ADDING AN ONLINE COMPONENT TO YOUR CLASSROOM Presented by: Blair Roy Project Specialist OTAN WHAT EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE WITH ONLINE LEARNING OR TEACHING? What do you think of when you hear “online”? Have you taken an online class? Have you created an online class? Have you created a Web site for your students? What are you expectations for this presentation? WHAT DO YOUR STUDENTS NEED? Created using + text from NEA Guide to Teaching Online Courses ARE WE READY FOR THE CHANGES? Barbara Treacy, EdTech Leaders Online “The change we are in the middle of isn't minor and isn't optional” – Clay Shirky, author and professor, NYU The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler & Herbert Gerjuoy WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF ONLINE LEARNING? Allen & Seaman, Class Differences – Online Education in the United States, 2010 BLENDED LEARNING BY COMMONCRAFT WHAT DOES ONLINE LEARNING LOOK LIKE? CMS – course management system provides a secure environment for teachers and learners to interact with the environment and one another to construct knowledge with and for one another independently or collaboratively WHY OFFER AN ONLINE COMPONENT? An online component can offer: content activities collaboration reflection assessments in an always accessible online environment Other reasons? WHAT ARE THE OPPORTUNITIES? Flexibility: anytime, anyplace learning Access: to experts and resources that may not have been available locally Personalization: custom paths with multiple learning styles addressed Reflection: learners have time to reflect Pacing: individualized as allowed by the teacher Repeat material as needed by student HOW CAN YOU ADD AN ONLINE COMPONENT? CMS or LMS – course/learning management system Angel, BlackBoard, Desire2Learn, Sakai, Schoology, Edmodo, and many more Hosting – free or for a service fee GoDaddy, Remote Learner, OTAN, MoodleRooms, KeyToSchool OTAN hosts a Moodle site – free hosting to eligible CA Ad Ed agencies WHAT CAN YOU HAVE IN YOUR ONLINE CLASS? Text Grades Videos Assignments Images Books Music Communication Assessments Reports Activities ??? Files ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES ADULTEDCOURSES.ORG – MOODLE SERVER HOSTED BY OTAN WHAT DOES AN ONLINE COURSE IN MOODLE LOOK LIKE? NAVIGATION & DOCKING ASSIGNMENTS ASSIGNMENT GRADING SUMMARY ASSIGNMENTS SUBMITTED ASSIGNMENTS GRADING PAGE ASSIGNMENT GRADED STUDENT VIEW ASSIGNMENT CREATION ASSIGNMENT CREATION ASSIGNMENT CREATION ASSIGNMENT CREATION EDITING A MOODLE COURSE HOT POTATOES QUIZ HTTP://HOTPOT.UVIC.CA/ MOODLE MADE QUIZ MOODLE MADE QUIZ LESSONS – DELIVER CONTENT, CHECK FOR COMPREHENSION AS THEY PROCEED, DIFFERENT BRANCHES GLOSSARIES TO REINFORCE VOCABULARY, INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES BY STUDENTS MP3 RECORDING FOR LISTENING ACTIVITIES, STUDENT RECORDINGS, DICTATION FORUMS FOR DISCUSSION, REFLECTION, TESTING BOOKS FOR CONTENT BEST PRACTICES WITH ONLINE TEACHING Provide explicit directions Respond in a timely manner Stay engaged to keep students engaged Use a variety of activities and resources Consistency Consider file formats Monitor student progress and activity Update course content as necessary Be a present online teacher COLLEGE TRANSITION & CAREER DEVELOPMENT (SOME ADV ESL TEACHERS ARE USING THIS COURSE) ADVANCED ESL 18 topics Forums Lessons Quizzes Assignments Glossary USALEARNS WRAP AROUND COURSE 20 Units USA Learns content Glossaries Quizzes Assignments Forums EL CIVICS THROUGH DISTANCE LEARNING BY SUSAN ESCOBAR OF ELK GROVE ADULT SCHOOL ESL CITIZENSHIP PREPARATION BY KAY JOHNSON, JAS 14 topics Assignments Forums Glossaries Hot Potatoes Lessons Quizzes THE WRITE STUFF BY FRANCISCA WENTWORTH, JAS WHAT CAN OTAN OFFER YOU? For Adult Ed agencies who are WIA funded: Advanced ESL, USA Learns 2nd Course Moodle Wrap Around, College Transition & Career Development EL Civics Through Distance Learning, ESL Citizenship Preparation, The Write Stuff Free hosting Free Moodle training – 3 hour face to face and/or online workshops ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS Change the settings of your course, Topic vs Date Back up your course (import easily to another Moodle server) Reports – see course activity, who signed on, what they did Manage users and grades Manage Questions Banks for Quizzes SEE GRADES GRADES LISTED BY STUDENT SEE INDIVIDUAL STUDENT PERFORMANCE SCALABLE CUSTOM GRADING SCALES MOODLE DOES THE MATH! QUESTION ANALYSIS BACKUP, RESTORE, RESET • Back ups of all or some content • Restore your course if needed • Reset Your Course Each Semester to remove student data REPORTS WHY ADD AN ONLINE COMPONENT TO YOUR CLASS WITH A CMS? Depository Your content Publisher content Always on Scheduling Secure Participation Teachers and students creating content Self-paced Different learning styles Digital literacy Grading Recording keeping Build, interact, collaborate, independent Communication in one place with history COULD YOU USE MOODLE? Discussion Is using an online component viable for your classes? Would an online component enhance student persistence? What do you perceive as barriers to adding an online component to your classroom? Other Comments? Suggestions? Feel free to contact me at: or (800) 894-3113 (CA only) (916) 228-2357 direct MORE INFORMATION: Free software, community, information: Commercial support and other services: Moodle demonstration site: Moodle documentation: OER (Open Educational Resources): ARE YOU READY? OTAN Free Professional Development Face to face workshops at your site Online workshops OTAN OTAC – Online Teaching Academy A year of support Application process