Key Stage 2 Autumn Term 2015 2C Mrs N. Chance English Topic: Books by David McKee and Colin McNaughton Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance Skills students will be developing: The ability to answer basic questions about simple texts and illustrations. The ability to identify the author and title and understanding what the terms mean. Phonics skills. Pencil control and handwriting skills The ability to sound out three and four letter words. To begin to combine two or three symbols or words to describe a picture. Brief Description of Activities: Our specific focus will be on composing captions using symbols and words. We will be looking at similarities between the books, work on identifying the title and the author and we fill finish by writing a letter to David McKee and Colin McNaughton. We will work on answering simple symbol or written comprehension questions, sequencing the stories, predicting what will happen next and using words/symbol to label illustrations and make captions. We will begin to look at the use of speech bubbles within stories. Subject vocabulary: First/ next/ then, author, title, caption, illustration and speech bubble. Maths Topics: Time, Measure, Number and Colours Teacher: Mrs Chance Skills students will be developing: Students will learn to recognise a range of basic colours. Students will develop the skill to copy and continue basic repeating patterns. Students will develop their basis numeracy skills. Students will develop their awareness of time and ability to sequence events. Students will learn to describe objects using the terms, long, short and tall. Brief Description of Activities: Throughout the term we will have two weekly sessions where pupils will work on individually differentiated numeracy work. In the first half of term we will Use a range of objects to copy and continue repeating patterns and consolidate our understanding through the use of worksheets. We will do a weekly session focusing on colour recognition. In the second half of time we will Develop our understanding of time through a series of practical sequencing activities followed up with a worksheet. We will compare a range of common objects using terms big, little, short, tall and long and consolidate this understanding with worksheets. Subject vocabulary: First, next, last, fast, slow, colour names, long, short, tall, big, little, medium, more, less, one, lots, number names, pattern. ICT Topic: Developing mouse and keyboard skills Teacher: Mrs Chance Skills students will be developing: Mouse skills such as point and click, drag and drop and resize. Controlling the mouse to draw a circle. The fill function on a simple paint program. To find specific keys on the key board and to begin to use the space bar, enter and caps lock key in a range of activities. Brief Description of Activities: Activities will include, making posters, cards and labels by dragging and re-sizing clipart and word art. Using a paint package to draw a circle and fill it, using a template on a simple paint package to practise filling. Using a range of simple games that involve using the keyboard to operate them. Using the keyboard to copy their name or simple three letter words. Subject vocabulary: Capital letter, enter, space bar, drag, fill, draw, bigger, move, type, card, poster, label. Science Topic: Electricity and Magnetism Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance Skills students will be developing: Identify a range of pushes and pulls. Push and pull on adults’ directions. Recognise air can push objects. Recognise day and night. Understand that the seasons change. Associate different weathers with different seasons. Understand the sun is a ball of fire that keeps us warm Understand what space is like. Understand the moon changes shape. Record a practical investigation using symbols. Use a symbol grid to say what they are doing or observing. Brief Description of Activities: A range of practical pushing and pulling activities. Art and craft activities to reinforce the children’s understanding of the earth, moon and sun. Dressing up for different seasons. Worksheets involving sticking symbols on appropriate photographs to assess understanding and record what they have seen. Videoing activities and playing them back in class to discuss what they have done. Subject vocabulary: Push, pull, blow, suck, fast, slow, Earth, moon, sun, space, rocket, winter, summer, spring, autumn, day, night. History Topic: Romans and Anglo Saxons Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance Skills students will be developing: Sequence familiar events using the key terms, first, next, then last. Be able to sort events into now and long ago. Recognise a Roman soldier and Citizen Begin to understand the chronology of key historical events. Re-enact key historical events and begin to discuss how historical figures may have felt. Begin to understand how key aspects of Roman and Anglo Saxon live such as homes, cooking and food are different from today. Answering and asking questions. Brief Description of Activities: Art and craft activities to create historical reproductions of clothes and jewellery. Role playing historical characters and dressing in costume. Listening to historical music. Cooking historically accurate foods. Painting historical figures and places. Sequencing activities. Using symbols and writing to record understanding of key concepts. Subject Vocabulary: Now, long ago, first, next, then, last, Roman, Celt, Anglo Saxon, rich, past, special. Note: Geography is not taught until the second half of the Autumn term. Art Topic: Colour, Texture, Shape and Space in two and three dimensions. Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance Skills students will be developing: To identify a range of colours. To begin to paint familiar images the correct colours. To experiment with mixing primary colours and to begin to understand we can mix colours to produce different colours. To use a paint brush with increased accuracy and to change colours when painting. Use and understand the terms lighter and darker. Brief Description of Activities: Observe and discuss the effect of adding white or black to a colour. Mix primary colours and explore the effect and discuss the resulting colours. Using sponges to print. Make models from boxes. Make symmetrical butterfly pictures. Use geometrical shapes to produce a piece of art. Use picture books as a source of inspiration for art and craft activities. Subject Vocabulary: Print, colour names, mix, brush, change colour, stick, cut, darker and lighter. PSHE/C Topic: People who help us and staying safe. Teacher: Mrs Nicola Chance Skills students will be developing: Understanding what our school rules are and why we need them. Understand how we need to act to others and act around school in order to follow the school rules. Be able to enter another classroom appropriately to take a message. To understand that cars are dangerous. To know how to cross the road safely. To practise crossing the road using the green cross road. To understand how to catch a bus and where relevant make a short bus journey. How to communicate they do or do not like