Course Notes for CS 0401 Intermediate Programming (with Java) By John C. Ramirez Department of Computer Science University of Pittsburgh • These notes are intended for use by students in CS0401 • • at the University of Pittsburgh and no one else These notes are provided free of charge and may not be sold in any shape or form Material from these notes is obtained from various sources, including, but not limited to, the following: Starting Out with Java, From Control Structures through Objects, Third to Sixth Editions by Gaddis Java Software Solutions, Fourth and Fifth Editions by Lewis and Loftus Java By Dissection by Pohl and McDowell The Java Tutorial (click for link) The Java tech home page and its many sub-links: 2 Lecture 1: Prerequisites • Students taking CS401 should already have some programming background: Previous experience with Java (ex: CS 0007) is recommended, but Python, C, C++ and VB are also acceptable Concepts that you are expected to be familiar with and have used in programs include: • Basic program structure and syntax – How do we build programs and how do we get them to run • Primitive types and expressions – Numbers, characters, operators, precedence 3 Lecture 1: Prerequisites • Control Statements and Decisions – Boolean expressions – if and switch (or case) statements – Loops (for and while) • Methods (or functions) and parameters – Calling methods and flow of execution – Arguments and parameters • Arrays and their uses – One-dimensional only If you do not have this background, you should consider taking CS 0007 before taking CS0401 4 Lecture 1: Goals of the Course • Goals for CS 0401 Course: To (quickly) cover the basics of the Java language (including items mentioned in the previous slide) • These will be covered more from a Java implementa- • tion point of view than from a conceptual point of view You should already be familiar with (most of) the concepts, so learning the Java implementations should be fairly straightforward – Also will touch on the foundations of object-oriented programming • This includes Chapters 1-5 of the Gaddis text • Those who have had CS 0007 should consider this to be an extended review! 5 Lecture 1: Goals of Course To learn the principles of object-oriented programming and to see Java from an objectoriented point of view • Objects, methods and instance variables – References and their implications • Creating new classes – Syntax and logic required • Inheritance and composition – Building new classes from old classes • Polymorphism and dynamic binding – Accessing different objects in a uniform way • Chapters 6, 8-10 of Gaddis • We will focus a lot of attention on these chapters 6 Lecture 1: Goals of Course Note that we are covering OOP concepts using Java as our language • However, the general principles of object-oriented programming apply to any object-oriented language – Ex: C++, Objective-C, C#, Smalltalk, etc. • The more important goal here is to learn to program effectively in an object-oriented way – Understand why it is good and how to do it 7 Lecture 1: Goals of Course To cover additional useful programming techniques and features of Java in order to become proficient programmers (using the Java language) • Array use and algorithms (sorting, searching) (Chapter • • • • 7) Reading and Writing Files (Chapters 4, 11 + Notes) Exception Handling (Chapter 11) Graphical User Interfaces and Applications (Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15) Introduction to recursion (Chapter 16) 8 Lecture 2: Why Java? • Java Java is an interpreted, platform-independent, object-oriented language • Interpreted, platform-independent: – Source .java code is compiled into intermediate (byte) code – Byte code is executed in software via another program called an interpreter – Benefits: > More safety features and run-time checks can be built into the language – discuss > Code can be platform-independent > As long as the correct interpreter is installed, the same byte code can be executed on any platform 9 Lecture 2: Why Java? JRE for Windows Java Source Code (.java) Java Compiler Java Byte Code (.class) JRE for Linux JRE for Solaris The same .class file can execute on any platform, as long as the JRE is installed there JRE for Mac 10 Lecture 2: Why Java? – Drawback: > Interpreted code executes more slowly than regular compiled code > Since program is run in software rather than hardware, it cannot match the execution times of code that is compiled for specific hardware > Ex: C, C++ code > No language is best for every application > However, Java implementations can use JIT compilation of bytecode to execute faster • Object-oriented – Primary mode of execution is interaction of objects with each other – We will discuss object-oriented programming in much more detail soon 11 Lecture 2: Getting Started with Java • How do we execute Java programs? First we must compile our source (.java) code into the intermediate (.class) code • We do this with the Java Compiler • javac program Next we must interpret our .class code to see the result • We do this with the Java Interpreter, or Java Run-time • Environment (JRE) java program 12 Lecture 2: Getting Started with Java Both programs come with the Java Development Kit (JDK) • This is installed on all of the lab PCs other CS machines • The most recent version (SE 8) can be easily downloaded and installed from the Oracle Web site: – – It is free! • More on the basics of using the Java software development kit is shown in Lab 1 – Look for it online soon -- you will do it next week • But let’s look at an ex. and talk more about Java basics – See – Carefully read the comments! 13 Lecture 2: Getting Started with Java • When you have a chance, try the following: – Download from the Web site onto a PC that has the JDK installed (yours or a lab PC) – Open a terminal (command prompt) window – Change to the correct directory – Compile the program: javac – Execute the program: java ex1 > Adding the .class extension is optional – it is assumed even if you don’t put it there – Show the directory to see that the .class file is now there • Also try the same thing from one of the Lab workstations during your first lab session 14 Lecture 2: Getting Started with Java Note: Most developers use an IDE (integrated development environment) for program devel. • Here are two possibilities: – – > Both are available free • These allow you to edit, compile and debug Java • • programs in an easy, integrated way However, you should realize that the final program does NOT depend on the IDE, and you should be able to compile and run Java programs without the IDE I will not be emphasizing these in lecture, but you are free to use one if you wish 15 Lecture 2: Java Basics • What fundamental entities / abilities do we need for any useful Java program? A way to get data into and out of our program • I/O A way to create / name / variables and constants to store our data • Identifiers and variables A way to manipulate / operate on the data • Statements and Expressions A way to make decisions and control our flow of execution • Control structures 16 Lecture 2: Java Basics – I/O • (I)/O (we will defer input until after we discuss variables) Java has a predefined object called System.out This object has the ability to output data to the standard output stream, which is usually the console (display) • This ability is via methods (procedures) – Ex: print, println • We pass information to the System.out object through • methods and parameters, and the information is then shown on the display For example: System.out.println(“Hello Java Students!”); 17 Lecture 2: Java Basics – I/O • We can output strings, values of variables and • • expressions and other information using System.out We will see more on this once we discuss variables We will understand how System.out works more precisely after we have discussed classes and objects later in the term 18 Lecture 2: Java Basics – Identifiers and Variables • Lexical elements – groups of characters used in program code These form all of the parts of the program code • Ex: keywords, identifiers, literals, delimiters We will discuss some of these in the Java language Keywords • Lexical elements that have a special, predefined meaning in the language • Cannot be redefined or used in any other way in a program • Ex: program, if, class, throws • See p. 10 in Gaddis for complete list 19 Lecture 2: Java Basics – Identifiers and Variables Predefined Identifiers • Identifiers that were written as part of some class / package that are already integrated into the language – Ex: System, Applet, JFrame – class names – Ex: println, start, close – method names – Ex: E, PI – constant names • Programmers can use these within the context in • which they are defined In Java there are a LOT because Java has a large predefined class library 20 Lecture 2: Java Basics – Identifiers and Variables Other Identifiers • Defined by programmer • used to represent names of variables, methods, classes, etc • Cannot be keywords • We could redefine predefined identifiers if we wanted to, but this is generally not a good idea • Java IDs must begin with a letter, followed by any number of letters, digits, _ (underscore) or $ characters – Similar to identifier rules in most programming langs 21 Lecture 2: Java Basics – Identifiers and Variabls • Important Note: – Java identifiers are case-sensitive – this means that upper and lower case letters are considered to be different – be careful to be consistent! – Ex: ThisVariable and thisvariable are NOT the same • Naming Convention: – Many Java programmers use the following conventions: > Classes: start with upper case, then start each word with an upper case letter > Ex: StringBuffer, BufferedInputStream, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException > Methods and variables: start with lower case, then start each word with an upper case letter > Ex: compareTo, lastIndexOf, mousePressed 22 Lecture 2: Java Basics – Identifiers and Variables • Variables • Memory locations that are associated with identifiers • Values can change throughout the execution of a • program In Java, must be specified as a certain type or class – The type of a variable specifies its properties: the data it can store and the operations that can be performed on it > Ex: int type: discuss [we will revisit this idea often] – Java is fairly strict about enforcing data type values > You will get a compilation error if you assign an incorrect type to a variable: Ex: int i = “hello”; incompatible types found: java.lang.String required: int int i = "hello"; ^ 23 Lecture 2: Java Basics – Identifiers and Variables Literals • Values that are hard-coded into a program – They are literally in the code! • Different types have different rules for literal values – They are fairly intuitive and similar across most programming languages – Ex: Integer > An optional +/- followed by a sequence of digits > Ex: 1235 Ex: -39841 – Ex: String > A sequence of characters contained within double quotes > Ex: "Hello there CS 0401 Students!" • See Section 2.3 for more details on literals 24 Lecture 2: Java Basics – Statements and Expressions • Statements • Units of declaration or execution • A program execution can be broken down into • • execution of the program’s individual statements Every Java statement must be terminated by a semicolon (;) Ex: Variable declaration statement int var1, var2; • Ex: Assignment statement var1 = 100; • Ex: Method call System.out.println(“Answer is “ + var1); • We will see many more statements later 25 Lecture 2: Java Basics – Statements and Expressions – Note: For numeric types, you get an error if the value assigned will “lose precision” if placed into the variable > Generally speaking this means we can place “smaller” values into “larger” variables but we cannot place “larger” values into “smaller” variables > Ex: byte < short < int < long < float < double – Ex: int i = 3.5; possible loss of precision found : double required: int int i = 3.5; ^ – Ex: double x = 100; > This is ok 26 Lecture 3: Java Basics – Statements and Expressions – Floating point literals in Java are by default double > If you assign one to a float variable, you will get a “loss of precision error” as shown in the previous slide – If you want to assign a “more precise” value to a “less precise” variable, you must explicitly cast the value to that variable type Error check each of the statements in the box to the right int i = 5; int j = 4.5; float x = 3.5; float y = (float) 3.5; double z = 100; i = z; y = z; z = i; j = (long) y; j = (byte) y; 27 Lecture 3: Data and Expressions In Java, variables fall into two categories: Primitive Types – Simple types whose values are stored directly in the memory location associated with a variable – Ex: int var1 = 100; var1 100 – There are 8 primitive types in Java: byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean – See Section 2.4 and for more details on the primitive numeric types 28 Lecture 3: Data and Expressions Reference Types (or class types) – Types whose values are references to objects that are stored elsewhere in memory – Ex: String s = new String(“Hello There”); s Hello There – There are many implications to using reference types, and we must use them with care – Different objects have different capabilities, based on their classes – We will discuss reference types in more detail later when we start looking at Objects 29 Lecture 3: Data and Expressions Rules for declaration and use • In Java, all variables must be declared before they can be used Ex: x = 5.0; > This will cause an error unless x has previously been declared as a double variable cannot resolve symbol symbol : variable x location : class classname x = 5.0; ^ • Java variables can be initialized in the same statement in which they are declared – Ex: double x = 5.0; – However, keep in mind that two things are being done here – declaration AND initialization 30 Lecture 3: Data and Expressions • Multiple variables of the same type can be declared and initialized in a single statement, as long as they are separated by commas – Ex: int i = 10, j = 20, k = 45; • Multiple variables of different types cannot be • declared within a single declaration statement See 31 Lecture 3: Data and Expressions • Operators and Expressions • Numeric operators in Java include +, –, *, /, % – These are typical across most languages – A couple points, however: > If both operands are integer, / will give integer division, always producing an integer result – discuss implications > The % operator was designed for integer operands and gives the remainder of integer division > However, % can be used with floating point as well int i, j, k, m; i = 19; j = 7; k = i / j; // answer? m = i % j; // answer? 