Instructor: Bruce Dykeman, Ph.D. Office Hours: Wednesdays: 3 – 5 p.m. Saturdays: By appointment Contact Information: 847-619-8822 Office Address: Schaumburg Rm. 528 Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Counseling CHS 401-98 Spring On-Line Semester 2014 Catalog Description Standards and ethics in professional counseling: Studies include the history of the profession and current professional roles; professional organizations and credentialing standards; models of consultation and coordination of services. Writing skills, technological competency and computer literacy are required. Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities Students with disabilities or other conditions that require special accommodations are encouraged to identify themselves to the instructor and/or to the Academic Success Center/Office of Disability Services at 312-341-3810 as early as possible. Broad Goals: (College of Education) The faculty is committed to developing and expanding: 1. Devotion to social justice and global responsibility, 2. Passion for the counselor’s craft, and 3. Respect for knowledge and learning. Student Learning Objectives: (CACREP 2009 Standards) CORE A Core CACREP Standard. CMHC A Clinical Mental Health Counseling CACREP standard. SC A School Counseling CACREP standard. CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues 2 The following student learning objectives are based on the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs’ (CACREP) 2009 standards, including core objectives listed for Section II Professional Identity (CORE) as well as specialization standards for School Counseling (SC) and Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC). Students will complete studies and assignments to demonstrate knowledge and skills relevant to the following objectives: 1. history and philosophy of the counseling profession (CORE: II.G-4.a); 2. professional organizations, including membership benefits, activities, services to members, and current issues (CORE: II.G-1.b); 3. ethical standards of professional organizations and credentialing bodies, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling (CORE: II. G-1.j); 4. professional credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issues (CORE: II: G-1.g); 5. ethical strategies for selecting, administering, and interpreting assessment and evaluation instruments and techniques in counseling (CORE: II: G-7.g); 6. ethical and culturally relevant strategies for interpreting and reporting the results of research and/or program evaluation studies (CORE: II: G-8.f.) 7. ethical and legal considerations specifically related to the practice of school counseling (SC: A.2); 8. application of case material to ethical and legal standards in school counseling (SC: B.1); 9. ethical and legal considerations specifically related to the practice of clinical mental health counseling (CMHC: A.2); and 10. application of case material to apply and adhere to ethical and legal standards in clinical mental health counseling (CMHC: B.1). Methodology We will actively explore ethical and legal issues in professional counseling across three modules of study by using of reading assignments, weekly quizzes, observations of video clips, Blackboard discussions, a term paper titled Individual Certification/Licensure Summary, a term paper titled Ethical Position Statement, and a final evaluation. Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Content Area Foundations of ethics, law and professional standards Applications to direct counseling service Applications to indirect counseling service Class Policies 1. Assignment Due Dates: All assignments must be submitted by their due date. Point reductions incur for late submission. Please notify your instructor if you have extenuating circumstances. CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues 3 2. Incompletes and Withdrawals: No grades of Incomplete are given, and grades are calculated based upon assignments submitted prior to the end of the on-line semester. (The spring 2014 on-line semester ends on Friday, 04.25.2014.) Please consult the University policy on Withdrawals if you cannot submit the required assignments by the end of the on-line semester. 3. Writing Requirements: All term papers are required to be submitted in the formatting style detailed in the American Psychological Association’s (2001) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC: Author. Points will be deducted if this style is not followed. Papers will be evaluated based on content, writing, grammar, and APA style. 4. Communication: All students are expected to communicate using his or her assigned Roosevelt University e-mail address. Announcements, readings, and relevant updates to any assignments related to this class will also be posted regularly on Blackboard. It is important to check both of these modes of communication on a regular basis. 