
Tigers Cub Scouts
Recruiting Tiger Scout &
Tiger Den Leaders
Helpful Hints and Planning for New Tiger
Recruiting – the 6 “P”
Purpose - Have a clear purpose:
– Every boy deserves the chance to be a Scout; Sign up Cub Scouts & Webelos into existing packs
– Recruit parents to be unit leaders and committee members
– Can you help to organize new units in areas we are not currently serving?
– You are "Here for the boys." Help every boy succeed, not just your own. Help every unit succeed, not
just your own.
Plan - Involve everyone in the plan:
– Ask all leaders to participate. You need everyone's help that night and as you publicize the event.
– Ask your district for help with Informational fliers and posters.
– Ask other units to buddy up with you. "A Scout is Helpful." Work with each other.
Promote - A new Scout will rarely find you. You have to be pro-active and invite them, often several times.
– Ask each Scout to invite 2 friends. Referrals are your best prospects. If their buddies join, your Scouts
are more likely to stay in too. Show the Recruiter Strip they can earn.
– Ask your chartered organization to distribute fliers. Go to their meeting and show them all you do.
– Ask your committee to take recruiting fliers to PTO, Religious Organizations, Sunday Schools, sports
teams, clubs, etc.
– Ask local newspapers to run an article about a recent event and include details of your upcoming
orientation. Ask local radio, TV stations, and cable providers to run Public Service Announcements.
– Ask if you can do fliers, boy talks, and an open house in area schools. Your district executive should
have contacts with school administrators.
– Ask your past prospects who have not signed up yet to come this time. You may need to invite them
several times.
– Note that the key word is Ask. Use your resources. Brainstorm other ideas.
Recruiting – the 6 “P”
Present – Tell Them How GREAT Scouting is!!
– Hold the roundup where the unit meets or at their school. Make it a brief, upbeat, and well-planned
rally. Don't talk about the past or use jargon like DE" or "FOS" as this can scare off new families.
– Setup - 30 minutes early and be ready for early arrivals. Leaders & Scouts attend in Uniform.
– Gathering Activity: Ask everyone who attends to sign in with their Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone,
Email, Scout's Name, and grade.
– As they come in, pass out applications, fliers, & your calendar. Ask everyone to fill out the forms.
Have plenty of pens. Don't stand in a click with your friends. Have leaders walk each prospect to
table & help them.
– Opening - 4 minutes: Opening Flag Ceremony. Pledge of Allegiance. Very BRIEF remarks. Introduce
your leaders; Presentation – Not too long try to keep it under 8 minutes.
– Let the Scouts tell about their favorite upcoming activities: trips, camping, Summer Camp, Pinewood
Derby, etc.; End the group meeting in a few minutes. Adults: Don't overwhelm them with stories,
facts, and figures.
– Register Leaders continue to meet with families one-on-one to answer questions.
– Register new youth members. Explain what they need to know one-on-one. Don't overwhelm them.
Ask, "Do you have any questions?"
– Have unit t-shirts available as a gift or at a small cost. If they leave in your t-shirt, they will come
back; Consider light refreshments such as punch and granola bars.
– Closing - Thank them. Announce the unit's next meeting date and a Welcoming Activity (picnic,
bowling, etc.). Closing Flag Ceremony.
Recruiting – the 6 “P”
Parents – Get them involved early and often
– Scouts with involved parents are more likely to stay in Scouts. Recruit adults to at least help if not be
the leaders. These are great tools to help find out what parents can offer. Involve everyone. Scouts
with "drive-by" parents won't last.
– Hand out a parent or family talent survey – find out what they are good at and how they can be used
Persistence – Pays off
Call everyone who signed up to again welcome them and confirm information. Do not rely just on email.
Call everyone who didn't sign up in a few days and see if they have any questions. Can you call them again
in a week?
Call your prospects again in a week. People often need to be asked several times.
Call your prospect again just before your next orientation. The ones you missed last time are some of the
best prospects next time.
General Recruiting Tips
Whenever possible, coordinate your large recruiting events with other Units in your area.
If you are sending home flyers, contact the District or Principal of the school to ensure that you have
If you have an extended time were you will talk with parents consider asking a Troop or Order of the Arrow
members to take the Scouts and prospective Scouts outside (or to another room) to play Scouting games.
Use multiple resources for publicity whenever possible. If your Chartering Organization has a newsletter,
or involves families with appropriately aged children, ask if you can publicize your event via them, or make
a presentation to them. If any major events are going on within your unit, invite local media outlets to
profile your group and report on the events. Submit major events to public calendars.
