Class 2C - Pield Heath House School

Key Stage 2
Autumn Term 2015
Mrs N. Chance
Topic: Books by David McKee and Colin McNaughton
Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance
Skills students will be developing:
 The ability to answer basic questions about simple texts and illustrations.
 The ability to identify the author and title and understanding what the
terms mean.
 Phonics skills.
 Pencil control and handwriting skills
 The ability to sound out three and four letter words.
 To begin to combine two or three symbols or words to describe a picture.
Brief Description of Activities:
 Our specific focus will be on composing captions using symbols and words.
 We will be looking at similarities between the books, work on identifying the title and the author and
we fill finish by writing a letter to David McKee and Colin McNaughton.
 We will work on answering simple symbol or written comprehension questions, sequencing the stories,
predicting what will happen next and using words/symbol to label illustrations and make captions.
 We will begin to look at the use of speech bubbles within stories.
Subject vocabulary:
 First/ next/ then, author, title, caption, illustration and speech bubble.
Topics: Time, Measure, Number and Colours
Teacher: Mrs Chance
Skills students will be developing:
 Students will learn to recognise a range of basic colours.
 Students will develop the skill to copy and continue basic repeating patterns.
 Students will develop their basis numeracy skills.
 Students will develop their awareness of time and ability to sequence events.
 Students will learn to describe objects using the terms, long, short and tall.
Brief Description of Activities:
 Throughout the term we will have two weekly sessions where pupils will work on individually
differentiated numeracy work.
In the first half of term we will
 Use a range of objects to copy and continue repeating patterns and consolidate our understanding
through the use of worksheets.
 We will do a weekly session focusing on colour recognition.
In the second half of time we will
 Develop our understanding of time through a series of practical sequencing activities followed up
with a worksheet.
 We will compare a range of common objects using terms big, little, short, tall and long and
consolidate this understanding with worksheets.
Subject vocabulary:
 First, next, last, fast, slow, colour names, long, short, tall, big, little, medium, more, less, one, lots,
number names, pattern.
Topic: Developing mouse and keyboard skills
Teacher: Mrs Chance
Skills students will be developing:
 Mouse skills such as point and click, drag and drop and resize.
 Controlling the mouse to draw a circle.
 The fill function on a simple paint program.
 To find specific keys on the key board and to begin to use the space bar, enter and caps lock key in a
range of activities.
Brief Description of Activities:
 Activities will include, making posters, cards and labels by dragging and re-sizing clipart and word art.
 Using a paint package to draw a circle and fill it, using a template on a simple paint package to
practise filling.
 Using a range of simple games that involve using the keyboard to operate them.
 Using the keyboard to copy their name or simple three letter words.
Subject vocabulary:
 Capital letter, enter, space bar, drag, fill, draw, bigger, move, type, card, poster, label.
Topic: Electricity and Magnetism
Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance
Skills students will be developing:
 Identify a range of pushes and pulls.
 Push and pull on adults’ directions.
 Recognise air can push objects.
 Recognise day and night.
 Understand that the seasons change.
 Associate different weathers with different seasons.
 Understand the sun is a ball of fire that keeps us warm
 Understand what space is like.
 Understand the moon changes shape.
 Record a practical investigation using symbols.
 Use a symbol grid to say what they are doing or observing.
Brief Description of Activities:
 A range of practical pushing and pulling activities.
 Art and craft activities to reinforce the children’s understanding of the earth, moon and sun.
 Dressing up for different seasons.
 Worksheets involving sticking symbols on appropriate photographs to assess understanding and
record what they have seen.
 Videoing activities and playing them back in class to discuss what they have done.
Subject vocabulary:
 Push, pull, blow, suck, fast, slow, Earth, moon, sun, space, rocket, winter, summer, spring, autumn, day,
Topic: Romans and Anglo Saxons
Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance
Skills students will be developing:
 Sequence familiar events using the key terms, first, next, then last.
 Be able to sort events into now and long ago.
 Recognise a Roman soldier and Citizen
 Begin to understand the chronology of key historical events.
 Re-enact key historical events and begin to discuss how historical figures may
have felt.
