MOA - Hawaii P-20

This Memorandum, entered into on _(date)__, 2014, defines an agreement between Hawai‘i
P-20 Partnerships for Education (“P-20”), the __(name of participating UH campus)___,
and __(name of High School)__ under which __(name of participating UH campus)___
credit classes will be offered at __(name of High School)__ exclusively for __(name of
High School)__ students during the Spring 2015 and Summer 2015 terms. These courses
are offered in conjunction with the Early College High School (“ECHS”) Program grant that
__(name of High School)__ received from P-20 and the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation. As
part of __(name of High School)__’s approved 3-5 year goal, __(name of High School)__
will offer __(number of classes in Year 1 of proposal)__ in Year 1 (encompassing the
Spring 2015 and Summer 2015 terms) of their ECHS Program grant. The purpose of these
classes is to offer more students at __(name of High School)__ the opportunity to earn
credits that can be applied to both a college degree and their high school diploma, and to
allow students in the target population at __(name of High School)__ to earn 6 or more
college credits by their high school graduation.
II. __(Name of participating UH campus)___ Responsibilities
Name of __(name of participating UH campus)___contact person:
Phone Number:
A. __(Name of participating UH campus)___ will provide support as requested by the high
school in offering classes and/or student services to assist __(name of High School)__ in
implementing their ECHS Program grant objectives.
B. __(Name of participating UH campus)___ will serve in a coordinating role to offer the
classes listed below for the below named terms at __(name of High School)__. The
anticipated classes will be identical in content and outcomes will be as described in the
current __(name of participating UH campus)___ Catalog, and the courses will be offered
according to the UH Academic Calendar. __(Name of participating UH campus)___ will
provide the qualified instructor. (Details regarding the class title, number of credits,
name of instructor, anticipated number of students per class, course reference number,
etc. are included in Addendum A.)
C. __(Name of participating UH campus)___ will provide admission materials, information,
and COMPASS Placement Testing services. All students will be required to take the
COMPASS placement test or meet alternative placement requirements set by __(name of
participating UH campus)___. Students will be admitted to __(name of participating UH
campus)___ as part of the ECHS Program and must meet all prerequisites and
requirements for the course or receive the approval of the course instructor. __(Name of
participating UH campus)___ will be the final authority on admission and course
enrollment decisions and will inform __(name of High School)__ of its decisions in a
timely fashion.
__(Name of participating UH campus)___ will provide instruction to students on the
setup and use of MyUH portal and Laulima.
Students will be admitted to the __(name of participating UH campus)___ and registered
for the course prior to the 1st day of instruction.
Upon the conclusion of the semester, __(name of participating UH campus)___ will send
the final grades and credits awarded for students enrolled in the above class to the
__(name of High School)__ Registrar so that credits earned can be applied to students’
high school diploma requirements.
__(Name of participating UH campus)___’s contact person will coordinate with P-20
contact person regarding purchase all required textbooks for the above listed classes.
__(Name of participating UH campus)___’s contact person will be responsible for the
delivery of textbooks to students taking the early college classes at __(name of High
__(Name of High School)__ Responsibilities
Name of __(name of High School)__contact person:
Phone Number:
A. __(Name of High School)__ will be responsible for the implementation of the deliverables and 3-5
year plan as described in __(name of High School)__’s approved ECHS Program proposal.
B. Application materials, health clearances, and class roster will be collected by __(name of High
School)__ and then submitted in batch to __(name of participating UH campus)___ by the deadline
determined by __(name of participating UH campus)___ for each term. Incomplete materials will be
returned to __(name of High School)__. Materials submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
C. __(Name of High School)__ will be responsible for ensuring that the __(name of participating UH
campus)___ course taken by participating students can be applied to students’ high school diploma
D. __(Name of High School)__ will be responsible for obtaining parental consent that will allow
students to participate and will allow for the exchange of student information between institutions.
The school will obtain completed Early College High School application forms, University of
Hawai‘i online application forms, and parental consent forms for evaluation for each participating
student. The school will provide these documents to _(name of participating UH campus)___’s
Admissions & Record Office as part of students’ application materials.
E. __(Name of High School)__ will ensure that at least 10 students are registered for and enrolled in
the course. Both the minimum and maximum number of students per class will be in accordance
with the course enrollment caps as defined by the College.
F. __(Name of High School)__ will be responsible for supervising its students during UH noninstructional days.
G. __(Name of High School)__ will provide necessary facilities (classrooms, technology, etc.)
and standard teaching supplies as needed.
H. Students must abide by all University of Hawai‘i/__(name of participating UH campus)___
policies, procedures, and deadlines.
IV. P-20 Responsibilities
Name of P-20 contact person:
Phone Number:
A. P-20 shall pay for the cost of the instructor salary calculated at the flat rate of $6,000 per
course, based on our agreement with the University of Hawai‘i.
B. P-20 shall pay for all required student fees for each student participating in the early college
C. P-20 shall pay for required textbooks for the students registered for the course; payment
arrangement will be made directly with UH Bookstore.
D. P-20 shall provide technical assistance through 3 annual convenings and develop a
community of learners to assist __(name of High School)__ and other grantees understand
and best utilize their current resources, offer guidance to grantees in reaching the 3-5 year
goals set in their proposal, share best practices, and identify barriers and solutions to
common challenges.
V. Reporting Requirements
High school grantees will be ask to work with their University of Hawai‘i partner to collect
information to assist with an evaluation of the ECHS Program grant. Data that grantees may be
asked to collect include: number of early college courses offered per year, number of students
enrolled per class, number of students receiving college credit each year, grades of students taking
early college classes, number of students from each high school’s target population taking early
college classes, and number and type of supplemental student support services offered (if any).
Reporting templates will be provided by P-20 at a later date, and P-20 will provide technical
assistance to collect data.
__(Name of High School)__ will provide an annual grant report to P-20 (template to be provided) by
May 31, 2015.
VI. Payment
In exchange for the above services provided by __(name of participating UH campus)___
to __(name of High School)__, __(name of participating UH campus)___ will invoice P20 and P-20 will pay __(name of participating UH campus)___ a sum that includes the flat
instructor rate of $6,000 per course as well as required student fees. Student fees will be
assessed according to __(name of participating UH campus)___’s 2014-15 Catalog as
If by __(date to be set by UH campus or high school)__ fewer than ten (10) students or the
minimum number of students required by ___(name of participating UH campus)__
(whichever is greater) are enrolled in the class, __(name of participating UH campus)__ will
cancel the class due to low enrollment.
__(Name of participating UH campus)___ shall send P-20 an invoice for each term clearly
listing the number of students enrolled in the class, the flat instructor rate for each class, and
all required fees for participating students. The invoice will be sent to: Hawai‘i P-20,
Sinclair Library, Room 504, 2425 Campus Road, Honolulu, HI 96822.
The period of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 2015 to August 14, 2015.
VII. Amendments
This agreement may be amended or terminated through a written statement agreed to by all
VIIII. Approvals
__(Name of CAS)____
Complex Area Superintendent
Hawai‘i Department of Education
__(Name of Chancellor)__ Date
__(Name of participating UH campus)__
Karen Lee
Executive Director
Hawaiʻi P-20 Partnerships for Education
__(Name of Principal)__
__(Name of High School)__
Addendum A:
The courses listed below will be provided to __(name of High School)__ by __(name of participating
UH campus)__ for the terms listed below.
Class Title
Reference No.
Anticipated #
of Students
# of Contact Hours