WEEKLY LESSON PLAN WEEK OF: FEBRUARY 22-26 Mr. Morello Course: Block 1 – World History Information: Bell Class Homework, quizzes, classwork, worksheets, study guides, etc. M-T: 8:00-8:15 AM Bell High: 352-463-3232 Email morellop@mygcsd.org Formative Assessment 50% Phone Grading Procedure Tutoring Times W. History/Government Summative Assessment 50% Tests and projects Daily Procedures Bell Ringers Step one: Name, Week of , Period Step two: Copy and answer questions Step three: Be prepared to discuss responses Vocabulary Development Moe Notes Activities: Hands-on, Project, Worksheet, Strategy, Assignment, Reinforcement, Review, Etc. Closure Home Study Weekly Schedule Day Topic Chapter/Section Monday Date: 2-22-16 • Muslim Empire • Compare/ Contrast Islam & Hinduism Chapter 10, Section 1,2,3,4,5 Pages: 116-148 Videos: • Islam: Empire of Faith (PBS Documentary) • Religions of the World – Hinduism (History Channel/National Geographic) Tuesday Date: 2-23-16 Final Four Final Four Wednesday Date: 2-24-16 Teaching of Muhammed Chapter 10, Section 1,2,3,4,5 Pages: 116-148 Videos from above. Thursday Date: 2-25-16 Arab Empire Chapter 10, Section 1,2,3,4,5 Pages: 116-148 Videos from above. Friday Date: 2-26-16 Formative Quiz Chapter 10, Section 1,2,3,4,5 Pages: 116-148 Videos from above. Topic Introduction Muslim Civilization in the Middle East The religion of Islam, whose followers are called Muslims, emerged in the Arabian Peninsula. This region of southwestern Asia is mostly desert, yet it was home to many Arab tribes in the A.D. 500s. Islam Goes to India The arrival of Islam brought changes to India as great as those caused in the Aryan migrations 2,000 years earlier. As Muslims mingled with Indians, each civilization absorbed elements from the other. Learning Targets Learning Targets TLW develop and understand vocabulary related terms to Muslim, Middle Eastern, and Indian heritage and culture. (Formative quiz) TLW will identify and explain historical events concerning Muslim and Hindu civilizations. (Objective part of Summative Test) TLW compare and contrast the religions of Islam and Hinduism. TLW construct and defend a well written summary comparing and contrasting Islam and Hinduism in order to prepare for a written response on a summative test. Literacy Strategies Note-taking Venn Diagrams Written Summaries Written (Constructed) Response Vocabulary Development Learning Target TLW develop and understand vocabulary related terms to Muslim, Middle Eastern, and Indian heritage and culture. (Formative quiz) Task Assignment: Make a foldable or flash cards with the (1) term, its (2) definition, and (3) use the word in your own sentence, draw a pic that illustrates the term, or write a synonym for the term. Vocabulary Development Task Assignment: Make a foldable or flash cards with the (1) term, its (2) definition, and (3) use the word in your own sentence, draw a pic that illustrates the term, or write a synonym for the term. Terms Terms • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bedouins Muhammad Mecca Yathrib Hijra Medina Kaaba Quran Mosque Hajj Jihad Sharia Abu Bakr Caliph Sunni Shiite Sufis Umayyads Abbasids Baghdad Vocabulary Development Task Assignment: Make a foldable or flash cards with the (1) term, its (2) definition, and (3) use the word in your own sentence, draw a pic that illustrates the term, or write a synonym for the term. Terms Terms • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Minaret Sultan Social mobility Firdawsi Omar Khayyam Calligraphy Ibn Rushd Ibn Khaldun Al-Khwarizmi Muhammad al-Razi Ibn Sina Sultan Delhi Rajah Sikhism Babur Mughal Akbar Nur Jahan Shah Jahan Taj Mahal Vocabulary Development Task Assignment: Make a foldable or flash cards with the (1) term, its (2) definition, and (3) use the word in your own sentence, draw a pic that illustrates the term, or write a synonym for the term. Terms • • • • • • • • • • Ottomans Istanbul Suleyman Janizary Safavid Shah Shah Abbas Isfahan Qajars Tehran Terms Monday Learning Targets TLW will identify and explain historical events concerning Muslim and Hindu civilizations. (Objective part of Summative Test) THE WORLD OF ISLAM Moe Notes The Rise of Islam The Arabs Arose in the Arabian Peninsula and influenced Western Asia and beyond. They were a nomadic, Semitic-speaking people who lived in the arid climate of the Arabian Peninsula. The environment was harsh, they were organized into tribes and were led by a sheikh who was chosen from a council of elders. The tribes were independent, but worked together Early Religion -Most Early Arabs were polytheistic, many recognized a chief, or supreme god who they called Allah which is Arabic for “God.” -Allah was symbolized by a sacred stone, each tribe had their own stone, but there was one central stone called the Black stone which was placed in the shrine called the Kaaba. -This shrine was located in the city of Makkah (Mecca) in what is now Saudi Arabia. Trade The Arabian Peninsula became an important center for trade. The city of Mecca became rich from the caravan trade traffic which passed through the area. The domestication of the camel enabled traffic to cross the deserts and as empires grew up in the region trade increased greatly. As the merchants became rich from the Caravan traffic the life of the poor people of the