Contact any lapsed members personally. If a boy dropped out of the unit halfway through the year, a
phone call to him or his family may encourage him to rejoin.
Have existing Cubs go to school in uniform on the night their pack/den meets. At this age many boys really
want to get a uniform and are drawn to the game.
Recruiting goes on every day, not just at a one-night meeting. Expect half of the families to plan their fall
commitments in the spring. Follow-up again with the rest at your fall roundup.
General Recruiting Tips
Your spring and fall recruiting events are vital for your unit. With a spring roundup, you can recruit before
they commit to other fall activities. New Scouts will get to go to Camp this year. Your summertime
calendar is packed full with the trips, events, and camping they want. Parents who plan ahead can make
great new leaders.
Your fall recruiting is important too. This is when you get another chance to recruit the ones you missed in
the spring. Don't focus on the activities they just missed but what is still coming up.
Your program and your calendar will sell them on Scouting. Make sure that your calendar is planned
months or a year in advance and stocked full of great events. Make sure to include all of the council and
district events you can. Prepare a simplified, one-page calendar for recruiting. The most important sales
flier you have is your busy calendar.
Your other tool will be a good recruiting flier. Your district executive can provide the recruitment fliers and
Don't forget how flexible we are. If they miss a sports practice, they may not be able to play the next
game. But in Scouts, you can miss a meeting or even a season and still be welcome.
Example of Recruiting Timelines
Spring Recruit Efforts
– November - Identify recruit leaders for each school you recruit from
– December - Decide date for Boy Talk or Recruit Night Schedule recruit night
– January/February - Prepare and distribute flyers
– March - Recruit Night
Fall Recruit Efforts
– May - Identify recruit leaders for each school you recruit from
– June - Decide date for Boy Talk or Recruit Night
– August – Schedule Recruiting
– August - Prepare and distribute flyers
– September - Recruit Night
Leader Requirements
To be effective and understand the program, all adult leaders and volunteers, must take a series of training.
This does not only explain the general program and history for Boy Scouts to leaders, it will provide helpful
hints, tools and knowledge needed for each level of scouting.
Everyone who is a leader must take the following:
Youth Protection Training (required for all leaders, parents and volunteers) MOST IMPORTANT AND
Den Leader Fast Tracks
Tiger Leader Training or Level Specific Training
As a general note – All leader should check their training to ensure compliance for their level. Once training is
completed, please keep copies of training completion for your records.
Always remember:
For Tiger meetings, all scouts have at least one parent present for Den meetings. Make sure to
communicate this to Tiger parents.
Always make sure to comply with the 2-deep leadership at all times. This is covered in your YPT, but no
one can be reminded enough. This applies to parents attending Scouting events as well. It is a good idea to
make sure ALL parent take Youth Protection Training if they are going to continue with scouting events.
Sending out an email asking for help is not always effective – ASK PEOPLE FACE TO FACE – the leaders you
want are the ones that do not turn down an ask for help.
Most committee members at most have a 3 year commitment – activity help has short durations –
recharter is once a year – there are opportunities to help for any schedule.
Helpful Hints and Tools for Leaders
Keep track of several boys accomplishments can be difficult. There are many tools available. Check with your Pack
leadership to determine what system they are currently using
Make sure to keep a copy of everyone's health forms in a binder and keep with you at all times, especially if you
are on an outing
Keep an updated contact list for all scouts and their families.
Make sure to clearly communication and expectation, homework or outing in a standard communication channel.
Set up Den rules and expectations with the help of the scouts. Example: everyone get a chance to speak.
Remember to take time out to capture the moments. Pictures for over the years for memory books yearly slide
shows (show how they have grown) make for a wonderful story for a scout growth. These can be used in
slideshows for Blue and Gold, or simply a photo album of a boys cub Scout years.
Den Dues – Den dues are typically collected at the beginning of the year to cover Den patches or supplies. You can
either set a standard amount or work with parents to take turns on purchasing items for the Den. Please note,
these $$ set aside are not the same as Pack dues which help fund and a higher level. Typical Tiger Den dues can
range anywhere from $10-15.
Have a schedule for snack
Keep copies of email and notes sent out in note book. Spiral notebook to hold website or locations for go see its. A
running history to pass down.
Make sure to set a mandate up front that all cub scouts must bring their handbook to each Den meeting. This will
get them into a good habit for Boy Scouts
Tiger Year – General Information
The Tiger Cub Scout program is for boys who have completed Kindergarten (or are age 7). After earning the
Bobcat badge, a boy may earn the Tiger Cub badge by completing 15 achievements involving simple physical
and mental skills.