32 Lecture 3: Data and Expressions Precedence and Associativity • What do these mean? • Recall that the precedence indicates the order in which operators are applied in an expression – See Table 2-8 • Recall that the associativity indicates the order in • which operands are accessed given operators of the same precedence General guidelines to remember for arithmetic operators: *, /, % same precedence, left to right associativity +, – same (lower) precedence, also L to R - See Table 2-9 33 Lecture 3: More Operators • Java has a number of convenience operators Allow us to do operations with less typing Ex: X = X + 1; Y = Y – 5; X++; Y –= 5; See Section 2.6 for more details One point that should be emphasized is the difference between the prefix and postfix versions of the unary operators • What is the difference between the statements: X++; ++X; – Discuss – See 34 Lecture 4: Input and the Scanner Class • Input Java has a predefined object called • Analogous to System.out discussed previously • Allows data to be input from the standard input stream – Recall that System.out accessed the standard output stream By default this object allows us to read data from the console / keyboard 35 Lecture 4: Input and the Scanner Class • In JDK releases up to 1.4 Console text input was fairly complicated to use Objects had to be created and exceptions had to be handled Made it difficult to show students learning Java simple input and output • Consequently, textbook authors often created their • own classes to make console I/O easier But they weren't standard Java, so students would not find them useful after their courses ended • In JDK 1.5, the Scanner class was added 36 Lecture 4: Input and the Scanner Class Scanner is a class that reads data from the standard input stream and parses it into tokens based on a delimiter • A delimiter is a character or set of characters that • • distinguish one token from another A token is all of the characters between delimiters By default the Scanner class uses white space as the delimiter The tokens can be read in either as Strings • next() Or they can be read as primitive types • Ex: nextInt(), nextFloat(), nextDouble() 37 Lecture 4: Input and the Scanner Class If read as primitive types, an error will occur if the actual token does not match what you are trying to read • Ex: Please enter an int: hello Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source) at Source) at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source) at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source) at ex3.main( • These types of errors are run-time errors and in Java are called exceptions Java has many different exceptions We'll look at exceptions in more detail later • • Let's look at 38 Lecture 4: Control Statements • Java Statements We already discussed some Java statements • Declaration statement • Assignment statement • Method call One of the most important types of statements in programming is the control statement • Allows 2 very important types of execution – Conditional execution > Statements may or may not execute – Iterative execution > Statements may execute more than one time 39 Lecture 4: Control Statements Linear Execution Conditional Execution 40 Iterative Execution Lecture 4: Boolean Expressions • Key to many control statements in Java are boolean expressions Expressions whose result is true or false • true and false are predefined literals in Java Can be created using one or more relational operators and logical operators • Relational operators – Used to compare (i.e. relate) two primitive values – Result is true or false based on values and the comparison that is asserted Ex: 6 < 10 -- true because 6 IS less than 10 7 != 7 -- false because 7 IS NOT not equal to 7 41 Lecture 4: Boolean Expressions • Java has 6 relational operators < <= > >= == != Some boolean expressions are more complicated than just a simple relational operation • These expressions require logical operators – Operate on boolean values, generating a new boolean value as a result ! && || – Recall their values from a truth table A B !A A&&B A||B true true false true true true false false false true false true true false true false false true false false 42 Lecture 4: Boolean Expressions • Let’s look at some examples int i = 10, j = 15, k = 20; double x = 10.0, y = 3.333333, z = 100.0; i < j || j < k && x <= y (i / 3) == y (x / 3) == y !(x != i) 43 Lecture 4: if statement • The if statement is very intuitive: if (booleanexpression) <true option>; else <false option>; Each of <true option> and <false option> can be any Java statement, including a block • Java blocks are delimited by { } and can contain any number of statements else + <false option> is optional Note parens around booleanexpression - required 44 Lecture 5: if statement • Nested ifs Since both <true option> and <false option> can be any Java statement, they can certainly be if statements This allows us to create nested if statements • We can nest on <true option>, on <false option> or both – Show on board • Enables us to test multiple conditions and to have a different result for each possibility 45 Lecture 5: if statement Dangling else • The structure of a Java if statement allows for an interesting special case: if (grade >= 95) // condition1 if (extraCredit) // condition2 System.out.println(“A+”); else System.out.println(“?”); • Question: is the <false option> for condition1 or condition2? – As shown above it will ALWAYS be for condition2 – Rule is that an else will always be associated with the “closest” unassociated, non-terminated if 46 Lecture 5: if statement • Thus, there is no problem for the computer – Problem is if the programmer does not understand the rule – Result is a LOGIC ERROR > Logic errors can be very problematic and difficult to correct > Unlike a syntax error, which prevents the program from being compiled, with a logic error the program may run and may seem fine > However, one or more errors in the programmer’s logic cause the result will be incorrect! – Compare on board: SYNTAX ERROR, RUN-TIME ERROR, LOGIC ERROR • Luckily, in this case the problem is easy to correct – How? 47 Lecture 5: while loop • The while loop is also intuitive while (booleanexpression) <loop body>; where <loop body> can be any Java statement Logic of while loop: • Evaluate (booleanexpression) • If result is true, execute <loop body>, otherwise skip to next statement after loop • Repeat while loop is called an entry loop, because a condition must be met to get IN to the loop body • Implications of this? 48 Lecture 5: Example • Let’s now use if and while in a simple program: User will enter some scores and the program will calculate the average Let’s do this together, trying to come up with a good solution Consider some questions / issues: • What is the acceptable range for the scores? – What do we do if a score is unacceptable? • How many scores are there? – Do we even know this in advance? – What to do if we do not know this in advance? 49 Lecture 5: Example • Are there any special cases that we need to consider? • What variables will we need to use? – And what will be their types? Let’s look at two possible solutions • and • Note that for many programming problems, there are MANY possible solutions 50 Lecture 6: for loop • The for loop is more complicated Its obvious use is as a counting loop • Goes through a specified number of iterations for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { // will iterate max times } However it is much more general than that for (init_expr; go_expr; inc_expr) { // loop body } • Let’s talk about this a bit 51 Lecture 6: for loop • init_expr – Any legal Java statement expression – Evaluated one time, when the loop is FIRST executed • go_expr – Java Boolean expression – Evaluated PRIOR to each execution of the for loop body > If true, body is executed > If false, loop terminates • inc_expr – Any legal Java statement expression – Evaluated AFTER each execution of the for loop body These expressions make the for loop extremely flexible 52 Lecture 6: for loop Try some examples: • For loop to sum the numbers from N to M N + (N+1) + … + (M-1) + M • For loop to output powers of 2 less than or equal to K • See In effect we can use a for loop as if it were a while loop if we’d like However, it is more readable and less prone to logic errors if you use it as a counting loop Let’s look at the programs from Example 5, but now with a for loop: and 53 Lecture 6: for loop Since Java 1.5+, there is an additional version of the for loop: for (type var : iterator_obj) <loop body>; This version is called the "foreach" loop • In a lot of scripting languages such as Perl and PHP, so it was adopted into Java However, to use it we need to understand something about objects and iterators This version is really cool! We will come back and talk about this later 54 Lecture 7: switch statement • We know that if can be used in a multiple alternative form If we nest statements • Sometimes choices are simple, integral values In these cases, it is easier and more efficient to use a more specialized statement to choose • This is where switch comes in handy • However it is kind of wacky so be careful to use it correctly! 55 Lecture 7: switch statement switch (int_expr) { case constant_expr: … case constant_expr: … default: // this is optional } int_expr is initially evaluated constant_expr are tested against int_expr from top to bottom • First one to match determines where execution within the switch body BEGINS – However, execution will proceed from there to the END of the block 56 Lecture 7: switch statement • If we want the execution of the different cases to be exclusive of each other, we need to stop execution prior to the next case – We can do this using the break statement • Switch is actually passed down to Java from C – it • doesn’t really fit too well with the spirit of the Java language, but it is there and can be used Let’s look at an example using switch – Program to rate movies – User enters a “star” value from 1-4 and the program comments back on the movie quality – See > Handout also shows some formatting > See also 57 Lecture 7: Methods and Method Calls • If programs are short We can write the code as one contiguous segment • The logic is probably simple • There are not too many variables • Not too likely to make a lot of errors • As programs get longer Programming in a single segment gets more and more difficult • Logic is more complex • Many variables / expressions / control statements 58 Lecture 7: Methods and Method Calls • Chances of “bugs” entering code is higher – Isolating and fixing is also harder • If multiple people are working on the program, it is • • difficult to “break up” if written as one segment If parts need to be modified or added, it is difficult with one large segment If similar actions are taken in various parts of the program, it is inefficient to code them all separately – And can also introduce errors – Ex: Draw a rectangle somewhere in a window Most of these problems can be solved by breaking our program into smaller segments • Ex: Break some sticks! 59 Lecture 7: Methods and Method Calls • Method (or function or subprogram) A segment of code that is logically separate from the rest of the program When invoked (i.e. called) control jumps from main to the method and it executes • Usually with parameters (arguments) When it is finished, control reverts to the next statement after the method call • Show on board 60 Lecture 7: Functional Abstraction • Methods provide us with functional (or procedural) abstraction We do not need to know all of the impl. details of the methods in order to use them • We simply need to know – What arguments (parameters) we must provide – What the effect of the method is (i.e. what does it do?) • The actual implementation could be done in several • different ways Ex: Predefined method: sort(Object [] a) – There are many ways to sort! • This allows programmers to easily use methods that they didn't write 61 Lecture 7: Return Value vs. Void • Java methods have two primary uses: To act as a function, returning a result to the calling code • In Java these methods are declared with return types, and are called within an assignment or expression Ex: X = inScan.nextDouble(); Y = (Math.sqrt(X))/2; To act as a subroutine or procedure, executing code but not explicitly returning a result • In Java these methods are declared to be void, and are called as separate stand-alone statements Ex: System.out.println(“Wacky”); Arrays.sort(myData); 62 Lecture 7: Predefined Methods • There are MANY predefined methods in Java Look in the online API These are often called in the following way: ClassName.methodName(param_list) • Where ClassName is the class in which the method is defined • Where methodName is the name of the method • Where param_list is a list of 0 or more variables or expressions that are passed to the method Ex: Y = Math.sqrt(X); • These are called STATIC methods or CLASS methods – They are associated with a class, not with an object 63 Lecture 7: Predefined Methods Some way methods are also called in the following ClassName.ObjectName.methodName(param_list) • Where ObjectName is the name of a static, predefined object that contains the method Ex: System.out.println(“Hello There”); • System is a predefined class • out is a predefined PrintStream object within System • println is a method within PrintStream These are instance methods – associated with an object – we will discuss these shortly • For now we will concentrate on static methods 64 Lecture 7: Writing Static Methods • What if we need to use a method that is not • • predefined? We will have to write it ourselves Syntax: public static void methodName(param_list) { // method body } public static retval methodName(param_list) { // method body } • Where retval is some Java type • When method is not void, there MUST be a return statement 65 Lecture 7: Writing Static Methods Really simple example: public static void sayWacky() { System.out.println(“Wacky”); } Now in our main program we can have: sayWacky(); sayWacky(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) sayWacky(); • Note we are not using any parameters in this example 66 Lecture 7: Writing Static Methods So what about the param_list? • It is a way in which we pass values into our methods • This enables methods to process different information at different points in the program – Makes them more flexible • In the method definition: – List of type identifier pairs, separated by commas – Called formal parameters, or parameters • In the method call: – List of variables or expressions that match 1-1 with the parameters in the definition – Called actual parameters, or arguments 67 Lecture 7: Writing Static Methods Ex: public static double area(double radius) { double ans = Math.PI * radius * radius; return ans; parameter } argument … double rad = 2.0; double theArea = area(rad); Note: If method is called in same class in which it was defined, we don’t need to use the class name in the call 68 Lecture 7: Parameters Parameters in Java are passed by value • The parameter is a copy of the evaluation of the argument • Any changes to the parameter do not affect the argument answer calculated method completed area method Main Class rad answer returned 2.0 theArea 12.566… double theArea = area(rad); value passed from arg. to parameter result returned to main main calls area method 69 radius 2.0 ans 12.566… double ans = Math.PI * radius * radius; return ans; Lecture 7: More on Parameters • Effect of value parameters: Arguments passed into a method cannot be changed within the method, either intentionally