area suffered. The Life of Muhammad Muhammad was born in Makkah in present-day Saudi Arabia to a merchant family. His parents died when he was young and he ended up living with his uncle who was a merchant and he became a caravan manager. Muhammad in Arabic Calligraphy Muhammad married an older widow named Khadija. Over time, he found the richness and corruption of the merchants and townspeople to be troubling. He decided to visit the hills to meditate. Muslims believe that while he was meditating in the hills he received revelations from God through the Angel Gabriel. Muhammad’s Revelation Muslims believe the Angel Gabriel told Muhammad to recite what he heard, it was believed that Allah had already revealed himself through Moses and Jesus, but now had a final revelation for man. This final revelation became the religion of Islam. Which means submission to the will of God. The Quran (Koran) The revelations to Muhammad were written down by scribes and became known as The Quran, which is the holy book of Islam. The Quran contains ethical guidelines and laws by which Muslims (followers of Islam) should live their lives. The Nature of The Quran The Quran is written in Arabic, which was the language of Muhammad. The Quran is considered to only be true when it is written in its original language. Translations are thought to lose the true meaning of the original words which are believed to be a direct revelation from God. The Muslim observance of Ramadan is to commemorate the recording of the holy text. After the Revelation After Muhammad received his revelation he went to his wife Khadija, she was his first convert to the new religion. He began to try to convert the people of Makkah to his message, but he was unsuccessful. After three years he was forced to go to the city of Yathrib, which later became Medina. This flight, or migration, is known as the Hijrah and marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar. This was in the year 622 CE. Acceptance in the city of the Prophet In Yathrib, renamed Medina (which means the city of the prophet) Muhammad was accepted and gained followers. One of the groups which converted to the new religion of Islam were the Bedouins who were desert Arabs. This new community became the first to practice the religion. After several years, Muhammad became both a spiritual and political leader, there was not an idea of the separation of church and state. He raised an army and conquered the city of Makkah. The Kaaba After Muhammad took the city of Makkah he cleansed the Kaaba of idols and dedicated it to Allah, who he taught was the one true God. All Muslims are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to Makkah known as the Hajj at least once in their life if they are physically and financially able. Wednesday Bell Ringer (10 minutes) Read “The Five Pillars of Islam” on page 121 and write at least one complete sentence explaining each pillar in your own words. (Total of six sentence or more.) 1,2,3,4,5 Add a question to your six sentences, answer it, and number it #6. (No right or wrong answer.) 6. How are the five pillars similar or different to Christian and Jewish faiths? Be prepared to read your sentences and the answer to question #6. Moe Notes Learning Targets TLW will identify and explain historical events concerning Muslim and Hindu civilizations. (Objective part of Summative Test) The Teachings of Muhammad Islam is Monotheistic, like Judaism and Christianity. Islam teaches a belief in an afterlife, those who hope to achieve this afterlife must submit to the will of Allah. Muslims do not believe the Muhammad was divine, they believe that he was a man. Islam is seen not just as a religion, but as a way of life. Muslims believe that Islam was God’s final revelation for mankind. Muslims feel that in order to achieve salvation that they must obey the will of Allah, or God. In order to do this they must follow the five major principles of Islam known as the Five Pillars of Islam. The Five Pillars of Islam 1-Declaration of Faith Muslims must state that there is not God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. 2. Daily Prayer Muslims must pray five times a day facing the Kaaba in Mecca. Pre Dawn Noon Afternoon Sunset Evening Five Pillars Continued . . . 3. Charity Muslims are supposed to help others and donate part of their income to charity. 4. Fasting-Ramadan Muslims must fast from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan which celebrates the recording of the Quran. Hajj 5. Pilgrimage: Hajj The fifth pillar of Islam is the Hajj. Once in a lifetime, if they are physically and financially able , Muslims are to journey to Mecca (Makkah) in Saudi Arabia and perform the rituals of the Hajj. Islamic Law After the death of Muhammad there were further interpretations of his teachings. These are known as the Hadith. There are different versions of the Hadith for different branches of Islam. These teachings were further interpreted in the Shari’ah. This is a set of laws which regulate many aspects of Muslim life. It does not separate between church and state and covers family life, business, government, and moral conduct. Muslims are expected to practice honesty and justice in dealing with others and are forbidden to gamble, eat pork, drink alcohol, or engage in dishonest behavior. Facts