 Begin to understand how key aspects of Roman and Anglo Saxon live such as homes, cooking and food
are different from today.
 Answering and asking questions.
Brief Description of Activities:
 Art and craft activities to create historical reproductions of clothes and jewellery.
 Role playing historical characters and dressing in costume.
 Listening to historical music.
 Cooking historically accurate foods.
 Painting historical figures and places.
 Sequencing activities.
 Using symbols and writing to record understanding of key concepts.
Subject Vocabulary:
 Now, long ago, first, next, then, last, Roman, Celt, Anglo Saxon, rich, past, special.
Note: Geography is not taught until the second half of the Autumn term.
Topic: Colour, Texture, Shape and Space in two and three dimensions.
Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance
Skills students will be developing:
 To identify a range of colours.
 To begin to paint familiar images the correct colours.
 To experiment with mixing primary colours and to begin to understand
we can mix colours to produce different colours.
 To use a paint brush with increased accuracy and to change colours when painting.
 Use and understand the terms lighter and darker.
Brief Description of Activities:
 Observe and discuss the effect of adding white or black to a colour.
 Mix primary colours and explore the effect and discuss the resulting colours.
 Using sponges to print.
 Make models from boxes.
 Make symmetrical butterfly pictures.
 Use geometrical shapes to produce a piece of art.
 Use picture books as a source of inspiration for art and craft activities.
Subject Vocabulary:
 Print, colour names, mix, brush, change colour, stick, cut, darker and lighter.
Topic: People who help us and staying safe.
Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance
Skills students will be developing:
 Understanding what our school rules are and why we need them.
 Understand how we need to act to others and act around school
in order to follow the school rules.
 Be able to enter another classroom appropriately to take a message.
 To understand that cars are dangerous.
 To know how to cross the road safely.
 To practise crossing the road using the green cross road.
 To understand how to catch a bus and where relevant make a short bus journey.
 How to communicate they do or do not like something.
Brief Description of Activities:
 Practising crossing the road within school or on a quiet side road as appropriate.
 Use toys to re-enact crossing the road.
 Use books and power points to discuss appropriate behaviour at school.
 Use drama to re-enact appropriate behaviour.
 Practise walking around school appropriately.
 Practise entering a room appropriately to take a message.
Subject vocabulary:
 Safe, dangerous, gentle, kind, friends, sensible, traffic, road, pavement, bus stop, bus.
Topic: Masks
Teacher: Ms Maria Escribano
Skills students will be developing:
 Finding out about art work and styles in different cultures.
 Experimenting with different medium including Papier Mache, card, paper, paint.
 Explore ways in which to embellish creative art work using beads, feathers and paint.
 Making creative choices about their own work.
 Evaluating and displaying their own work.
Brief Description of Activities:
 Pupils will learn about different styles of theatre masks from cultures from around the world,
including Africa, Italy, Mexico and Ancient Rome.
 Pupils will plan and create their own masks, following examples from the different styles.
 Pupils will discuss ways in which they wish to embellish their own work using a choice of materials and
express their preferences.
 Pupils will showcase their work to their peers and staff members and explain how they have made it.
Subject vocabulary:
 Mask, face, Africa, Venetian, Mexico, Ancient Rome, feathers, beads, paint, evaluate.
Topics: Myself and my Family / Celebrations
Teacher: Ms Zohra El-Habti
Skills students will be developing:
 Recognising characteristics of themselves.
 Listening, speaking and turn taking involved in group discussions.
 To understand things different families may do.
 What is a celebration?
 To take part in celebrations.
 Celebrating festivals of Light.
 Finding out about Diwali.
 To participate in the Posada tradition.
 Advent preparations.
 Celebrating Christmas.
 Recognising the cues for prayer and reflection time and responding to these cues appropriately.
Brief Description of Activities:
 Singing and signing songs about ‘Me’.
 Creating art work to show how important and special their name is and how uniquely they have been
 Activities involving Family/Family tree.
 Art and craft activities to reinforce the children’s understanding of the celebrations, including
Diwali and Christmas.
 Dressing up and looking at special costumes for different celebrations.
