SEL • COM_EN • Connectors • 60-pos pin-header providing access to MCU IO signals • 2.0mm barrel connector power input • 6-pin BDM interface connector • 3-pos CAN interface connector • DB9 connector • Supplied with DB9 Serial Cable, Power Supply, Documentation (CD), and Manual Specifications: Module Size 3.5. x 2.5. Power Input: +9V typical, +6V to +20V 44 EasyDriver v3 Stepper Motor Driver The driver card is the interface between the microcontroller and the motors. Each of the five Easy Driver v3 Stepper Motor Drivers interpreted a step pulse from the microcontroller and a direction line to drive a specific motor. The drivers expects either 0 or 5 V as inputs. (Source: Cost: $14.95 (x5) = $74.75 Interlink Force Sensing Resistors Touch sensors are required to provide feedback when a finger comes in contact with an object. All the touch sensors within the budget failed to be sensitive enough to register when grasping a plush toy or other soft object. Therefore, it was decided to use a force sensing resistor (FSR) and designate anything above a specific force as a touch. The FSR is a polymer thick film device consisting of flexible substrate with a printed semiconductor and another substrate with a printed circuit, which are separated by a spacer. When the FSR is touched, the circuit makes contact with the semiconductor, allowing current to flow through the circuit. As the applied force increases, the amount of the circuit that makes contact increases, meaning more current flows and the effective resistance of the FSR decreases. a (Source: m) 45 Specifications: - Size Range Max = 20” x 24” (51 x 61 cm)/Min = 0.2” x 0.2” (0.5 x 0.5 cm) - Device thickness: 0.008” to 0.050” (0.20 to 1.25 mm) Force Sensitivity Range: < 100 g to > 10 kg Pressure Sensitivity Range: < 1.5 psi to > 150 psi (< 0.1 kg/cm2 to > 10 kg/cm2) Single Part Force Repeatability: +- 2% to +- 5% of established nominal resistance Device Rise Time: 1-2 msec (mechanical) Lifetime: > 10 million actuations Temperature Range: -30ºC to +70ºC Maximum Current: I mA/cm2 of applied force Sensitivity to Noise/Vibration: Not significantly affected Cost: $6.00 (x 6) = $36.00 Jameco 237472 Bipolar Stepper Motor The stepper motors will pull/release the fishing lines attached to the fingers. This will close/open the fingers and provide the required grabbing motion. The Jameco 237472 was decided upon, based on the following specifications. (Source: Jameco 237472 Features: - Ball bearings - Dielectric strength: 500V, 50Hz/minute - 18" lead wires - Ambient temp.: -10°C to +55°C - Insulation resistance: 100MΩ @ 500VDC 46 Spindle Caps The spindle caps serve as a connection between the stepper motor and the monofilament line. It also functions as a guide for the monofilament line as it is wound around the motor shaft. It was machined in house, with a 13/64 inch diameter hole for the motor shaft, and a tapped hole for a 4x40 set screw. Enclosure Two aluminum enclosures were used to house the motors and their accompanying circuitry. Both were six inches by four inches by three inches. The enclosures were cut to accommodate the components and mounted onto the front of ISAC’s chassis. Polymorph Plastic Polymorph is a commercial polymer used for model making and prototyping. It can be heated molded by hand and has a tensile strength comparable to nylon and polyethelene. (Source: Chemical Name: Polycaprolactone Density: 1.11 g/cm3 Inherent Viscosity: 1.00-1.30 dL/g Crystalline Melt Transition: 58-63°C Approximate Resorption: >24 months Tensile Strength: 3000-5000 psi Elongation: 300-500% Modulus: 3-5x104 Cost: $40/500 g Rapid Prototype Rapid prototype is an ABS plastic which can be used by a rapid prototyping machine to print three dimensional structures. It is the created through the polymerization of acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene monomers. (Source: Chemical Name: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Density: 1.04 g/cm3 Melting Temperature: 105°C Operating Temperatures: Maximum: 80°C Minimum: -20°C Tensile Strength: 4,300 psi Cost: $5/in3 47 25-lb Test Fishing Line For the flexion tendons that run on the underside of the fingers, fishing line was used. A 25-lb test was deemed sufficient for our purposes. While a steel cable was originally desired, problems with fraying of the cable and subsequent chafing between the cable and the Polymorph necessitated the use of fishing line. The cost of the fishing line is $20 for a 1 lb spool. Nuts and Bolts Nuts and bolts are needed to attach the fingers and thumb to the hand, and also to connect the hand to the mounting plate to attach it to the rest of the arm. All of the hardware used on the hand was 4x40 bolts, between ½ inch and ¾ inch, and matching nuts. The