about Islam Quran (Koran)-Holy book of Islam Muslim- A follower of Islam Mosque- A Muslim House of Worship Minarets- The towers located on a Mosque from which the Muezzin calls the faithful to prayer. Minaret Vocabulary Development Learning Target TLW develop and understand vocabulary related terms to Muslim, Middle Eastern, and Indian heritage and culture. (Formative quiz) Task Assignment: Make a foldable or flash cards with the (1) term, its (2) definition, and (3) use the word in your own sentence, draw a pic that illustrates the term, or write a synonym for the term. Closure or Review Questions/Discussions What is one important fact about the rise of Islam? Describe Muhammad's role as prophet to the Muslim people. What is the name of the holy scriptures for the Islamic faith? What are the five pillars of Islam? Home Study Page 88-89: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 89 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sat) Page 91-91: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 91 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sun) Page 92-93: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 93 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Wed & Thurs) Page 94-95: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 95 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sat) Page 96-97: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 97 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sun) Thursday Bell Ringer (10 minutes) Read Primary Source – The Quran on page 123 and copy and answer the three questions in the Thinking Critically box. Read the caption “The Dome of the Rock” on page 125 and copy and answer the question. Be prepared to discuss and answer all four questions. Moe Notes Learning Targets TLW will identify and explain historical events concerning Muslim and Hindu civilizations. (Objective part of Summative Test) The Arab Empire and its Successors MOE NOTES Creation of an Arab Empire After the death of Muhammad, unity was difficult to maintain. The friend and father-in-law of Muhammad, Abu Bakr, was chosen to be the first Caliph, or successor to Muhammad. Abu Bakr helped to unify the Muslim world and expanded in Arabia and beyond. Under the idea of jihad, or “struggle in the way of God” the early Muslims expanded their territory. The believed that defensive warfare was permitted by the Quran. Arab Rule The Arabs were now united and expanded their territory instead of fighting each other. They defeated the Byzantine army in 636 taking the province of Syria. By 642 they took Egypt and by 650 they controlled the Persian Empire. After Abu Bakr died there was conflict over who would be the next Caliph. The next two Caliphs were both assassinated. After that Muhammad’s son-in-law Ali was appointed Caliph, but five years later he too was assassinated. Administration Muslims administrators were fairly tolerant of the people they defeated. Initially, both Christians and Jews were allowed to practice their religions, with some restrictions, because they were “People of the Book” who had written scriptures revealed to them by God before the time of Muhammad. Those who chose not to convert had to be loyal to the Muslim state and pay a special tax. The Umayyad Dynasty At the beginning of the eighth century Islam had expanded across northern Africa and had converted the Berbers (a pastoral people along the Mediterranean coast) to the faith. By 710 combined Berber and Arab forces crossed the Strait of Gibraltar into Spain and had taken most of the country by 725. In 732, however, the Muslim advance into Europe was halted at the Battle of Tours. By 750 the Muslim advance came to an end. The southern and eastern Mediterranean and parts of the old Roman Empire were now Muslim territory. The Umayyad Dynasty was centered in Damascus, in modern-day Syria and was wealthy. This was also a very diverse empire as many different peoples had been conquered in new territory. The diversity helped lead to a split within the Islamic faith A Split in Islam Many non-Arab Muslims resent the favoritism which the Umayyad Empire showed toward Arabs. The large empire was difficult to rule efficiently and there were financial problems as well. The Revolt of Hussein The grandson of Muhammad, Hussein, led a revolt against the Umayyad Empire in 680. His solders defected and he was killed by an overwhelming Umayyad force. This struggle led to a split within the faith of Islam between Sunni and Shi’a (Shiite) Muslims. Sunni vs. Shi’a (Shiite) Sunni Muslims supported the Umayyad Dynasty. They believe the Caliph does not need to be a direct descendant of Muhammad. Shi’a Muslims supported Hussein and believe that the Caliph should be a direct descendant of Muhammad through his son-in-law Ali and his grandson. Umayyad Architecture The Abbasid Dynasty Amidst growing resentment toward the Umayyad Dynasty Abu alAbbas, a descendent of Muhammad’s uncle, overthrew the Umayyad Dynasty in 750 and est. the Abbasid Dynasty. The Dynasty lasted until 1258 A.D. Abbasid Rule The Abbasids moved the capital of their empire to Baghdad. This move increased Persian influence and changed Abbasid culture. Under this dynasty the new heroes were judges, merchants, and government officials. This dynasty did not favor Arab rule and the