High 5 Overview Here’s how it works: • 5 LEADERSHIP AREAS PLUS… • 5 ACTIVITIES PER AREA EQUALS… • 1 AWESOME FBLA LEADER! 5 Leadership Areas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chapter School Business Community Career 5 Activities Per Area Build Your Skills Inventory Explore over 20 leadership skills all successful future business leaders possess: • • • • • Communication Teamwork Research Technology and more Leadership Activity Journal • Provides instructions for each activity • Adviser signs off when you start and complete and activity • Includes a map to track your progress How to Get Recognized • Receive recognition when you complete the five activities in a leadership area • When all five leadership areas are successfully completed, receive a certificate from FBLA-PBL, Inc. and recognition on the FBLA website Leadership Area #1 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Chapter Leadership Activity #1 Activate! CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Activate! Activity: Join FBLA! • Steps: – Join FBLA (and pay your dues) – Attend at least 2 chapter meetings – Recruit 3 people to attend FBLA chapter activities – Tip: Make sure your adviser registers you for High 5 Chapter Leadership Activity #2 Smart Phone! CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: Smart Phone! Think about popular smart phone apps… CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: Smart Phone! • Fun Facts About Smartphones – Over 94.1 million people in the U.S. own a smartphone – Facebook is the most downloaded app for iPhones and Androids – In 2011, 69% of smartphone users downloaded apps on their phones (latest numbers available) CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: Smart Phone! Activity: Create Your Own App • This app is all about YOU! • Design an App Mock-Up Choose: – App Name, Logo/Icon, Tag line The App should include: – 3 traits about your leadership style – 2 leadership skills you have – 1 dream you have for your future career Chapter Leadership Activity #3 Everybody In! CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #3: Everybody In! Activity: Get more people involved in FBLA! • Create one of the following recruitment tools: – poster – flyer – brochure – bulletin board – video – media presentation – radio or TV announcement CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #3: Everybody In! Samples to get you started: Chapter Leadership Activity #4 Basic Training! CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #4: Basic Training! FBLA Pledge I solemnly promise to uphold the aims and responsibilities of Future Business Leaders of America and, as an active member, I shall strive to develop the qualities necessary in becoming a responsible business leader. CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #4: Basic Training! FBLA Emblem Ceremony Chapter Leadership Activity #5 FBLA Online! CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #5: FBLA Online! Activity: Get more involved in FBLA! • Steps: – Go to fbla-pbl.org – Select a program, conference, competitive event, or partner you want to learn more about – Write a 3 paragraph essay on: • what the program is • why you are interested in the program • how you will get involved with the program CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #5: FBLA Online! Leadership Area #2 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP School Leadership Activity #1 Sparkle and Shine! SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Sparkle and Shine! Activity: Share the benefits of FBLA with your school! • You’re going to learn about Target Markets – a particular group of people you’re trying to reach SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Sparkle and Shine! • Steps: – Identify a target market: parents, teachers, athletes, drama club members, males, females, etc. – Make a presentation to that target market about the benefits of FBLA – Tip: Remember to adjust your presentation to reflect what your target market is interested in! School Leadership Activity #2 School Interview! SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: School Interview! Activity: Interview the interesting people that work at your school! • Steps: – Ask a school employee if you can interview them – Set up a time for the interview – Prepare your questions in advance – Interview the school employee – Take the employee’s picture – Write a 3 paragraph article about the employee and include their picture SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: School Interview! Sample Questions • What is your education background? • What do you do for your job? • What’s the best part about your job? • Where else have you worked? School Leadership Activity #3 FBLA Impact! SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #3: FBLA Impact! Activity: Let your school leaders know how awesome FBLA is! • Steps: – Create a presentation about the benefits of FBLA – Work with your adviser to determine when school leaders will be meeting – Give a presentation in front of school leaders How Do You L.E.A.P.? *OPTIONAL ACTIVITY • Leading Energetic and Awesome People isn’t always as easy as it sounds! • How we L.E.A.P. determines how we influence people and situations to gain the best possible outcome • With insight into what your leadership style is, you’ll soon be L.E.A.P.-ing for leadership joy! How Do You L.E.A.P.? *OPTIONAL ACTIVITY • Instructions: – There are 4 word groupings across the slide with 4 words in each grouping – Read each grouping across the line and write your score underneath. – You must score each line with a 4, 3, 2, or 1. – Score the grouping that describes you best with a 4, then second best with a 3, then next with a 2 and least with a 1. – You can use each number once per line How Do You L.E.A.P.? *OPTIONAL ACTIVITY Column A Column B Column C Column D Likes Authority Confident Firm Enjoys Challenges ________ Enjoys Instructions Consistent Reserved Practical ________ Enthusiastic Visionary Energetic Promoter ________ Sensitive Feelings Calm Non-demanding Avoids Conflict ________ Problem Solver Bold Goal Driven Strong Willed ________ Factual Perfectionist Detailed Inquisitive ________ Socializes Fun-loving Spontaneous Creative ________ Enjoys Routine Friendly Adaptable Thoughtful ________ How Do You L.E.A.P.? *OPTIONAL ACTIVITY Column A Column B Column C Column D Self-reliant Persistent Takes Charge Determined ________ Persistent Sensitive Accurate Controlled ________ Optimistic Infectious Laugh Takes Risks Motivator ________ Patient Good Listener Loyal Even-tempered ________ Enterprising Competitive Productive Purposeful ________ Predictable Orderly Conscientious Discerning ________ Very Verbal Friendly Popular Likes Variety ________ Gives In Indecisive Dry Humor Sympathetic ________ How Do You L.E.A.P.? *OPTIONAL ACTIVITY Column A Column B Column C Column D Adventurous Independent Controlling Action-oriented ________ Analytical Precise Scheduled Deliberator ________ Enjoys Change Group-oriented Initiator Inspirational ________ Nurturing Tolerant Peacemaker Romantic ________ Now add up your scores from each column and write the totals below: Column A Total: ________ Column B Total: ________ Column C Total: ________ Column D Total: ________ How Do You L.E.A.P.? The column with the highest score is your primary leadership style! Column A: Lion Column B: Owl Column C: Otter Column D: Dog Strengths Goal-oriented Strong Direct Weaknesses Argumentative Too Dictatorial Opinionated Praise Their: Accomplishments Responsibility Thoroughness Strengths High Standards Efficient Objective Weaknesses High Expectations Perfectionist Afraid to Open Up Praise Their: Competence Quality of Work Good Ideas Strengths People Person Curious Positive Weaknesses Gets Off Task Disobeys Rules Indecisive Praise Their: Cleverness Skill Motivation Strengths Caretaker Calm Affirming Weaknesses Indifferent Naïve Emotional Praise Their: Honesty Contribution Achievements School Leadership Activity #4 School Volunteer! SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #4: School Volunteer! “Everybody can be Activity: Show your spirit for great...because anybody can service! serve.” • Steps: – Volunteer to support another school project, performance, activity, or teacher – Spend at least 5 hours supporting that project or person - Martin Luther King, Jr. School Leadership Activity #5 We’ve Got Spirit! SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #5: We’ve Got Spirit! Activity: Show your school spirit! • Participate in an activity that promotes school spirit using technology! Leadership Area #3 BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Business Leadership Activity #1 Business Know How! BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Business Know-How! Activity: Learn how businesses make a profit! • (Hint: There’s more to it than simply selling a product or service!) BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Business Know-How! • Steps: – Choose a local business and identify it’s mission statement and the year it was founded – Describe its target market (the specific group of people it’s trying to reach) – Identify 2 competitors – Determine how many employees it has – Describe the products/services it offers – Estimate what it cost the business to produce one of its products and services and compare that to the sales price – Calculate the profit margin BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Business Know-How! Profit Margin Formula Sales Price - Minus Cost of Production = Profit Margin Business Leadership Activity #2 Great Place for Business! BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: Great Place for Business! Activity: Promote Your Hometown as a Great Place for Businesses! • Why do businesses come to your town? What does your town offer that others don’t? BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: Great Place for Business! • Steps: – List the reasons your community is a great place for businesses to operate – Create a poster (using poster board or technology) promoting those unique benefits Business Leadership Activity #3 Top Leaders! BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #3: Top Leaders! Think of some leaders you look up to… BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #3: Top Leaders! Activity: List the Traits of Great Leaders • Steps: – Create your “Top 3” list leaders you look up to from the worlds of business, athletics, entertainment, or politics – Research key highlights of their backgrounds and careers – Use technology to create a presentation summarizing what you learned about them and why you admire them Business Leadership Activity #4 Let’s Do This Thing! BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #4: Let’s Do This Thing! Think of some popular products, services and companies BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #4: Let’s Do This Thing! Activity: Create your own product or service! • Steps: – Create a fictional product or service – Create a mockup – Identify target markets – Develop a budget to produce it – Identify a price for this product/service – Determine how many items you need to sell to break even and be profitable Business Leadership Activity #5 Winner’s Circle! BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #5: Winner’s Circle! Activity: Participate in a Competitive Event • Events include: – Chapter Events - American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, and Local Chapter Activities Report – Individual and Team Events - Career Exploration, Computer Slide Show Presentation, Desktop Publishing Applications, Keyboarding Applications I, Keyboarding Applications II, Proofreading and Editing, Spreadsheet, and Web Page Creation BUSINESS LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #5: Winner’s Circle! • Steps: – Tell your adviser what event you’re interested in – Study/prepare for the event – Participate in school, region, state, or national competition – Write a 1 page essay about what you learned Leadership Area #4 COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Community Leadership Activity #1 Service Time! COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Service Time! Activity: Contribute 5 hours to a community service project COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Service Time! • The March of Dimes is FBLA’s official service partner • Originally established to end the polio epidemic, the March of Dimes now focuses on preventing premature birth and birth defects • Learn more about FBLA’s partnership with the March of Dimes Community Leadership Activity #2 FBLA Letter! COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: FBLA Letter! • Proper format is important when sending business letters (even if you’re sending them attached to an email!) • A Guide to Business Format by Purdue University COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: FBLA Letter! Activity: Write a Business Letter • Steps: – Learn how to write a letter in proper business format (block, modified-block, or semi-block) – Write a letter to one of your community leaders or the local newspaper about the benefits of FBLA – Give the letter to your adviser to approve – Once approved, send the letter! Community Leadership Activity #3 Community Promo! COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #3: Community Promo! • What makes your community great? The people? The businesses? The service organizations? COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #3: Community Promo! Activity: Promote Your Community • Steps: – List the features that make your community great – Create a video about that thing that makes your community great – In the video, give 5 reasons why people should come to your community to experience it Community Leadership Activity #4 Meeting Up! COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #4: Meeting Up! • Civic and business organizations play an important part in your community • There are lots of civic and business organizations that have chapters near you COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #4: Meeting Up! Activity: Attend a Community Meeting • Steps: – Attend a civic, business, service, or government meeting in your community – Take notes during the meeting so you can remember what the meeting covered and what you thought about it – During class or an FBLA chapter meeting, make a 60 second presentation on what you learned at the meeting Community Leadership Activity #5 Make Your Mark! COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #5: Make Your Mark! Landmarks like buildings and streets – and even cities – are often named after people COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #5: Make Your Mark! Activity: Identify some landmarks in your community that are named after someone • Steps: – Select a local landmark that is named after someone – Prepare a presentation on how the landmark got its name and at least one contribution the landmark or its namesake has made to your community – Include visuals in your presentation Leadership Area #5 CAREER LEADERSHIP Career Leadership Activity #1 Character Hired! CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Character Hired! If you managed a company, would you hire these characters? CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Character Hired! Activity: Hire a “Character” • Steps: – In a team, choose a movie, TV show, or video game that you all like (and your adviser and parents say is appropriate!) – Each person in your team will select a different character from that movie/show/game – Create a presentation highlighting each of the characters you chose CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #1: Character Hired! Activity: Hire a “Character” (continued) • Steps: – Include at least 3 strengths and 1 weakness each character possesses – As a group, identify which character you would want to hire if you were starting a business – Explain which character you chose and why at a chapter meeting or in class Career Leadership Activity #2 Game On! CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: Game On! • It’s time to get creative…you’re going to create your own game! • This game will focus on teaching elementary school students about business, careers, or leadership • Tip: It can be a board game, card game, word puzzle, etc. CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #2: Game On! • Steps: – As a group, brainstorm ideas for a game that teaches elementary school students about business, careers, or leadership and choose one of your ideas – Name the game and design a logo – Write down the instructions for the game – Design the materials needed to play (board, cards, game pieces, etc.) – Lead the group in playing your game at least one time Career Leadership Activity #3 Tweet That! CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #3: Tweet That! • Fun Facts About Twitter: – There are more than 500 million registered users on Twitter as of 2013 – Fastest Growing Social Media Channel – The average number of tweets per day is 58 million – Half of all Twitter users tweet from their phones – Tweets can only be 140 characters long CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #3: Tweet That! • Steps: – Select a book, magazine, blog, or video on leadership, careers, education, or business – Create 5 different 140 character messages (the length of a tweet) highlighting or summarizing the key points you found valuable Career Leadership Activity #4 Career Interview! CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #4: Career Interview! Activity: Interview a Business Professional • Steps: – Contact a person in business or industry and ask if you can interview them – Set up an interview time – Prepare your questions in advance – Ask them about the top 5 skills, attitudes, and expectations they have for their employees – Write a brief biography of who you interviewed and summary of what you learned CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #4: Career Interview! • Sample Questions – What is your educational background? – What skills does someone need to have to work in your business/industry? – Describe your ideal coworker, boss, or employee. Career Leadership Activity #5 Reverse Career Day! CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #5: Reverse Career Day! Activity: Chart Your Career Path CAREER LEADERSHIP Leadership Activity #5: Reverse Career Day! • Steps: – Prepare a presentation about your dream job – Outline the position and a basic job description – Identify what kind of education you’ll need and how you’ll achieve this position – Calculate the cost of education to achieve this position – Calculate the number of years it will take you to achieve this position – Estimate the salary of this position – Based on the salary, determine how much income tax you would have to pay