Chapter Two - Bakersfield College

Chapter Two
Statistics and the
Research Process
The Logic of
Scientific Research
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Chapter 2 - 2
Scientific Research
• The goal of science is to understand the
“laws of nature”
• We examine a specific influence on a
specific behavior in a specific situation
• Then, we generalize back to the
broader behaviors and laws with which
we began.
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Chapter 2 - 3
Samples and
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Chapter 2 - 4
Samples and Populations
• The entire group to which a law applies
is the population
• A sample is a relatively small subset of
a population that is intended to
represent, or stand for, the population
• The individuals measured in a sample
are called the participants or subjects
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Chapter 2 - 5
Drawing Inferences
We use the scores in a sample to infer or
to estimate the scores we would expect to
find in the population.
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Chapter 2 - 6
In a representative sample, the
characteristics of the sample accurately
reflect the characteristics of the population.
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Chapter 2 - 7
Random Sampling
Random sampling is a method of
selecting a sample in which the
individuals are randomly selected from
the population.
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Chapter 2 - 8
Unrepresentative Samples
A random sample should be
representative of the population, but
never automatically assume that a sample
is representative of the population.
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Chapter 2 - 9
Obtaining Data
• A variable is anything that, when measured,
can produce two or more different values.
Some common variables are:
– Age
– Race
– Gender
– Intelligence
– Personality type
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Chapter 2 - 10
Types of Variables
• A quantitative variable indicates the
amount of a variable that is present
• A qualitative variable classifies an
individual on the basis of some
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Chapter 2 - 11
Examining Relationships
A relationship occurs when a change in
one variable is accompanied by a
consistent change in another variable.
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Chapter 2 - 12
Strength of a Relationship
• The strength of a relationship is the
extent to which one value of Y is
consistently associated with one and
only one value of X.
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Chapter 2 - 13
Factors Affecting Strength
• A “weaker” relationship may be due to
additional extraneous influences and/or
individual differences
• Individual differences refer to the fact
that no two individuals are identical
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Chapter 2 - 14
Graphing Relationships
• Describe a relationship using the
general format:
– “Scores on the Y variable change as a
function of changes in the X variable.”
– The given variable in a study is the X
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Chapter 2 - 15
Four Sample Graphs
A graph
a perfectly
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Chapter 2 - 16
Four Sample Graphs
A relationship
that is not
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Chapter 2 - 17
Four Sample Graphs
A weak
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[Insert new Figure 2.1,
Graph C here.]
Chapter 2 - 18
Four Sample Graphs
No consistent
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[Insert new Figure 2.1,
Graph D here.]
Chapter 2 - 19
Applying Descriptive and
Inferential Statistics
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Chapter 2 - 20
Descriptive Statistics
• Descriptive statistics are procedures
used for organizing and summarizing
– What scores occurred?
– What’s the average or typical score?
– Are the scores very similar to each other or very different
and spread out?
– Is a relationship present?
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Chapter 2 - 21
Inferential Statistics
• Inferential statistics are procedures for
deciding whether sample data
accurately represent a particular
relationship in the population
• Inferential statistics allow us to make
inferences about the score and
relationship found in the population
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Chapter 2 - 22
Statistics and Parameters
• A statistic is a number that describes a
characteristic of a sample of scores
• A parameter is a number that describes
a characteristic of a population of
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Chapter 2 - 23
Understanding Experiments and
Correlational Studies
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Chapter 2 - 24
Research Designs
• A study’s design is the way the study is
laid out.
• There are two major types of designs:
– Experiments
– Correlational studies
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Chapter 2 - 25
In an experiment the researcher actively
changes or manipulates one variable and
then measures participants’ scores on
another variable to see if a relationship is
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Chapter 2 - 26
The Independent Variable
• The independent variable is the
variable that is changed or manipulated
by the experimenter.
• A condition is a specific amount or
category of the independent variable
that creates the specific situation under
which participants’ scores on another
variable are measured.
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Chapter 2 - 27
The Dependent Variable
The dependent variable is the variable
that is measured under each condition of
the independent variable.
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Chapter 2 - 28
Correlational Studies
• In a correlational study, we simply
measure participants’ scores on two
variables and then determine whether a
relationship is present
• We can never conclude that changes in
one variable cause the other variable to
change based on a correlational study
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Chapter 2 - 29
We cannot definitively prove that the
independent variable causes the scores
on the dependent variable to change. It is
always possible that some other hidden
variable is actually the cause.
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Chapter 2 - 30
The Characteristics
of the Scores
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Chapter 2 - 31
Characteristics of Variables
• Two important characteristics of
variables are
– The type of measurement scale involved
– Whether it is continuous or discrete
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Chapter 2 - 32
Measurement Scales
• There are four types of measurement
– A nominal scale does not indicate an
amount; rather, it is used for identification,
as a name.
– An ordinal scale indicates rank order.
There is not an equal unit of measurement
separating each score.
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Chapter 2 - 33
Measurement Scales (cont’d)
– An interval scale indicates an actual
quantity and there is an equal unit of
measurement separating adjacent scores.
Interval scales do not have a “true” 0.
– A ratio scale reflects the true amount of
the variable that is present because the
scores measure an actual amount, there is
an equal unit of measurement, and 0 truly
means that zero amount of the variable is
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Chapter 2 - 34
Discrete and Continuous
• Any measurement scale also may be
either continuous or discrete
• A continuous scale allows for
fractional amounts and so decimals
make sense
• In a discrete scale, only whole-number
amounts can be measured
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Chapter 2 - 35
Summary of
Measurement Scales
[Insert new Table 2.5 here.]
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Chapter 2 - 36