Each month Tiger Cubs generally have at least two den meetings, a pack meeting, and a "Go See It" den
meeting outing. The program section of the Tiger Cub den meeting is usually divided into three parts,
corresponding to the Tiger Cub Motto:
– Share: Each boy shares something that he's done since the last meeting.
– Search: Leaders and Den Chiefs will discuss the next Go See It outing. This activity could fulfill one of
the achievement requirements or one of the elective requirements, or it could relate to the monthly
– Discover: During Discover time, the den leader may introduce the monthly theme and talk about
what the den will be doing for the pack meeting. Then the boys will play games, have activities, take
part in outdoor activities, or work on advancement requirements.
"The Bobcat badge is earned prior to all other ranks.
As a boy completes each part of the Tiger Cub achievements, he will be awarded either an orange (den
activities), white (family activities), or black ("Go See It") bead to add to his Tiger Paw. When the boy has
earned five beads of each color, he is eligible to receive his Tiger Cub badge. The Tiger Cub badge is
presented to the adult partner at the next pack meeting. In an impressive ceremony, the adult partner in
turn presents the badge to the boy.
Tiger Cubs can complete Tiger Cub Electives and Belt Loops and Pins at any time.
Step 1 – BOBCAT Badge
Fist Step – Working towards earning the Bobcat Badge :
Bobcat Badge Requirements
1.Have the boys learn and be able to say the Cub Scout Promise and complete the Honesty Character
a) The Cub Scout Promise
I ____(name)____ promise to do my best
To do my duty to God and my country,
To help other people, and
To obey the Law of the Pack.
b) The Honesty Character Connection
– Know: Discuss these questions with your family. What is a promise? What does it mean to "keep your
word?" What does honesty mean? What does it mean to "do your best?"
– Commit: Discuss these questions with your family. Why is a promise important? Why is it important for
people to trust you when you give your word? When might it be difficult to keep your word? List
– Practice: Discuss with family members why it is important to be trustworthy and honest and how can
you do your best to be honest when you are doing the activities in Cub Scouting.
Step 1 – BOBCAT cont.
Fist Step – Working toward earning Bobcat Badge cont.
2.Say the Law of the Pack. Tell what it means.
The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the Cub Scout Grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.
3.Tell what Webelos means.
WE'll BE LOyal Scouts
4.Show the Cub Scout sign. Tell what it means.
5.Show the Cub Scout handshake. Tell what it means.
6.Say the Cub Scout motto. A motto is a guiding principle.
Do Your Best.
7.Give the Cub Scout salute. Tell what it means.
8.With your adult partner, complete the exercises in the parent's guide, "How to Protect Your Children from
Child Abuse."
Tiger Cubs 5 Achievements
In order to earn the Tiger Cub rank he must complete a Family Activity, a Den Activity, and a Go See It Activity
in each of the five achievements:
1. Making My Family Special: Tiger Achievement 1 is about learning more about family. Find helps for this
achievement here.
1F – Family Activity: Think of one chore you can do with your adult partner. Complete it together. and
Character Connection: Responsibility
1D – Den Activity: Make a family scrapbook
1G – Go See It Activity: Go to a library, historical society, museum, old farm, or historical building, or visit
an older person in your community. Discover how family life was the same and how it was different many
years ago.
2. Where I Live :Tiger Achievement 2 is about learning more about community. Find helps for this achievement
2F – Family Activity: Look at a map of your community with your adult partner.
2D – Den Activity: Practice the Pledge of Allegiance with your den, and participate in a den or pack flag
ceremony. and Character Connection: Citizenship
2G – Go See It Activity: Visit a police station or a fire station. Ask someone who works there how he or she
helps people in your community.
Tiger Cubs 5 Achievements
3. Keeping Myself Healthy and Safe: Tiger Achievement 3 is about staying healthy and safe. Find helps for this
achievement here.
3F – Family Activity: a. With your family, plan a fire drill then practice it in your home. and b. With your adult
partner, plan what to do if you became lost or separated from your family in a strange place.
3D – Den Activity: Make a Food Guide Pyramid and Character Connection: Health and Fitness
3G – Go See It Activity: Learn the rules of a game or sport. Then, go watch an amateur or professional game or
sporting event.
4. How I Tell It: Tiger Achievement 4 is about communicating. Find helps for this achievement here.
4F – Family Activity: At a family meal, have each family member take turns telling the others one thing that
happened to him or her that day. Remember to practice being a good listener while you wait for your turn to talk.
and Character Connection: Respect
4D – Den Activity: Play “Tell It Like It Isn’t”
4G – Go See It Activity: Visit a television station, radio station, or newspaper office. Find out how people there
communicate with others.