or accidentally • Good result: Prevents accidental side-effects from • methods Bad result: What if we want the arguments to be changed? – Ex: swap(A, B) > Method swaps the values in A and B > But with value parameters will be a “no-op” - Discuss – We can get around this issue when we get into objectoriented programming 70 Lecture 8: Local variables and scope • Variables declared within a method are local to that method They exist only within the context of the method This includes parameters as well • Think of a parameter as a local variable that is initialized in the method call We say the scope of these variables is point in the method that they are declared up to the end of the method • Show on board 71 Lecture 8: Local variables and scope • However, Java variables can also be declared within blocks inside of methods In this case the scope is the point of the declaration until the end of that block • Show on board Be careful that you declare your variables in the correct block • See Java Debug Help slides for more details – debug.ppt 72 Lecture 8: Local variables and scope • Note that either way, local variables cannot be shared across methods In other words, a local variable declared in one method cannot be accessed in a different method We can still get data from one method to another • How? To share variables across methods, we need to use object-oriented programming • We will see this soon! • See 73 Lecture 8: References and Reference Types • Recall from Slides 28-29 that Java has primitive types and reference types Also recall how they are stored • With primitive types, data values are stored directly in the memory location associated with a variable var1 100 • With reference types, values are references to objects that are stored elsewhere in memory s Hello There 74 Lecture 8: References and Reference Types What do we mean by “references”? • The data stored in a variable is just the “address” of the location where the object is stored – Thus it is separate from the object itself > Ex: If I have a Contacts file on my PC, it will have the address of my friend, Joe Schmoe (stored as Schmoe, J.) > I can use that address to send something to Joe or to go visit him if I would like > However, if I change that address in my Contacts file, it does NOT in any way affect Joe, but now I no longer know where Joe is located • However, I can indirectly change the data in the Joe Schmoe object through the reference – Knowing his address, I can go to Joe’s house and steal his Curved 105 inch 4K Ultra HD LED TV 75 Lecture 8: Classes and Objects • What do we mean by "objects"? Let's first discuss classes, then objects, since the two are related • Classes are blueprints for our data The class structure provides a good way to encapsulate the data and operations of a new type together • Instance data and instance methods • The data gives us the structure of the objects and the • operations show us how to use them Ex: A String – Discuss 76 Lecture 8: Classes and Objects User of the class knows the general nature of the data, and the public methods, but NOT the implementation details • But does not need to know them in order to use the class – Ex: BigInteger We call this data abstraction • Compare to functional abstraction discussed previously Java classes determine the structure and behavior of Java objects To put it another way, Java objects are instances of Java classes 77 Lecture 8: Classes and Objects class Foo { int x; void f(); … } Class Foo definition Foo object x = 10 f() Declaring Foo variable Creating Foo object Foo F; F = new Foo(10); F Foo reference 78 Lecture 8: More References • Back to references, let's now see some of the implications of reference variables Declaring a variable does NOT create an object • We must create objects separately from declaring variables StringBuilder S1, S2; – Right now we have no actual StringBuilder objects – just two variables that could access them – To get objects we must use the new operator or call a method that will create an object for us S1 = new StringBuilder("Hello"); – S1 now references an instance of a StringBuilder object but S2 does not 79 Lecture 8: More References • So what value does S2 have? – For now we will say that we should not count on it to have any value – we must initialize it before we use it – If we try to access it without initializing it, we will get an error Multiple variables can access and alter the same object S2 = S1; • Now any change via S1 or S2 will update the same object S1 Hello S2 80 Lecture 8: More References Properties of objects (public methods and public instance variables) are accessed via "dot" notation S1.append(" there Java maestros!"); • S2 will also access the appended object Comparison of reference variables using == compares the references, NOT the objects StringBuilder S3 = new StringBuilder("Hello there Java maestros!"); if (S1 == S2) System.out.println("Equal"); // yes if (S1 == S3) System.out.println("Equal"); // no – S1 and S3 reference different objects, so they have different addresses, regardless of the object contents • What if we want to compare the object contents? 81 Lecture 8: More References • We use the equals() method – This is generally defined for many Java classes to compare data within objects – We will see how to define it for our own classes soon – However, the equals() method is not (re)defined for the StringBuilder class, so we need to convert our StringBuilder objects into Strings in order to compare them: if (S1.toString().equals(S3.toString())) System.out.println("Same value"); // yes – We will also use the compareTo() method later • It seems complicated but it will make more sense when we get into defining new classes 82 Lecture 8: More references • Note the difference in the tests: – The == operator shows us that it is the same object – The equals method show us that the values are in some way the same (depending on how it is defined) References can be set to null to initialize or reinitialize a variable • Null references cannot be accessed via the "dot" • notation If it is attempted a run-time error results S1 = null; S1.append("This will not work!"); 83 Lecture 8: More references • Why? – The method calls are associated with the OBJECT that is being accessed, NOT with the variable – If there is no object, there are no methods available to call – Result is NullPointerException – common error so remember it! Let's take a look at Side note: speaking of common errors • Take another look at debug.ppt – it has some of the things we just mentioned 84 Lecture 9: Intro. to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) • Object-Oriented Programming consists of 3 primary ideas: Encapsulation and Data Abstraction • Operations on the data are considered to be part of the data type • We can understand and use a data type without knowing all of its implementation details – Neither how the data is represented nor how the operations are implemented – We just need to know the interface (or method headers) – how to “communicate” with the object – Compare to functional abstraction with methods • We discussed this somewhat already 85 Lecture 9: Intro. to OOP Inheritance • Properties of a data type can be passed down to a sub-type – we can build new types from old ones • We can build class hierarchies with many levels of inheritance • We will discuss this more in Chapter 11 Polymorphism • Operations used with a variable are based on the class of the object being accessed, not the class of the variable • Parent type and sub-type objects can be accessed in a consistent way • We will discuss this more in Chapter 11 86 Lecture 9: Objects and Data Abstraction • Consider primitive types Each variable represents a single, simple data value Any operations that we perform on the data are external to that data X+Y X 10 Y 5 + 87 Lecture 9: Objects and Data Abstraction • Consider the data In many applications, data is more complicated than just a simple value Ex: A Polygon – a sequence of connected points • The data here are actually: – int [] xpoints – an array of x-coordinates – int [] ypoints – an array of y-coordinates – int npoints – the number of points actually in the Polygon • Note that individually the data are just ints – However, together they make up a Polygon • This is fundamental to object-oriented programming (OOP) 88 Lecture 9: Objects and Data Abstraction • Consider the operations Now consider operations that a Polygon can do • Note how that is stated – we are seeing what a Polygon CAN DO rather than WHAT CAN BE DONE to it • This is another fundamental idea of OOP – objects are ACTIVE rather than PASSIVE • Ex: – void addPoint(int x, int y) – add a new point to Polygon – boolean contains(double x, double y) – is point (x,y) within the boundaries of the Polygon – void translate(int deltaX, int deltaY) – move all points in the Polygon by deltaX and deltaY 89 Lecture 9: Objects and Data Abstraction These operations are actually (logically) PART of the Polygon itself int [] theXs = {0, 4, 4}; int [] theYs = {0, 0, 2}; int num = 3; Polygon P = new Polygon(theXs, theYs, num); P.addPoint(0, 2); if (P.contains(2, 1)) System.out.println(“Inside P”); else System.out.println(“Outside P”); P.translate(2, 3); • We are not passing the Polygon as an argument, we are calling the methods FROM the Polygon 90 Lecture 9: Objects and Data Abstraction Objects enable us to combine the data and operations of a type together into a single entity: encapsulation P xpoints [0,4,4,0] ypoints [0,0,2,2] npoints 4 Thus, the operations are always implicitly acting on the object’s data Ex: translate means translate the points that make up P addPoint() contains() translate() 91 Lecture 9: Objects and Data Abstraction For multiple objects of the same class, the operations act on the object specified int [] moreXs = {8, 11, 8}; int [] moreYs = {0, 2, 4}; Polygon P2 = new Polygon(moreXs, moreYs, 3); P Both objects have the same blueprint P2 …but they are distinct instances xpoints [0,4,4,0] ypoints [0,0,2,2] npoints 4 xpoints [8,11,8]] ypoints [0,2,4] npoints 3 addPoint() contains() translate() addPoint() contains() translate() 92 Lecture 9: Encapsulation and Data Abstraction • Recall that we previously discussed data abstraction We do not need to know the implementation details of a data type in order to use it • This includes the methods AND the actual data representation of the object This concept is exemplified through objects • We can think of an object as a container with data and operations inside – We can see some of the data and some of the operations, but others are kept hidden from us – The ones we can see give us the functionality of the objects 93 Lecture 9: Encapsulation and Data Abstraction • As long as we know the method names, params and how to use them, we don't need to know how the actual data is stored Note that I can use a Polygon without knowing how the data is stored OR how the methods are implemented • I know it has points but I don't know how they are stored • Data Abstraction! 94 P xpoints [0,4,4,0] ypoints [0,0,2,2] npoints 4 addPoint() contains() translate() Lecture 9: Instance Variables • Let us look again at StringBuilder Instance Variables • These are the data values within an object – Used to store the object’s information • As we said previously, when using data abstraction we • don't need to know explicitly what these are in order to use a class For example, look at the API for StringBuilder – Note that the instance variables are not even shown there • In actuality it is a variable-length array with a counter to keep track of how many locations are being used and is actually inherited from AbstractStringBuilder – See source in and – cool!!! 95 Lecture 9: Instance Variables Many instance variables are declared with the keyword private • This means that they cannot be directly accessed • outside the class itself Instance variables are typically declared to be private, based on the data abstraction that we discussed earlier – Recall that we do not need to know how the data is represented in order to use the type – Therefore why even allow us to see it? • In AbstractStringBuilder the value variable has no keyword modifier – This makes it private to the package 96 Lecture 9: Class Methods vs. Instance Methods Recall that methods we discussed before were called class methods (or static methods) • These were not associated with any object Now, however in this case we WILL associate methods with objects (as shown with Polygon) These methods are called instance methods because they are associated with individual instances (or objects) of a class • These are the operations within an object StringBuilder B = new StringBuilder(“this is “); B.append(“really fun stuff!”); System.out.println(B.toString()); 97 Lecture 9: Class Methods vs. Instance Methods Class methods have no implicit data to act on • They are not associated with individual objects • All data must be passed into them using arguments • Class methods are called using: ClassName.methodName(param list) Instance methods have implicit data associated with an Object • Other data can be passed as arguments, but there is • always an underlying object to act upon Instance methods are called using: variableName.methodName(param list) where variableName is a reference to an object 98 Lecture 9: Constructors, Accessors and Mutators • Instance methods can be categorized by what they are designed to do: Constructors • These are special instance methods that are called when an object is first created • They are the only methods that do not have a return value (not even void) • They are typically used to initialize the instance variables of an object StringBuilder B = new StringBuilder(“hello there”); B = new StringBuilder(); // default constructor B = new StringBuilder(10); // capacity 10 99 Lecture 9: Constructors, Accessors and Mutators Accessors • These methods are used to access the object in some way without changing it • Usually used to get information from it • No special syntax – categorized simply by their effect StringBuilder B = new StringBuilder(“hello there”); char c = B.charAt(4); // c == ‘o’ String S = B.substring(3, 9); // S == “lo the” // note that end index is NOT inclusive int n = B.length(); // n == 11 – These methods give us information about the StringBuilder without revealing the implementation details 100 Lecture 9: Constructors, Accessors and Mutators Mutators • Used to change the object in some way • Since the instance variables are usually private, we use mutators to change the object in a specified way without needing to know the instance variables B.setCharAt(0, ‘j’); // B == “jello there” B.delete(6,7); // B == “jello here” B.insert(6, “is “); // B == “jello is here”; – These methods change the contents or properties of the StringBuilder object We use accessors and mutators to indirectly access the data, since we don’t have direct access – see 101 Lecture 10: Simple Class Example • We can use these ideas to write our own classes Let’s look at a VERY simple example: • IntCircle – Instance variable: private int radius > Cannot directly access it from outside the class – Constructor: take an int argument and initialize a new circle with the given radius – Accessors: public double area(); public double circumference(); public String toString(); – Mutator: public void setRadius(int newRadius); • See and (note COMMENTS!!!) 