APES Chapter 14: Geology Name___________________________________ Date__________ Score_______ CHAPTER 14: Geology Interactives Purpose of Assignment: A. Examine plate tectonics (transform, converging and diverging plate boundaries) and the geologic hazards associated with each. B. Understand continental shift changes through the different periods (such as Pangaea and Gondwana). A. Plate Tectonics Using the interactive website shown below, answer the following questions: http://www.learner.org/interactives/dynamicearth/drift.html 1. Take the Challenge Question by choosing the correct Earth phase. Then click on “How do We Know This”. Answer these questions: A. Who is Alfred Wegener and state his contribution to the understanding of plate tectonics? B. Wegener’s book, Origin of Continents and Oceans, discusses Pangaea and its changes. Write a brief synopsis of his beliefs on how Pangaea has changed over time. C. Define the modern-day plate tectonics theory. 2. Click on Plates and Boundaries within the same site. Here you will find the information on the world’s tectonic plates. A. State the difference between continental crust and oceanic crust. B. How many total plates are found throughout the world?_____ C. Using your map, draw in and label the plates using this website. D. Scroll down the page and observe the 3 different types of plate boundaries. Draw them below and describe their type of movement: Convergent Boundary Divergent Boundary Transform Boundary Description Description Description E. Scroll down to the lower tectonic boundary map and click on the word “convergent” in the key of the map. All of the convergent boundaries will be displayed. Using red pencil, dot or shade in the convergent boundaries on your tectonic plate worksheet. F. Click on Divergent and use a blue color to identify the divergent boundaries. G. Click on Transform boundaries and use a green color to identify these boundaries. 3. Take the Plate Boundary Challenge and see how well you can identify the world’s plate boundaries. 4. At the top bar, click on Slip, Slide and Collide. Here you will find the action caused by the different boundary plates. This is a great place to review vocabulary you read about in 14.1. Identify these key vocabulary for convergent and review the animation for divergent activity: a. subduction zone b. lithosphere c. asthenosphere d. oceaninc trench e. Name the landforms that are formed by convergent boundaries. f. Name key actions by this movement. 5. Click Next at the bottom of the page and you be in the Divergent boundary and record these vocabulary words: A. rift B. oceanic ridge C. sea-floor spreading D. Identify the landforms that are formed by divergent boundaries. E. Name key actions by this movement. 6. Continue below and review Transform boundaries. A. Fault B. Earthquake C. Strike slip fault &where did it occur? 7. Take the Plate Interactive Challenge and see how well you did.