5. Let’s Go Outdoors: Tiger Achievement 5 is about exploring nature. Find helps for this achievement here.
This achievement is also part of Cub Scouting’s Leave No Trace Award.
5F – Family Activity: Go outside and watch the weather and Character Connection: Faith
5D – Den Activity: With a crayon or colored pencil and a piece of paper, make a leaf rubbing.
5G – Go See It Activity: Take a hike with your den.
After completing the Tiger Cub rank, Tiger Cub Scouts can work on electives. There are 50 Elective to choose from in
the back of the Tiger Handbook. There is something is interest for all scouts. This can be completed as a Den or with
their parents.
Recognitions for Tiger Cubs
Tiger Paw Beads
Recognition is important and this is one of the many tools you can use to award scouts on their path toward
completing Tiger Cub Requirements. This is a source of pride for the scout and can be worn with pride on their
uniform. Other recognition items leaders can use are segments for their brag vest, fun simple treat at the end
of meeting such as a bouncy ball or inexpensive toy.
The Tiger Cub immediate recognition emblem is a tiger paw print with four strands to which beads are
added as each achievement toward the Tiger Cub rank is completed:
– White beads are for Family activities completed from the handbook.
– Orange beads are for Den activities completed from the handbook.
– Black beads are for Go See It! activities completed from the handbook.
– Yellow discs (Tiger Track beads) are for every 10 electives completed (not awarded until after the
Tiger Cub Badge is earned)
– The Tiger Paw Worn suspended from the right pocket flap button of the uniform shirt.
What Else Can They Earn?
Other Achievements To Keep Them Excited
Leave No Trace: One of the most important lessons scouting tries to instill in youth is respect for our environment.
Leave No Trace is just that. It teaches the boys to care for and respect the outdoors as well as other who enjoy it for
years to come. These guidelines for the outdoors are one of the key elements to scouting and will continue to be
practiced for the rest of the scouts life.
Once earned, this patch is worn as a temporary emblem on the right uniform pocket.
Tiger Cubs Requirements:
– Discuss with your leader or parent/guardian the importance of the Leave No Trace frontcountry guidelines.
– On three separate outings, practice the frontcountry guidelines of Leave No Trace.
– Boys in a Tiger Cub den complete the activities for Achievement 5, Let's Go Outdoors
– Participate in a Leave No Trace-related service project.
– Promise to practice the Leave No Trace frontcountry guidelines by signing the Cub Scout Leave No Trace
– Draw a poster to illustrate the Leave No Trace frontcountry guidelines and display it at a pack meeting.
Cub Scout Leaders:
– Discuss with your den's Cub Scouts or your pack's leaders the importance of the Leave No Trace frontcountry
– On three separate outings demonstrate and practice the frontcountry guidelines of Leave No Trace.
– Participate in presenting a den, pack, district, or council awareness session on Leave No Trace frontcountry
– Participate in a Leave No Trace-related service project.
– Commit yourself to the Leave No Trace frontcountry guidelines by signing the Cub Scout Leave No Trace
– Assist at least three boys in earning Cub Scouting's Leave No Trace Awareness Award.
Keep Them Engaged!
Other Achievements That Include Summer Activity
Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award requirements
All Ranks - Attend Cub Scout day camp or Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camp.
Rank-Specific: Tiger Cubs
– Complete one requirement in Achievement 5, "Let's Go Outdoors" (Tiger Cub Handbook) and complete
three of the outdoor activities listed below.
• 1.Participate in a nature hike in your local area. This can be on an organized, marked trail, or just a hike
to observe nature in your area.
• 2.Participate in an outdoor activity such as a picnic or park fun day.
• 3.Explain the buddy system and tell what to do if lost. Explain the importance of cooperation.
• 4.Attend a pack overnighter. Be responsible by being prepared for the event.
• 5.Complete an outdoor service project in your community.
• 6.Complete a nature/conservation project in your area. This project should involve improving,
beautifying, or supporting natural habitats. Discuss how this project helped you to respect nature.
• 7.Earn the Summertime Pack Award.
• 8.Participate in a nature observation activity. Describe or illustrate and display your observations at a
den or pack meeting.
• 9.Participate in an outdoor aquatic activity. This can be an organized swim meet or just a den or pack
• 10.Participate in an outdoor campfire program. Perform in a skit, sing a song, or take part in a
• 11.Participate in an outdoor sporting event.
• 12.Participate in an outdoor Scout's Own or other worship service.
• 13.Explore a local city, county, state, or national park. Discuss with your den how a good citizen obeys
the park rules.