102 Lecture 10: More on Classes and Objects • Classes Define the nature and properties of objects • Objects Instances of classes • Let's learn more about these by developing • another example together Goal: Write a class that represents a playlist (group of songs) Write a simple driver program to test it 103 Lecture 10: Developing Another Example • Remember the things we need for a class: Instance variables • Fill in ideas from board Constructors • Fill in ideas from board Accessors • Fill in ideas from board Mutators • Fill in ideas from board 104 Lecture 10: Developing Another Example Once we have the basic structure of the class we can start writing / testing it A good approach is to do it in a modular, stepby-step way • Ex: Determine some instance variables, a constructor • or two and an accessor to “output” the data in the class Write a simple driver program to test these features – Once a method has been written and tested we don’t have to worry about it anymore! • Add more to the class, testing it with additional statements in the driver program Let's look at one example 105 Lecture 11: Intro. to Java Files • So far Our programs have read input from the keyboard and written output to the monitor • This works fine in some situations, but is not so good in others: What if we have a large amount of output that we need to save? What if we need to initialize a database that is used in our program? What if output from one program must be input to another? 106 Lecture 11: Java Text Files • In these situations we need to use files Most files can be classified into two groups: Text Files and Binary Files • We will focus on Text Files now and come back to Binary Files later • A text file is simply a sequence of ASCII characters stored sequentially • Any “larger” data types are still stored as characters and must be “built” when they are read in – Ex: Strings are sequences of characters – Ex: ints are also sequences of characters, but interpreted in a different way 107 Lecture 11: Java Text Files – To create an actual int we need to convert the characters into an integer – this is what the nextInt() method in the Scanner class does > We will discuss the conversion procedure more later – If we want to read data into an object with many instance variables, we can read each data value from the file then assign the object via a constructor or via mutators > See – If we want to fill an array, we can read in as many values as we need > We may first need to read in how many values there are, then create the array and read in the actual data > See and another example soon 108 Lecture 11: Java Text Files Similarly, if we have data in our program that we wish to save to a text file, we need to first convert it into a sequence of characters (i.e. a String) • Ex: the toString() method for a class However, now we need a different class that has the ability to write data to a file • There are several classes in Java that have this ability • For now we will focus on the PrintWriter – A PrintWriter allows us to write primitive types and Strings to a text file – See API 109 Lecture 11: Java Text Files • It is fairly simple to use – See • However, when creating the file an Exception can occur – We will see how to handle this later – For now we will “pass the buck” – We do this via the “throws” clause in the method header > States that we are not handling the exception > Must be stated in a method where the exception could occur or in any method that calls a method … (since the exception is passed on) – See 110 Lecture 11: Arrays • So far (for the most part) we have stored data in a 1:1 fashion 1 variable : 1 value (or object) • This works fine if we know exactly how • many values we will need to store, and if there are few of them However, consider the following scenario: We want to input the test scores of a given number of students, then 1) find the maximum, 2) minimum, 3) average and 4) list them in sorted order 111 Lecture 11: Arrays We can do the first three things using only a few variables • Read in current score • Add it to the sum • If it is less than the minimum score, make it the • minimum score If it is greater than the maximum score, make it the maximum score Repeat until all scores have been read Divide sum by number of scores to get average • • However, what about listing them in sorted order? 112 Lecture 11: Arrays We can’t know the final order until all scores have been read • Last value could be smallest, largest or anywhere in between Thus, we need to store all of the values as they are being read in, THEN sort them and print them out To do this we need a good way to store an arbitrary number of values, without requiring the same number of variables • This is a good example of where an array is necessary 113 Lecture 11: Java Arrays • Java Arrays In Java, arrays are objects, with certain properties • Like other reference types Simply put, an array is logically a single variable name that allows access to multiple variable locations In Java, the locations also must be contiguous and homogeneous • Each directly follows the previous in memory • All references in the array are of the same type 114 Lecture 11: Java Arrays • Syntax: First, consider only PRIMITIVE TYPE data We create a Java array in 2 steps: prim_type [] var_name; • where prim_type is any primitive type • where var_name is any legal identifier • This creates array variable, but NOT an actual array var_name = new prim_type[arr_size] • where arr_size is the number of elements that will be • • in the array Indexing in Java always starts at 0 This creates the array object 115 Lecture 11: Java Arrays Ex: int [] myArray; myArray = new int[20]; // size can be a variable // or expression These two steps can be done as one if we’d like int [] myArray = new int[20]; Once we have created the array, we now need to put values into it • Numeric types are initialized to 0 • Booleans are initialized to false – This is because the locations within an array are considered as instance variables within the array object • We can change these values via indexing 116 Lecture 11: Java Arrays • Indexing an array An array variable gives us access to the “beginning” of the array To access an individual location in the array, we need to index, using the [] operator Ex: myArray[5] = 250; myArray[10] = 2 * myArray[5]; myArray[11] = myArray[10] – 1; • Show on board • Discuss 117 Lecture 12: Java Arrays • Iterating through an array We can easily iterate through an entire array using a loop (often a for loop) To know “when to stop” we access the length attribute of the array variabe – note the syntax for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) { System.out.print(“Value “ + i + “ = “ + myArray[i]); } • Or we can iterate on the values without a counter for (int value : myArray) { System.out.println(“Next value is : “ + value); } 118 Lecture 12: Direct Access and Sequential Access • The previous two slides demonstrate the two basic ways of accessing arrays: Direct Access • Arbitrary items are accessed by providing the appropriate index of the item Sequential Access • Items are accessed in index order from beginning to end (or from end to beginning) The usefulness of arrays comes from allowing access in both of these ways Let’s see both direct and sequential access of arrays with a file example 119 Lecture 12: References and Reference Types • Recall from previous discussions that Java has primitive types and reference types Also recall (once again!) how they are stored • With primitive types, data values are stored directly in the memory location associated with a variable var1 100 • With reference types, values are references to objects that are stored elsewhere in memory s Hello There 120 Lecture 12: Arrays as Reference Types • Java arrays are reference types The array variable is a reference to the actual array • If I assign the variable (as a whole) it does not change the array object But I can alter the contents of the array through indexing Ex: int [] A = new int[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) A[i] = 2*i; int [] B = A; A[3] = 5; A = new int[4]; A[1] = 3; A[3] = 7; 121 A B 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 4 3 0 7 3 6 5 4 8 3 Lecture 12: Arrays as Parameters • Recall that all Java parameters are value A copy of the argument is passed to the param Changes to the parameter do not affect the argument • What about arrays? Still passed by value, but now what is copied is the reference (i.e. the variable), NOT the object • Thus the effect is that the parameter is another • reference to the same object that the argument is a reference to We cannot change the argument variable in the method but we CAN mutate the array object! 122 Lecture 12: Arrays as Parameters See Sounds confusing, right? • Not so much once you picture it! • Show example on board • We will also see an example shortly This allows us to change arrays within methods • Ex: Read data into an array • Ex: Remove data from an array • Ex: Sort an array 123 Lecture 12: Searching an Array • Often we may want to see if a value is stored in an array or not: “Is this book in the library?” “Is Joe Schmoe registered for classes?” • There are many searching algorithms • available, some simple and some quite sophisticated We will start off simple here with Sequential Search 124 Lecture 12: Sequential Search • Sequential Search Start at the beginning of the array and check each item in sequence until the end of the array is reached or the item is found • Note that we have two conditions here – One stops the loop with failure (get to end) – The other stops the loop with success (found item) • We should always consider all possible outcomes when developing algorithms Q: What kind of loop is best for this? • Think about what needs to be done Let’s look at an example: 125 Lecture 13: Arrays of Objects • We have now seen how to create and use Java arrays of primitive types: int [] data; // declare variable (reference) data = new int[20]; // create array object … data[4] = 77; // index array to access locations • How does it differ if we want arrays of objects? The first two steps are the same • Declare variable • Create array object 126 Lecture 13: Arrays of Objects • However, remember that objects are accessed by • reference types Thus, when we create the array, we have an array of references, with no objects yet – All of the locations are initialized to null – We need to create objects to store in the array separately • For example: String [] names; names = new String[5]; names[1] = new String(“Herb”); names[3] = new String(“Madge”); names[4] = new String(“Mort”); – names[0] and names[2] are still null – Show on board 127 Lecture 13: Arrays of Objects • Note that we have two levels of references here names 0 1 Herb 2 3 Madge 4 Mort • See for another example 128 Lecture 13: Arrays as Instance Data and Composition • When we create a new class we can have arbitrary instance variables within it If the instance variables are reference types (i.e. other classes) we say we are building a new class via composition • We are “composing” the new class from pieces that • • • already exist, putting them together in an appropriate way We briefly discussed this already with the PlayList class Also sometimes called aggregation Our use of these classes is limited to the functionality provided as public – We are building new classes using “off the shelf” components, so we may have to compromise based on what the “off the shelf” components can do 129 Lecture 13: Arrays as Instance Data and Composition As a simple example, consider the Player class from Assignment 2 • Inside Player you have a String for the name plus • • some primitive types for the rounds and money Thus you are composing your Player class out of the existent String class (plus some primitives) From within Player: – We are a client of String, having access to the public methods in the String class • From outside Player: – User may not even know a String is used since it is a private instance variable – String is abstracted out of the user’s view 130 Lecture 13: Arrays as Instance Data For another example, if an array is used as an instance variable • We have the same access to the array within our class • as we would anywhere else in our program However, from outside the class, we may not even know the array is being used – Encapsulation and data hiding • See and Yet another example of composition is seen in our previous example • From outside PlayList we do not even necessarily know that class Song is being used within PlayList 131 Lecture 13: Resizing an array • Java array objects can be of any size However once created, they cannot be resized This is fine if we know how many items we will need in advance: System.out.println("How many integers?"); int size = inScan.nextInt(); int [] theInts = new int[size]; However, we don't always know this in advance • User may have an arbitrary amount of data and doesn't know how much until he/she has entered it • Amount may vary over time – Ex: Students in a university 132 Lecture 13: Resizing an array So what do we do if we fill our array? • Logically, we must "resize" it • Physically, we must do the following: – Create a new, larger array object – Copy the data from the old array to the new – Assign our reference to the new object > Show on board • This is not difficult syntactically, but it is important to • • realize that this takes time, especially if the array is large Clearly we don't want to do this too often A typical approach is to double the size, so we have a lot of free locations after the resizing – For the "why" of this, take CS 0445! 