Major Sources of Workers Compensation Data

Workers Compensation Data Sources
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
Major Sources of Workers
Compensation Data
Independent States’ Bureaus
Government Agencies
– In-house data
– Annual statements
– Vendors
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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– Industry Associations
NCCI Data Resources
– ELF Books
– Schedule Z data
– Annual Statistical Bulletin (ASB)
– State of the Line Report
– Rate Filings
– PricePoint
– Detailed Claim Information (DCI)
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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ELF Books
– Injury Type by Hazard Group Distributions
– Indemnity and Medical trend rates
– Indemnity and Medical case-incurred
development factors as well as severity
development factors, but only for the first three
report years
– Of course, ELF parameters by State, Injury Type,
Hazard Group
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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NCCI is currently filing new ELFs based on a new
procedure. These ELFs are becoming less severe for
the layers that reinsurers care most about.
– Developed or undeveloped loss counts and
amounts for each year at 1st through 5th report
by state/class code/injury type
– Also standard and manual premiums as well as
payroll data
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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– NCCI only has this for NCCI states, but all the
independent bureaus make this data available,
too. Most independent states provide
undeveloped data along with non-injury type
specific LDFs.
ASB is a treasure trove of information, including:
– Premium Level Changes by year for countrywide
and by state
– Benefit Level Changes by state
– Five years of calendar year experience by state
and countrywide
– Average Weekly Wages by state for 5 years
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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ASB data (continued):
– Ground-up Accident Year paid and case-incurred
development (including tails!) for:
- Indemnity, Medical and Combined
- countrywide and by state
– Average Severity by injury type and state
– Frequency by injury type and state
– Injury Type Distributions by state
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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State of the Line Report
– Accident Year and Calendar Year Loss Ratios for
the industry
– Frequency and severity trends for lost-time claims
– Rate level changes including schedule credits
– However industry-wide and not by state
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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Rate Filings
– Loss Costs
– Trend
– Development
– Onlevel
– Rate adequacy
– However, these are on bureau rate/loss cost level
and ignores deviations (company filed, schedule
credits, etc.)
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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– Rate Level info
- Filed bureau rate/loss cost
- Final charged premium
– By state and governing class
– However only available for primary carriers
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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Detailed Claim Information
– Average and median severities going back 10
accident years from a sample of claims
- Medical, Indemnity and Total
- By state (only NCCI states)
- A lot of other claim info such as
- with or without attorney involvement
- nature of injury
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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- other stuff, too
Independent States’ Bureaus
Independent Bureaus
– Data from them not as standardized
– Some bureaus (e.g., CA) perform many detailed
Common to all
– Rate level histories
– Schedule Z data
– Rate filings
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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– ELFs
Independent Bureaus’ Websites
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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 (NY)
 (NJ)
 (PA & DE)
 (MA)
 (CA)
Government Agencies
Bureau of Labor and Statistics
– Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF)
- Frequencies for fatal and non-fatal injuries
- Distributions of injuries by many variables:
- Gender, Age, Body Part of Injury, etc.
- Lost time bands
– National Compensation Survey (NCS)
- Payroll information
- Wage trends
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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State Governments have data, too.
Sample of BLS’s IIF Data
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Other Data Sources
Reinsurer’s in-house data
– From the reinsurer’s own experience
– From submissions
Annual Statement-based data
– Best’s Aggregates and Averages
– Ceding company or competitors’ Schedule P
- OneSource
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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Other Data Sources
– Workers Compensation Research Institute
– Workers Loss Data Institute
– Conning
Industry Associations
– RAA, especially the Loss Development Study
– Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers (CIAB)
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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- CIAB website contains their quarterly survey
of rate changes for many lines
Some More Websites
Moshe D. Goldberg, FCAS
CARe Seminar
June 6-7, 2005
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 (wage trends and payroll info)
 (Job injury data)