 Using a variety of resources to learn about celebrations/festivals of light
 Art and craft activities related to the colours and meaning of Advent.
 Making a poster of The Christmas Story and designing Christmas cards.
 Prayer and reflection time at the end of every lesson.
Subject vocabulary:
 Myself, me, family, family tree, sister, brother, mummy, daddy, friend, pray.
 Celebrate, celebration, light, festivals, Diwali, Advent, Christmas
Topic: Swimming / Ball Skills / OT Skills
Teacher: Ms Sue Donaldson OT with Mrs Julia Beech
Skills students will be developing:
 The ability to respond to instructions and commands.
 Water confidence and safety in the pool.
 Stroke technique on front and back.
 An ability to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise.
 A range of basic gymnastic movements, eg jump, balance, roll, twist.
 The linking of basic movements, gradually into sequences eg balance and jump, and then be able to
repeat a sequence accurately.
 The ability to wait and take turns.
 An improvement in balance, posture and body control.
 Learning rules to use the cycle track safely.
Brief description of Activities:
 Mat and apparatus activities.
 Individual and partner work.
 Linking of movements.
 Practising of skills and the differentiated development into sequences
 Water confidence activities
 Activities to develop the use of arms + legs to propel themselves.
 Work on technique to on their front + back developing correct strokes.
 Basic bike related activities to improve skills such as steering, pedalling, braking.
Subject vocabulary
 Key words associated with gymnastics, e.g. jump, twist, roll, balance.
 Key words associated with swimming, e.g. float, under water, on water, in water, kick, push + pull with
arms, front, back.
 Key words associated with cycling e.g. pedal, brake, helmet, steering.
Music: Carnival of the Animals
Topic: Musical elements 1, Christmas Around the world
Teacher: Mrs Sadie Hallchurch
Skills students will be developing:
 Instrument specific skills – Tuned/untuned percussion, Piano keyboards,
 Singing and signing - develop social skills, promote self-expression, develop
communication skills.
 Develop rhythmic ability.
 Listening and recognising salient features in music.
 Performance skills – develop self-confidence, role of the audience.
 Learning how to read a simple graphic score using letters and colours – literacy skills.
 How to improvise and create sounds on different instruments.
Brief description of activities:
 Learning to sing/sign/use instruments to songs.
 Learning how to hold, play and control a variety of instruments.
 Listen to extracts from Carnival of the animals and recognise the elements, which represent
different characteristics of the animals.
 Play African drums – keeping a beat, call and response, dynamics and tempo.
 Performing short pieces individually and together as a group using tuned and un-tuned percussion,
following simple music notation using colours and letters to represent different notes and keys.
 Identifying characteristics of different animals through role-play and transferring these ideas onto
musical instruments.
 Composing/arranging through choice of pictures and sounds.
Subject vocabulary:
 Instruments: Piano keyboards, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Ukulele, African drums, Violin, Cello, Clarinet,
Flute, Boom-wackers.
 Musical elements: Pitch (high/low), tempo (fast/slow), dynamics (loud/quiet), melody (tune), call and
response (copy), rhythm, compose, performance, audience.
 Carnival of the animals: Lion, elephant, kangaroo, tortoise, donkey, hen, cuckoo, fish, large, small,
movement - walk, run, jump, creep, swim, crawl.
 Christmas around the world: Names on the world map.
 Colours (visual notation support), letters (musical alphabet) and numbers (counting).
Instructor: Mr B Richardson
The Drama Ethos consists of developing the following attributes through
its practice;
Skills students will be developing:
 The ability to work together as a team
Speech development and listening skills
Co- ordination; physical fitness and flexibility
Spatial awareness, the development of empathy
The stimulation of the imagination; the processing of rituals and rites of passage; respect for and
appreciation of the work of others
The building of confidence and self-esteem development of verbal and non-verbal communication
Brief description of activities:
 Devising playlets through improvisation via costume and prop stimulus
 Movement through animal physical movement
 Interactive story telling
 Signing and action songs
 Elements realising this ethos include: "ice-breaker" games; warm up exercises; drama games;
improvisation; action and movement songs; building a character and the art of storytelling.