133 Lecture 13: Resizing an array What if we don’t have enough data to fill all of those new slots? • We must keep track of the number of locations that are actually being used in the array – i.e. we need an additional variable besides the array data itself • This way we can “add” elements to the end of the • • • array until it fills – only then will we have to resize Note that the array size and number of elements being stored in the array are not necessarily the same This is what is done in the predefined ArrayList class See 134 Lecture 14: Exam One • Exam One 135 Lecture 15: 2-D Arrays • Two-D arrays in Java are actually arrays of arrays int [][] A = new int[4][8]; The first index gives us a "row", which is an array of items • We say this is "row major order" The second index gives us the "column", which is the specific item within the row • Demonstrate on board • To iterate through all locations we typically use nested • loops See 136 Lecture 15: ArrayLists • Programmers can use arrays in arbitrary ways However, many applications require a common set of array operations • Ex: Add an object to the end of an array • Ex: Find an object in an array • Ex: Iterate through an array Rather than making the programmer implement these operations each time they are needed, the developers of Java have included a standard class that already does them ArrayList 137 Lecture 15: ArrayLists Remember data abstraction? • We can use an ArrayList effectively without having to know how it is implemented – We don’t need to know the internal data representation – We don’t need to know the method implementation • We simply need to look up its functionality in the Java API However, it is useful for computer scientists to understand how the ArrayList is implemented • Helps us to better understand programming in general • Helps us to implement similar types if necessary Look at a simple example: 138 Lecture 15:ArrayLists Idea: • Data is maintained in two parts: – an array to actually store the information – an int to keep track of the number of elements being stored • Most of our operations are concerned with the logical size of the array – Number of actual elements being stored • The physical size of the array is abstracted out of our view – This changes as necessary but we never need to know what it actually is in order to use the ArrayList – Remember previous discussion on resizing 139 Lecture 15: ArrayLists We can also implement this type of variable size array ourselves if we want to • We may want to do this if our needed functionality is • • very different from that of the ArrayList We simply need to keep an array and an int to keep track of the number of used locations You will do a simple example of this in Lab 7 140 Lecture 16: Simple Sorting • What does it mean to sort our data? Consider an array, A of N items: A[0], A[1], A[2], …, A[N-1] A is sorted in ascending order if A[i] < A[j] for all i < j A is sorted in descending order if A[i] > A[j] for all i < j Q: What if we want non-decreasing or non- increasing order? • What does it mean and how do we change the definitions? 141 Lecture 16: Simple Sorting • How do we sort? There are MANY ways of sorting data • Sorting has been widely studied in computer science Some algorithms are better than others • The most useful measure of “better” here is how long it takes to run • The better algorithms run a lot more quickly than the poorer algorithms However, some very simple algorithms are ok if N is not too large • We will look at a simple algorithm here – In CS 0445 you will see other, better ways of sorting 142 Lecture 16: SelectionSort • SelectionSort is very intuitive: Idea: Find the smallest item and swap it into index 0 Find the next smallest item and swap it into index 1 Find the next smallest item and swap it into index 2 … Find the next smallest item and swap it into index N-2 • What about index N-1? Let’s trace it on the board for the following data: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 35 50 20 40 75 10 15 60 143 Lecture 16: SelectionSort Let’s look at the code • and (also see text handout) • Note 1: – Done in a modular way utilizing methods – Trace it on the example from previous slide – See result on board • Note 2: The code shows another simple sorting • algorithm, InsertionSort. Look over that as well Note 3: The sorts here are done in terms of only one type – int – What if we want to sort different types of data? 144 Lecture 16: Sorting – We could write a version of SelectionSort (or InsertionSort) for each – Lots of typing, where everything other than the types involved is the same for each one > This is a key issue – the only difference in the sorts of different types is the data values and how they are compared > The sorting algorithm is the same – Is there a way we can do this without having to write the method so many times? – Yes! > Java Generics > We will discuss this later after we discuss polymorphism and interfaces 145 Lecture 16: Binary Search • Consider Sequential Search again – See Slides 124-125 and Note that in the worst case we look at every item in the array • We say this is a linear run-time – or time proportional to N, the number of items in the array Can we do better? • If the data is unsorted, no – It could be any item, so in the worst case we’ll have to try them all • What if we sort the data? Will that help? Consider example: Guess number from 1-1000 146 Lecture 16: Binary Search • Idea of Binary Search: Searching for a given key, K Guess middle item, A[mid] in array • If A[mid] == K, we found it and are done • If A[mid] < K then K must be on right side of the array • If A[mid] > K then K must be on left side of the array – Either way, we eliminate ~1/2 of the remaining items with one guess – Show on board for a search for 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 15 20 35 40 50 60 75 147 Lecture 16: Binary Search • What if item is not in array? We need a stopping condition in the “not found” case Think about what is happening with each test • Either we move left index to the right or • We move right index to the left • Eventually they will “cross” – in this case the item is not found – Idea is there is “nothing left” in the array to search – Search previous array for 25 How to code this? Not difficult! • We can do it with a simple while loop • See author's code: 148 Lecture 16: Binary Search • Notes: As with the version of SelectionSort we saw previously, this version of Binary Search only works for arrays of ints • If we want to generalize it we need to write it in a • slightly different way, using Java generics We will look at this later once we have discussed inheritance and interfaces 149 Lecture 16: Binary Search So is Binary Search really an improvement over Sequential Search? • Each “guess” removes ~½ of the remaining items • Thus the total number of guesses cannot exceed the number of times we can cut the array in half until we reach 0 items – Ex: 32 16 8 4 2 1 => 6 – Generally speaking, for N items in the array, in the worst case we will do ~log2N guesses – This is MUCH better than Sequential Search, which has ~N guesses in the worst case – You will discuss this more in CS 0445 and CS 1501 150 Lecture 17: Additional OO Notes static variables • Variables that are associated with the class itself rather than individual objects • Can be accessed through the class using – ClassName.variableName • or through the objects using – variableName from within an object – objectName.variableName from outside an object • Show logic of this on the board • To access from class or from outside of an object, the • data must be public Used when variables should be shared amongst all objects 151 Lecture 17: Additional OO Notes When should I use a variable and when should I use a method? • Variables should be used to store the basic properties of an object – Can be changed through mutators but should not become "obsolete" • Methods should be used to calculate / determine values using variables – We don't want to waste time calculating something that is set – However, if a value may change over time, it should be calculated • Ex: Age for a person – variable or method? Look again and 152 Lecture 17: Misc OO Notes Copying objects • Sometimes, for various reasons, we need to make a copy of an object • In Java there are two primary ways of doing this: – Using a “copy constructor” for the class > This method takes an argument of the same class type and makes a copy of the object > Ex: String newString = new String(oldString); – Using the “clone” method for a class > This allows an object to “make a copy of itself” > It is a bit more complicated to use > We will defer it to CS 0445 153 Lecture 17: Misc OO Notes When copying objects, we always need to be aware of exactly WHAT is being copied: • Shallow copy: Assign each instance variable in the old object to the corresponding instance variable in the new object – If the instance variables are themselves references to objects, those objects will be shared > See and • Deep copy: – Copy primitive types normally – For reference types, do not assign the reference; rather “follow the reference” and copy that object as well > Note that this process could proceed through many levels > See and 154 Lecture 17: Misc OO Notes – Deep copies tend to be more difficult to implement than shallow copies, due to the somewhat indefinite number of references that will have to be “followed” for the copy to be made > Ex: A linked list, which you will see in CS 0445 • Neither shallow nor deep is necessarily correct or • • incorrect It depends on the needs for a given class The important thing is to be AWARE of how your copies are being made and the implications thereof 155 Lecture 17: Misc OO Notes Returning references from methods • We know a method can return only a single value • However, that value can be a reference to an object which can contain an arbitrary amount of data • We already discussed composition / aggregation, so we know an object can contain references to other objects within it • Question: If an instance method is to return a reference to an object within another object, do we – Return a reference to the actual object – Return a reference to a copy of the object • Answer: It depends 156 Lecture 17: Misc OO Notes What access do we need? • Are we just looking at the object, or do we need to mutate it? • If we want to mutate it, do we want the mutation to be local (i.e. in the copy) or should it impact the encompassing object? • Text suggests returning copies, but, again, it depends on the goals – What do we want to do with it? – What if we need to update the data? > A reference gives us access to do this easily 157 Lecture 17: Misc OO Notes – The alternative is to return a copy, delete the original, update the copy, then reinsert it – This is possible but a lot more work • However, keep in mind that returning references to the “originals” is more dangerous than returning copies – If we accidentally modify the object via the returned reference, that will impact the original encompassing object – It could even invalidate the encompassing object in some cases > Ex: Maintaining a sorted collection of data > If a reference to an item within the collection is returned, the value could be changed and the overall collection may no longer be sorted 158 Lecture 17: Misc OO Notes The this reference • Often in instance methods you are accessing both instance variables and method variables • If a method variable has the same name as an instance variable, updates will change the method variable, NOT the instance variable – This is a common programming mistake!!! • this is a pseudo-instance variable that is a selfreference to an object – It allows disambiguation between instance variables and method variables • See example on board 159 Lecture 17: Misc OO Notes Garbage Collection • When a reference to an object is reassigned, the original object can no longer be accessed through that reference • If there is no other reference to that object, then it cannot be accessed, period • In this case the object has become garbage – An object sitting in memory that can no longer be an active part of the program • If a program produces a lot of garbage it can consume a lot of memory 160 Lecture 17: Misc OO Notes • The garbage collector runs when needed to deallocate • the memory taken up by garbage so that it can be reused The details of how it works are very interesting, but beyond the scope of this course 161 Lecture 18: Graphical Interfaces • So far all of our programs have used Input from the keyboard (or file) Output to the console (or file) • This is effective but in today’s world is not so user-friendly Users want to use the mouse (or a finger) Users want windows with dialog boxes and buttons Users need maximum guidance with minimum room for error 162 Lecture 18: Graphical Interfaces • Java has all of the tools for us to design and implement complex graphical interfaces Graphical output and use of a mouse and other graphical components for input • Ex: Windows with buttons, textfields, pulldown menus, radiobuttons, labels, and more • To use these tools we need to learn some Java classes and some programming theory But once we learn how to do it we will typically prefer it over console applications 163 Lecture 18: AWT and Swing • The AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) was developed for the first versions of Java Created components such as Frame, Panel, Button, TextField, Label • However, the look and feel of the AWT varied on different windowing systems The same AWT Java program looks different when run on MS Windows machines, MACs and Sun Workstations • This is because the underlying windowing systems on those machines differ 164 Lecture 18: AWT and Swing • Since a goal of Java is to be platform • independent, its look and feel should also be platform independent Swing was developed from Java v. 1.2 to be more consistent in its look and feel across all platforms It also adds some extra features that did not exist in the AWT Many Swing components are similar to AWT in name, but with a “J” in front • Ex: JFrame, JPanel, JButton, JTextField, JLabel 165 Lecture 18: JavaFX • JavaFX is a “Set of graphics and media packages that enables developers to design, create, test, debug and deploy rich client applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms” -- from Oracle JavaFX docs As more programming moves toward Web interfaces, JavaFX will gain in popularity Can be used with Swing as well, so learning Swing is still a good thing 166 Lecture 18: JavaFX JavaFX is covered in the text, and I encourage you to explore it • However, the text discussion requires a software download which is not currently in our labs We may discuss JavaFX a bit more later if we have time For now we will focus on Swing • Much of the approach is the same, as we will discuss 167 Lecture 18: JFrames and JApplets • JFrames are objects that will be the windows in graphical applications We can draw/paint graphics within them We can place and manipulate graphical components within them • JApplets are similar in their functionality to JFrames However, they are run within the context of another program (i.e. a Web browser) Used to be very popular, but not so much any more 168 Lecture 18: JFrames • We will focus on JFrames To use them we: • Create a JFrame object • Size it as desired • Show it on the display Once we have a JFrame we can do a LOT with it • Draw graphics within it • Store and organize other components • React to events such as mouse movement and clicking • We will gradually be looking at all of these things 169 Lecture 18: JLabels • JLabels are simple components to show formatted text on the display We can set the font type, size and color We can set and change the text itself as desired throughout program execution • Let’s look at a very simple example: Create a JFrame, then put a JLabel in it and display it See • See the comments to determine how the various objects are created and set up properly 170 Lecture 18: Simple Example Note that this example does not really do much • No interaction with the user But it does show us some of the basic setup for graphical applications Let’s now add a bit more functionality • Add a button that user can click to change the color of the label text 171 Lecture 18: JButtons • JButtons are simple components that can also show text on the display However, in addition to showing text, they also respond to clicks of the mouse • If a user clicks the mouse within a JButton, an • ActionEvent object is