5. Roosevelt University Graduate Handbook and Catalog: All students are expected to familiarize themselves with the information contained within the current university graduate handbook and catalogue. Students will be held accountable for all the information within these documents. University Academic Honesty/ Plagiarism Policy Please see and Please also check the current Student Handbook Religious Holidays Policy Roosevelt University respects the rights of students to observe major religious holidays and will make accommodations, upon request, for such observances. Students who wish to observe religious holidays must inform their instructors in writing within the first two weeks of each semester of their intent to observe the holiday so that alternative arrangements convenient to both students and faculty can be made at the earliest opportunity. Students who make such arrangements by the deadline will not be required to attend classes or take examinations on the designated days, and faculty must provide reasonable opportunities for such students to make up missed work and examinations. However, all work missed for such absences, including papers and examinations, must be made up. Students who do not arrange for excused absences by the deadline are not entitled to such accommodations. Assessment of Professional Dispositions All teacher, counselor, and school leader candidates enrolled in the College of Education are expected to demonstrate the professional dispositions articulated in the conceptual framework of the College of Education and by the state of Illinois and professional CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues organizations. An assessment rubric accessible via Taskstream and/or the Blackboard website will be used at the end of the semester to evaluate all such candidates enrolled in this course in terms of their professional dispositions. The scores given will be viewable via Taskstream or another approved means. Students who receive a rating of “unacceptable” on any rubric item will be subject to a Student Performance Review. Please see the College of Education website for more information about the policy and procedures for the Assessment of Professional Dispositions. Required Readings and Materials Remley, Jr., T.P. & Herlihy, B. (2014). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson Publishing. Pearson Higher Education. (2014). MyCounselingLab. Boston: Author. ( TaskStream: Students enrolled in the College of Education must purchase a subscription to TaskStream. This will be necessary for evaluation purposes. Recommended Materials and Resources American Counseling Association (ACA) – Code of Ethics: Available online as American Mental Health Counseling Association (AMHCA) - Code of Ethics: Available online at American School Counselors Association (ASCA): Available online at Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR): Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE): and and the Illinois Certification Testing System: National Board for Certification of Counselors (NBCC) – Code of Ethics: Available online at 4 CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues 5 Assignments and Assessments Assignment 1 Quizzes 2 Discussion Board 3 Individual Certification/Licensure Summary 4 Ethical Position Paper 5 Final Evaluation Total Points Points 110 110 40 40 40 340 CACREP Standards CORE SC G.1-a.b.g.j; G.7-g; G-8.f A.2 G.1-a.b.g.j; G.7-g; G-8.f A.2 G.1.g.j. G.1.j. A.2; B.1 G.1.j. B.1 CMHC A.2 A.2 A.2; B.1 B.1 1. Quizzes: Weekly multiple choice quizzes covering the content of reading assignments. Due Date: Sunday evening for each week of the on-line semester. 2. Blackboard Discussions: Students are requested to participate in weekly discussions with your classmates on specific topics relevant to the week’s learning activities. Each student is requested to post at least one response to your instructor’s original set of questions and at least one response to one of your classmate’s posts. Due Date: Sunday evening for each week of the on-line semester. 3. Individual Certification/Licensure Summary Students will research and report on the process and purpose of achieving professional certification and licensure. Research areas will include the (1) National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) to become a nationally certified counselor (NCC) and either (2) the state counseling board (IDFPR) to become a licensed professional counselor (LPC) or (3) the state education board (ISBE) to become a licensed school counselor. There is no a specified minimum page length for this APA formatted paper, but all assignment elements below must be addressed: (1) National Board for Certification of Counselors (NBCC) to become an Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC): a) What is NBCC, what type of advocacy role do they serve for counselors and clients within the community, and where did you gain the information found on this board? b) Is there a code of ethics for this board and is the credentialed counselor required to adhere to it? c) Why is national certification important to a future mental health counselor and to clients? d) Provide a detailed summary (meaning include all the steps/requirements) of becoming a national certified counselor. e) What, if any, are the course, clinical experience, and testing requirements? CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues 6 (2) Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) – A state board to become a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC): a) What is state board did you choose, what type of advocacy role do they serve for counselors and clients within the community, and where did you gain the information found on this board? b) Is there a code of ethics for this board and is the licensed counselor required to adhere to it? If not, what other national and/or state professional organizations have ethical standards relevant to this licensure? c) Why is state licensure important to a future mental health counselor and to clients? d) Provide a detailed summary (meaning include all the steps/requirements) of becoming a state licensed counselor. e) What, if any, are the course, clinical experience, and testing requirements? (3) Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) – A state board to become a Licensed Professional School Counselor: a) What is state board did you choose, what type of advocacy role do they serve for counselors and clients within the community, and where did you gain the information found on this board? b) Is there a code of ethics for this board and is the licensed counselor required to adhere to it? If not, what other national and/or state professional associations have ethical standards relevant to this licensure? c) Why is state licensure important to a future mental health counselor and to clients? d) Provide a detailed summary (meaning include all the steps/requirements) of becoming a state licensed counselor. e) What, if any, are the course, clinical experience, and testing requirements? Due on March 9, 2014. See assessment rubric at the end of this syllabus. 