fingers, especially the thumb, are attached to the palm with nuts with tooth washers built in, which bite into the fingers and keep them from moving. The motors came threaded with M3 mounting holes, so they were attached to the enclosure with 6mm M3 bolts. Bolts – 4-40, ¾ inch - $6.69 per 25 Nuts – 4-40, 1/16 inch thick, $1.75 per 100 48 Appendix C: Project Code The microcontroller code and CodeWarrior project are available on the project website: /Code.htm The Visual C++ Console application, Windows Forms application, and source code are available on the project website: /Code.htm 49 Appendix D: Parts List # # # Needed Ordered Received Control APS12DT256SLK PBMCUSLK Jameco Stepper Motor EasyDriver v3 Touch Sensors Force Sensors 12v Power Supply Structural/Mechanical Elastic Shock Cord Steel Cable 1/32" Cable Housing Housing Cutter Machine Screws, 4x40 3/4" Machine Screws, 4x40 5/8" Maching Nuts, 4x40 Wooden Spools Metal Spools Rapid Prototype Palm v1 Rapid Prototype Palm v2 Motor/Circuit Enclosure Polymorph Price Per Unit Total Price Actually Paid 1 1 4 4 5 5 1 1 1 5 5 10 6 1 1 1 5 5 10 6 1 $86.99 $175.00 $21.45 + shipping $14.95 + shipping $0.30 + shipping $6.00 + shipping $25.50 + shipping $ 86.99 $175.00 $ 27.53 $109.62 $ 7.00 $ 51.82 $ 35.77 $ 86.99 $ $ 110.12 $ 109.62 $ 7.00 $ 51.82 $ 35.77 5 yd 50 ft 50 ft 1 12 12 12 4 4 1 1 1 500 g 5 yd 50 ft 50 ft 1 100 100 100 4 4 1 1 1 n/a 5 yd 50 ft 50 ft 1 100 100 100 4 4 1 1 1 n/a $1.50 $5.00 + shipping $30.00 + shipping $30.00 + shipping $2.66 + shipping $2.84 + shipping $0.90 + shipping $3.00 $5.00 $27.00 $27.00 $20.00 $40.00 Total Cost $ 1.50 $ 7.00 $ 36.00 $ 36.00 $ 4.66 $ 4.84 $ 1.75 $ 3.00 $ 40.00 $ 27.00 $ 27.00 $ 20.00 $ 40.00 $742.48 $ 1.50 $ 7.00 $ 36.00 $ 36.00 $ 4.66 $ 4.84 $ 1.75 $ 3.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 496.07 50 Appendix E: User’s Guide ISAC Anthropomorphic Hand: A User’s Guide 51 Table of Contents 1 Software User Details............................................................................................................................... 53 1.1 Using the GUI .................................................................................................................................. 53 1.2 Debugging Help ............................................................................................................................... 54 1.2.1 Using the Hand Class ................................................................................................................ 54 1.2.2 Loading Code onto the Microcontroller ................................................................................... 54 1.2.3 Debugging using the CodeWarrior IDE..................................................................................... 55 1.2.4 Troubleshooting Suggestions ................................................................................................... 55 2 Hardware User Details ............................................................................................................................. 56 2.1 Making a New Finger....................................................................................................................... 56 2.2 Replacing a Finger ........................................................................................................................... 56 2.3 Resetting a Finger............................................................................................................................ 56 3 Normal System Operation Recommendations ........................................................................................ 57 52 1 Software User Details 1.1 Using the GUI The GUI is intended as a test tool to make sure the hand is functioning properly and it is the easiest way to see what the hand control is capable of. It provides access to all of the functions of the hand and it displays hand status. It controls the hand in real time and cannot easily be integrated into another project. It uses a modified version of the Hand class and the Serial class to communicate with the microcontroller. The modifications are in how error conditions are handled. The GUI uses message boxes, while the Console Application prints errors to the command window. Upon running the GUI, the computer will attempt to contact the microcontroller. If this action is successful then a message box will appear to inform the user. If this action fails or times out, a message box will appear to inform the user. If this is the case, check connections, power, and manually reset the microcontroller. Once this is complete, clicking on any of the buttons will first try to establish a connection before performing a task. If a successful connection is made, the task will then be performed. There are two groups of opening/closing buttons: Group Commands and Individual Commands. A screen shot of the GUI can be seen below in Figure 1. The group commands perform tasks involving multiple fingers while the individual commands perform tasks with a single finger. Figure 19: Hand Control GUI The Change Speed button takes the integer value from the Finger text box and the Speed Factor from the Speed Factor text boxes. Valid speed factors are 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, and 2.0. If no value is entered in a text box it is assumed to be 0. 