generated in response This object is passed automatically to an ActionListener object – The ActionListener must be registered to “listen” to the JButton – ActionListener is actually an interface with the single method actionPerformed() > We will discuss interfaces formally soon 172 Lecture 18: Event-Driven Programming – Any class that implements actionPerformed() can be an ActionListener • This causes the actionPerformed method within the ActionListener to execute – It is the actionPerformed method that is doing the actual response to the button click This idea is called event-driven programming • As program executes, user generates events in various ways – Ex: click a button, move the mouse, edit text • Programmer writes code to respond to the various • events that may occur See trace on next slide (run as a presentation to see effects) 173 Lecture 18: Event-Driven Programming JButton AE ActionListener object 1) JButton is clicked 2) ActionEvent (AE) generated 3) Event passed to ActionListener 4) actionPerformed executed Note that because the ActionEvent is passed to the actionPerformed method, the method can get information from the ActionEvent through its accessor methods public void actionPerformed( { // code to execute } 174 ) Lecture 18: Event-Driven Programming There are many different types of events in Java programs, but the basic idea for all of them is similar to that shown in the previous slide: • In some way an event is triggered • Triggered object generates an event object • Event object is passed to some event listener object • Method in the event listener executes to handle the event It is important that event handlers are linked to the appropriate event generators • Otherwise event will still be generated but will not be responded to Do example in class • See 175 Lecture 18: Event-Driven Programming Note that has a single JButton and a single listener • If we have multiple buttons / event generators we • could share listeners amongst them or allocate individual listeners for the generators The choice is based on our goals and what we want the program to do See a simple example of this • – 2 buttons, one listener • – 2 buttons, two listeners 176 Lecture 19: Another Example • Let’s look at another simple example: Toggle Button • Click it once and it does an action • Click it again and it does a different action – Each click it alternates between the two actions The setup of this program is very similar to • Only difference is what the listener is doing See 177 Lecture 19: Multiple Components • If we want multiple components, we need to determine how to lay them out To do this we use a layout manager • These determine how components appear in a window and how much space is allocated for them There are many layout managers in Java • Two simple ones are: – FlowLayout > Places components as we read a book – left to right top to bottom – GridLayout > Places components in an equally sized 2-dimensional rectangular grid 178 Lecture 19: Multiple Components • Multiple components may also need to interact with each other Listener for one component may need to access the other component • In this case we must allow the listener access to all • • components involved -- so it must be different from how we did it in and In those programs the listener could access the button that created the event through the getSource() method However, other than that the listener is isolated from the variables in the main program 179 Lecture 19: Multiple Components Ex: Consider a JTextField • This is a component in which the user can enter text • Once user hits “Enter”, the component generates an ActionEvent – Same event generated by a JButton • We can use this to process input from a user – For example to change the contents of a JButton • However, in this case the listener must be able to access both the object that generated the event (the JTextField) and the object it needs to change (the JButton) – To do this the objects must be set up in a different way so that the variables can be shared 180 Lecture 19: Multiple Components • Let’s look at another example Our JFrame will have a JButton and a JTextField • The JButton will behave as in ex15b – clicking it will change the color of the text • The JTextField will allow us to enter new text for the JButton To allow the second option we must set up our components and listeners in a different manner See 181 Lecture 19: More on GUIs • What if we want different parts of our window laid out differently? There is a GridBagLayout that allows for arbitrary configurations, but it is quite complicated to use A simpler solution is to subdivide our window We can do this with JPanels • Have most of the functionality of JFrames, except • without the title/menu bar Can store other components and lay them out using a layout manager 182 Lecture 19: More on GUIs So now we can use the layout manager of our JFrame to store our JPanels • We can then use our JPanels to store our other components See drawing on board • When doing this, a common way of laying out our JFrame is BorderLayout • BorderLayout subdivides our window into 5 areas – NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, CENTER • We can put a component in each area or just some of • them If the component is a JPanel, we can then put our other components within that 183 Lecture 19: More on GUIs • How to terminate a graphical program? So far we have set an option in the JFrame that causes the program to stop when it closes: theWindow.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); However, we may want to quit in some other way • Ex: A menu option or a "quit" button • We can do this with the System.exit(0); method call • However, we need to make sure the method is called only when we really want to quit the program – Use a listener (ex: ActionListener) • See 184 Lecture 20: More on JPanels • What if we want to encapsulate data within a JPanel? The JPanel class contains instance variables and methods, but these are geared toward its graphical function • We can attach components to it but this is solely for display purposes The variables are still outside the JPanel • What if we want it to also store and manipulate our own data in the JPanel? • We need to extend it using inheritance 185 Lecture 20: Extending JPanels We will talk about inheritance formally soon For now we just need the basics • When we extend a class in Java, the new class has all of the functionality of the original, plus any new functionality that we give it via additional instance variables and methods So, we can do this: class MyPanel extends JPanel • We can then put whatever we’d like into our new • class We can add new instance variables, methods or both 186 Lecture 20: Extending JPanels Idea: • A JPanel already encapsulates a component which can be displayed and can store / manage other components • By extending it we can encapsulate any other data / methods we would like and give it a new functionality – We extend it, or add more to what was already there Let’s look at two examples • – Same functionality as, but done via extending JPanel • and – Can help with Assignment 4 187 Lecture 20: Intro. to Interfaces • In our graphical examples so far we have used ActionListener objects to handle events But ActionListener is not a class And we use different classes, all of which we call ActionListeners How can this be? • ActionListener is an interface • This is different from a class • But what is it and how does it work? – To really understand interfaces, we need to understand inheritance and polymorphism – However, for now we will discuss them superficially 188 Lecture 20: Intro. to Interfaces • A Java interface is a named set of methods • However, no method bodies are given – just the • headers Static constants are allowed, but no instance variables are allowed No static methods are allowed (changed in Java 8) • Any Java class (no matter what its inheritance) can implement an interface by implementing the methods defined in it • Essentially an interface is stating an ABILITY of the class A given class can implement any number of interfaces 189 Lecture 20: Intro. to Interfaces Ex: public interface Laughable { public void laugh(); } public interface Booable { public void boo(); } • Any Java class can implement Laughable by implementing the method laugh() • Any Java class can implement Booable by implementing the method boo() 190 Lecture 20: Intro. to Interfaces • Ex: public class Comedian implements Laughable, Booable { // various methods here (constructor, etc.) public void laugh() { System.out.println(“Ha ha ha”); } public void boo() { System.out.println(“You stink!”); } } • Note that in the class header we must declare that the interfaces are implemented 191 Lecture 21: Intro. to Interfaces An interface variable can be used to reference any object that implements that interface • Note that the same method name (ex: laugh() below) • may in fact represent different code segments in different classes But only the interface methods are accessible through the interface reference • Thus, even though a single class may implement many interfaces, if it is being accessed through an interface variable, the methods in the other interfaces are not available – The interface masks the object such that only the interface methods are visible / callable – If other methods are attempted to be accessed, a compilation error will result 192 Lecture 21: Intro. to Interfaces Ex: Laughable L1, L2, L3; L1 = new Comedian(); L2 = new SitCom(); // implements Laughable L3 = new Clown(); // implements Laughable L1.laugh(); L2.laugh(); L3.laugh();; // illegal even though Comedian has // the boo() method ((Booable)L1).boo(); // this is ok since we cast • See Interfaces are closely related to inheritance and polymorphism • These are discussed in Chapter 10 of the text • We will revisit interfaces in more detail soon 193 Lecture 21: Wrappers • Much useful Java functionality relies on classes / objects Inheritance (Chapter 10) Polymorphic access (Chapter 10) Interfaces (Chapter 10) • Unfortunately, the Java primitive types are NOT classes, and thus cannot be used in this way If I make an array of Object or any other class, primitive types cannot be stored in it 194 Lecture 21: Wrappers Wrapper classes allow us to get around this problem • Wrappers are classes that “wrap” objects around primitive values, thus making them compatible with other Java classes – We can't store an int in an array of Object, but we could store an Integer • Each Java primitive type has a corresponding wrapper – Ex: Integer, Float, Double, Boolean • Ex: Integer i, j, k; i = new Integer(20); j = new Integer(40); 195 Lecture 21: Wrappers The wrapper classes also provide extra useful functionality for these types • Ex: Integer.parseInt() is a • static method that enables us to convert from a String into an int Ex: Character.isLetter() is a static method that tests if a letter is a character or not See more in API 196 Integer int Double double Lecture 21: Wrappers and Casting However, arithmetic operations are not defined for wrapper classes • So if we want to do any “math” with our wrappers, • • we need to get the underlying primitive values If we want to keep the wrapper, we then have to wrap the result back up Logically, to do the following: k = i + j; • The actual computation being done is k = new Integer(i.intValue() + j.intValue()); – In words: Get the primitive value of each Integer object, add them, then create a new Integer object with the result 197 Lecture 21: Wrappers In Java 1.4 and before: • Programmer had to do the conversions explicitly – Painful! In Java 1.5 autoboxing was added • This does the conversion back and forth automatically • Saves the programmer some keystrokes • However, the work STILL IS DONE, so from an efficiency point of view we are not saving • Should not use unless absolutely needed We will see more on how wrappers are useful after we discuss inheritance, polymorphism and interfaces 198 Lecture 21: Parsing Primitive Types One ability of the wrapper classes is static methods to parse strings into the correct primitive values • Ex: Integer.parseInt(), Double.parseDouble(), • • Boolean.parseBoolean() These enable us to read data in as Strings, then convert to the appropriate primitive type afterward Ex: “12345” in a file is simply 5 ASCII characters: 49 50 51 52 53 • To convert it into an actual int requires processing the characters (as we discussed previously) – However, let’s now see the actual algorithm 199 Lecture 21: Parsing Primitive Types – We know ‘0’ is ASCII 48 – So our integer is (49-48)x104 + (50-48)x103 + (51-48)x102 + (52-48)x101 + (53-48)x100 – This can be done “manually” in a nice efficient way using a simple loop, and is what the parseInt() method does – Let’s do it ourselves to see how it can be done – Any suggestions on how to start? • See and 200 Lecture 21: Character class • The Character wrapper class provides many useful methods: Ex: • Case conversion, checking for letters, checking for digits Can be useful when we are parsing text files ourselves • The String class has some very useful methods as well See text for a lot of them (ex: split()) See 201 Lecture 22: Inheritance • Sometimes we want to build a new class that is largely like one we already have Much of the functionality we need is already there, but some things need to be added or changed • We can achieve this in object-oriented languages using inheritance Attributes of a base class, or superclass are passed on to a subclass 202 Lecture 22: Inheritance and “is a” We can understand this better by considering the “is a” idea • A subclass object “is a” superclass object • However, some extra instance variables and methods may have been added and some other methods may have been changed Note that “is a” is a one way operation • Subclass “is a” superclass (specific "is a" general) – With modifications / additions • Superclass is NOT a subclass (general not "is a" specific) – Missing some properties Ex: Button “is a” Component 203 Lecture 22: Inheritance and “is a” JComponent is a AbstractButton is a JButton is a is a JPanel JLabel • AbstractButton, JLabel and JPanel are all JComponents JButton “is a” AbstractButton • However, a JComponent is not necessarily an AbstractButton, JLabel or JCheckbox “Is a” is a one way relationship 204 Lecture 22: Extending Classes • Inheritance in Java is implemented by extending a class public class NewClass extends OldClass { … We then continue the definition of NewClass as normal However, implicit in NewClass are all data and operations associated with OldClass • Even though we don’t see them in the definition • We saw this already in, where our new class extended JPanel 205 Lecture 22: private, public and protected We already know what public and private declarations mean The protected declaration is between public and private • Protected data and methods are directly accessible in the base class and in any subclasses (and in the current package) However, they are not directly accessible anywhere else • Note that private declarations are STILL PART of subclasses, but they are not directly accessible from the subclass’ point of view • See,, and 206 Lecture 