empire became more culturally diverse. Harun al-Rashid The greatest of the caliphs of the dynasty. This is called the golden age of the Abbasid Dynasty (Caliphate) He was known for his charity and was a great supporter of culture and the arts. His son continued the tradition and supported the study of astronomy and began to translate classical Greek works into Arabic. Trade Baghdad became a major crossroads for trade. This made the city very wealthy. This also helped spread products and knowledge from the Middle East to parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Government Administration The government of the Abbasids became more like a monarchy. The bureaucracy which assisted the Caliph became more complicated. In order to assist him the Caliph appointed a Vizier who was like a prime minister. This man was the chief advisor to the Caliph and would help him run the government. Decline and Division There was great difficulty in the Abbasid Dynasty with imperial succession. There was also financial corruption. Caliphs began to recruit from non-Arab groups for government administration such as the Turks and the Persians. These groups came to dominate the political situation. Rulers of provinces began to break away and establish independent kingdoms. Spain had an independent Caliphate at Cordoba which had been established in 750 by Umayyad rulers who fled the Abbasid Dynasty. Morocco became independent. The Fatimid dynasty was established in Egypt with the capital at Cairo in 973. Seljuk Turks and the Crusades As the Fatimid Dynasty in Egypt became more powerful they became the new center of the Muslim world. One group which came to power in this region were the Seljuk Turks. The Turks played a large role in the military and many rose through the ranks to gain a lot of political power. The Turks were originally a nomadic people who converted to Islam and were great soldiers in the Abbasid caliphate. As the Abbasids weakened, the Turks became stronger moving into the areas of Iran and Armenia. They eventually took over many Abbasid territories. The Sultan The Turks were ruled by a Sultan, meaning “holder of power.” While the Abbasids were still a religious authority when the Turks captured Baghdad they were the military and political leaders of the state. The Turks in the second half of the 11th century kept putting pressure on the Byzantine Empire. In 1071 they defeated the Byzantine army at Manzikert and gained control of Asia Minor (Anatolian Peninsula) In desperation, the Byzantine Empire turned to the West for help. This led to a series of wars known as The Crusades. The Crusades The Byzantine Emperor Alexius I sent a letter to the Pope (Urban II) asking for help against the Turks. This led to a series of wars in 1096 known as The Crusades. At first the Crusaders were successful and took the city of Jerusalem. In 1187 the Muslim leader Saladin retook the city, leaving the Christians with only a small collection of land holdings in the Middle East. The Crusades had a lasting impact-breeding centuries of mistrust between the Muslim world and the Christian World. The Mongol Threat The Mongols were a pastoral, horse-riding people who swept out of the Gobi in the early 13th century to seize control over much of the known world. The were not Muslims and find it difficult to adapt to city life. The spread destruction across Asia into Muslim territory. The Invasion began with Genghis Khan and was continued under the leadership Kublia Khan and Hulegu. They seized Mesopotamia Persia and Mesopotamia destroying the city of Baghdad in 1258 The Mongols made it as far as the Red Sea, but were unable to take Egypt. Over time the Mongol rulers converted to Islam and rebuilt the Muslim world. Activity Create a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the religions of Islam and Hinduism. Video (30 minutes) Islam: Empire of Faith (PBS Documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHhbSvOcz4g Video (30 minutes) Religions of the World – Hinduism (History Channel/National Geographic) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvGW8k3G2NE Closure or Review Questions/Discussions What is one important fact about the rise of the Arab Empire? Home Study Page 88-89: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 89 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sat) Page 91-91: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 91 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sun) Page 92-93: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 93 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Wed & Thurs) Page 94-95: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 95 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sat) Page 96-97: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 97 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sun) Friday Bell Ringer (15 minutes) Study the Moe Notes, your workbook, and Venn Diagram for the test. Organize ALL handouts, workbook home study, and materials in ORDER and staple them together. Make sure your name is on the first page. File the packet in the teacher’s mailbox in Period 1’s drawer. Bell Ringer (10 minutes) Study for test on The Rise of Islam and Islamic Civilization and Culture. Formative Quiz (50 points) Take quiz: www.moes-place.weebly.com