Aerospace Engineering 2201 Lab #3: Flight Simulator Test of Aircraft Stability Barrett Lowry, James Obloy, Colin Anderson Witeof: Friday 800 A.M. Introduction The purpose of this lab is to utilize the physics-based flight simulator X-Plane (v.10) to measure the longitudinal stability characteristics of a Cessna 172. The longitudinal stability characteristics obtained from the flight simulator will then be compared to theoretical data based on the C-172 data provided. Theory Important Equations Procedure For Elevator Trim Angle, the aircraft was set to a predetermined flight condition of 90 knots at a pressure altitude of 5000ft, with the aircraft in trimmed flight and CG location of 0”. Then while maintaining steady level flight, the aircraft needed to be accelerated to 100 knots. When at 100 knots, measure the elevator deflection angle. Then using both the throttle and trim wheel determine the trim airspeed associated with zero elevator deflection. For Stick-Fixed Static Longitudinal Stability, the aircraft was set to a predetermined flight condition of 90 knots at a pressure altitude of 5000ft, with the aircraft in trimmed flight and CG location of 0”. Then achieve steady level flight at three airspeeds of 80, 90, and 100 knots for three different CG locations of -10”, 0”,10”. At each of these conditions, record elevator angle, airspeed, aircraft weight, and angle of attack. Results and Discussions Analysis #1 The elevator trim angle associated with trimmed flight at 100 knots was found to be -13.56°. This value is consisted with the value from #2 part a. The work for analysis #1 can be found in Appendix B: Analysis Work. Analysis #2 Part A) In part a, using methods details described in Anderson’s Introduction to Flight Seventh Edition, the theoretical value for the neutral point (hn) was found to be 0.673. The theoretical static margin (hn-h) was found to be 0.610. In Appendix B: Analysis Work, the work for part A is included. In Appendix C: Matlab Codes, the matlab code for part A is included. Below the graph of theoretical variation of moment coefficient is shown. Part B) Utilizing the flight test theory detailed in the lab, the neutral point or hn was found to be 0.673. The static margin or hn-h was found to be 0.611. The values for neutral point and static margin match the test data almost exactly, static test=0.611 and the static analysis=0.610. The numbers are close to exactly the same because static margin and neutral points are design features not something that can be altered in flat (altered easily). Neutral point depends on aerodynamic center (does not change), VH (tail volume ratio, also does not change), a and at (lift slope for wing and tail, respectively, also do not change, and dɛ/dα (down wash gradient, also does not change). The only variable that changes is h if the Cg is shifted, but this is unaffected by flight conditions. Therefore, analytical and experimental neutral points are almost exactly the same. Since static margin depends on h and hn, they too depend on Cg location so flight configuration means nothing as long the Cg does not move in flight. The work for part B is included in Appendix B: Analysis Work. Part C) In part a, CM,0 was found to be .174 for a Cg location of 0”. CMα was found to be .1724 which is very close to the value found in part a. Our findings appear to be very accurate. This is an error of .9%. The work for part C is included in Appendix B: Analysis Work. Part D) For part D, the