22: Inheritance Example • As another example Compare MixedNumber class and MixedNumber2 class Both utilize the RationalNumber class from the Lewis & Loftus text to do most of the "work" Both also have the same functionality, but MixedNumber uses composition and MixedNumber2 uses inheritance • Note simplicity of MixedNumber2 methods • Read over the comments carefully! • See,, and 207 RationalNumber int numerator int denominator -------------add(), subtract(), multiply(), divide(), etc. MixedNumber2 extends RationalNumber add(), subtract(), multiply(), divide(), etc. Lecture 22: Inheritance Example Composition: MixedNumber class utilizes a RationalNumber object. Methods in MixedNumber must manipulate the RationalNumber object as a "client", since it has no special relationship to RationalNumber RationalNumber int numerator int denominator -------------add(), subtract(), multiply(), divide(), etc. 208 MixedNumber int whole RationalNumber frac -------------add(), subtract(), multiply(), divide(), etc. Inheritance: MixedNumber2 class is a RationalNumber, but with modifications. Ex: The numerator in MixedNumber2 is that defined in RationalNumber. Methods in RationalNumber can be used directly, and new versions are only needed where the return type must be MixedNumber2. Lecture 23: Method Overriding • In the previous examples, we used inheritance to Add some new functionality / methods utilizing existing instance variables Add some new functionality with additional instance variables • However, sometimes we want to extend a class and change some of the things it does In this case we may want to keep a method header the same as it was Yet we might want to change its body 209 Lecture 23: Method Overriding Idea: • The subclass type has the same basic structure as its superclass, but has some different behaviors or different ways of performing identically named tasks Ex: • Consider a simple array list to maintain data in positional order – Can add or remove an item from an arbitrary location or just add at the end – Can access or change the value at an existing location – This is the basic functionality of the predefined ArrayList class – See 210 Lecture 23: Method Overriding • Now consider an array list in which the data must be • maintained in some type of sorted order What are the differences? – Can no longer add in an arbitrary location > Must be in the correct sorted order – Can we change the data at a location? > No? Maybe a way to go > Yes? What should we do in this case • We could implement this class from scratch but there are a lot of things that MyAList does that we can use – – – – Same basic data Same get() method Same remove(loc) method Same resize() method 211 Lecture 23: Method Overriding So what we want is • A new class that fundamentally is a MyAList, but with some differences One way we can define this is using inheritance and method overriding Method Overriding • A method defined in a superclass is redefined in a • • subclass with an identical method signature For subclass objects, the definition in the subclass replaces the version in the superclass See and 212 Lecture 23: Java Class Hierarchy • In Java, class Object is the base class to all other classes If we do not explicitly say extends in a new class definition, it implicitly extends Object The tree of classes that extend from Object and all of its subclasses is called the class hierarchy All classes eventually lead back up to Object This will enable consistent access of objects of different classes, as we shall see shortly 213 Lecture 23: Polymorphism • Idea of polymorphism See internet definition: • On Google type “definition polymorphism” and see the results – This search works for many CS terms that you may be curious about • Generally, it allows us to mix methods and objects of different types in a consistent way Earlier in the text, one type of polymorphism was already introduced 214 Lecture 23: Method Overloading This is called ad hoc polymorphism, or method overloading • In this case different methods within the same class or in a common hierarchy share the same name but have different method signatures (name + parameters) public static float max(float a, float b) public static float max(float a, float b, float c) public static int max(int a, int b) – Note: The return value is not considered to be part of the signature • When a method is called, the call signature is matched to the correct method version – Note: This is done during program COMPILATION 215 Lecture 23: Method Overloading • If an exact signature match is not possible, the one that is closest via “widening” of the values is used – “Widening” means that values of “smaller” types are cast into values of “larger” types > Ex: int to long int to float float to double – Fewer widenings provides a "closer" match • If two or more versions of the method are possible with the same amount of “widening”, the call is ambiguous, and a compilation error will result See Note: This type of polymorphism is not necessarily object-oriented – can be done in non-object-oriented languages 216 Lecture 24: Polymorphism • Subclassing Polymorphism Sometimes called “true polymorphism” Consists basically of two ideas: 1) Method overriding (as previously discussed) • A method defined in a superclass is redefined in a subclass with an identical method signature • Since the signatures are identical, rather than overloading the method, it is instead overriding the method – For subclass objects, the definition in the subclass replaces the version in the superclass 217 Lecture 24: Polymorphism 2) Dynamic (or late) binding • The code executed for a method call is associated with the call during run-time • The actual method executed is determined by the type of the object, not the type of the reference Allows superclass and subclass objects to be accessed in a regular, consistent way • Array or collection of superclass references can be • used to access a mixture of superclass and subclass objects This is very useful if we want access collections of mixed data types (ex: draw different graphical objects using the same draw() method call for each) 218 Lecture 24: Polymorphism • Ex. Each subclass overrides the move() method in its own way Animal [] A = new Animal[3]; A[0] = new Bird(); A[1] = new Person(); A[2] = new Fish(); for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) A[i].move(); move() move() • References are all the same, but objects are not • move() method invoked is that associated with the OBJECT, NOT with the reference 219 move() Lecture 24: Object, Method and Instance Variable Access • When mixing objects of difference classes, some access rules are important to know: Superclass references can always be used to access subclass objects, but NOT vice versa Animal A = new Bird(); // this is ok Bird B = new Animal(); // this is an ERROR Given a reference R of class C, only methods and instance variables that are defined (initially) in class C or ABOVE in the class hierarchy can be accessed through R • They still exist if defined in a subclass, but they are not accessible through R 220 Lecture 24: Object, Method and Instance Variable Access Ex: • Suppose class Fish contains a new instance variable waterType and a new method getWaterType() Fish F = new Fish(); Animal A = new Fish(); System.out.println(F.getWaterType()); // ok System.out.println(A.getWaterType()); // NO! – The above is NOT legal, even though the method exists for class Fish. The reason is that the method is not visible from the reference’s point of view (A is an Animal reference so it can only “see” the data and methods defined in class Animal) System.out.println(((Fish) A).getWaterType()); – This is ok, since we have now cast the reference to the Fish type, which CAN access the method 221 Lecture 24: Object, Method and Instance Variable Access • Note that we can access these methods or instance variables INDIRECTLY if an overridden method accesses them – So, for example, if the move() method as defined in class Fish called the getWaterType() method, and we called A.move(); – It would work fine • Also note that if we cast a reference to a different type, and the object is not that type (or a subtype), we will get ClassCastException – If unsure, test using instanceof operator before casting • See for an example 222 Lecture 24: Object, Method and Instance Variable Access • To summarize: • Superclass references CAN BE used to reference • • • subclass objects Subclass references CANNOT BE used to reference superclass objects The type of the reference determines what data and methods are ACCESSIBLE The type of the object determines what data and methods EXIST – Methods and data initially defined within a subclass CANNOT BE accessed via a superclass reference – The type of the object also determines which VERSION of an overridden method is called 223 Lecture 24: Abstract Classes • Abstract classes Sometimes in a class hierarchy, a class may be defined simply to give cohesion to its subclasses • No objects of that class will ever be defined • But instance data and methods will still be inherited by all subclasses This is an abstract class • Keyword abstract used in declaration • One or more methods declared to be abstract and are thus not implemented • No objects may be instantiated 224 Lecture 24: Abstract Classes Subclasses of an abstract class must implement all abstract methods, or they too must be declared to be abstract Advantages • Can still use superclass reference to access all subclass objects in polymorphic way – However, we need to declare the methods we will need in the superclass, even if they are abstract • No need to specifically define common data and methods for each subclass - it is inherited Helps to organize class hierarchy • See 225 Lecture 24: Assignment 5 Help We have already discussed using graphical components such as JButtons, JLabels and JPanels We have also used ActionEvents and ActionListeners to allow user interaction Java also allows programmers to draw / render images in a JFrame or a JPanel Java also allows MouseEvents to handle mouse actions and motion • See 226 Lecture 24: Assignment 5 Help Utilizing MouseEvents, a JPanel, some predefined graphical classes and inheritance, we can write programs to draw / manipulate figures on the screen • See and In Assignment 5 you will extend the Polygon class to enable it to be used in a simple program to draw primitive graphical scenes • See and the outline 227 Lecture 25: More Interfaces • Java allows only single inheritance A new class can be a subclass of only one parent (super) class There are several reasons for this, from both the implementation (i.e. how to do it in the compiler and interpreter) point of view and the programmer (i.e. how to use it effectively) point of view However, it is sometimes useful to be able to access an object through more than one superclass reference 228 Lecture 25: More Interfaces We may want to identify an object in multiple ways: • Based on its inherent nature (i.e. its inheritance chain) – Ex: A Person • Based on what it is capable of doing – Ex: An athlete – Ex: a pilot • Recall from previous discussion that we can think of an interface as an "ability" – Classes that implement an interface have the ability defined by the interface methods – They can also be identified by this ability 229 Lecture 25: Interfaces Also recall our previous discussion of polymorphism • This behavior also applies to interfaces – the interface acts as a superclass and the implementing classes implement the actual methods however they want An interface variable can be used to reference any object that implements that interface • However, only the interface methods are accessible through the interface reference Recall our previous example: Laughable [] funny = new Laughable[3]; funny[0] = new Comedian(); funny[1] = new SitCom(); // implements Laughable funny[2] = new Clown(); // implements Laughable for (int i = 0; i < funny.length; i++) funny[i].laugh(); • Same polymorphic behavior we saw with Animal hierarchy 230 Lecture 25: "Generic" Operations How does it benefit us to be able to access objects through interfaces? • Sometimes we are only concerned about a given property of a class – The other attributes and methods still exist, but we don't care about them for what we want to do • For example: Sorting – We can sort a lot of different types of objects > > > > Various numbers People based on their names alphabetically Movies based on their titles Employees based on their salaries – Each of these classes can be very different – However, something about them all allows them to be sorted 231 Lecture 25: “Generic” Operations They all can be compared to each other • So we need some method that invokes this comparison In order to sort them, we don't need to know or access anything else about any of the classes • Thus, if they all implement an interface that defines the comparison, we can sort them all with a single method that is defined in terms of that interface Huh? ¿Qué? • Perhaps it will make more sense if we develop an example…but first we will need some background! 