World History – Bell Take quiz called Middle East – Rise is Islam and Muslim Civilization Submit responses Moe Notes Learning Targets TLW will identify and explain historical events concerning Muslim and Hindu civilizations. (Objective part of Summative Test) Middle Eastern Islamic Civilization Prosperity in the Islamic World The Muslim empires carried on extensive trade with China, the Byzantine Empire, India, and SE Asia. Trade was done by ship and by camel caravans which traveled from Morocco in to West to the countries beyond the Caspian Sea in Central Asia. Goods Sub Saharan Africa: Gold and Slaves China: Silk and Porcelain E. Africa: Gold and Ivory SE Asia and India: Sandalwood and Spices. Egypt: Grain Iraq: Linen, Dates, and Precious Stones W. India: Textiles The development of banking helped to facilitate trade and eventually influenced European banking systems during the European Renaissance. The Role of Cities Flourishing trade led to wealthy and successful cities. Baghdad-Was known as the city of peace and was highly successful under the Abbasids Cairo: Was part of the Fatimid Dynasty Cordoba: Capital of Umayyad Spain Cities had Palaces for the Caliphs and mosques for worship. There were also public buildings with fountains, courtyards, public baths, and a bazaar. The Bazaar The covered market was a central part of each Muslim city. There were high standards for business and sanitation. It was a place where people could acquire both goods and services. Agriculture While cities were expanding a vast majority of the people still lived in the country and made their living in agriculture. Originally the land was owned by peasants, but was eventually bought by aristocrats and was worked by slave labor. Islamic Society Islam is considered more than just a religion, it is seen as a way of life that encompasses politics, economics, and social life. According to the Quran, all people were equal in the eyes of Allah, but in reality, the Muslim Empires did not follow this ideal. There was a well developed upper and lower class. Non-Muslims were not considered equal to Muslims and slavery was widespread (as in the rest of the ancient world). Slaves were usually non-Muslims because Islamic law made it illegal for one Muslim to enslave another. Slaves served in the military or served as domestic servants. Slaves could sometimes purchase their freedom and it was considered a good act to free ones slaves. The Role of Women Originally, the Quran granted women spiritual and social equality with men. Both men and women were to be friends and protectors of one another. Women could earn a living and own and inherit property. They played a prominent role in the rise of Islam. Men and Women had assigned social duties, but most societies in which Islam arose were male dominated Women in these societies had to have a male guardian and parents arranged marriages for their children. Men could have up to four wives, but they had to pay a dowry (gift of money or property) to their wives’ families. Women did have the right to divorce and adultery was forbidden for both men and women. After the spread of Islam local traditions began to assert themselves and many of the rights that were initially given to women in Islam were replaced by older traditions which denied women equal rights. A similar thing happened to the rights of early Christian women once Christianity became merged with Roman influence. The Veil The veil worn by Muslim women is traditionally called the Hijab. The ideal of women wearing veils was common in many Middle Eastern cultures before the advent of Islam. In Ancient Mesopotamia a veil was a symbol of status, purity, and moral character. There is some controversy over this use of these veils today. There are different interpretations of this tradition in different parts of the Muslim world. In general, women and men are supposed to dress modestly, the degree of that modesty varies from region to region according to In the Quran the Hijab has different meanings it can mean a curtain or partition dividing rooms--in other verses it is a sacred divide between the earth and holy, god and human, light and dark, and men and women. The Hijab covers the head and Neck The covering that women wear varies from country to country. The Chador covers the full body with a head scarf underneath. The Burka (Burqa) is a veil that completely covers the face and body. Activity Create a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the religions of Islam and Hinduism. Video (30 minutes) Islam: Empire of Faith (PBS Documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHhbSvOcz4g Video (30 minutes) Religions of the World – Hinduism (History Channel/National Geographic) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvGW8k3G2NE Closure or Review Questions/Discussions What is one important fact about Middle Eastern Muslim life, Islamic civilization, or culture? Home Study Page 88-89: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 89 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sat) Page 91-91: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 91 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sun) Page 92-93: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 93 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Wed & Thurs) Page 