File - Kirsten Palmer

Unit Plan Title: Jazz Harmony- Using 7th chords in a major key
Unit Summary: Students will learn to recognize and utilize chord progressions and apply
knowledge to harmonise melodies in major keys in the jazz style and then perform them.
Created by: Kirsty Palmer
Year Level: 11
Class: Music
Dates: Term 1
Unit, Curriculum, Content Questions: What are 7 chords? What are chord progressions? How do
you voice chords in piano/keyboard style? Can I apply this knowledge to complete a harmony
exercise? Can I apply this knowledge to create my own composition?
Standards/Syllabus outcomes: composing a section of a work. Arranging a work or a section of a work in
one or more styles. Critically appraising their own developing work. Undertaking detailed analysis. Listening
to, singing/playing, or notation examples. Studying theoretical concepts in musical contexts. Sight-reading
or sight-singing ensemble parts. Identifying rhythmic, melodic and harmonic patterns. Completing
theoretical exercises. (From SACE Stage 1 Music Outline)
Teaching and Learning:
 Worksheets
 Scaffolded worksheets
 Class discussions- whiteboard
 Extension worksheets
 Playing through completed exercises
 Group rehearsal of completed
 Analysis of scores for chord
 Use ICT to analyse scores
 Writing own melody/harmony in Jazz
 Use ICT to compose own
 Listening to various chord progressions Use ICT to play recordings of chord
recognise aurally
progressions as well as live
Class discussion about 7th
chords and Jazz harmony
Harmony worksheets. Have a
section for feedback and a
mark, but only for student
Assessment Type 1- Perform
own composition in Jazz Style
Harmony to class
Assessment Type 2- Jazz
Harmony Test
Assessment Type 3 -Written
copy of own Jazz Harmony
-500 word review on unit
Perform harmonies to class
members- verbal feedback
Accommodations for Diverse needs:
Extension worksheets for students who progress faster. Option to create a longer
melody/harmony for excelling students.
Students who finish harmony exercises early can rehearse to perform their solution to the class.
Students who need more scaffolding- simpler worksheets, demonstrate chord progressions on
their instrument, work through worksheet on the board so it’s easy to read.
Mix of visual, spatial, kinaesthetic, logical/mathematical, and musical intelligences.
Have solutions to worksheets to show on projector and demonstrate.
Key Words:
Jazz Harmony
Diatonic 7th Chords
Piano/Keyboard style/Voicing
Chord Progressions
Jazz Idioms
Circle of 4ths Progressions
Standard Jazz progression
Major 7
Minor 7
Half Diminished 7
Learning Preparation:
Suggested unit length- 11
One 45 minute lesson a week.
Computers with Sibelius
needed for later in unit
Instruments for performing
(band room)
Materials, Resources and Supplies:
Whiteboard with music notation
Scores for analysis
Prior Knowledge:
Piano skills (in at least some)
Knowledge of musical notation
Major key signatures
Major triads
Knowledge of Sibelius software
Lesson Plan/Structure:
Week 1: 7th Chords, score analysis
Piano/Keyboard voicing
Week 2: 14736251 chord progression, score analysis
Review Piano Keyboard voicing with jazz progression
Week 3: Harmonising with 14736251, bass line given
Inversions- overview
Week 4: Harmonising with 14736251, bass line given and inversions
Harmonising with 14736251, bass line not given, include inversions
Week 5: Playing all completed harmonies
Explaining Assessment 1, 2, 3
Week 6: Other chord progressions, score analysis
Harmonising with other chord progressions
Week 7: Harmonising with multiple chord progressions
Starting own composition- choose harmony
Week 8: Own composition- write melody, rehearse
Harmony Worksheet
Week 9: Assessment Type 2: Harmony Test
Assessment Type 3: Own composition score
Rehearse own composition
Week 10: Assessment Type 1: Perform compositions to class
HW: Assessment type 3: 500 word review
Week 11: Assessment type 3: 500 word review
Worksheets/resources/assignment sheets needed:
Week 1- 7th chord, piano voicing worksheet
ScoreWeek 2- chord progression worksheet
Score- Mozart
Week 3- worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Week 4- worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Week 5- Assignment sheet, cover sheet, rubric etc.
Week 6- chord progression work sheet
Week 7- worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Week 8- worksheet 1
Week 9- Harmony Test
Week 10- feedback form for performances
Week 11- nothing needed