232 Lecture 25: “Generic” Operations Consider the Comparable interface: • It contains one method: int compareTo(Object r); • Returns a negative number if the current object is less than r, 0 if the current object equals r and a positive number if the current object is greater than r Look at Comparable in the API • Consider what we need to know to sort data: • is A[i] less than, equal to or greater than A[j] Thus, we can sort Comparable data without knowing anything else about it • Awesome! Polymorphism allows this to work 233 Lecture 25: “Generic” Operations Think of the objects we want to sort as “black boxes” • We know we can compare them because they • implement Comparable We don’t know (or need to know) anything else about them – Show on board Thus, a single sort method will work for an array of any Comparable class • Let’s write it now, altering the code we already know • from our simple sort method See and – Also see and 234 Lecture 26: Intro. to Exceptions in Java • Run-time errors happen User enters incorrect input Resource is not available (ex. file) Logic error (bug) that was not fixed • For Production software Having a program "crash" is a HIGHLY UNDESIRABLE thing • Users think software is no good • Lose confidence 235 Lecture 26: Intro. to Exceptions in Java • Exception: An occurrence of an erroneous, unusual or unexpected event in a program execution In older languages • Code the handling of exceptions into each area of the • program that needed it, typically with if statements Some exceptions could not even be handled by the HLL – ex. standard Pascal cannot handle I/O errors or division by 0 > Ask for integer and user enters a text string – what do you do? > Discuss 236 Lecture 26: Intro. to Exceptions in Java In newer languages • Exception handling built into the language • We can separate exception handling from the "main line" code Java uses an exception handling model similar to that used in C++ Exceptions are objects that are thrown … and catched Some exceptions are built into the language Others can be created and thrown by the programmer 237 Lecture 26: Exceptions in Java • Java exception handling Exceptions are handled using try-catch blocks try { // code that will normally execute } catch (ExceptionType1 e) { // code to "handle" this exception } catch (ExceptionType2 e) { // code to "handle" this exception } ... // can have many catches finally { // code to "clean up" before leaving try block } 238 Lecture 26: Exceptions in Java If all goes well (no exceptions occur) • Code in try block is executed, followed by code in (optional) finally block If an exception occurs anywhere in the try block • Execution immediately jumps out of the try block (i.e. the try block does not complete its execution) • An exception handler is sought in a catch block – If exception is handled in a catch block, that block executes followed by the (optional) finally block – If the exception is not handled in a catch block, the (optional) finally block is executed and then the exception is propagated Note that in all cases the finally block is executed if it is present 239 Lecture 26: Exceptions in Java If an exception is handled • Execution resumes immediately AFTER try/catch block in which it was handled, and does NOT return to throw point • termination model of exception handling – As opposed to a resumption model, where execution resumes from where the exception occurred If an exception is propagated • A handler is searched for by backing up through the call chain on the run-time stack • This is dynamic exception propagation • If no handler is ever found – Console applications crash and report exception – GUI applications will continue to execute, but may be in an inconsistent state – more soon 240 Lecture 26: Exceptions in Java • Checked vs. Unchecked exceptions Checked exceptions • If a method does NOT handle these, the method MUST state that it throws them – Done in a throws clause in the method header • These include IOException, and InterruptedException (and their subclasses) – That is why various handouts throughout the term have had some exception handling – it was required Unchecked exceptions • Method not required to explicitly "throw" these • These include RunTimeException and Error 241 Lecture 26: Exceptions in Java • Catching exceptions Catching a superclass of an exception will catch subclass exception objects catch (Exception e) > "catch all" if no other exceptions match Should list exceptions in order of most specific to most general – If catch above is first NO OTHER catches in the block could ever execute It is better style to be as specific as possible with the exceptions that are caught • See 242 Lecture 26: Exceptions in GUIs • GUIs run using multiple execution threads A thread is a logically separate execution chain that shares the same data • See board Events in GUIs are generated and handled by threads In future courses you may see how to use threads yourselves For now we just want to know the effect of exceptions on applications that have multiple threads 243 Lecture 26: Exceptions in GUIs If the thread in which the exception was thrown does not handle it, the thread will terminate • However, other threads will continue the execute, so GUI may continue to run This does NOT mean that it will run correctly • The exception may have caused a problem that persists in the GUI • Don't think that because the window didn't close that everything is ok It is best to always try to anticipate and handle exceptions in GUIs 244 Lecture 26: Defining Exception Classes Just like most Java classes, Exception classes can be extended • There are many predefined exceptions, designed for • • different circumstances However, we may have a specific issue that we’d like to create a new exception class for Note that if our class is a subclass of some other exception class, it can be caught using the superclass exception, or the subclass exception See,, 245 Lecture 27: Recursion • A Java method can call any other public Java method main() is just a method itself, and we have called other methods from it Thus, a method should be able to call itself – we call this a RECURSIVE CALL • Since it is a method At first thought this seems odd or even impossible – why would we want to do this? However, it will be very useful in a lot of different programming approaches 246 Lecture 27: Recursion Before we look at the programming in detail, let’s try to get the idea down, using math Some mathematical functions are in fact defined recursively • Example in text: Factorial N! = N * (N-1)! • Note that the function is defined in terms of itself, but with an important change: – The “recursive call” is smaller in size (N-1) than the original call (N) – This is vital to recursion being viable • Let’s trace 4! in this way to see what happens (see board) – Uh oh! 247 Lecture 27: Recursion What we are missing in the previous slide is a condition that allows the recursion to stop • Every recursive algorithm must have some terminating condition, to keep it from recursing “forever” We call this the BASE CASE • What is the base case for factorial? 0! = 1 This now allows us to complete our algorithm: N! = N * (N-1)! N! = 1 when N > 0 when N = 0 248 Lecture 27: Recursion Three important rules for any recursive algorithm: 1) There must be some recursive case, in which the 2) 3) algorithm “calls itself” There must be some base case, in which no recursive call is made The recursive calls must lead eventually to the base case – Usually by “reducing” the problem size in some way Don’t forget these! 249 Lecture 27: More Recursion Let’s look at another example: • Calculating an integer power of another integer MN = M * MN-1 N > 0 recursive case • Don’t forget the base case N = 0 base case MN = 1 • The actions we take are slightly different from factorial, but the basic idea is similar Trace this on board • Note how first call made is last call to complete • This is important in the implementation of recursion 250 Lecture 27: Implementing Recursion • So how do we implement recursion? Luckily the computer code is very similar to the mathematical functions Consider factorial below • Note that the recursive call is made within the return statement – This is fine – return is done AFTER call completes public static int fact(int N) { if (N <= 1) return 1; else return (N * fact(N-1)); } 251 Lecture 27: Implementing Recursion • How does recursion actually work? Each time a method is called, an activation record (AR) is allocated for it • This consists of memory for the parameters and local variables used in the method Each new activation record is placed on the top of the run-time stack When a method terminates, its activation record is removed from the top of the run-time stack Thus, the first AR placed onto the stack is the last one removed 252 Lecture 27: Implementing Recursion N = 1 N <= 1? YES return N = 2 1 N <= 1? NO return (2 * fact(1)) = N = 3 2 N <= 1? NO return (3 * fact(2)) = N = 4 6 N <= 1? NO return (4 * fact(3)) = 1 fact(1) fact(2) 2 6 24 fact(3) fact(4) 24 253 Lecture 27: Recursion vs. Iteration Some recursive algorithms can also be easily implemented with loops • Both factorial and power can easily be done in this • way When possible, it is usually better to use iteration, since we don’t have the overhead of the run-time stack (that we just saw on the previous slide) Other recursive algorithms are very difficult to do any other way (ex: Towers of Hanoi in text) You will see more about recursion in CS 0445 For now, let’s look at Also look at many handouts in the text 254 Lecture 28: Exam Two • Same length and general format as Exam • • One Focus on Lectures 15-27 See online review materials and practice questions 255 Extra Material: File Types 1) Text Files – discussed previously Advantage of text files: • Can read them outside of the program by many different editors or programs • Easy to create Disadvantage of text files: • Must be converted into the desired types as they are read in (as demonstrated with parseInt) – This takes time to do and slows I/O • Not the most efficient way to store non-String data – Ex: int 12345678 requires 8 bytes in a text file, but only needs 4 bytes in the computer as an int or in a binary file 256 Extra Material: Binary Files 2) Binary Files Data in the file is stored in the same way (or in a “serialized” version) that it is stored in the program • We can store arbitrary bytes or we can store “whole” data types, including primitive types (int, double, etc.) and objects (String, any other Serializable object type) – We will discuss Serializable more shortly 257 Extra Material: File Types Advantages: • Since data is already in its binary form, reading and writing require little if any conversion and is faster than for text files • Non-string data can often be stored more efficiently in its binary form than in ASCII form Disadvantage: • Data in the files is not readable except via a specific computer program – Ex: A Java object in a file can only be read in by a Java program There are reasons to use both of these types of files in various applications 258 Extra Material: IO Streams • In Java, file access is provided through a hierarchy of file and stream classes These allow various different access functionalities implemented in a systematic, consistent way Often we “wrap” streams around others to provide more specific access • Stream wrappers are a similar notion to our primitive type wrappers – in both cases we are wrapping an object around other data to increase the functionality of the data – However, in this case the data being “wrapped” is already an object 259 Extra Material: IO Streams • We have already seen a couple of these: Scanner (input), PrintWriter (output) • There are many other IO Streams that we can use in our programs The choice depends on the functionality that we want to wrap around the underlying file • Ex: For text files, PrintWriter is nice since it allows us • to write out strings Ex: For binary files of primitive types, DataOutputStream is good since it allows us to write each of the primitive types 260 Extra Material: Text vs. Binary Files • We discussed previously that numeric data can often be stored more efficiently in binary form than in text form Let's compare the two by writing the same data (numbers) to a text file and a binary file Since the data is just numbers we can use a DataOutputStream for our output Allows only simple methods such as writeInt(), writeDouble(), etc 261 Extra Material: Text vs. Binary Files • Let’s try this and then compare the sizes of the binary and text files We will generate a number of random ints and random doubles Store each in a text file and in a binary file and compare sizes at the end • Note that the size of the integer text file depends greatly on the values of the integers, while the size of the integer binary file is independent of the values – If we are storing very small integers, using a text file will actually save us space, but for large integers it will cost us space • See 262 Extra Material: Object Streams • Java has the ability to write entire objects to files in a serialized form The class type as well as the instance variables are written in a way that allows the object to be restored easily upon reading This is done utilizing the ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream classes It will only work if the class implements the Serializable interface • Note that if the class uses composition, all data within • it must also implement Serializable See, 263 Extra Material: Preview of Data Structures • In Data Structures, we want to learn, understand and be able to utilize many of the data structures that are fundamental to computer science Data structures such as vectors, stacks, queues, linked-lists and trees are used throughout computer science We should understand these from a user's point of view: • What are these data structures and how do I use them in my programs? 264 Extra Material: Preview of Data Structures • We also want to understand implementation issues related to these data structures, and to see how they can be implemented in the Java programming language Data structures can be implemented in various ways, each of which has implications (ex: runtime differences, code complexity, modifiability) We should understand these data structures from an implementer's point of view: • How can these data structures be effectively implemented? 265 Extra Material: Preview of Data Structures • We also want to understand and utilize programming ideas and techniques utilized in data structure implementation Object-oriented programming, dynamic memory utilization, recursion and other principles must be understood in order to effectively implement data structures • What tools must I know and be able to use in order to implement data structures? 266 Extra Material: Preview of Data Structures • We also want to learn more of the Java programming language and its features, and to become more proficient at programming with it Java is a very large language with extensive capabilities As your programming skills improve, you can utilize more of these capabilities effectively • Since I am working with Java, how well can I learn and use the language and its features? 267 Extra Material: Preview of Data Structures • Example: Consider the idea of a List: Ordered (by position), indexable collection of data In Java this is an interface – with some methods as shown: • void add(int index, Object element) – Add a new object at the specified index • int indexOf(Object o) – Find the object and return its index • Object get(int index) – Return the object at the specified index • Object remove(int index) – Remove (and return) the object at the specified index 268 Extra Material: Preview of Data Structures • We can implement a List in different ways ArrayList • Use an array as the underlying data structure • You are already familiar with this LinkedList • Use a linked list of nodes as the underlying data structure Head – See singly linked list below – Actual Java implementation is a doubly linked list > More details in CS 0445! 269 Extra Material: Preview of Data Structures Each implementation has advantages and disadvantages • Ex: Advantage of ArrayList – get(i) can be done in one step, since we just go to that index in the array – In a LinkedList we must follow references down the list • Ex: Advantage of LinkedList – add(0, obj) requires only creating a new object and linking it correctly to front of list – In an ArrayList we must shift all of the items from 0 down a spot in order to make "room" at index 0 270 Extra Material: Preview of Data Structures • Queue and Stack Two fundamental data structures used through computer programming Queue: • Data managed First In First Out (FIFO) Stack • Data managed Last In First Out (LIFO) Manipulation in other ways is not (or should not be) allowed • Using data abstraction and encapsulation we can implement these nicely 271 Extra Material: Preview of Data Structures In CS 0445 you will see these and other implementation ideas in detail Ex: See • Note that the showList method works for all of the • objects, using the Collection interface However, the underlying objects are different and give different functionalities and efficiencies – More in CS 0445! 272