
Eric W. Maroney
Engineering and Science University Magnet School
Lesson Plans for English 1 (grade 9)
Focus Area &
Time Frame
Dates: 1/21/14– 1/24/14
Day 2
Do Now: What is home?
Objective: Engage in collaborative
discussion to analyze summer reading
Do Now
Watch Video Clip of Morrison Discussing
-Define literature and the
study of it.
-Analyze poetry and
strengthen strategies for
close reading
Literacy activity 1
Strategy/genre/craft focus
Day 3
Do Now: List what you
consider the three most
important takeaways from
your homework reading.
Teacher will arrange students in
groups based on the essay topic
they wrote on.
In groups students will summarize
their papers and map out thoughts
on chart paper: Guiding questions:
-How does the concept of home
evolve throughout the novel?
- Is home important to the
characters and why?
-How does your passage illuminate
the larger meaning of the text
In small groups students will
discuss homework responses.
Discussion will then be
generalized to whole class.
Wrap up
& Closure
Literacy Activity 3
Independent practice
Literacy activity 2
Strategy/genre/craft focus
Focus Area
& Time
Day 1
Day 2
Complete Reading inventory sheet for
This is a summary writing process that
will allow students to review literature
before the AP exam in preparation for the
open ended exam question.
Obj: Define literature and the study of
What are the characteristics of
literature? Why Study it?
 Create a brainstorm list
Distribute “Peter, Rabbit Must Die.”
Students will read independently and
discuss in groups. Is this literature?
In what ways does “Peter Rabbit Must
Die” meet our criteria for literature?
Where does it fall short?
HW: What is Literature? Why do we
study it? 1-2 pages in MLA format
Day 3
Distribute “Woodchucks”
Teacher models read aloud.
Student reads allowed
Teacher guided analysis of
poem using AP strategy of
According to the text
“Woodchucks” is considered
literature but “Peter Rabbit
Must Die” is not. Do you agree
with this? Why?
Distribute “Winter Solstice”
Distribute TPCast
In pairs students will use
TPCAST strategy to analyze
Whole group share out.
HW: Review annotation
strategies (text book)
Read and analyze “One Art” By
Elizabeth Bishop using the
TPCAST model.
Pre Test on Monday.
Day 1
Do Now:
What do you remember
about the story
Compare and Contrast
1. Instruct students
to take out copies
of the story from
last class.
2. Review character
trait differences
between Bill and
3. Students will add
to their T-chart as
we review.
4. Continue reading
aloud the rest of
the story.
5. Students will
create a response
comparing and
contrasting the
two characters.
6. If time permits:
Students will TAG
each other’s
Share out response.
Day 2
Do Now:
Select an independent
reading book and read.
Day 3
Do Now
Objective Determine the
affects of characterization
on the reader.
Day 4
Do Now:
Day 5
Do Now:
Field Trip
Closure: Share
1. Instruct students
to take out their
Ethan Frome text.
2. Reread page 2-4
with a partner.
Assign each pair a study
Partners will create
posters to share out
response to study
Share out responses.