4. Ethical Position Paper: The purpose of this assignment is to develop a position on a particular ethical dilemma or question, demonstrate a rationale with supporting professional evidence (using professional codes of ethics and/or state specific codes; journal articles; etc.), describe the process of decision making that contributed to one’s ethical position, and discuss how this ethical position might integrate into one’s position at a work setting, e.g., a school setting or mental health setting. (See case vignettes throughout the text as examples and illustration of ethical dilemmas.) Students are expected to take a definite position and develop it fully while providing logical reasons including appropriate citations of codes, laws, standards, and or guidelines for their perspectives. The positions paper is to be 2-3 pages. Please include a title page, reference page, and utilize APA format. Please address the following elements in the paper: 1. Identify the ethical dilemma (topic must first be approved by the instructor) 2. Identify the potential ethical code(s) and specific ethical standards that may be involved and/or violated CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues 7 3. Identify the potential state and federal laws and regulations that may be involved and/or violated 4. Discuss the proposed action that would be taken 5. Justify the proposed action including how the issue will be resolved; which requires answering the specific points and questions below: a) the potential involvement and potential hazard for counselor, client, and agency has been evaluated; b) relevant ethical codes and standards (be specific) were utilized; c) applicable state and federal laws and regulations (be specific) were utilized; d) at least 3 current and professional resources have been included that are appropriate (i.e. journal articles, books, websites, etc.) and were utilized in the development of the ethical position; e) consideration of consultation and/or supervision were utilized in the addressing the dilemma; f) identify any potential multicultural aspects issues relevant to the dilemma and ethical position; and 6. Address the applicability of your ethical position to your current or potential work setting, should ethical issues arise (i.e., how likely will the issue be resolved adequately and appropriately). Due on April 27, 2014. See assessment rubric at the end of this syllabus. 5. Final Evaluation: A case study evaluation either specific to school counseling or clinical mental health counseling requiring the application of ethical and legal standards and recommendations for a course of action. Grading Scale Final grades are based on percentage of total points accumulated. Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD F = = = = = = = = = = Percentage of total points 94-100% 90-93% 87-89% 84-86% 80-83% 77-79% 74-76% 70-73% 60-69% < 60% Point range 320-340 306-320 296-305 286-295 272-285 262-271 252-261 238-251 204-237 < 204 Assignments submitted after the posted due dates will incur point reductions. CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues 8 Schedule and Calendar for the On-line Semester Date Assignments Topic CACREP Standard Module 1: Foundations of Ethics and Law Week 1 January 27 Week 2 February 3 Week 3 February 10 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 16 Professional Orientation Quiz 1 Professional Identity Ethics, Diversity and Social Justice Quiz 2 Resolving Legal and Ethical Issues Quiz 3 CORE: II.G-1.j CORE: II.G-1.a.b.g & 8.f CORE: II.G-1.j Module 2: Applications to Direct Service Week 4 February 17 Week 5 February 24 Week 6 March 3 March 10 Week 7 March 17 Week 8 March 24 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Client Rights and Counselor Responsibilities Confidentiality and Privileged Communication Quiz 4 CORE: II.G-1.j Chapter 6 Records, Subpoenas, and Technology Quiz 5 Competence and Malpractice Boundary Issues Quiz 6 Certification/Licensure Summary is due CORE: II.G-1.j Chapter 7 Chapter 8 CORE: II.G-1.j G.1.g.j SPRING RECESS Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Counseling Children and Vulnerable Adults Quiz 7 Counseling Families and Groups Evaluation, Testing, and Diagnosis Quiz 8 CORE: II.G-1.j SC: A-2; CMHC: A.2 CORE: II.G-1.j & 7.g Module 3: Applications to Indirect Service Week 9 March 31 Week 10 April 7 Week 11 April 14 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Professional Relationships Quiz 9 Issues in Counselor Education Supervision and Consultation Quiz 10 Writing, Research, and Publication Quiz 11 Final Evaluation Week 12 April 21 Ethical Position Paper is due CORE: A CACREP Core Standard CMHC: A CACREP Clinical Mental Health Counseling Standard SC: A CACREP School Counseling Standard CORE: II.G-1.j CORE: II.G-1.j CORE: II.G-8.f SC: B.1 & CMHC: B.1 II.G-1.j; SC: A-2 & B.1 CMHC: A-2 & B-1 How to Register for MyCounselingLab: We will be using Pearson Publishing’s MyCounselingLab to view weekly video clips depicting counselor-client interaction, many of which involve questionable practice. You can register for MyCounselingLab as a Stand-Alone Resource without a textbook access card by following these steps CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues 9 To purchase MyLab & Mastering course access online: 1. Go to the MyCounselingLab website at http://mycounselinglab and click Student in the Register area. 2. Enter the Course ID provided by your instructor and click Continue. Your course number is dykeman61374. 