Dear Parents, Your son/daughter has enrolled in my Honors Biology class this school year. Biology is an exciting subject and the curriculum is fast-paced. In order for him/her to be successful we must all work together. My class is intended to be challenging because it is college preparatory. It is critical that your son/daughter develop a college-prep mind set at the beginning of the semester. Only consistent effort, hard work and regular studying will result in success in the demanding biology curriculum. Your son/daughter will be given a semester syllabus and a weekly agenda that detail the classwork and homework assigned during each week of the semester. This agenda enables each student to develop their own study plan that will help them manage their academic, family and extracurricular obligations. Please help me ensure the success of your son/daughter by supporting their study efforts at home. They are expected to study regularly and should study a minimum of five hours per week. Attached you will find a copy of my general class policies. Please read them over and discuss them with your son/daughter. I will explain them in detail during the first weeks of class. I will be posting grades to the ERHS website ( on a regular basis (several times per week) so you can keep track of your child’s grades. I look forward to working with your son/daughter this year. If you have questions you may contact me at school or via email ( Sincerely, W. Andrew Lord, M.A., M.Ed. Please return the tear-off below before _______________, August . cut or tear here print last, first name: period Student: I have discussed Mr. Lord's class policies with my parents, I understand them and I am committed to doing what is needed for academic success in Biology. Signature Parents: I have read and discussed Mr. Lord's class policies with my son/daughter and I will help make sure that Biology homework is completed regularly. Signature(s) Home phone email