53 The Change Max Steps button takes the integer value from the Finger text box and the Steps value from the Step Change text box. The range for Step Change is -127 to 127. Enter negative numbers with a (-) sign. It is possible to enter values outside of this range, but the Hand Class will not allow that value to pass to the microcontroller. A value of 0 corresponds to a resetting of Max Steps for the corresponding finger. The status area shows the status of the fingers, the current motor speeds as a percentage of their startup value, and the current maximum steps. The Ring and Pinky fingers move together so their values should always show up as the same. When either the speed or steps are changed successfully, the value is updated on the labels. Upon shutting down the GUI application, the Hand class will open any closed fingers. These fingers will open in sequential fashion starting with the Thumb and ending with the Ring/Pinky. 1.2 Debugging Help 1.2.1 Using the Hand Class There are seven available functions for the hand class. There are functions to open and close the fingers, change the motor speeds, and change the maximum steps of the motors. Changing the speed of a motor will make the finger close faster, but with less torque. Depending on the flexibility of the polymorph joints, a finger may not be able to close all the way if the speed is increased. Changing the maximum steps has the effect of allowing the finger to close more or less. Available functions: 1) Close_Fingers(Close cmd) 2) Open_Fingers(Open cmd) 3) Change_Speed(int finger, double speed_factor) 4) Change_MaxSteps(int finger, int steps) 5) get_MotorSpeed(int finger) 6) get_MaxSteps(int finger) 7) get_FingerStatus(int finger) Functions 1-4 either ask the microcontroller to move fingers or change a microcontroller control variable. Functions 5-7 return private variables of the class. These private variables should be the same values that are on the microcontroller because they are only updated after the microcontroller reports that they have been updated successfully. For Function Descriptions see documentation in Hand.cpp or Software Detail Design Description in Final Report. 1.2.2 Loading Code onto the Microcontroller Now that the code is loaded into the CodeWarrior IDE, click on the ‘Project button’ in the Menu Bar, then select Make (or simply press F7) to build your project. This will make your project locally and allow 54 you to debug any compile errors in your code. If errors are present, double clicking the message will take you to that location in the code. 1.2.3 Debugging using the CodeWarrior IDE Once the errors have been handled, the code can be loaded onto the microcontroller for real time debugging, but first make sure the following items have been done: - Select P&E Multilink Cyclone Pro (to load, Simulation mode can be used if microcontroller is not available) Move jumpers to correct positions: see microcontroller documentation Set power jumper on project board to USB power: see project board documentation Then click on the ‘Project button’ on the Menu bar, select ‘Debug’ (or press F5) to load your code onto the microcontroller. At this point in time, a real time debugger will pop up. To add breakpoints to a source file, right click and select ‘Open Source File’. Select the file you want, find the location for the break point, right click and add the breakpoint. Clicking the green arrow in the Menu Bar will start the debug (or press F5), the horizontal red T will stop the process at its current location (press F6), to reset the microcontroller press the button with an arrow entering a circle (press CTRL-R), or just let your mouse hover over a button for stepping into and out of functions. All the normal debugging options are available, but you will be limited to a scant two breakpoints so use them wisely. Once your code is functioning properly, you are ready to put it back in the control box. Make sure to follow these steps: - Disconnect the power before unplugging the microcontroller. Move jumpers to correct positions: see microcontroller documentation Plug microcontroller into pin out on Driver Card/Microcontroller board Now that the microcontroller is connected correctly within the Control box, the hand is ready for another day’s work. 1.2.4 Troubleshooting Suggestions If something is still not working properly, run through the following check list: - Make sure the serial connection is intact Reset the microcontroller manually (press the reset button) Make sure power is applied to the microcontroller Make sure power is applied to the motors See website for more information: IF POWER TO MOTORS IS REMOVED AND RECONNECTED, MICROCONTROLLER NEEDS TO BE RESET BY PUSHING THE EXTERNAL RESET BUTTON. 55 2 Hardware User Details 2.1 Making a New Finger For instructions on how to make fingers out of polymorph for the ISAC Robot anthropomorphic hand, please refer to the "How to" video for the basic design. A few modifications and recommendations can be followed to enhance the functionality of the finger. The specific fingers used for the robot have joints of varying flexibility so as to produce a more uniform and life-like flexion. The joints of the finger get progressively more flexible as they approach the palm. To create a more flexible joint, a larger area should be pressed out by the dull ruler. For example, the distal joint was pressed out one ruler width, the middle two rulers width, and the proximal three rulers width. Also, the designer may want to produce fingers of differing length so as to imitate the difference in lengths seen on a human hand. This can be done by making each of the joint segments proportionally longer. 2.2 Replacing a Finger If a finger breaks, or is deemed no longer useful, it is fairly easy to replace it. First, remove the sensor glove from the fingertip, and then the machine screw that runs through the fingertip that holds the two tendons. Grab the lower tendon where it comes out of the palm and pull the loop out of the finger. The finger should be ready to be unscrewed from the palm. After the old finger has been removed, untie the end of the elastic cord that is tied to the palm end of the finger. Take the elastic cord and tie a single overhand ("granny" style) knot in the hole farthest from the fingertip in the new finger. This knot should be loose, and will be tightened later. Screw the new finger onto the palm with the screws that were on it. Feed the lower tendon loop back through the bottom of the finger. Start threading the screw that goes across the finger tip, and when it is about half way through, loop both tendons around it, and then finish threading it. The last step is to make sure that the elastic cord is tied. You want to make sure that it is relaxed when the finger is in a relaxed position, but also that it stretches when the finger is closing. The easiest way to do this is, with the first overhand knot on the end, to pull on the end of the cord until it is how you want it, and then to tie an additional knot at the end to keep it from changing. If any hardware is missing, it is fairly easy to replace, and can be found online or at a local hardware store. The hardware used to connect the fingers to the palm are ¾ inch long 4x40 machine screws with tooth-washer nuts. The tooth-washer nuts grip the polymorph fingers, and are especially important when attaching the thumb to ensure that the thumb does not rotate after attachment. 2.3 Resetting a Finger If a finger is still functional but the closing and opening routines are delayed or seem too short, the finger can be reset without removing any parts. Over an extended work cycle the fishing line can become slack, which causes the motors to wind the line the wrong way at first. The line then grabs, and the correct operation is completed. However, this behavior is not characteristic of a properly functioning system. In order to rectify this situation, motor power must be removed from the circuit so 56 that the line can be pre-wound. To initialize the finger, wind in the counterclockwise direction until the desired starting position is reached. Repeat for each finger, as necessary. Reapply motor power to make the hand operational once again. 3 Normal System Operation Recommendations It is recommended that motor power be disconnected when the hand is not in use. As long as power is applied the motors will generate heat. The motors are able to withstand high temperatures, but it is still safer to turn them off. Also, the driver cards have a thermal tolerance and if that is exceeded then they shut down. There is a potential for overheating, but if the motor power is turned off this should be avoided. The microcontroller can be left powered on. However, it is safer to unplug the power to it when not in use. If the microcontroller is left on it will need to be reset before operating the hand. 57