94-95: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 95 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sat) Page 96-97: Complete A & B, read and annotate page 97 and answer questions 1 & 2. (Suggested day: Sun) Monday Bell Ringer (10 minutes) Read Witness History “Akbar the Great” on page 138 and copy and answer the focus question. Read Geography Interactive “Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire” on page 139 and copy and answer the question. Be prepared to discuss and answer both questions. MOE NOTES INDIA’S MUSLIM EMPIRES Islam enters India •After the Gupta empire fell in 550, rival princes battled for control. •Despite the struggles, Indian culture flourished. •Trade networks linked India to the Middle East, Southeast Asia and China. The Delhi Sultanate Late 1100’s- Ghur’s sultanor Muslim ruler, defeats the Hindu army. Made Delhi his capital His successors organized a sultanate, or land ruled by a sultan The Delhi sultanate, 12061526, marked the beginning of Muslim rule in Northern India How did the Muslim’s win Muslim mounted archers had greater mobility than the Hindu forces on war-elephants. Hindu princes wasted resources by fighting each other instead of fighting against a common enemy. How did the Muslim’s win, cont. A large number of lower caste Hindu’s convert to Islam and fight against Indian Hindu’s. It was their only hope for a better life. Muslim Rule Changes Indian Government and Society Sultans introduce Muslim traditions of government. Many Muslim’s moving to Delhi from Baghdad, Persia… Persian art and architecture with flourish The Sultans Lose Power 1398- Tamerlane invades India. (descendent to Genghis Khan) Thousands of artisans enslaved. They are to build Tamerlane’s capital at Samarkand. Northern India is again fragmented into Hindu and Muslim states. Buddhism declines When the Muslims took over Northern India they destroyed Buddhist monasteries This lead to the decline of Buddhism in India With many Buddhists gone, now the Muslims and Hindus will clash. Muslim-Hindu differences Hindu Ancient religion Many sacred texts Prayed before statues representing many gods Polytheistic Islam Newer faith One single sacred text Muslims see statues as false gods Monotheistic Interesting Blending of cultures Muslim leaders grow more tolerant of their Hindu subjects. Hindus were allowed to practice their religion as long as they paid a poll tax. Some Rajahs- local Hindu rulers, were left in place. Indian Muslims would absorb elements of the Hindu culture, such as marriage customs and caste ideas. Urdu- new language (blended Persian, Hindi and Arabic) Sikhism- new religion in N. India Blending of Islamic and Hindu beliefs Nanak, preached the “unity of God, the brotherhood of man, the rejection of caste, and the futility of idol worship.” Sikhs would later become a military force. Mughal India In 526 Babur- who claimed to be a descendent of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane. Leader of Turkish and Mongol armies that poured into India. Babur founds the Mughal Dynasty In little time, Babur gets rid of the Delhi sultanate and sets up the Mughal dynasty. Ruled from 1526-1857. Mughal is Persian for Mongul Akbar the Great Chief builder of the Mughal empire is Babur’s grandson, Akbar. Akbar created a strong central government. Akbar He was a Muslim that won support from the Hindus because of his policy of toleration. Opened government jobs to Hindus of all castes. Hindu princes were partners in ruling the empire. Akbar would marry a Hindu princess. More on Akbar Could not read or write. Consulted leaders of many religions. Wanted religious harmony and toleration Wants all to accept India’s diversity Modernized the army Introduced land reforms Akbar’s successors Jahangir- Akbar’s son, would be a weaker leader than his father. Let his wife, Nur Jahan, run the government. She was an able leader and the most powerful woman in Indian history until the 20th century. Shah Jahan- Akbar’s grandson Highpoint of Indian literature and art comes under Jahan Married to Mumtaz Mahal She died at age 39 after having 14 children. Builds a tomb for her, Taj Mahal Taj Mahal Designed by a Persian architect Domes and minarets reflected in clear blue reflecting pools. Verses from the Quran adorn the inside walls. The greatest monument of the Mughal empire. More on the Taj Mahal Shah Jahan planned to build a twin structure as a tomb for himself. But before he could, his son seized the throne. Shah Jahan was kept imprisoned until his death. Closure or Review Questions/Discussions What is one important fact about India’s Muslim life, Islamic civilization, or culture? Tuesday Activity Create a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the religions of Islam and Hinduism. Video (30 minutes) Islam: Empire of Faith (PBS Documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHhbSvOcz4g Video (30 minutes) Religions of the World – Hinduism (History Channel/National Geographic) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvGW8k3G2NE Closure or Review Questions/Discussions Use Venn Diagram to write a summary comparing and contrasting both Islam to Hinduism. Minimum three paragraphs A writing checklist and rubric will be given to you. Home Study Chapter 11: Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa