Chapter 18 Quiz

Chapter 18 Quiz
Dies _______________
Multiple Choice. Circle the best answer.
1. What are the three agreement clues for nouns and adjectives?
a. case, number, tense
b. case, gender, number
c. case, gender, plural
d. conjugation, gender, number
2. Which is the correct noun-adjective pair for “angry Cornelia?”
a. Cornelia iratus
b. Cornelius iratus
c. Cornelia irata
d. Cornelia iratum
3. Which is the correct noun-adjective pair for “all girls?”
a. omni puella
b. omnis puella
c. omnae puellae
d. omnes puellae
4. Which is the correct noun-adjective pair for “a short branch”?
a. brevem ramum
b. brevi rami
c. brevae ramie
d. brevem ramem
5. Choose the appropriate adjective to modify the word “fossam.”
a. Omne
b. omnibus
c. omnem
d. omnis
6. Choose the appropriate adjective to modify the word “Cornelia.”
a. Fortam
b. fortibus
c. fortem
d. fortis
7. Which is the correct noun-adjective pair for “with all of the women?”
a. omnes feminae
b. omnibus femina
c. omnibus feminae
d. omnibus feminis
8. What element of pietas did all four of the legendary heroes of Rome portray?
a. loyalty to country
b. loyalty to family
c. loyalty to gods
d. loyalty to self
9. In what period did the legendary heroes of Rome serve Rome?
a. Monarchy
b. Early Republic
c. Late Republic
d. Empire
3rd Declension Adjectives. Decline brevis, -is, -e, using the following chart.
brevis, -is, -e
Vocabulary. Do you know the underlined words? For verbs, write the first two principle parts and the
definition. For nouns, write the nominative, genitive, gender, and the definition. For adjectives, give the
dictionary entry and the definition. For adverbs, give only the definition.
1. Cornelius lēgātum mittit.
Legatus, legati, m. - envoy____________________________
2. Vocēs hominum audiēbant.
Homo, hominis, m. – man_____________________________
3. Tempus fugit.
Fugio, fugere – to flee_________________________________
4. Apollodorus amicum agnoscit.
Agnosco, agnoscere – to recognize_______________________
5. Ōlim bona puella erat.
Once (Once upon a time)_________________________________
Noun-Adjective pair recognition
Indicate whether each (1)underlined word with a number matches the next underlined word in the sentence.
For each item, mark your answer in the space provided below as follows:
A. the underlined words agree
B. the underlined words do not agree.
Secundā hōrā (1)omnēs Corneliī tandem in raedā erant. Syrus equōs incitābat, quod Cornēlius statim
discēdere volēbat. Cornēlius sibi mussābat, “Cūr (2)nōs senātōrēs prīnceps ad urbem revocat? Quid nōs rogāre
Marcus dormīre volēbat, quod māne surgere nōn volēbat. Sextus (3)Marcum spectābat et eum identidem
vexābat. Itaque (4)Marcus īrātus erat, quod dormīre nōn poterat, sed Sextum reprehendere nōn poterat, quod
dēfessus erat. Sextus laetus rīdēbat.
Aurelia Cornēliam rogābat, “Ubi erās, (5)Cornēlia, dum nōs discēdere parābāmus?”
“Ego in villā Flāviānā eram, māter,” respondet Cornēlia. “(6)Flāviam vidēre et valedīcere volēbam.”
“Bene, filia mea,” inquit Aurēlia, “sed (7)pater tuus paene īrātus erat. Nōlī (8)eum iterum vexāre!”
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. B
Reading Comprehension of Chapter 18. Circle the best choice.
1. Cur Cornelii ad cauponam ibant?
a. quod canes latrant
b. quod cauponem agnoscunt
c. quod raeda in fossa haerebat
d. quod villam fugiebant
2. Quis in cauponā pernoctāre nolebat?
a. Aurelia
b. Cornelia
c. Cornelius
d. Marcus
3. Qualis homo est Apollodorus?
a. bonus
b. defessus
c. obesus
d. tardus
4. Quis est caupo?
a. amicus Aureliae est
b. amicus Cornelii est
c. amicus Eucleidis est
d. legatus est.
Translation. Translate the following passage from chapter 18 into good, literal English.
Subitō duo canēs ē iānuā caupōnae sē praeciptant et ferōciter lātrantēs Cornēliōs petunt. Statim fugit Sextus.
Stat immōbilis Marcus. Aurēlia perterrita exclāmat. Cornēlius ipse nihil facit. Cornēlia tamen nōn fugit sed
ad canēs manum extendit.
“Ecce Marce!” inquit. “Hī canēs lātrant modo. Nullum est perīculum. Ecce, Sexte! Caudās movent!”
Suddenly two dogs rush from the door of the inn and fiercely barking seek the Cornelii. Sextus flees at once.
Marcus stands motionless. Aurelia, terrified, shouts. Cornelius himself does nothing. Cornelia, however, does
not flee but holds out her hand to the dogs.
“Look Marcus,” she says. “These dogs only bark. There is no danger. Look Sextus! They wag their tails!”
Essay: Evaluate a legendary Roman Hero
According to the custom of pietas, which of the following early legendary Roman heroes was the bravest?
-Horatius Cocles
-Mucius Scaevola -Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
An excellent response will include:
__ Your choice of Roman Hero, and a description of his or her actions
__ The values of pietas that he or she embodies
__ A comparison to at least two of the other heroes
__Make sure to make clear why your hero is the best
__ 2-3 paragraphs
Please use the back of this page, if necessary.
The student clearly
articulates which
Roman hero is the
bravest, and provides
at least 3 supported
reasons for their
The student mentions
which Roman hero is
the bravest, and
provides at least 2
plausible reasons for
their choice.
The student
mentions which
Roman hero is the
bravest, and
provides one
plausible reason
for their choice.
The student does not
choose a Roman hero or
provides no reasonable
The student clearly
articulates the 3
elements of pietas
and which elements
their chosen hero
The student clearly
articulates the 3
elements of pietas,
but does not
articulate which
elements their chosen
hero displays.
The student only
articulates the
elements of pietas
that their chosen
hero displays.
The student does not
articulate all elements of
pietas or does not
describe which elements
of pietas their chosen
hero displays.
The student
compares their
chosen hero to at
least two other
heroes, including
supports for what set
their hero apart from
the others.
The student compares
their chosen hero to
at least two other
heroes, but does not
describe what
plausibly sets their
hero apart from the
The student
compares their
chosen hero to
one hero and
plausibly describes
what sets them
The student compares
their chosen hero to one
hero but does not
plausibly describe what
sets them apart or does
not compare their chosen
hero to another hero.