3. After verifying your course information, enter your username and password, and click Sign in. 4. If you don’t have a Pearson account, click Create an account. 5. Complete the Create an Account page. Helpful hints display to guide you. 6. Read and accept the license agreement. 7. Optionally, you can select the check box to help us make our products better and learn about new offers. 8. Click Create Account. 9. Select the button for the access level you want. 10. Select whether you want to pay with a credit card or use PayPal and enter payment information. 11. Click Review to review your order details. If you need to change anything, click the Change link. 12. Click Make Payment to submit your order. 13. Click Go to Your Course to access your online course. Each week, we will view a video clip from this website and share reactions with your classmates on your Blackboard’s DISCUSSION BOARD. Your WEEKLY LESSONS folder with provide the roadmap to each week’s video clip. ASSESSMENT RUBRICS: CORE: CACREP Core Standards CMHC: CACREP Standards relevant to Clinical Mental Health Counseling CMHC: CACREP Standards relevant to School Counseling Individual Certification/Licensure Summary Rubric Standard Area Criteria Level and Point Assignment Expectations Students will have or do the following Far Exceeds 4 pts. Exceeds 3 pts. Meets 2 pts. Does Not Meet 1 pt. Points CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues Understanding of professional credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issues CORE: II. G. 1. g. CMHC: A.2; B.1 SC: A.2; B.1 Understanding of ethical standards of professional organizations and credentialing bodies, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling CORE: II. G. 1. j. CMHC: A.2; B.1 SC: A.2; B.1 Student has clearly and thoroughly addressed all assignment elements for national board certification and the Illinois licensure/ certification standards. APA format was followed with no written errors. Student has clearly and thoroughly addressed all assignment elements for national board certification and the Illinois licensure/ certification standards. APA format was followed with no errors of written expression. 10 Student has addressed all assignment elements for national board certification and Illinois licensure/ certification standards. APA format was followed with no written errors. Student has addressed all elements for national board certification and Illinois licensure/ certification standards. Some errors in APA format and/or written expression. Student has not addressed all assignment elements and/or Illinois licensure/ certification standards. OR Many errors of written expression or APA format. Student has addressed all assignment elements for national board certification and Illinois licensure/ certification standards. APA format was followed with no errors of written expression. Student has addressed all elements for national board certification and Illinois licensure/ certification standards. Some errors in APA format and/or written expression. Student has not addressed all assignment elements and/or Illinois licensure/ certification standards. OR APA format not followed or many errors of written expression. Rubric points are converted to a 40 point scale for accumulation of points. Ethical Position Paper Rubric Standard Area Criteria Level and Point Assignment Expectations Students will have or do the following Understanding of ethical standards of professional organizations and credentialing bodies, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling CORE: II.G. 1. j. Understanding of the ethical and Far Exceeds 4 points Student has clearly and thoroughly addressed all assignment elements for national board certification and the Illinois licensure/ certification standards. APA format was followed with no written errors. Exceeds 3 points Student has addressed all assignment elements for national board certification and Illinois licensure/ certification standards. APA format was followed with no written errors. Meets 2 points Student has addressed all elements for national board certification and Illinois licensure/ certification standards. Some errors in APA format and/or written expression Does Not Meet 1 points Student has not addressed all assignment elements and/or Illinois licensure/ certification standards. OR Many errors of written expression or APA format. Points CHS 401: Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues 11 legal considerations specifically related to the practice of clinical mental health or school counseling. CMHC: A.2 SC: A.2 Demonstrate the ability to apply and adhere to ethical and legal standards in clinical mental health or school counseling CMHC: B. 1. SC: B.1 Student has clearly and thoroughly addressed all assignment elements for national board certification and the Illinois licensure/ certification standards. APA format was followed with no errors of written expression. Student has addressed all assignment elements for national board certification and Illinois licensure/ certification standards. APA format was followed with no errors of written expression. Rubric points are converted to a 40 point scale for accumulation of points. Student has addressed all elements for national board certification and Illinois licensure/ certification standards. Some errors in APA format and/or written expression. Student has not addressed all assignment elements and/or Illinois licensure/ certification standards. OR APA format not followed or many errors of written expression.