Piano Review 101 Name:____________ Date:______________ Directions: Write true or false below each statement. 1. On the piano, the treble clef is played with your left hand. 2. Your left hand plays the bass clef. 3. C is always to the right of two black keys on the piano. 4. On piano sheet music, your thumb is number 5. 5. There are 4 spaces and 5 lines on a music staff. 6. The spaces on the treble clef are SACE 7. The lines on the treble clef are EGBDF 8. The spaces on the bass clef are ACEG 9. The lines on the bass clef are GBDFA 10.The higher the notes are drawn on the sheet music, the lower you play them on the piano. 11.# means sharp - You always sharp to the left Piano Review 102 Name:___________ Date:___________ Directions: Answer each question on this sheet unless otherwise directed by the question. Respond in full sentences to receive full marks. 1. What hand do you use to play notes on the treble clef? 2. Draw a treble clef. 3. What hand do you use to play notes on the bass clef? 4. Draw a bass clef. 5. How do you find C on the piano? 6. On the back of this sheet, trace your right hand and number your fingers as demonstrated on the piano. On the back of the music staff sheet, trace your left hand and number your fingers as demonstrated on the piano. Label each hand as left or right. 7. How many spaces and how many lines are on the music staff? 8. What are the letters of the musical alphabet? 9. You always sharp to the ___________________. 10.You always flat to the _____________________. 11.What does f stand for on sheet music? 12.What does p stand for on sheet music? 13.What does 8va stand for on sheet music? 14.The symbol 4/4 at the beginning of a music staff is called a ____________ measure. 15.On the attached music staff sheet, write and label the musical alphabet on the treble clef. Use the lines and the spaces. Identify the Symbols: Write the correct name beside each symbol. Name:__________________ Tie Eight Note Sharp 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Date:______________________ Dotted Note Flat Time Signature Accidental Staccato Repeat Key Identification Name: Directions: 1. Label each white key of the keyboard above correctly according to the seven letters of the musical alphabet. 2. Label one A, E, & G flat on the keyboard above. Use an arrow to point to the correct black key. 3. Label one C, D, & F sharp on the keyboard above. Use an arrow to point to the correct black key.