absolute angle of attack was found to be 4.55°. Using this trim value of αa and the value for CMα, the CM,0 was found to be 0.250. The calculations for part D can be found in Appendix B: Analysis Work. Part E) Matlab codes for the following graph are located in Appendix C: Matlab Codes. Conclusion This lab proved the static longitudinal stability in the X-Plane (v.10) flight simulator. The theoretical values calculated for the data given on the handout very closely matches the experimental data obtained from the simulator. Appendix A: Simulator Data Tables Tables 1-4: Flight Simulator Data 2. Elevator Trim Angle Elevator Position Elevator Trim Angle (angle/degree) (degree) -0.004 -2.184 0 0 Part a. b. Condition (knots) 80 90 100 Condition (knots) 80 90 100 Condition (knots) 80 90 100 Airspeed (knots) 100 93.05 Cg Location of 10 and Altitude of 5000 Feet Indicated Elevator Elevator True Aircraft Airspeed Angle Trim Angle Airspeed Weight (knots) (degrees) (degrees) (knots) (lbs) 79.5 0 0.24 85.64 2063 89.5 0 -3.668 96.39 2064 100.6 0 -7.336 108.3 2066 Cg Location of 0 and Altitude of 5000 Feet Indicated Elevator Elevator True Airspeed Angle Trim Angle Airspeed (knots) (degrees) (degrees) (knots) 80.07 0 4.704 85.32 90.26 0 0.768 97.2 99.78 0 -2.576 107.5 Indicated Airspeed (knots) 81.04 90.82 98.67 Aircraft Weight (lbs) 2061 2059 2057 Cg Location of -10 and Altitude of 5000 Feet Elevator Elevator True Aircraft Angle Trim Angle Airspeed Weight (degrees) (degrees) (knots) (lbs) 0 8.616 87.35 2051 0 4.2 97.82 2054 0 1.464 106.3 2056 Alpha (degrees) 1.588 0.315 -0.695 Alpha (degrees) 1.828 0.421 -0.437 Alpha (degrees) 1.913 0.619 -0.145 Appendix B: Analysis Work Analysis #1 deltrim=(CM,0+(dCM,CG/dαa)αtrim)/(VH(dCL,t/ddele)) CM,0=.174 dCM,CG/dαa=-0.055 VH=.68 dCL,t/ddele=0.053 αtrim=9°(based off of Figure 1) deltrim=-13.56° Analysis #2 Part A) VH=(lt*St)/(c*S) c=MAC=4.76ft at=.1/degree a=.09/degree hacwb=.25 VH=.68 lt=14.9ft St=38ft2 S=174ft2 static margin=.610 Static Margin=hn-h h=.063 Iac=3.6ft XCGref=3.3ft c=MAC=4.67ft CM0=.174 CM0=CMacwb+VH*at*(it+ɛ0) CMacwb=-.03 VH=.68 at=.1/degree it=3° ɛ0=0(assumed, no value was given) a=.09/degree h=.063 hacwb=.25 VH=.68 at=.1/degree Part B) Neutral Point for 0” h=.063 a=.09/degree hn=.674 for -10” h=-.112 a=.09/degree hn=.677 for 10” h=.24 a=.09/degree hn=.673 Static margin for 0” static margin=hn-h=.611 Part C) dCM,cg/dDele=-.011 dCM,cg/dαa=-0.055 K=-29 CMα=(( dCM,cg/dαa)/( dCM,cg/dDele))/-K CMα=.1724 Part D) CG=0” W=2080 lbf S=174 ft2 q=0.09/degree αa=4.55° (Part 1) CM,0=0.250 (Part 2) Appendix C: Matlab Codes Matlab Codes 2a) clear clc Cmac=-.03; awb=.09; alphawb=-15:.1:15; h=.063; hacwb=.25; VH=.68; at=.1; a=.09; dEdA=.44; it=3; Cmcg=Cmac+awb*alphawb*[h-hacwb-VH*(at/a)*(1-dEdA)]+VH*at*it; plot(alphawb,Cmcg) xlabel('Absolute Alpha (Degrees)') ylabel('Moment Coefficient about Center of Gravity') title('Theoretical Variation of Moment Coefficient') 2e) % lab3plot.m % Anderson Lowry Obloy % Plotting code for AERO2201 Lab #3 clear clc Cmac=-.03; awb=.09; alphawb=-15:.1:15; h=.063; hacwb=.25; VH=.68; at=.1; a=.09; dEdA=.44; it=3; Cmcg=Cmac+aw*alphawb*[h-hacwb-VH*(at/a)*(1-dEdA)]+VH*at*it; Cm0=0.25; dCmda=-.055; Cmcg_mod=dCmda*alphawb+Cm0; hold plot(alphawb,Cmcg,’r--‘) plot(alphawb,Cmcg_mod,’b-‘) xlabel(‘Absolute alpha (degrees)’) ylabel(‘Moment coefficient about center of gravity’) title(‘Variation of Moment Coeff. with Absolute Angle of Attack’) legend(‘Ideal’,’Experimental’) hold clear clc