something. Brief Description of Activities: Practising crossing the road within school or on a quiet side road as appropriate. Use toys to re-enact crossing the road. Use books and power points to discuss appropriate behaviour at school. Use drama to re-enact appropriate behaviour. Practise walking around school appropriately. Practise entering a room appropriately to take a message. Subject vocabulary: Safe, dangerous, gentle, kind, friends, sensible, traffic, road, pavement, bus stop, bus. DT Topic: Masks Teacher: Ms Maria Escribano Skills students will be developing: Finding out about art work and styles in different cultures. Experimenting with different medium including Papier Mache, card, paper, paint. Explore ways in which to embellish creative art work using beads, feathers and paint. Making creative choices about their own work. Evaluating and displaying their own work. Brief Description of Activities: Pupils will learn about different styles of theatre masks from cultures from around the world, including Africa, Italy, Mexico and Ancient Rome. Pupils will plan and create their own masks, following examples from the different styles. Pupils will discuss ways in which they wish to embellish their own work using a choice of materials and express their preferences. Pupils will showcase their work to their peers and staff members and explain how they have made it. Subject vocabulary: Mask, face, Africa, Venetian, Mexico, Ancient Rome, feathers, beads, paint, evaluate. R.E Topics: Myself and my Family / Celebrations Teacher: Ms Zohra El-Habti Skills students will be developing: Recognising characteristics of themselves. Listening, speaking and turn taking involved in group discussions. To understand things different families may do. What is a celebration? To take part in celebrations. Celebrating festivals of Light. Finding out about Diwali. To participate in the Posada tradition. Advent preparations. Celebrating Christmas. Recognising the cues for prayer and reflection time and responding to these cues appropriately. Brief Description of Activities: Singing and signing songs about ‘Me’. Creating art work to show how important and special their name is and how uniquely they have been created. Activities involving Family/Family tree. Art and craft activities to reinforce the children’s understanding of the celebrations, including Diwali and Christmas. Dressing up and looking at special costumes for different celebrations. Using a variety of resources to learn about celebrations/festivals of light Art and craft activities related to the colours and meaning of Advent. Making a poster of The Christmas Story and designing Christmas cards. Prayer and reflection time at the end of every lesson. Subject vocabulary: Myself, me, family, family tree, sister, brother, mummy, daddy, friend, pray. Celebrate, celebration, light, festivals, Diwali, Advent, Christmas P.E. Topic: Swimming / Ball Skills / OT Skills Teacher: Ms Sue Donaldson OT with Mrs Julia Beech Skills students will be developing: The ability to respond to instructions and commands. Water confidence and safety in the pool. Stroke technique on front and back. An ability to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise. A range of basic gymnastic movements, eg jump, balance, roll, twist. The linking of basic movements, gradually into sequences eg balance and jump, and then be able to repeat a sequence accurately. The ability to wait and take turns. An improvement in balance, posture and body control. Learning rules to use the cycle track safely. Brief description of Activities: Mat and apparatus activities. Individual and partner work. Linking of movements. Practising of skills and the differentiated development into sequences Water confidence activities Activities to develop the use of arms + legs to propel themselves. Work on technique to on their front + back developing correct strokes. Basic bike related activities to improve skills such as steering, pedalling, braking. Subject vocabulary Key words associated with gymnastics, e.g. jump, twist, roll, balance. Key words associated with swimming, e.g. float, under water, on water, in water, kick, push + pull with arms, front, back. Key words associated with cycling e.g. pedal, brake, helmet, steering. Music: Carnival of the Animals Topic: Musical elements 1, Christmas Around the world Teacher: Mrs Sadie Hallchurch Skills students will be developing: Instrument specific skills – Tuned/untuned percussion, Piano keyboards, Ukulele. Singing and signing - develop social skills, promote self-expression, develop communication skills. Develop rhythmic ability. Listening and recognising salient features in music. Performance skills – develop self-confidence, role of the audience. Learning how to read a simple graphic score using letters and colours – literacy skills. How to improvise and create sounds on different instruments. Brief description of activities: Learning to sing/sign/use instruments to songs. Learning how to hold, play and control a variety of instruments. Listen to extracts from Carnival of the animals and recognise the elements, which represent different characteristics of the animals. Play African drums – keeping a beat, call and response, dynamics and tempo. Performing short pieces individually and together as a group using tuned and un-tuned percussion, following simple music notation using colours and letters to represent different notes and keys. Identifying characteristics of different animals through role-play and transferring these ideas onto musical instruments. Composing/arranging through choice of pictures and sounds. Subject vocabulary: Instruments: Piano keyboards, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Ukulele, African drums, Violin, Cello, Clarinet, Flute, Boom-wackers. Musical elements: Pitch (high/low), tempo (fast/slow), dynamics (loud/quiet), melody (tune), call and response (copy), rhythm, compose, performance, audience. Carnival of the animals: Lion, elephant, kangaroo, tortoise, donkey, hen, cuckoo, fish, large, small, movement - walk, run, jump, creep, swim, crawl. Christmas around the world: Names on the world map. Colours (visual notation support), letters (musical alphabet) and numbers (counting). Drama Instructor: Mr B Richardson The Drama Ethos consists of developing the following attributes through its practice; Skills students will be developing: The ability to work together as a team Speech development and listening skills Co- ordination; physical fitness and flexibility Spatial awareness, the development of empathy The stimulation of the imagination; the processing of rituals and rites of passage; respect for and appreciation of the work of others The building of confidence and self-esteem development of verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Brief description of activities: Devising playlets through improvisation via costume and prop stimulus Movement through animal physical movement Interactive story telling Signing and action songs Elements realising this ethos include: "ice-breaker" games; warm up exercises; drama games; improvisation; action and movement songs; building a character and the art of storytelling.